Why do I still have no GF Yea Forums?

Why do I still have no GF Yea Forums?

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because you spend too much time playing with your video games. stop that shit mang.

B-but Isaac is so much fun. T-T

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aka birds

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Birds aren’t real though.

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You emanate faggy vibes.

You have resting douche face.

I’ve been told I got a scary face. TBH, I’m pretty nice. I just don’t smile much.

Bcuz u r nigger haha ok

FOOL! I’m Cuban. I only got a really nice tan so some people confuse me with niggers. Even niggers themselves. I have the ability to say the N-word in public with no reprocusions and without having to be a nigger.

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wow u r so kewl, I want to say the nigger word too :,(


You're a nerd.

Nothing I haven’t been told before. Nerds are what this site is pretty much filled with.

A find bait, user. 6/10

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They are scared to see your nig skin. Probably they think tha would be stolen whent they see you

You probably have a shitty attitude, or you're only going after white chicks. Contrary to popular belief most white girls would never date a niggerly man

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You have eyes of a killer and a haircut that doesnt match your face, nice switch tho

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Why do I still have no GF Yea Forums?

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Wow, dude. I remember you from basic. How you doing, Donovan? Bro, you don’t have a GF because all you ever went for was the crazy ghetto chicks. Also, going clinically crazy and attacking an NCO and getting booted from the Army didn’t help matters for you.

Kek, what a nigger

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Because you look like a chicks gay best friend.

Age? Height, dick size, anus dilation size?

See? Howies never wrong

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