Mutiny Information Cafe in Denver is your one stop shop for socialist propaganda...

Mutiny Information Cafe in Denver is your one stop shop for socialist propaganda. The review section on Facebook is getting spicy!

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Well I am a raging alcoholic and a racist.

I thought Colorado was still kind of cool. Guess all the west coast carpet bagging faggots invaded it already.

colorado is as liberal if not more so than cali

Lel this coming from a store engaging in capitalist practices in a safe, democratic country. If they experienced real communism or failing socialism they'd change their tune pretty quickly. Not only that, but they're most likely drug-addled, mentally ill, hypocritical pieces of human trash, fuck "commies"

Of course Colorado tolerates this shit because every drug addicted loser wants to live there. Far left loons love their drugs and degenerate lifestyles. But the fact is they can only live that way because sober, serious people created the 1st world luxury they enjoy. Put them in the wilderness with no help for a year, and see how "socialist" they are. Nature has a way of making people pragmatic. The west is soft, it has created weak, whiny babies.

This meme brought to you by Yang Gang

I live in one of the last remaining conservative areas of Colorado, and this place is becoming a fucking shithole. The liberals have taken a pristine mid-western gem and turned it into a cock-sucking wonderland of retardation and hate.

Having a store that has nothing to do with politics and advertising about how butt hurt you are about your losing team is probably the most ignorant and asinine thing you could possibly do. I hate conceded people like this. I wouldn't shop there, and I don't support any kind of big government.

Hurr Durr hurr Durr blow it out your ass

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Cry more libtard

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Did you even read anons post?

They do it everywhere

Delete this

Why would I read some fairy queers post

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Trump is a great comedian but a horrible poltician.

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do americans really do this?

Calling trump and trump supporters stupid isnt socialism, retard.

This is just the next talking point every right wing NPC will spout to try and spread propaganda.

Whoo think was him...!?!

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That is a fantastic way to shoot your clitoris off. I wouldn't expect a republicuck to understand the basics of guns safety when they're so busy fetishizing weaponry.


>Isn't socialist.
>Marxism based upon enemies of the people.

Shut up commie

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Because he was bashing liberals, and you just look like an idiot.

By that logic literally all complaints against government figures is "socialism" which, again, is fucking retarded.

I live in Denver, might have to walk on down there and see what books they got. Also, don't come to denver if you get peepee hurt about left wing politics easily because the trust fund racists in their 40s already fill that void.

But see if I were to call you a faggot that wouldn't make me a Marxist, because I'm simply pointing out an objective fact.

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Sounds like something a libtard would say

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You're confused. Did you take your meds today?

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lol good for them for offending more than 50% of the country, surely it will not impact their bottom line. retards gonna retard.

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>shoot your clitoris off

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>CIA isn't socialist
>Soviets weren't capitalist pigs

Now this is pod-racing.

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edgy as fuck

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I've carried a gun appendix carry for years. My dick is just fine. Youre a dumb fuck.

I want Hitler, not Trump.

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Untermensch tier.

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Hilary is a liar though.

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current status: MAGA

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Ask not what america can do for you, but what you can do for america


>hurr durr bush bad,trump good



yeah,like the 1st,2nd and 4th ammendments.who all have been attacked since 2008,to bad those rights dont seem to matter to americans

>hurr durr democracy good, pax romana bad

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Nah bush was great compared to Obama

Me too, user!

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But most liberals are richer than conservatives. Is this text for conservatives to tell them stop breeding?

This is pretty racist towards self driving trucks and Artificial Intelligence !!! Yang is RIGHT !!!

thats a miss leading statement, the ultra rich (billionaires) tend to be very liberal, the vast majority of the extremely poor (welfare queens with 12 kids and not married) are also very liberal, we call them the free shit army around here. The working class making 50k-5 million around about 66% conservative and 33% liberal. Most states that go blue are exclusively blue because they have giant welfare hellholes. Looking at you NY and cali.


newfags cant tri force.

So you are saying that states that have high GIBS GIBS rate... are red because of what?

Just be honest ok. Why are most well educated and people with good income that don't depend on gibs mostly liberal.

And the poorer mostly conservatives. You see this almost everywhere.

Nah, man. There are a lot of conservative people here as well. Lots of faggy hipsters moved here and fucjed parts of this place up. Still, the majority of real denver people are level headed, relative centerists.

You just got triggered because you are one of those poor conservatives and pray for daddy trump to help you attack those liberals because you JELLY AS FUCK right?

Imagine if there was some kind of identity shared by all the ultra rich liberals which might lead them to divide the rest of the country with unsustainable liberalism.
It would be really weird if that same identity was a tiny minority of the total population, luckily there is nobody so evil as to have a history of undermining nations.

I thought they made it so you couldn't anymore... teach me oh wizard.

I feel like shouting this in some of their ungrateful, obnoxious faces

Found the triggered conservative snowflake

Maybe only in Colorado Springs, and the hilljack inbred hill areas, but Colorado is definitely liberal. Go back to your sister in Alabama

Nah it's the fault of conservatives not wanting good free education for everyone like: Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Then you wouldn't have the poor people who stay poor. But you conservatives keep destroying the school system.

Look at Betsy DeVos who is connected to Amway a shitty company devoted to fuck people up.
Now destroying school to keep people stupid and conservative. It's their end goal.

Stupid people tend to become conservatives because of their narrow view.

Yeah fuck conservatives.
They are the jews bitch.

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thats the point, they're not. Walk outside in a big city sometimes, you think these homeless beggars voting for free shit are well educated with good income? The lawyers, doctors, engineers are overwhelmingly conservative and jafar who didn't finish 9th grade working at mcjob in shitcago is who is voting left.

Exactly my point. See your too conservative to understand.

If we had our education system better like some countries... you wouldn't see so many.

Even these poor people who can't afford education want the country to have good affordable education!

Seems you agree with me right.

please. the lack of a nuclear family and cultural identity is responsible for the downfall of america, not the evil conservatives who wont fund free college. That free high school education is sure doing a lot of good these days right?

I was a teacher for 3 years and I'll tell you what gets you ahead in life, not what school you go to, not who you know, not how money someones family has, one single thing, if your parents held you accountable for driving results in your education. That's it. I gave up teaching because of shit parents who want to blame the system when its their fault for not giving a shit junior is out smoking weed instead of reading a god damn book once in a while, but they dont give a shit either because they're too busy getting divorced.

I think all jews should be gassed.

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trumps a homo, he eats andys shit logs

>andys shit logs
Me too, they go nice with pancakes.


it has fucking 0 to do with our education system and 100% to do with entitled shitty parents who teach their kids they should be handed everything. Weird how my kids all turned out successful from the same shit education system jafar had. Almost like.... it wasn't a coincidence and I wasn't a shitty parent.

Possibly the only remotely intelligent post in this sea of retardation

Do you know how a gun works?

Freedom of speech does have a downside.

Because some liberal billionaire or some socialist congressperson decided to help people right out of their jobs.
Ohio is a good example. Take away enough jobs and you’ll turn a blue state red.

Back to /pol/

I don't know but.. my parents never forced me to do my homework they are low educated themselves.

It was especially teachers who pushed me to do better and sorry to say but i have BIG respect for teachers.

If the parents are not pushing kids to do better, the only hope is a good teacher who shows them that there is something.

Yeah my parents never blamed any system because they simply didnt care shit. They think if i did bad is because i can't do better and that it's a given fact i can't do any better.

Well that's bullshit. Everybody with a good mindset which is give my good teachers can get pretty far.

Yes teachers get alot of shit over them. And im sorry to hear that from you that you had bad experience.

You just want to go back to an age where your last name decides if you have either a good future or a shit future?
Or that any person has equal chances?

There is no such thing as a "free" public sector service.
People pay for it out of taxes but selfish, stupid people who don't understand basic economics just see "free" and vote liberal.

>Walk outside in a big city sometimes, you think these homeless beggars voting for free shit are well educated with good income?
You know those homeless beggars!! Always so politically active!
The lawyers, doctors, engineers are overwhelmingly conservative and jafar who didn't finish 9th grade working at mcjob in shitcago is who is voting left.
Yeah, doctors, lawyers, and engineers... all the smart people vote republican.

Hmmmm maybe go look up stats on the education level of dems vs republicans.

Well the next 5 years are going to really suck for them and the other cis-tards.

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A college degree isn’t a guarantee of intelligence.
Just ask every liberal arts major still looking for a job in their field ten years after they graduate.
Success is a pretty good metric by which to judge intelligence.

Holy Mormon Christ on his 8th Marriage...LOOK AT THESE OWNERS of that joint...Not my PREZ...dur hur dur...Looks like grown up Yea Forums Newfags.

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Welp, you're just wrong

you're missing the point, everyone already gets 12 free years of education. The fact that kids don't take it seriously has been a problem, well forever. That's where parenting comes in. If your parents don't care enough to teach a kid to read and make them do their homework why do you think any change in the education system is going to produce better results?

The systematic issue is not our education system its our family structure and the decay of accountability drastically over the last couple decades. Sure you can throw more money at it to pay teachers better and thats all fine and well but the real problem here is sometime starting 20ish years ago there was a paradigm shift from parents raising kids to teachers raising kids and being treated not as supplemental education but as 24/7 daycare.

Do you know why Sweden and Finland have better education systems? Because parents there feel accountable to help their kids succeed, and kids aren't a free lunch ticket in the welfare line like they are in the US, that's a whole different issue though. There simply isn't a magic bullet to "fix" personal accountability and actions having consequences, free college, higher teacher pay, lower class size, ect.

queue the old man yells at cloud meme

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Looks like they're starting to get review bombed on Google as well lmao.

lol my underwater basket weaving degrees means I'm smarter than you, its science

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The headline of the article literally reads "Democrats now more educated than Republicans, Pew survey finds"

--oh, you weren't getting my obvious sarcasm and poor attempt at greentext


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yeah more education, not smarter, now when you use a measure of actual intelligence, like IQ, lets see what you find. See:

one other thing, thats a berkley study so if they can't find fudge the numbers theres 0 chance anyone else is going to be able to.

being so butthurt you end up pasting this kind of shit on your windows

>yeah more education, not smarter

That distinction is lost on people. They think that a bachelors degree means you are the enlightened reincarnation of Socrates. No, that is just a certificate that says you are employable - able to follow a schedule, able to follow directions, able to work on at least 70% level of achievement. It doesn't make your political opinions better/worse than the guy who didn't go to college, but instead learned a trade, and in 2 years started a career making $15k more on average than you will 2 years later, and without any debt.

This place is actually really cool. I'm one of 'those' people though. Haters gonna hate.

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Not so much. This place is actually pretty conservative. The 'hippie' stuff if actually isolated to subcultures and certain locales.

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depends where, downtown denver and boulder, probably. everywhere else, pretty red / libertarian.

The shop is owned/operated by co-op shareholders.

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Except he didn't. He just said he would and sent more over. Technically America and Russia are the reason ISIS exist, fucking over the middle east for the past 4 decades. The Obama administration wasn't perfect but at they did cooperate with the other branches of government, making sure they did their job, albeit sometimes poorly. It's honestly pretty horrid just how often they keep picking off members of the trump administration without addressing its biggest, most obvious problem. He was being investigated for a plethora of crimes, so he fired the man investigating him, cut funding to the FBI, and the party filled a position in the supreme court with someone who's very obviously biased in his favour. He constantly contradicts himself, is utterly rude and despicable publically, and praises dictators whenever he tries to talk with them instead of addressing any of their crimes. He straight up called the press the enemy of the people and spread the term "fake news" everywhere to make sure people didn't trust what they were hearing, not just from the irreputable sources. His policies are very obviously prejudiced, and ineffective in general. Hes honestly just a meme at this point. His approval rating has gone down so far since he became president, that if the electoral college honestly made him president, there would probably be even more violent riots, and probably an assassination attempt. I wouldn't incite or encourage it but I'm honestly surprised someone hasn't gotten close yet.

The fucking Californians keep moving here. Seriously go fuck off back to your regressive shithole and stop polluting our beautiful state.

>That is a fantastic way to shoot your clitoris off. I wouldn't expect a republicuck to understand the basics of guns safety when they're so busy fetishizing weaponry.

>>doesn't know where a clitoris is located

They're an anarchist 'zine shop. I don't think that they care.

This. Their voting habits are going to destroy this place once they overwhelm the local folk. Fuck California. Been hoping that “Big one” could finally rid us of them.

This place is a few miles from my house, and I have a MAGA hat. Dare I?

maybe instead of writing a sign on par with 5th graders that super intelligent bookstore should employ some college graduates or high school seniors to proof read their shitty signs

pretty funny that 99% of people calling other people stupid are also stupid but dont even see it


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Maybe in a few days when I'm over this cold

periscope it live and act like their version of a Trump supporter throughout the whole stream pls trigger these idiots 24/7

You'll pretty much get the reaction that you're expecting. Or maybe not. Do you think that it will enrich your life to do so?

oh, they know, anopn. the problem is liberals think a clit=a penis. theyre "real" girls too you know u bigot

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Oof, when you try to quote a site known for taking any flashy fake news stories.

I do not understand, is this a pro murica, cuz they already had rights or what?

Fuck off commie nigger

Guess what stupid, if you live in the US then he is your president.

>> Guess what stupid, if you live in the US then he is your president.
Guess what, stupid. Fuck you!
Did you guess right?

Why compare a great man with a slut faggot?

>doesn’t now how to respond

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Wow. You sure showed that other user.

So … assuming the worst … Trump wins another 4 years. At the end of that, he's a doddering old fool (more so than now, I mean.) What will you con snowflakes do?
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?

Can’t wait for the meltdown

Andrew Yang 2020!

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>> Wow. You sure showed that other user. kys
That's it? That's your comeback?
Pretty pathetic, you've got to admit.
Guess again!

>can't wait for
this is the meltdown.

>Still can’t respond properly

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Forget about the wilderness, even in California they are leaving in droves because it is bad towards businesses and there are homeless everywhere shitting and pissing and leaving syringes all over the place.
So they move to places like Texas but they are unwilling to give up their liberal attitudes so they are slowly making those places suck too.

Same but i am also a self loather

>Slowly make Texas suck
Very funny Docta Jones

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This is correct except reversed

As a self loathing racist alcoholic that flier offendes me

Explain the current Yang meme? Is he just another Sanders?

Пpивeт Ивaн! Я вce eщe cocy пeтyхoв зa кoпeйки. Ивaн, твoй бocc нe coбиpaeтcя плaтить тeбe зa тeмы, кoтopыe ты пyбликyeшь. Bepнeмcя к хлeбнoй линeйкe для тeбя, Ивaн! Hикaкoй aнтифpизнoй вoдки Ивaн!

man your professor should slap your ballsack with a book because thats Engrush af

Yes but no. Upper middle class professionals are generally lib (with the college degrees and whatnot) but business owners and tradies are usually conservative. Among the poor the distinction is usually racial. Among the ultra rich; techies and media tend to be liberal and oil, and industry tend to pull for the right.

In essence the current political battle is one between new money (democrats) who support the expansion of global trade, and whatever hot new social issue dominates the media, and old money (Republicans) who represent extraction rights, the MIC, lowering industrial regulations and standards, and generally saying no to any sort of notable social change. Thus it really is just a choice between the lesser of two evils and it's up to you to decide which of them that is. Don't let this cow you into believing that the brand you chose is good though, it's just better.

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>Explain the current Yang meme?
Modern expenditures in campaigning. Put money into spamming and shilling where the eyes are. Similar to the to the faggy Elon propaganda that almost each thread has one of.

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Trump just decided to keep the troops in Syria you dumb white nigger. Also obama didn’t create Isis no matter how much you cry and insist he did. Kek