College naked run thread (or any campus event with nudity)
College naked run thread (or any campus event with nudity)
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Damn this looks similar to an old housemate of mine, anyone know where this happened? Or better yet, a source?
Anybody ever been to one of these? My school doesn't do anything like this shit
I didn’t think US colleges did things like this still
they do. you just dont get invited.
I love this one
Now that's some college shit right there
how did the shit go so far
>all these dyels
This looks ridiculously similar to someone I went to highschool with. Her name Sierra?
I wish I lived in the US, you dont see this shit elsewhere
Of course the two fat guys don't have their clothes off
for all you racists who think white is the master race, take note on how you only see white people in these photos.
2? i see 8
What's your point here?
>whats the point of the obvious point of the point of the very clear point of the point
people call black and brown people scum, dirty, lazy, etc. thinking white people aren't the same. we ALL are human and we all do stupid shit. i just want racist people on here to see white people do stupid shit too. no one is better than anyone else.
I guarantee if these were all black people there would be a flood of " wild monkey" comments.
Found the black guy
Chilean actually
for every 100 white nudest there is 1 black
Horsepower vs. Torque
White people also invent things that people use everyday and create societies that everyone wants to flood to. What useful things have black people ever done?
I thought based Pinochet got rid of all the pinko scum. How did you escape?
Hmmmm no blacks in a college run thread. How can that be????????? Maybe start a parolee naked runfest.
why no niggers?
they invent things that people use everyday and create societies that everyone wants to flood to.
see, i can say the same sentence and be correct too. cause there have been millions of each and several decades of time for race to make contributions.
underrated comment
damn, more of the middle girl?
Everybody calm the fuck down I found a black girl
>the single black girl in a sea of nasty white people
damn, I went to the wrong college
WTF is with your hate boner for white people? Did one call you a mapucha and hurt your feelings?
I wish. Would love to find more
ol dickbut makin an appearance
Jesus the hooters on her
i hate everyone equally. my issue is with people thinking white is better when there have been more than enough examples showing white people are no better than any other race.
my thing is lets just all agree humans are a whole
she is very cute actually
god damn, look at that mangled dick behind her..
White are better though. That's why they have all the power. They are top of the human hierarchy.
my gf has tits exactly like this. they aren't fun to suck on or hold. i much prefer the bags on
stop trying to make this happen
That dyke on the right has got some decent titties.........
It's nice to see that the retarded porn-induced "shaved pussy" trend seems to be finally dying.
Get some therapy and chill. Enjoy dome dumb baked college whores dude.
oh yea, this thread clearly shows that
straight to my reaction folder
don't act like you haven't seen the rampant racism on this site. i'm not the one with the problem here.
Your gf got a bush like the girl you are in to?
This this thread has nothing that proves otherwise. Whites are top tier humans.
nah just an even amount of fuzz. enough to tickle my nose hairs
This is revolting. Also kind of remarkable
Ugh, please. Grow up and get over it
shall I post clips of white kids killing dogs and raping college women?
>grow up
>browses Yea Forums
Jesus christ can't you guys just like masturbate or something like normal people do on porn threads?
That's sweet of you, but i'm not grown up
yeah, post them.
you kidding? the race war going on is making me diamonds
Getting pretty worked up in a naked college girl thread over racism, you started that conversation btw. Seems normal to me.
These ugly lesbians should kill themselves in the face. BUG CHIEF!!
of course
Post nudes?
Eng;lish Uni Ski Trip
do it you faggot
nah bro
webm length limit
lmao sure
oh please. like i need to upload it anyway. you know you've seen those videos
ok so what's going on in here? race and tits?
like ocean water flavored raw egg whites.
Whatever gets you hard bro.
need to hand out razors at these things for the women... lol
Could it be that white people don't look like monkeys? Actually, I know we smell like wet dogs.
imagine the smell
We got a nu-male smile, 1 O'clock
Is that our Lord and Savior Mootykins???
I'd be running from her too!
Not even close
fuck moot
you also eat the shit you find in your nose aka boogers. i've seen it numerous times with my own eyes. grown as men and women
Christopher Poole is too much of a fag to be around nude girls. Does look like him though.
yknow there are sites that shorten webms right?
look them up and post them you actual nigger
here, for your convenience, but since youre a nigger and have no proof, i dont think this will do you much good, fucking dark skinned peice of dog shit
what does it matter, that chink mook runs the place now
Anyone else surprised about the amount of girls with bushes at these things? I figured the majority of girls shaved.
Note -- there is no good looking girls on any of these pics... I wonder why...
that's not a monkey. that is a chimpanzee. chimpanzees are apes.
there is one type of extant lesser ape; the gibbon. there are sixteen species of gibbon, spread amongst four genera.
there are four extant species of great ape. the orangutan, the gorilla, the chimpanzee, and the human. there are three extant species of orangutan, two living species of gorilla, two extant species of chimpanzee, and only one living species of human.
hope this helped!
Maybe you'd be less mad if you weren't a conservative
Das wacist
the way the blonde is looking at the camera is super hot
>how can bl*cks even compete?
Fucking hate extremely liberal chicks.
Love hairy pussy.
I feel that these guys are drilling each other...
I feel like a ton of liberal girls are hairy and most conservative girls shave. You might be shit outta luck.
Here. Maybe this make you feel better. Page six has serial killers broken down by race. Black people have not only achieved equality but surpassed whites for percentage of serial killers.
It’s pure racism that the FBI doesn’t count multiple victims by gang/drug related shootings as serial killers because then the numbers would be through the roof.
I don’t think that’s necessarily true. I said extremely liberal as in hippy.
I’m faithfully married but my guess is most women shave.
You from Florida?
Yeah dude! Small world.
my school does the "Nearly Naked Mile"
I don't doubt a lot of people take the "Nearly" as more of a suggestion and just go full on but yeah. I wanted to do it freshman year, but I missed it.
this the first time ive ever seen this actually workout holy shit
now kiss
If you're talking about the Sierra I know then she lives in Lakeland, Polk County, right?
Blegh, there is way too much bush in this thread - these must be europoors
All the Swedes and Danes I've fucked have been shaved, but I think the not shaving is like a French/German/Dutch thing.
Rape? Yes
Killing dogs? No