My sister just tried to commit suicide with a bottle of melatonin. The cops showed up and gave a fat kek, then took her in for attempted suicide. My life is an actual Yea Forums meme help, an hero lives on.
My sister just tried to commit suicide with a bottle of melatonin. The cops showed up and gave a fat kek...
Suicide attempts indicate a bad home life. One of you wants to die, the other is here, what's fucked up about your other brothers and sisters? Where are your parents?
Sorry Dr. user
So you're one of those people who makes jokes about their life to mask the fact that they live in a chaotic home and really need help?
Well. I hope she gets better. You must support here in her bad times. Family is important,
Tell her you love her
Imagine having 8+ years of therapy with multiple doctors, multiple treatments, medications, and thousands of dollars wasted on a fat fuck who hasn't showed a single sign of improvement. Along with 0 education or work experience.
>with a bottle of melatonin
thats like trying to OD on weed. not gonna happen
You can OD on weed
Yep, I wonder what's gonna happen since she has no money or insurance
>failing at suicide
Tell your sister that she is retarded for not being able to kill herself
She'll be in debt and have that much more reason to try to kill herself again. Better lock up your Flintstones' chewable vitamins, OP.
this is the kinda of responses I was hoping for
well, it's hard
in what third world country do you need insurance for medical care?
At her age you're really not blaming the parents, huh? Boomer detected.
He said it wasn't going to happen, not that it's impossible.
Insurance lowers cost, without it you're fucked if tight on cash. USA btw.
Yea I blame the parents who tried everything they could financially for the past 8 years
Yeah parenting is about way more than paying for a kid. You have to be a mom and a dad and raise a child.
You talking from experience?
Yes, years of experience with dozens of fucked up kids like you and your sister.
>on Yea Forums
Try meth, that will kill ya!
Let us know when you're done throating bernie and supporting niggers
40 lb. box of kek
>took her in for attempted suicide
And you were doing so well user