Do you know anyone who killed themselves? How do you feel towards suicide?

Do you know anyone who killed themselves? How do you feel towards suicide?

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It's a start

I think it’s cowardly and weak.
I think it leaves too many people feeling hurt and partially responsible.
I think there’s always a better option.

I'd certainly smack my bitch up first

As in firestarter kek

What would be the better option?

my sister. I hate it and I hate how lightly people take it.

nice dubs

Grandmother and Uncle both killed themselves, 35 years apart.

It's senseless, literally, but mental illness is a bitch and you can't project your sensible thought processes to try and understand why they did it.

If your baby has a temperature I'd wait til it explodes with diesel power, then all u akbar

This attitude assumes that anyone who kills themselves are acting rationally. Not usually the case.

It's a bummer for those left behind

Just voodoo woodoo what you won't do people

Maybe something logical, like determining the reason, and getting some help with taking the necessary steps to improve that aspect of your life, or yourself.
Everyone has potential to be worth something

It’s a decision...
I don’t believe it’s ever the right decision

I knew some, also one of my aunts did it...

It refects extreme mental weakness and it's often coupled with poor life choices fueled by stupidity.

Also, as a cancer survivor who had to fight to live, I despise people who suck at life so much they can't bare the weight of their miserable existance. Fuck these people, they don't appreciate the time they've been given on this Earth. Sorry, not sorry.

I agree, but I'd wager people who kill themselves don't really have the mentaly stability to consider those options

>Armed white trash is removed from the gene pool
Nothing to see here

Dubs of truth.

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Known a few people who've done it. Always thinking about it doing myself too.

Life is hard.

I can appreciate why people do it.
But I don’t accept it’s a good enough reason to take your own life.

Just wait... you’ll die anyways.

Don’t hurt your loved ones because you’re an emotional faggot.

Unless you have an incurable disease... but in that case - just have loads of fun and die of an overdose...

Not playing hangman or cutting yourself open.

Youve never been in a dark enough place.

The problem with depression is that it dulls your ability to think rationally so really shitty situations appear to your diseased brain to be worse than they are.

calling it cowardly is just fucking stupid

Two of my family members killed themselves, I wasn't very close with them so I wasn't too upset. I'll most likely follow the trend, I don't blame them for wanting to end it all, life is kind of awful. I just think not everyone gets a happy ending so why keep suffering? The only reason anyone ever gives me as to why killing yourself is a bad idea is because it would hurt my family and of course it would and I don't want to hurt them but like, is it not equally selfish to make someone keep living if they're fucking miserable just because you like having them around?

The only time I think anyone should commit suicide is when they're terminally ill or about to be tortured to death.

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Not sure the Nintendo® people would appreciate that

Why do you consider cancer is different from mental illness?

when i contemplate it, its because i just want everything to end, and cant feel the way i do any more. but at times like now, when im okay, i think it is only done by people who either have no one or dont truly care about anyone (things depression/anxiety can cause to happen but thats another matter)

i dont think its weak, but i do think its stupid and im glad ive never gone that far because things always get lighter

Know? Fuck, I tried offing myself roughly a decade ago.

If I succeed I would have missed out on the best part of my life...


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She was a dirty whore and not currently available

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I agree totally. I’ve never been in a dark enough place.
Not because I’m privileged or special, just resilient and strong.
Depressed or not, running from problems doesn’t fix them

i agree. or if you have a lifechanging accident that leaves you paralysed or something

It's your life and I'm a firm believer that you can waste it however you want. that being said it's pretty fucked up for family and friends (even if you don't think you have any, they are there).

My grandpa did it before I was born and it fucked up my mom and grandma the worst. Grandma was completely dependent on him and didn't know how to write a check or how to drive a car. She had to move in with her brother to a tiny house in a not so good neighborhood where they barely made enough to live.

My mom has really bad emotional problems which my dad takes advantage of and I don't think that anything has truly made her happy since before he died.

For one reason or another, we lost most of his assets. He had a department store in downtown denver and owned the building. It would be worth millions today if we still had it

That too, if I was essentially going to be a vegetable, I'd just rather be dead. Me and my brother actually have a pact that we'll do the other one that favor if we ever get in that position.
Although that's technically assisted suicide I guess.

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I mean, if you were paralyzed you’d have to ask someone to help you with it.
Assisted death is a thing for terminal patients.
It’s fiercely debated, but I feel it’s reasonable

Because it is. Unless your lifestyle is shit, you're likely to get a cancer that you really didn't ask for. And you're gonna need to be strong to o through some serious shit in order to have a chance to live.
Mental illness is the opposite, you're likely to be directly responsible for putting yourself in a situation that led you to develop a mental illness.
Mental illness alone won't kill you but cancer sure as shit will.

>Assisted death is a thing for terminal patients.
Shouldn't manlets and left-handed people have the right to en their lives?

Watch out guys we have an idiot here

assisted suicide/legal suicide should 100% be legal (if done in medical environment). imagine being in legal trouble bc you flew with a family member to switzerland bc they wanted to end their suffering and begged you to help

We need them around for contrast. Let's be honest, you can't really feel all that good about not being a manlet if there are not manlets.

dude, ive had anxiety and ocd and anxiety-induced depression my entire life (im 23, can remember bad bouts of depression from as young as 7)

tell me again how my life choices caused it

My best friend of 20 years killed himself in 2012 by jumping off his 8th floor balcony.

He didn't even do a flip.....

>What would be the better option?

Killing the people who make you unhappy.

>no argument
>proceed to insult

my bad for thinking that I might get an answer from someone who isn't a complete retard

I agree, it should be legal.
My uncle actually had a friend slit his wrists for him and ended up getting in trouble for it, but he did panic and throw his body through a window to make it look like an accident afterwards.

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I'm sure there are very blatant reasons for your anxiety and every side effects of it.
I literally bet my ass that any psy could find some clues or root causes in your childhood and your life as a teenager.

I knew someone who killed themselves. I think that anyone who can go all the way through with it must be going through an unimaginable amount of suffering, and i cannot judge them for their decision.
Imagine knowing how many people will be hurt and left behind to pick up the pieces, how much new pain will be caused in the wake of this action, and its STILL preferable than enduring the life you are in. thats a level of suffering only few of us know.

Nice attitude dude. Just goes to show, some things aren’t worth saving.

It’s legal in Canada too, under certain conditions.
I don’t think depression or lack of pussy qualifies though

What makes you think you didn’t cause your own cancer?

I agree, if someone can't appreciate life, we're much better off without them.
Life is for people who want to live.

Suicide should be encouraged. What's the point in living until you can no longer walk or wipe your own ass? I agree with those who say its weak but only if the person in question is taking their life because they think it's easier than living. If you've been blessed with health you should revel in it, but if you've reached the point of no return i think it's best to just man up and end it before it gets worse.

Because like most blood cancers, you don't cause it, unless you work in a factory and are exposed to toxic chems all day long (not my case)
You just hit a genetic lottery ticket that makes 5 people out of 100K get this cancer every year.
Again, people who get cancer in their youth is rarely the cause of it.

You know your cancer can come back. Don’t you?

Yep. Chances are pretty slim once you stay clean for 5 years and complete remission % are very high, but in case I'm always ready to fight, even if some chemos are tough as hell.

I knew someone that got mixed up with pills who also lost his brother to a car accident and his best friend to a heroin overdose. He put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. It was extremely sad. I feel that suicide is more of a rage quit than a solution that leaves everyone else to pick up the pieces.

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So young people that kill them self’s had it coming too them?

sadly suicide does not end the pain. It only spreads the pain

Sounds like you deserved your cancer dude. When it comes back maybe you will learn some humility.

I know way too many that are considering, and even when I've done everything there is to help (e.g. late night talks, professional therapy) I feel awful anyway.

If you can't stomach your teenage years let's be real, you are probably too weak to stomach real life. Man the fuck up or kill yourself.
Always remember that you're not the only one with problems, other people have it much worse than you and they don't whine, they fight.

You know who has it tough? Kids getting some nasty kinds of leukemia, having to go through several years of poisoning and sickness in order to get the same chances in life that you've been dealt free of charge from the beginning.
You can always turn your life around if you really want to. Those kids, they just can't, their life is at stake and they never had it fair to begin with.

If I was you I'd think twice before wishing this kind of stuff to anyone, you might regret it one day, once you mature past being an edgy kid.
Then maybe you'll discover what the real problems in life are and how much of a whiny little bitch you've always been.

> " Do you know anyone who killed themselves? ..." ;

..... Yes, sadly, I do:
including one who was my best friend during my early teens, one who was a much admired "Form Teacher" when I was aged eleven, a cousin who emigrated, that I was very fond of, and a wife and mother of two children.

The common factor in them all was severe mental stress that unbalanced their minds.

Such a heart-breaking waste of talented people, who were all an important part of my life and were very much loved by their families and friends.

This, in a way, hurt me just as much - even though I never knew the kid. Please listen to his beautiful singing and listen to the message.

One of his friends suggested that he couldn't handle the fact that he could no longer sing like he did as a famous "boy treble"

That little kid was called Patrick Aspbury [ 1993 - 2017 ] - RIP

I quote the following:
> On 12 April 2017 at age 23, Patrick Aspbury was hit and killed by a train at Chelmsford station in the UK
> while a patient at the mental health clinic Linden Centre in Essex.
> The facility is under scrutiny for having a large number of patients commit suicide while under the clinic's care.
> A year earlier, Aspbury had been missing for 48 hours while under treatment and a large search of the area was conducted by police.
> He eventually returned home on his own. An inquest into Aspbury's death determined from video footage at the train station,
> that Aspbury intentionally jumped into the path of a moving train that was traveling at 60 miles per hour.
> The singer was being treated at the Essex Center for schizophrenia, but was given a day pass to leave the facility at the time of his death.


I hate it when I hear of yet another suicide, or someone here on Yea Forums who is talking about ending their life as though it was not going to affect any else in the world.

Just a bit of background for you m8. I suffered depression for many years after my dad died of cancer. I’m now in my mid forties and loving life. Hope you enjoy your next round of chemo friend.

Wen t to Ripon Races in the summer of 2001, saw there was an area for "Stable Boys." Remember him remarking "I'm not sure if we are classed as stable boys, we certainly are not stable men."

2 months later, he jumped off a car park.

Cowardly, it depends? is someone killing themselves to escape debts? Yeah, cowardly.

Yes, sevral.

My veiw od suicide is that of a stoic, bad things happen in life just as good and I will suffer through them, if I cannot I always have the option to end my continued existence through suicide, as of yet I have not felt the need to do so

These kind of threads are always full of uninformed edgelords.

Escape debts? Who kills themselves to escape debts that they could otherwise get through and survive?

Quite a few actually. Always comes as a shock. All dudes thouh, know 1 girl who made an attempt. Funny story too. She wanted to make sure shed off herself so she ate a box of pills, and cut herself. She vomited most of pills, what was left in the system kept her alive cause side effect of drug she took was it enhanced blood coagulation. Gave her parents time to find her ( in a wood behind the house ).

Haha... wat?

It happened a lot after eg the stock market crash. People do kill themselves to "escape" financial pressure, although of course mental health plays a part.

Interesting. and also people who kill themselves to escape justice for a crime- like Hitler!

looks like you learned jack shit from your dad since you keep talking like that.
But hey, hope you don't believe in karma...

>people who kill themselves to escape justice for a crime- like Hitler!

I think that's a different kind of suicide- like death row suicide?

Suicide takes all your pain and dumps it on the people who love you and are still living

Escaping debt or losing your home and not being able to feed and cloth your family are slightly different.

Not directly, but some people I know went on a suicide mission. The goal was not to suicide or kill one self. But accepting the mission was suicide. So it sort of counts as a suicide. Because they all certainly died. They did complete the mission however.

Lol yeah, everytime at the end of a round in nepal, people always jump into the bottomless pit inside the mountain temple x'D It's hilarious.

no one "knows" someone that killed themselves, they "knew" or "has known" someone that killed themsleves

Of course, but essentially it all boils down to the same thing- those who kill themselves rather than face commitments are cowards.

I am a believer in suicide, but settle your affairs first. Don't leave a mess. It's legal in Holland.

If I would suicide, it would leave the dude who will have to clean up my body happy for having a job to put food on his table. That's about it.
I know about 0 people in total. If I count all the random strangers I don't know with that. It all ads up to zero.

Oohhh yeaaahh I'm getting nice fission all around my body from thinking about that song

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I don’t think you understand what karma or humility is dude.

It depends on if you argue that the vampire, wraith or ghost is the same "person" or not. Like is the Ghost of Henry VIII the man himself, or something/someone different.

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Do I know any? No. Did I know any? Yes, several. It is the selfish coward's way out.

You should of died of cancer. Ye "fight " sit in bed and get treatment did we lol

it's their own life, they can decide.

Uh yeah I had a social personal very deep and personal social interaction with richard prior long after he died. In his, at the time, current non-physical expression of consciousness. And believe me, if people die they become like 700% more funny.

i would argue they are not the same person.

my freind shot the entire upper part off his head off.. i think it weak as fuck

You seem to come from the "if you're depressed, just stop being depressed" school of thought. Depression has genetic roots, and it's a chemical problem in the brain. Those who live through, as well as clinical psychologists/psychiatrists will tell you it has nothing to do with how strong or resilient of a personality you have.

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this is called extrapolation. its not knowing.

>all u akbar
sure, kiddo.

I would never kill myself until all my family are dead. Sames goes for recruiting in the army or doing a dangerous thing I would like. I love my mom too much to hurt her like this. We have to outlive our elders, it is how it suposed to be.

In Romania, a vampire has legal responsibility for his "lifetime" affairs, but can't claim legal title to his (or her) former property. This is currently being challenged under EU Law as (quite rightly) the Vampire Community feels it should be "all or nothing."

I don't know anyone who killed themselves, but I plan to. I have severe, treatment-resistant depression, and I cannot take any more. I have sent the last of my collectibles to auction and when the money comes in I'll be getting a nitrogen cylinder and ending it. Fuck anyone who says it's the coward's way out: I'd rather die than keep feeling the hate, anger and sorrow I feel now. Nothing has worked to treat it. I've lost a wonderful relationship because of it. No more.

lol go shoot your own head then, see how strong you are.
Biggest faggot in the entire universe and all the other universes in all of existance.


>Fuck anyone who says it's the coward's way out:

but if you are dying anyone, and don't believe in heaven, why not just do ANYTHING you like. Punch a nigger, rape a woman, wank into the teapot at work... anything! What's the worst that can happen?

Yeah, do us a favor, grab an AR15 and head to your nearest ghetto.

That doesn't matter, you're not who you were just a second ago in that case, no one has an identity EVER even the atoms in your finger print change location and position all of the time. So who gives a sht.
I have countless of evidence in my own personal experience to say that there is a here and now life that people enter when they "die"
But one thing is certain. It is not physical life.

My good friend Brody killed himself a few weeks ago. It’s sucks but I understand when depression becomes too much and the meds stop working

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You making living harder for yourself go to prison

My father one of my best friends and 11 other friends I don't know anyone who has failed

For Real. :( I can see the pain in his face.

Sure easy for you to say. How the hell do I know where an ar15 can be found. I'd shoot myself in the face instantly.

Obviously have your suicide method ready before you get caught.

A lot of people do this. We call them active shooters.

Sad, but better than forcing yourself to do things other people want you to do

Not OP, but I get your drift.
Truth is, for many people:
a "departed" loved one still lives on in their dreams and memories, with just as much clarity and love as when they were alive.
In that sense, you still know them, like you might know of people like your favourite author, painter or composer, even though you never even knew them while they were alive.

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You don't get it, do you? I don't give a FUCK what other people do. I have to end my own suffering. Why the fuck would I do anything to anyone else? I have no life to live. I can't wash myself, I can't do laundry, I have no job so I live on $700 a month from the government which makes me feel like shit, I HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR AND NO TREATMENT IN THE LAST 30 YEARS HAS HELPED. You seem to think depression is this magical cloak of super-I-don't-care, and it just isn't.

Jesus, the fucking 12 year old edgelords on this fucking site...

ok...i went and re-read. so he visited you after death?
how? in what form? did he shoot your tires out?

thats a memory. not the physical person.
no one says
"do you remember sally who passed away?"
"yes! i know her very well"

Yeah, but there must be something- anything- that you think would at least be quite cool- stealing a car? Visiting Paris? Wanking off a monkey? Think of one cool thing you would like to do. Doesn't have to be gross / illegal.

This is true, but lacks originality.

Suicide is cowardly and selfish. Only do it when you have no family or friends, otherwise people who like you will have to deal with your pathetic death.

Haha, too bad I'm 26. If I had nothing to lose I would surely kill some people that deserve it (imo) then kill myself. But I'm Spanish, it's different

In college lived in an 5 story apartment complex. There was a central court yard that was just a pool.

Had a pal living in same complex. He was depressed. One night he got really drunk at a complex wide party and then was threatening to off himself.

With a mix of encouragement, shock and attempts at help to do the opposite, dude launched himself over the 4th floor bars.

I don't know if he was really aiming for the pool or not, but his upper half ended up on the water and he knees hit the concrete side.

Came up screaming. Pool wasnt that deep. Took a few minutes for people to help him out. Legs were all fucked up. Broken ribs.

He never lived it down.

Killed himself with a mix of sleeping pills and carbon monoxide probably 7 years later.

To be fair, most people who truely love you would accept your decision.

If things are THAT bad that you literally kill yourself they are really THAT bad. You can't call someone a coward if it's THAT bad. Because it's THAT bad.

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I am an atheist, but I do not object when Christians say they "know" (their) God, or Jesus the Nazarene. I might however say that "I don't know them", even though I would be unlikely to say "I never knew them".

Language means what the speaker intends it to mean and if you can understand what they mean it is unnecessarily pedantic to criticise them for using the wrong tense, spelling, or pronunciation.

Often that's exactly what they're doing

and there's always the pompous dickhead who posts comments like yours; adding zero substance and instead, piling on more snark.
fuck off, twat

Indeed, when you are depressed, and realise that deep down the biggest problem in your life IS your life, then suiicde is a perfectly logicial result.

When suffering fills to much and no mitigation is possible, nothing might be better.

I have chronic pain, I can sense the dial that can go to high to keep living, if you can't count your self lucky.

Jesus, the moralfag 40 year olds on this fucking site...

Works both ways, dipshit.

but noes because other ppplz feelingz hurr durr

>dont be an hero because it might hurt other peoples feelings, the same people who probably made you this way
>suffer in silence instead
Great reason.
Im totally cured.
Thanks user!

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Did you touch her when she was a kid?

Not him but you keep missing the point. When you reach that level you no longer have any enthusiasm left in you for some wacky shenanigans and silly adventures. All you know is fatigue and a growing distaste for all that you are

This. The issue with depression especially is that nothing seems fun anymore.

i would retort most christians don't know their god. not even just the physical sense, but in extrapolation of the scriptures as well. Christians think they know their god, but they do not. its a best guess situation.
As an atheist, you should know no one knows god.

so youre 12?

I think the problem is really put on display here.
>I think it’s cowardly and weak.
>I think it leaves too many people feeling hurt and partially responsible.
You selfish cunts who are causing people to kill themselves need to start taking some accountability. You are making the people around you kill themselves because their lives are so shitty. Lives you are a part of. Did not intend it to sound so blunt...

It's the final stage in terminal mental illness.

Depression is a byproduct of isolation. The universe doesn’t want any living thing to be alone

Friend shot himself in the snow in the winter, was missing for months until the snow melted and they found him. a cowardly, selfish weak move. Father of 4 (3 different baby mamas), his own mom killed herself in front of him in High School.

It's not "cowardly". People just parrot that shit without knowing what they're talking about. It takes a shitload of determination to go through with it.

Just to reproduce. That has nothing to do with human psychology. Some people function better without being around people

Its not cowardly or weak.
Sometimes people are in that much pain.
Sometimes people are that confused.
Sometimes their brain is lying to them.

Exiting out feels like the only option to get it to stop.

Selfish of you to want them to continue existing, when death is obviously preferable to them. Do you not see your own hypocrisy? Their life is so miserable they decide to kill themselves, and you berate them for that, even after they are gone.

Old childhood friend.

Knocked up his 19yo girlfriend, had the kid at 20 I think, hanged himself at 21. I think he just saw no options for his future, and maybe the relationship was bad but I have no idea.

Feelsbadman. Feel 'lucky' I wasn't close with him anymore, but still.

I know I feel suicidal after sex.
I dont know why.

When I feel that much pleasure I feel guilty.
I know I shouldn't. Its natural. But getting fucked balls deep in my anus so hard that my dick goes limp always makes me feel regret because it feels so good. Then I get that ashamed guilty feeling...its weird

my best friend from middle school blew his brains out after high school. Mostly feel bad for his mum, she was always super nice even if she was a bit of a train wreck.

I think suicide is stupid and selfish. Unless you're old AF or have a chronic illness.

How do you get fucked in the ass with no poo poo getting in the way?

No but a friend of mine tried a few times. Personally I understand how people can look att life and see nothing good. Honestly even I do that from time to time.

With that said suicide is a stupid and reckless thing. And above all else it is a dick move. In fact nothing else can compare. Any bullying or abuse they have been the victim off can´t compare to the hurt and damage they will inflict on those who tried to help him.

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If you love someone set them free

Drummer shot self in head, singer hung himself, bassist died in a fire, other bassist heroin OD, guitarist diebetes death due to heroin. Suicide is selfish, leaves the rest of us to deal with reality.

You should watch "He won't get far on foot"

One of my early childhood friends killed himself when we were 14. He hung himself in the woods near his school. I hadn't spoken to him in about 2 years because he had moved away. At the time I was too "busy" with my own life for it to really deeply affect me but now as I'm approaching middle age it really fucks me up. Like, he was a fucking kid. He had his whole life ahead of him and now there's just nothing. I don't know what was going on in his life at the time but he must've been suffering immeasurably to do something like that.

I don't think it's cowardly at all. The amount of guts it takes to actually go through with it is unreal.

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Are u from estonia? Cause i have the same story lol

Guy was telling everyone how the world was falling on him and like the walls of the world squeezing together or something

Nope sorry mate


Aight... still i never figured out how a fucking kid could feel this way. Its something you are supposed to feel way later in life

Yeah, because we don't all solely exist to bring joy to ourselves. I think there are some scenarios where suicide is a terribly necessary escape from a serious problem. Suicide isn't logical, taking your own life because you're unhappy is seldom a good thing to do. You should endure the bad times for those that still inhabit your world that have love for you. If only to give them joy.