Write a haiku

Write a haiku

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OP is a fag
OP is always a fag
OP should kill self

faggot that last line was six bub


>who's the faggot now?

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two syllabub

Accurate tough

It's pronounced "shood" you fucking pleb


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tell me, when you say the word, does it not make your mouth move twice?

That's absolutely right.

Obvious bait.

If not then kys for being such a retard

Nigga does YOUR mouth move twice when you say it?

when it comes to the last letter, yes. Grade A Quality American Education system taught me this.

So how many syllables does the word "word" have, by your understanding? What about the word "what"?

It occurred to me
OP is a great faggot
And then I scrolled on


You're literally retarded

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I am an oldfag
With his best years behind him
Should I an hero?

Traps can not be gay
They look like girls and have tits
And a backwards cunt



Please do an hero
You are a worthless faggot
Yea Forums will rejoice

Haiku is for fags
That's why I never write them
I am not a gay

Thanks for the advice
Now the only question is,
"Should I livestream it?"

Nice Haiku, faggot
The real reason is you suck
And you are a gay

Suicide by cop
Summon the media first
Go for the high score

Watching you suffer
Would be great entertainment
And gladden our hearts

I am not a gay
The man I fuck is wifey
My face to his face

I hate black people
Those cunts are fucking niggers
All niggers should die

Traps and dick rate threads
Somehow less gay than haikus
Spiderman thread now?

Haiku's are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

nigger nigger
nigger nigger nigger
nigger nigger


Syllables are off
You did four then six then four
You're the nigger here

And the jews as well
Hang them next to their pet apes
Hail Victory

i am dead inside
the air in my head is warm
taylor swift is hot

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Guys how do you write
a haiku, can you just break
the lines wherever?

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It seems like bad form
But I do not know for sure
I quit ninth grade

Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave

At least you made
What could have been nade
For ever a made

>be me, roll triples
>op does not deliver
>life can't be this way

Will you please kill me?
I can't do this anymore
It's snowing on Mount Fuji

Are you retarded
The fuck is this word salad
Bob Dylan lyrics

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Can we have sex first?
And again after you die?
Heh heh you said "mount"

Fuck off filthy dog
This is a thread for haiku
No slant eyes allowed

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Post the link to it
But don't use dischord faggot
Include timestamp too

I live with such guilt
Thoughtless call for suicide
And then John did it

Are you serious?
Because if so that sucks ass
Did he livestream it?

There was no livestream
He was the color purple
When his mom found him

I must be honest
He was not a good person
But my words haunt me

Nothing can be done
He'd have done it either way
You are not the cause


What you say is true
Although since then I have learned
To temper my words

Traps are always gay
You are full of sin and lost

I despise spammers
They ruin many a thread
Goddamn, dat ass tho

Somebody once told me
The world was going to roll
Me, There a haiku.