Anyone else get off to pretty faces?

Anyone else get off to pretty faces?
>I nut the most to this shit
pretty faces thread

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yes please

Fuck off with this social media cringe, you lonely masturbating spergs.

These girls don't notice or care that you exist.

one of my faves

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They don't have to know I exist for me jack off to their faces lol

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that face

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How about this one?

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left or right? why?

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ive came countless times to this face

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thats hot, same here

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got me hard af

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i love imagining my cum dripping down her face

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Who doesn't. Loving blowing loads on pretty faces, love watching a dick sucking face.

mmm yeah, same for her

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Jew nose, no thanks

more like yes thanks

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We will gas you first then

start with yourself first

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love to nut all over that nose

mmm yeah

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saving .. gonna print one out and bust

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would love to see a vid of that

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Nicee one Elon...Nice one!

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here's a pretty face to bust on

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cute, thoughts on mine?

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needs a load

needs one badly

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She looks like my exgf's mom, and yes, they were Jews. Thank god I ditched her.

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