The US will have a civil war in 5 years

The US will have a civil war in 5 years.

No more immigrants.

Attached: White Population by state 1980.png (5448x3584, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: White Population by state 1990.png (5400x3586, 998K)

Attached: White Population by state 2000.png (5400x3586, 999K)

So only native Americans and not Europeans-imported dudes who think they own North America ?

Why not.

This is government funded White replacement.

They are replacing everyone with Hispanics to stay in power.

Attached: White Population by state 2016.jpg (5400x3586, 1.37M)

>oh joy,another anti immigrant post by a trump supporter

and last map will match the Election map that brought us glorious emperor trump

fucking communist.

The only reason there would be a Civil War is because of the racists and bigots. When the next Democratic government comes in place and takes all the guns away America will finally be a better place to live

No your a racist... I didn’t see a sign on the door that said whites only

>Be Native American
>White settlers arrive by boat wanting to own land
>wtf you can't own land
>we fight
>my tribe loses
>we can't control our borders
>Whites keep coming
>We lose our Native American culture to White people

The exact same thing is happening now, but we this is our last chance to stop it.

Wake up.

Don't up like the Native American indians.

There will be a war.

Bait, but stay classy you Nazi fuck.

The US is not under your ownership dipwad, you dont even own your own land and pay other people for all your food and dont even realize how many immigrants make your life easier to live in this country...if you have problem with it YOU are always welcome to leave...

only racists and biggots are the liberals and the minoritys they bait.

their accusations are just cover for their own racism or self hatred thats been baked in by the left agenda.

I don't really care.

hence, war will be had. but the left has no chance of winning. They hide behind their anti gun laws because they know they have no chance of actually holding anything

Hey man, just wanted to let you know that I noticed your low IQ. Have a nice day! :)

Just imagine what the 2020 census is going to show.

Attached: depression.gif (356x279, 744K)

You should leave then. We were here first.

>We wuz vikankgz

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look at you, fapping yourself silly over a war that will never happen.
how shit must your life be to actively wish for a civil war? the worst possible kind.
if the US does have a civil war as you wish, then it would be nothing like you imagine.

>believe you are white because you're pale.
Sure kid.

Hawaii 31%, lol, im guessing you have never been there. Its literally all white people and asians. All the locals got priced out and moved to the mainland to open L&L's

>not know how to read the map

The only jobs immigrants take that Americans hardly do is picking fruit.

Other than that they lower wages in every job they work.
Construction, entry level jobs, landscaping.

These are all jobs that Americans do want, and are making less money, because Immigrants work for unethically cheap wages and then send money back to Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico.

They aren't Americans.

>US will have a civil war due to the increasing non-white population
>Hurr durr non-whites have to be eradicated through violence..literally no other alternative exists

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Just get ready for the war, friend.
We will have our day.

It is a little more based when you getting off of Oahu

OP speaks truth

Immigrants lower wages by up over 10% in some sectors of the economy.

>"We will have our day"
>Literally won't do anything but sit in parent's basement and complain about immigrants
>Literal white trash inbred ignorant dipshit

lol just keep same fagging, bitch boi

>Blaming immigrants for taking any job that they can get
>Not blaming the employers for paying their employees as little as possible

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Dumbest Civil war ever

You shoulda unionized faggot

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Everyone knows what is happening but can't say it directly.

This song is about White culture being replaced.

>This post disagrees with my ignorant worldview
>Since I don't have any logical or reasonable argument, I'll call that person a same fag

That's what you get when a bunch of white men with guns want to kill people.

Fine with me, my fiance works for a biotech company. The first sign of an actual modern civil war ocurring and youre all dead.

>more communism will work!!1!11!

If the supply of workers always exceeds the number of jobs, wages will never increase.

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

I've posted all the evidence.

It's obvious what is happening to America.

what did he mean by this

>Muh white culture
>people with darker skin tones scare me
>inbred ignorant piece of shit

What culture we talking about here? What am I gonna lose as a white American?

That's not how economics works. But are you really suggesting that immigrants shouldn't move to the richest country on Earth in search of a better life? Do you have a better alternative? You're a fucking idiot

Well, consudering what dumb pieces of shit most of you guys are, it happen fast enough. I now only fuck girls of other races, because this race is mostly trash.

Evidence that America is becoming less white due to more people being tolerant and children are being born with multiple genes, of which, white genes are recessive.
Yes, that's how biology works. Your point? Idiot.

>That's not how economics works
>literally supply and demand

Sure, kid.

>But are you really suggesting that immigrants shouldn't move to the richest country on Earth in search of a better life? Do you have a better alternative? You're a fucking idiot

Not at the cost of American's wages, tax money and loss of culture.

>But are you really suggesting that immigrants shouldn't move to the richest country on Earth in search of a better life? Do you have a better alternative?

Yes I do.
Don't accept any more immigrants.

Illegal Immigrants aren't good for any country.

-They artificially stagnate wages by doing work for way too cheap and living in squalor. It's a threat to the American middle class.
-They take jobs Americans do want (Landscaping, construction, contractors, entry level jobs meant for teenagers and young adults).
-They put a strain on public budgets. (Police, Schools, medical care, the cost to deport them back over and over again)
-The border patrol costs a lot of money
-They are usually poor, and even if they pay the same tax rate of poor US citizens, poor people take more tax money out than they put back in. The entirety of the group of illegal immigrants a net tax drain.
-They don't understand the culture of America, don't assimilate, and ruin the culture either through elections with their votes or simply just being here.
-they own homes at half the rate of native born americans
-Even though they commit crime at lower rates than native born americans, that does not mean they don't commit crime. This is another strain on our resources and an injustice to every victim.
-Differences in culture between people cause a lot of friction.
-American culture and immigrant's culture are often incompatible even when the immigrant is eager to live in America (Muslim culture from certain arab countries)
-Taking in immigrants from other countries makes the countries they are emigrating from worse. Why try to fix your corrupt government's country when you can just run away to America? If we continue to take in people, those countries will always remain corrupt and run by gangs.

so many liberial shills and sheep in this thread.

>Immigration is communism
>Doesn't understand basic fucking concepts

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Arguments against a wall?
-It's expensive? (The total we spend on illegal immigrants easily exceeds the 20 billion + 5 Billion for up keep to build the wall. schooling, medical care, welfare, deportations, imprisonment, border patrol agency cost, the drugs they bring over addicting American citizens causing yet another health cost, the cost of combating that drug crime, the lost wages of American workers who see wage stagnation from immigrants saturating the job pool of certain jobs, the priceless erosion of American culture.
Not to mention every politician in Washington would easily vote for 50 extra Billion
for defense spending or 5 Billion to go to Israel any session of congress.)
-It's not effective? (Hungary's and Israel's wall keep out 99.99% of border crossings)
-Immigrants are nice people? (They should go make their country nicer.)
-Immigrants are having a hard time in their country? (Not America's problem)
-But asylum! (letting in all the asylum seekers leads to abuse of the system and propagating the shithole countries to become even shittier since noone has any stake in trying to make them better.)
-But the tired sick and poor poem! (That poem was written by a Jew and poems aren't laws. )
-you're racist? (You think that gives you power over me?)
-America needs to be more hispanic? (Move to Mexico.)
-But America is a "melting pot"! (That's not even an American idea. It was written by a Jew in England.)
-Diversity is a strength! (It actually breeds animosity and distrust between people of differing cultures since both are keeping the other from living how they want in their society.)
-But Democrats want the easy votes! (That's the reason.)

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>think of urself as patriot
>no idea about your own countries history
Thats not what happened at all you simple tard. Jesus christ open a history book, even just once in your life.



Just keep posting the truth of what is happening and maybe some of them will wake up.

Then what happened?
Did Whites not round up all the Indians on the Trail of Tear and put most of them in Oklahoma?

Just say Nigger until you feel better, dildo.


America is not a "Melting Pot".
That was an idea invented by a Jew in England and he wasn't even talking about America.

thats “all the evidence”?
lol you’re too dumb to even recognize what that evidence is telling you. I hope for the sake of your kids cognitive ability, you didn’t breed.

no, holy fucking shit keep going you inbred moron

Literally retarded on every point. Good job.

>Immigrants stagnate wages, not greedy corporations
>Makes up random but scary "facts" to make immigrants sound worse than they are
>Even if immigrants aren't as bad as native born Americans, we still don't want them here
>"American culture," the culture of Americans that have immigrated here and their offspring is not compatible with immigrants
>Literally does not understand US tax system
>The word "poor" applies to all people that I think of as "poor"
>People that are poor automatically take more tax benefits than they pay in, despite no evidence to this
>Doesn't know that immigrants pay a higher tax rate than native-born Americans
>Literally just trying to mask racism by making immigrants seem worse than they are

You're the worst kind of idiot.

The US lets in 1,000,000 Immigrants every year.

Most of them Hispanic.

It's white replacement.

>If I say America isn't a melting pot, then people won't let brown people live here anymore >:(

Looks like the census people don't think the descendants of Basque shepherds in New Mexico are white.

we “woke up” when we culturally achieved a level of success that allowed us the luxury of having smaller families of higher productivity. Quality over quantity. Youre so fucking primitive and undeveloped you still think its a contest to see which race breeds the fastest and produces the biggest population of mouths to feed. You guys might as well be niggers, because youre culturally on par with them.

This is just a simple lie. No facts. You're a fucking retard. Also, no such thing as white "replacement" People that are non-white move here. That's not a bad thing. Being scared of melanin is the dumbest fucking thing.


Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

I'm saying the truth they don't want people to hear.

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Theyre native to here. Dont like ut, go back to europe and see how they like you. But youre the same color! lol youre a friendless fuck no matter where you go, regardless of your color.

No, you're making shit up because you're a stupid racist.

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded. Your words mean nothing

1,000,000 a year in 2014

40% were Hispanic (from the Americas)

This doesn't even count the illegal immigrants.

Attached: DAMAGE CONTROL.jpg (650x650, 108K)

>Let's get together to improve our working conditions
>Reeee no
>Your fired for being disposable
>Reee why did I get fired

>the richest country on Earth
Somebody drank too much Kool-Aid.

Attached: US dollar historical value.gif (555x682, 31K)

its more culture then race. Unless its illegal immigration. study after study lots of illegal immigration is terrible on a nation.

The issue is races tend to have things in common which builds a good community. Look at califonia. Lots of schools they don't even have a common language. Its hard to want to even interact you end up hating each other. There are some basic fundamental things needed. Having a common language is hugely important.

>There takin r jobs

not an opinion. But duscard inconvenient facts to support your ignorance and superstition if you must. The trend is worldwide. Only you are worfully behind, just like the niggers you look down on. You can literally watch the numbers move over decades glibally.


The poem on the Statue of Liberty should not be regarded as US immigration policy, and was written by a Jew.


>Illegal Immigrants aren't good for any country.
FLOTUS was an illegal immigrant. Then GEOTUS bought her a "genius" visa. MAGA!

Attached: immigration lalo.png (800x934, 925K)

That's literally not what it says.
>Can't even quote your own evidence correctly

It's not damage control if it's just pointing out that you're an ignorant racist. Even if what you said is correct, there's nothing wrong with immigrants coming here. People are people. But I wouldn't expect a retard like you to understand.

Better study for your DNA test, Sparky.

Attached: spurdo genes.png (698x396, 31K)

Most of thise are families and children. They farm all day. Youre here shitting out your mouth on /b. I hope you personally are replaced.

so she did get a visa

You determine the richness of a country by the purchasing power of their currency and not the GDP? Makes sense. I'm sorry you don't understand economics

>we “woke up” when we
Now if only you'd only learn to stop drooling and not to walk using your knuckles.

The difference between Cuckchan and Realchan grows less and less every day. Both sites are becoming full of brainwashed idiot Redditards just like you.

go away Russia bot.

Caused by government importing 1 Million immigrants every year, and majority of those 1 Million being Hispanics.

Inbred racist ignorance detected. Opinion, not facts, disregarded. No facts here

Thats good user. You should put all your DAILY REMINDERS in a book that no one will read every day either.

>not having the reading comprehension to read a numerical table

sick burrrrn

Culture. You mean the American culture created by immigrants and their offspring? There is a common language in the US. English. You're a retard

um, that might be true but it's not like we're in hyperinflation. gas cost 10 cents a gallon 110 years ago but that was like $4.25 and it was less well refined and cars were fall less efficient so it was actually far less bang for the buck.

don't think your 750w power supply is using 750 watts. a 24" monitor uses 10w. my office computer and monitor--a simple dual core, pretty nice, 16gb ram, 1tb drive 5 year old HP used refurbished office model--uses 80w.

all our electronics and phones being charged, etc is like half what people in the 80s spent to light their homes and run a tv or two at night. food is cheaper. what we can buy is so much better and there's so much more variety. life is literally 100 times as great as it was when the dollar was worth 10 times as much.

grow the motherfuck up.

>Decades of data reporting workdwide.

this is why you fail

>Jews can't be American
>Literally has down syndrome

Cool aid tastes good donnit

After being illegal and working illegally for many years, yes. Most folks in her situation aren't so lucky, they get kicked out of the country and then have to wait ten years before they can request "forgiveness".

>fall less efficient

i didn't sleep last night and i'm about to go down for a nap. i had to go to school. i can't believe i made it through the day.

Missed again, Sparky.

Attached: Immigration Act of 1965 chart.png (863x843, 101K)

the fucked up thing is that three deportations means "banned for life". the media has done everything they can to NEVER tell you that. they keep sharing sob stories about mexicans that have been deported six times and four kids and we're supposed to want to give them amnesty. they can NEVER get amnesty in this lifetime.

>can't refute anything in the post

Attached: melting pot racism.jpg (2682x3810, 1.9M)

>Still misquoting own source
>"U can't read number tables!!!!11!!"

Attached: Immigration.jpg (1366x768, 130K)

English not your mother tongue?

The media is brainwashing

It's proof that the facts I post in this thread, can't even be accepted

>Making shit up and seeking out biased and racist information to satisfy own ego

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Let's pretend that this puerile fantasy of white oppression is real. Let's say that others are overrunning white America (the "real America", right?) with seeming ease. How is this? How impotent and pathetic must white people be to create an entire country on their own (lol) and then lose it so easily?

Maybe white people don't deserve anything if they're so weak. Of course this racist nonsense is what idiot conservatives believe because rich people want poor people to fight among themselves.

You retards don't realize that a strong Hispanic and black population, fully invested in American values, is the only thing that will save your sad whiny asses from the powerful rich that own you.

Idiots. Squabbling over nonsense like skin color when the rich are stealing everything you care about. It would be funny if not so sad.

Fun with statistics.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848.

Attached: US 1836.png (1000x677, 98K)

I said 40% were Hispanic
What do you think "Americas" means?

It's Central America and Latin America and South America.

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you mother tongues my anus. i haven't gotten less than a B on a paper in about 100,000 getting a philosophy degree. am i here to impress you with my grammar? fuck you. also, i'm a direct immigrant whose parents came here with master's degrees when i was two.

i'm one of the only voices that deserves to speak about this.

oops, and i failed to give that fuck a (You). i'm done. you 25 year olds can save the world here on your own.

>the facts I post

Attached: mulder 1.jpg (500x278, 32K)

What about immigration let's say from EU or Australia, Japan Korea or any other highly developed region?

>i'm done.
So you're willing to go back to /pol/ now?
How kind of you.

we are already in a civil war.
its not being done with gun, its in the polls and psychological warfare
you all bought into it already.
theres no red or blue pill.

>b-b-but America was Mexico!!1!1!!!


That's like saying since Louisiana was France, French people should be swarming into America now.

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>That's like saying since Louisiana was France,
Funny you should mention that. Did you know that Louisiana is the only part of the US that follows Jus Romana instead of English common law? Still. To this day.

Can refute the entire post. The numbers used are based on faulty studies and the rhetoric used is fearmongering and appeals to tradition

yeah...just like miami is spanish?

The point was that the immigration statistics shown previously did not include the effects of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Sorry your teachers were so lazy.

montreal might suit you

If they are illegal immigrants, all those same things I listed apply.

Too many legal immigrants are still bad, but not as bad.
Too many legal immigrants still stagnate wages because the supply of workers exceeds the number of jobs.

And as far as Japan and Korea are concerned, they aren't as compatible with our culture.

America was founded by European settlers, our culture is Christian (but the government doesnt sponsor a religion) and European, and our legal system is based on British Common Law.

America was not founded to be a mix of every single culture of the entire world.

Sure you can kid.
I think your mom is saying your chicken tendies are done

no you user, but did you just reduece your point to moms and tendies?

>claims to be able to refute the entire post
>still hasn't refuted the post

Listen, your tendies are getting cold. You better go eat

Blow it out your ass libtard

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Miami used to be part of Spain, yes. That's why Florida didn't take part in the Revolutionary War -- because it had already outlawed slavery. But the Spanish in Miami today is very, very right wing transplants into US society.

again. im not your user.
gun user above me is. you're still reducing an argument to tendies and moms?
you dont think that a fail?

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Let's concentrate on legal migrants. These regions are civilized and well educated. These people are not gonna work in McDonald's or as trash collectors. People from EU will either get jobs in their field or start their own businesses in USA.

Are you equally hostile towards Germans Poles Dutch or the French?
is because of all the puerto ricans and cubans there that want spanish the state language. it has nothing to do with spain or st augusta or el dorado might have been there

>But the Spanish in Miami today is very, very right wing transplants into US society.

Broward county and Miami Dade county and the entire southern tip of Florida is the most left wing part of the entire state.

Quit pretending to be American you commie retard

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because they're all from nyc

Why are 89 percent of pedophiles registered Democrat?


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except for the cubans...
broaward and dade along the coast in rich with liberals from up another with haitians as workers

>Are you equally hostile towards Germans Poles Dutch or the French

It's about the number of immigrants entering the country.
If the US admitted 1.1 Million immigrants from those countries I would still have a problem with it.

But the only criticism that doesn't apply is that at least those immigrant's cultures are more compatible with the American culture.

holy shit....i failed at typing
can i try again?

Your essay is gay and it has aids. You proved nothing just spewed random numbers with no evidence and now you're tendyposting.
Have fun with that

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not your user,
but i dont mind immigrants at all as long as they come LEGALLY
running a border and getting a SS number and EBT card isnt the way to go
just come here LEGALLY

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Joo soun muy caribenyo mano.
Gusano de Batista, verdad?

Why are 91% of chickenfuckers registered republican?

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Republicans are closet faggots. Chicken-hawks.

Those are pieces of evidence

I'd say these nations among the rest of the EU basically founded USA and Canada. One can't say that more of Poles or Germans would make America less American. Most these people can do is talk with a funny accent. And let's be honest. Most of Europeans or Australians moving to USA are highly educated specialists and engineers with their families. The come for a contract to serve the country or to live in a nice place where their family probably lives for generations now.

Frankly USA and Canada are pretty much just additional two European countries.

Damn illegals should stay in their own country.
When I get out of college I want to be able to find a decent paying job but immigrants keep the wages low.
Stuck being poor.

Attached: poor college student 14.jpg (3999x3238, 1.95M)

It's enough to get there for vaycay and stay xD

Is N-word allowed here?

I would agree with the sentiment of that somewhat

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Honestly can't wait for Civil War II and just fuck the south over once again. Goddamn, just wipe the floor with the south and the US would be so much better off - Sherman's march everything south of the Mason Dixon Line


Rafael "Ted" Cruz is from Canada.

Nope... trumptard

Those are blog posts

Lol you never went to college quit larping

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Don't understand. Some racist pseudo intellectual scribble from the stone age should tell me something?

Should I now concider Irish a race instead ethnicity? Is teutonic a thing? I thought these were simply Germans from Poland.

What's your favorite dipping sauce for your tendies?

Critical thinking was left off of your school's curriculum, wasn't it?

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I think you don't have your facts straight
and being aware of that you just try to look intellectual by never stating things clearly.

So yeah. Shitpost more. Be my guest

Your mom's grool

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I am currently in college right now...

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