My GF and I put together this tank and used it for a green anole we caught...

My GF and I put together this tank and used it for a green anole we caught, but we let him go the other day now that it's nice a warm again.

Any suggestions on what to put in here?
Tank is a 29 Gallon

Attached: 29 Gallon.jpg (1388x897, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:

29 gallons of lemonade

this and post pics

Bolivian burrowing fish
Also nice tank, I'm sure he enjoyed his winter vacation spot

get some mud skippers

I do have plenty of lemonade mix, but I was thinking more along the line of an animal.
Also, seems like quite the waste of lemonade.

29 gallons of blended snakes

looks like it would make a great firebelly toad habitat.

We already have 3 in another aquarium in the living room. We do love them though.
Thanks for the suggestion.

A penguin

put 7 rabbit inside
post pics

A macaw

We only have 1 snake, and he's pretty small, highly doubt he'd fill anywhere close to a gallon, especially blended.
Also a waste of snakes.

Attached: noodle baby.jpg (1123x828, 170K)

all of these, post pics.

>more along the line of an animal

jizz in it and see if your gf notices


on an unrelated note, what would win out of 7 rabbits and a penguin if they were put inside this tank and made to fight to the death?

a German Sheppard, preferably blended

Hmm, my GF likes this idea. I'll add that to our list of things to look at next time we're out.
They definitely have some beautiful markings and would go well in the tank.


Dubs calls it! Get to nutting!

I would have to guess the rabbits. Despite the size difference, they would be able to inflict enough damage through number and I imagine the penguin would eventually succumb to blood loss. I guess it would depend on what kind of penguin we're talking about too.

put lemonade in it

As much as I'd like to, I only cum inside anime girls.
Usually while listening to this.

7 rabbits for sure

actually what kind of penguin?

thank you for sharing this vid, im A big fan

Do I h-have to?? :(

Attached: lemonade.jpg (991x2048, 244K)

capture a hobo and put inside tank

My pleasure. This video turned me on to Infected Mushroom. Been listening to them quite a bit lately.

post pics

We saw one at walmart earlier today. I could go back and see if he's still there. He was a little bloody though and there was a cop trying to help him, but hey, it's Myrtle Beach... I'm sure I can find another hobo


Fill it with the blood of your girl friend. Post pics

yes :)

29 gallons of carbon monoxide

yes post pics

yes post pics

My GF said "I would be very angry with you" and "I don't want to have to clean it" when I proposed the lemonade... Sorry guys, but I did offer my cat a lemoade bong for you

Attached: catbong.jpg (1960x4032, 1.41M)

I'm thinking rabbits then, Google says that those are 2 to 3 feet tall and that feels short enough in my mind that 7 rabbits would be enough to take on one, but probably just barely

well???? what did he say????

disappointing but I understand, a ,amd gotadfa do what a amand sogotg5tr dodapfoh fuckj asf of holy shit r fwhat fht efuck aiaf thdfj

She sniffed it and yawned. Then she turned around to stare out the window.
Are you okay? Do I need to call someone?

The blood. Or poop. Fill it with poop if not the blood.

he drank the blended snakes, bad idea.

There is a taco bell all of 10 minutes from me. I could probably manage that, but once again, it comes down to cleaning it up.

Do you happen to know if firebelly toads and firebelly newts will cohabitate well?

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Your colubrid is a female BTW.

I don't really know how to tell gender with snakes. Do you mind explaining how you determined her gender?

call the ghostbusters
the male ones

Shape of tail.
Males have a pocket for their hemipenis, so where the body transitions to the tail theres a very linear change/hard to tell where the shift is.
Since females don't have the pocket, its a very abrupt change.

Interesting, thanks for the info!

Attached: Maru.jpg (780x612, 61K)

Iguanas are pretty awesome

put snek in peepee hole

Is the water fall and river bought or selfmade? Amazing tank