Have 5 days to lose as much weight as possible to fit in my suit for a wedding, what do ???

have 5 days to lose as much weight as possible to fit in my suit for a wedding, what do ???

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buy a larger suit.

Will power, don't eat for a whole day, and then only eat 1 meal the next day, and stay at that rate for 5 days

So lile starting today, i dont eat. Then tomorrow i do, but the following day i dont and then the next day after i do?
Ill try it.

Speed and crack binge


stop eating
Take vitamins
drink water
You will not starve in 5 days

Research water fasting. You can go without food for a very long time, you have tens of thousands of calories in fat. 5 days is considered a short water fast, you wouldn't even need supplements. So literally just don't eat, drink nothing but water.

Drink plenty water, cut out carbs and reduce your meals to 1 a day.

Cut off legs

No no no.

Nothing at all for the first day and then just a single standard dinner meal one time a day each day.

I was homeless for a few months and was not given unemployment benefits (Social Security for you Americans) for 6 months and to make it stretch, I only had a can of stew and one or two coffees a day. Weight went down from 90kg to 72kgs.

That's going to fuck your metabolism up and you'll end up gaining more weight

After you have done this for about 4 days, if you still need to lose a bit more, go into a sauna a couple of hours before having to don on the suit. You will lose a few more kgs via sweating.

Meth and crack maybe some molly just drink water for two days then a small meal and repeat

Get a bigger suit

Hello fellow australian

Youre a fucking stupid cunt. Energy in, energy out

sawsall to your lovehandles

if you eat nothing for 5 days you might lose 3 pounds
thats the absolute maximum you will lose in that time.
other than that try getting dehydrated its your only hope

Most you can lose it water weight and a little fat but you won't lose enough to notice plus you look deprived, surgery but swelling and pain will be there for weeks . Best bet would be to compress as much as possible with body shaper

he could be canadian aswell, that would suck being homeless in the month winters

Don't know where the broscience came from

>you'll lose muscle/metabolism

Fasts help retain muscle, it's how our ancestors survived without eating for periods of time back then. What you don't want to do is stop eating for a day and then start eating. That's what messes up your metabolism and besides it's negligible.

So the ideal thing would be to cut all calories out and exercise for the next few days. If you have any willpower then I guess you could do it. Otherwise cut 100% of all carbs out of your diet now and then you'll enter a state of ketosis. Based on your size you'l probably lose ~8-10 pounds of water weight in a couple days. Then you'll burn whatever other weight through (calories in minus exercise and your basal metabolic rate). So if you eat 500 calories of eggs, cheese (stuff with low/no carbs to prevent water weight) and burn off 1500 calories through exercise and an additional 3000 with your basal metabolic rate... you could lose (1500x5) +(3000x5) =22,500- 2500 (from eating 500/day) = 20,000 calories or about 6 pounds + the 8-10 from the water weight + another 1 or 2 pounds of crap that is in your digestive tract. For a total between 15-20 pounds. This is assuming you are about 300-330 pounds, don't eat any carbs and actually workout about 3-4 hours a day burning off 1500 calories. As soon as you eat carbs again though you'll gain back most/all the water weight. This all depends if you can keep to a temporary diet, and exercise program.

Just make sure to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. I lost 50 pounds doing this.

Bitch, did your wedding sneak up on your fat ass or something?

You should have been working out since you set the date, now your wedding photos and videos will immortalize your obesity.

this helps

Lol nice Mountain Dew and Doritos belly ya neckbeard.

Should have helped yourself when you had the chance.

Cut your fat off

You can't lose any meaningful amount of weight in 5 days without surgery.

Eat very little, exorcise a lot, sweat a lot before hand so you lose a bunch of water weight (go to a sauna or something).

This. Just buy a suit that fits your body better, maybe throw in a nice big watch and a modern haircut. Big guys can look just as good as skinny guys with proper presentation.

Delay the wedding

Depends on what you consider meaningful, you can definitely lose 10-15 lbs if you eat nothing and drink only water.

after about 3 days though your body goes into starvation mode and you'll only lose around a pound a day

Big guys can look almost as good as skinny guys with proper presentation.


Saw bitch tits off.

Fucking this OP.

Cut carb consumption (shit with sugar in it, bread, rice, potatoes, noodles etc) down to below 20g a day, eat between 2pm and 4pm ONLY and drink fucktones of water.

There is no other way. Not eating will solve nothing as your body will think you're starving and begin holding water/fat at increased rates.

Gl Op.

nothing, ur beautiful and popping out of a too tight suit would make me rock hard and my asshole would start pulsating and you'd start to smell musk throughout the church

lmfao cut back on the sugar and ration your meals you fat fucking slob. Also only drink water from here on out.

You are going to need 5 months, not 5 days.