What's with all the SJW faggotry I've been seeing on Yea Forums lately?

What's with all the SJW faggotry I've been seeing on Yea Forums lately?

Calling for a backraid.
Pic not related.

Attached: FB_IMG_1551802524852.jpg (720x437, 45K)

Right. Where are they coming from? We should raid them and make their website a new home for us

I'm starting to think it's not bait anymore. I literally thought this place couldn't get any worse.

I'm thinking it may be more organized and not bait.
I mean, Yea Forums has raised plenty of SJWs in the past. We were under the impression that they couldn't do anything back to us. "Pissing in an ocean of piss."

They may have banded together and started posting their real, shitty opinions on Yea Forums en masse.

You're one of them, arent you!? You son of a bitch!

True. Where are the top sjw sites. We should migrate their and take our shitty conversations there

I think if we nuke the west cost we'll see a huge decline in the faggotry at hand.

Bump I want answers. Fuck the sjw plague

Sooo...he was behind all that...

Attached: om13zejif1xqnd8gi228344773400.jpg (1726x1145, 112K)

Fr. This needs some serious attention.

They want Yea Forums to post some bullshit, and spam trash all damn. I don't care about what they want, but when they try to stop tits and ass from being posted, I get a little defensive. Might be some hating ex-Tumbler fags.

True. We need to do something back to Tumblr

Move to Tumblr. Repost our favorite memes there


It is getting pretty annoying

We need tricks like gore with sjw hash tags to fool them into looking at it. Just like the olden days. I am not calling for a raid. Just to make that clear.

we make videos which begin as sjw propaganda. then, we put some gore or a jumpscare in there

Or videos of women getting the shit beaten out of them with feminist hash tags

Make sure to claim its sfw

I like where this is going. Need some fag hate and racist shit in there too.


this is going somewhere good

i got a good plan. we start posting some generic anti-lgbt shit on tumblr. steadily we get more and more intense, gradually showing more horrific things. what really gets them going is child abuse

spam www.godhatesfags.com

noko bump

We should archive this thread for future keks. Just like #pissforequality