Favorite tributes
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Send me request on Kik, JBCT1996
Attached: 1547833812287.jpg (2160x2880, 1.04M)
Attached: 1549378721075.jpg (766x1022, 171K)
Attached: 1541560379322.png (720x960, 398K)
This guy is the top tributer rn
Attached: 791FDC14-8CAD-406F-9E97-13ED63C38B08.jpg (755x1334, 185K)
Attached: 1.1.jpg (2002x3488, 1.66M)
Stated by a tributer
Attached: C33420BF-2F94-4D6F-B5CF-2C503874E3D1.jpg (1000x1334, 243K)
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sad to see mine never show up in threads
pics are my gf, the cock is some random guy on kik
Attached: d14b9862-7fe3-41c9-9403-3b06884d468c.png (720x960, 491K)
yeah me too i've seen mine in threads like twice, and they were the same guy posting them
Attached: 1552239628410.png (480x640, 281K)
Show an example if I got one I'll put it up
Attached: 1080x360.jpg (1080x360, 73K)
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Attached: lastone.jpg (2592x1944, 678K)
That's actually really nice. Kik?
you need someone to be cockd?
With that cock? Hell yeah
I didnt see any with you in my files, but I deleted some by accident so you may have. This is my wife if you want to trib.
Attached: 1552162549-picsay.jpg (933x1920, 254K)
I cock'd her before
Attached: latina4chan.jpg (2592x1944, 612K)
I would love to see a cock across her forehead with her looking up at it.
That's one of the ones I lost. Thanks
I would love if you did more. Thanks for posting that one.
Her face needs it
Attached: A393B5B9-4EBA-4247-BA5E-11C462FB78BA.jpg (622x1221, 264K)
Attached: 1529270652785.jpg (2448x3264, 1.8M)
if anyone would like to add, hmu
Attached: Collage 001.jpg (1417x1172, 1.38M)
My wife
Attached: 1552162541-picsay.jpg (933x1920, 267K)
Attached: 1551778865618.jpg (2880x2160, 1.13M)
Hmmm...So he was behind that...
Attached: oa9koeupdf75xl4az228185199200.jpg (1674x1145, 144K)
Attached: hotass2.png (403x716, 456K)
Attached: IMAG0543_1.jpg (1964x3172, 525K)
Attached: cum1.jpg (2000x2835, 1.3M)
Who's the skull fuckable milf?
Looking for cum/cock tributes of my gf's soles
Add goodevilangel on kik
Attached: 643c8ffhdjk21.jpg (750x1334, 56K)
tribute pls she needs it
Attached: jcbows.png (720x960, 572K)
Attached: 8y4cw6jgrhl21.jpg (750x1334, 118K)
Attached: 01.jpg (2710x3872, 1.92M)
Just reposting, no tribs?
I've been doing a bunch on kik, what do you have?
Can someone do her?
Attached: image0.jpg (351x468, 17K)
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My fiancée and I would love for you to lay your cock on her.
Attached: DE88A04D-1112-41B0-94DA-E7A0875E58A4.jpg (4032x3024, 1.97M)
Attached: 1521604115963.jpg (3264x1836, 1.41M)
Attached: 1539922558933.jpg (720x1480, 78K)
Attached: 1509559556560.jpg (700x1016, 553K)
Perfect distro between the two faces. KINO
Attached: img2.jpg (448x597, 72K)
Wana share some done tributes , kik rusty1277
Attached: 1524846359580.jpg (1536x2048, 295K)
Please Tribute !
Attached: seg1.jpg (1410x2957, 681K)
Attached: 1542393199389.jpg (1022x1440, 218K)
Did she send you a nude yet?
Attached: asfagr.gif (368x496, 1.87M)
No but she’s on her way home and should be here soon. Maybe I can just take some of her while she’s changing out of her uniform.
Attached: 1523245458770-1642653221.jpg (1512x2016, 386K)
No but she’s on her way home from work, I’ll try to take a couple pics while she’s changing out of her uniform
Trib? Have a couple more but no nudes
Attached: EB22C84F-96AC-4BCA-AE72-CF03E413E131.jpg (562x960, 62K)
Attached: 1539972689649.jpg (1080x1920, 320K)
How is she related? Have you masturbated to her?
Attached: img.jpg (593x1042, 110K)
Attached: Snapshot_20180406_12.jpg (640x480, 50K)
If you want me to trib I gots to no
Attached: 1523037305041.jpg (768x1024, 102K)
My favorite
Attached: image.jpg (252x387, 15K)
Glad somebody enjoys the gifs
Attached: 1547960640627.jpg (2160x2160, 1.09M)
Gifs of jerking are a million times better than just straight cock tributes
Attached: 1552238515472.gif (368x496, 1.68M)
Attached: XrbsH3dQ1SM.jpg (1627x2160, 783K)
Anyone got more of this girl?
Attached: vBRAFdn.jpg (810x1080, 194K)
Attached: IMG_3385.png (750x922, 697K)
Loved watching my wifes ass jerked to
Attached: 1551745590249.gif (377x671, 1.83M)
Attached: 1552074321472.jpg (2880x2160, 1.76M)
Attached: ann cum.webm (400x720, 1.11M)
I got one too
Attached: 1549940406235.gif (377x671, 1.75M)
Attached: 1547412091881.jpg (1536x2048, 697K)
Attached: ann cum.jpg (1536x2048, 149K)
I've yet to have someone cum on my wife. I would love that.
Send nudes or underwear and bikini pics to incogneatod00d on kik. I'll trib right now
yeah dude said he save for a few days for it. fucking huge load
like any pic there in particular? or something else?
Attached: 035.jpg (1536x2048, 159K)
Could you do her please
Attached: Screenshot_20190311-072649_Chrome.jpg (932x1702, 608K)
Attached: 1547180684392.jpg (1770x1687, 452K)
got any movie or ass/pussy?
oops forgot to tag you in that
I do, have both
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Attached: a43.jpg (960x903, 94K)
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Could you please cock her across the forehead
Attached: ghgf56.jpg (960x960, 100K)
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Attached: IMG_20190306_161844.png (720x864, 729K)
Someone please do her
Attached: 82a2ec5a73e5de1e3e7b7bed4c6a790c-01.jpg (596x1221, 114K)
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uh, nice job ace
Attached: 1547491877518.jpg (640x640, 102K)
thx bro!
Attached: 1547778353202.jpg (1202x1600, 251K)
Attached: 324234.jpg (483x1000, 119K)
Attached: 044.jpg (720x1280, 99K)
Almost missed her
Attached: 3BCF9D9C-627C-43D4-9890-0FCC342D3F70.jpg (1536x2126, 666K)
Attached: 58718523c6770.jpg (800x533, 173K)
Stop posting and let him finish.. almost at image limit
because there will never be another thread, lol
Attached: 1552228693933.png (1080x1650, 1.76M)
My kik is obscured15. Would do more of her
Lol oh hey that’s my dick
You're my favorite triber fyi