Is there a place like /b without the porn...

Is there a place like /b without the porn? I like all you faggots but I can’t shit talk around my girlfriend because of the porn

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Try infinitychans Yea Forums

Can’t look at porn around girlfriend?

>/b without the porn?
yes, it's called dull post
you should go there

There's lots of different imageboards to explore. Yea Forums is just the most recognized.

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She’s the light in my life and you guys are the darkness that balances me

I’m not a horny prepubescent or a sex starved man

Ty people with suggestions

> having a girlfriend
> going on Yea Forums

Dude gtfo of my board, you can't have a social life and still post here, come back when she cucks you.

What is a /b?

No we must reconquista the Yea Forums. Yea Forums has wallowed in trap/niggerdick/attention-whore degeneracy for far too long.
Time to give it the dick of OC and reclaim the motherland from terrible quality content.

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I like that pepe. Has your girlfriend seen it?

This board could do with fewer faggots who consider Yea Forums their "community", so get the fuck outta here, fag.

>This board could do with fewer faggots who consider Yea Forums their "community"
Yea Forums is just for me to call you a nigger faggot cum guzzling bitch machine. It's mine. Get off my property slut.

Thank you for the (You), senpai ^____^

Here, have a (You)

I seen a post two minutes ago about some faggot who said he was bi and every cunt in there was gibing him positive words of encouragement what haired to bring edgy for the lulz, what haircut to the habo hotel days, what happend to delete system 32
Sad really


I hate fucking predictive text

Then disable it, kek. It's in the input & language options, specifically in your keyboard's options.

I said get off my property nigger. Now.

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Yeah Jamal, you show 'em

Thanks but that's what I mean, I'm the old days I'd be getting roasted to suicide not helped

Ur just a faggit

your plebbit is showing.. best scoot on back to le_dontard before you faint from being called a tranny nigger

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I used to say NSFW stood for "not safe for wife".

That's very poetic. Dunno man, there's loads of other imageboards but all the decent ones disappeared or turned into ghost towns.

show me your best, you living mistake of a human being.

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stop talking jeez do you have a humiliation fetish or something

Fool dis bitch is my hood now.

Missedbyone Kanobi

Unfortunately I can't post an image because you don't deserve it, buddy lmao

Is she disallowing you watching porn or spending time on a site where it might be?
If so, why date an authoritarian ass like that?

Most girls don't care if you look at porn when they aren't around but if you have to ask why looking at it while they ARE around is a problem, I don't really know what to say.

>implying any faggot neckbeard on Yea Forums has a gf
You really are simple aren't you.

yes, humiliate me daddy!

But op isn't here for porn, porn just happens to be here.
If he is doing other shit on here, she can hardly accuse him of looking at porn.
He could just go "yeah, there is porn on here, but right now I'm focusing on someone being wrong on the internet and I have to correct them!".

That just sounds like a load of shit to anyone (male or female) who hasn't spent time here over the years. It's like your dad used to say he bought Playboy for the articles and interviews... they had really great interviews in fact but no one who didn't read it themselves believed he was buying the magazine for any reason other than the pictures.

OP could just disable pics in his browser I suppose, but this is an IMAGE-board and that probably sucks to have to do.

i just used that image to flirt with my boyfriend does that make you mad

I never caught my Dad with playboy magazines, I did walk in on him using our equivalent of the Spice channel though. In both situations he'd own up to using them to masturbate though, sexuality isn't a big taboo in my family.
Also, he can just show her the threads he's in being void or close to it of porn.

Gee it must be cool having a dad who tells you about his masturbation habits.

He doesn't outright tell me about them, just that he like most other people do it.

You’re my type of people you obese pile of bones! Doth protest too much for being a faggot thyself! See we didn’t need the porn in our way to talk some shit guy

No wonder you ended up here.


Shes everything I’m not so no

Hey OP, i understand where you are coming from. While my gf doesnt really care about the porn, id still rather not deal with it. Scrolling along, and you come across a dick attached to some wanna be chick, under age cartoons fucking each other, the endless BBC threads made by white boys for some reason, and those fb/ig share threads and dont get me started on the fucking larp threads blasting out an image of some random chick that is some neck beards "sister" The only solution is to stick with 4channel pages, or go on reddit when she is next to you.

pic related, she is my sister, and my mom. Top that fags.

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>she is my sister, and my mom

But where is her penis?

in her butt, she shits it out, and attches it when she sneaks into my room at night. She thinks im asleep when she presses it against my lips, but i always clinch my teeth so it doesnt slip in.... Do yall think my sister/mom wants to fuck me? I mean we are related, but my ragging hard on that almost rips through my thomas the tank engine blanket says i should just go with it. Im breaking into a sweat thinking of my sister/mom fucking me with her hard 8inch female penis.

I can't read erotic stories unless they are in greentext. Sorry.

Is that the rape horse comic? Shits Fucking funny

Just go on ADV and ruin someone else's life

What the hell is that?

This made me lol, I can tell you really do get my point.

>830pm, time for bed
>I see my sister/mom down the hall pushing in and out her female penis from her ass
"good night user, remember we dont look doors in this house"
>I hope on to Yea Forums and make my favorite thread (BBC) and get comfy under my Thomas the Tank Engine blanket
>About 30 minuets later i hear my sister/mom walking towards my room
>My dick grows in anticipation giving Thomas a very pointy nose
>My sister/mom quietly asks if im awake, i dont make a sound, but at this point in my head im screaming in joy
>my sister/mom proceeds to climb on top of me, and squats slowly pushing her 8 inch female cock from her ass, and rubs it against my lips as if she is applying lip stick
>at this point im rather jealous with the view my Thomas the Tank Engine blanket is seeing. but I keep my eyes closed
>my sister/mom then removes her 8 inch throbbing female penis from her anus and attaches it.
>she presses firmly against my lips, but i keep my teeth clinched so it doesnt lead much futher
>my sister/mom moans about Trump being impeached, and then exploads her female sperm all over my face
>my sister/mom proceeds to lick up her female sperm, to leave no traces behind, and slowly closes my door with a silent
"good night, my only son, and brother"

My cock is so hard im forced to fuck my Thomas the Tank Engine plushy so i can roll over and sleep... So do you think my sister/mom is in to me?

image related to how i think my Thomas the Tank Engine blanket looks as my sister/mom pushes out her throbbing, 8 inch 100% female dick from her anus as she squats over me.

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