What does Yea Forums think about Purple Mattresses

What does Yea Forums think about Purple Mattresses

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that’s white you fuckin retard

gets high reviews

friend bought casper
casper sucks

It's an interesting feeling. Most either love it or hate it from what I've heard. I personally like it. Feels like laying in firm gell cubes

>asking a question disguised as and advert

Full of cancer causing sand and if you talk about that you'll get sued

legitimately asking, I'm thinking about getting one. cancer causing sand?

Theres little pellets of platic in the matress grids that you can inhale and get cancer.

Have a purple bed... The powder thing is BS

Put the money in on it and get the purple 4... Well worth it

well that is fucking horrifying

got it. It's honestly like sleeping on a giant gel shoe insert. My back stopped hurting and I sleep all night. It's worth it tbh.

the plastic thing is bullshit

Get a winkbed. Easily the best purchase I've ever made.

a twinkbed? That's kind of gay, isn't it?

If this mattress is gay then I'm a flaming faggot

Who sells it? Homopedic?

>flaming faggot
Yes. Yes you are user. Don't ever change

Releases microscopic particles of plastic into the air, which are going into your lungs and never coming out.

When asked about this, the company immediately trued to sue the person who discovered it.

Simply stated: You are stupid if you buy this.

There are too many fucking mattress stores in existence. Why? I fucking hate mattresses and the stores they are sold in, I'd rather sleep on the floor.

It has actually been discovered that there are so many "Mattress Firm" stores with no customers because they are a front for a money laundering operation.


ok, that's pretty funny.
But I prefer strictly heterosexual mattresses. I make the mattress salesman sign a paper guaranteeing the mattress's gender preference.

Looks reputable as fuck.

I support anything approved of by Geno and Quirky Purple.

Say goodbye tot he Sunday Scarys.

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There is such a high markup on mattresses that they can have an empty show room for most of the day, sell one or two and be ahead of the game.
Maybe the internet will fix that.

I'm sorry. I'll try and find something from one of the major outlets. I know that mattress lawsuits are all over the NYT, but I was just too lazy to search for how fucking wrong you are.

So she literally confirmed on reddit that the mattress releases plastic powder into the air.

>Don't worry, it's safe to inhale the plastic!

This is a retard test.

This is my first time hearing of this.

Nobody likes ordering shit like that online. It will always be better to actually see and determine the quality of furniture in person, especially mattresses.

that sounds nice

You can get a nice sleep number knockoff from sams for under a grand

I heard about the powder inside the mattress, but that was really early on. Surely they've addressed this by now...?

I deliver for MFRM and I can say this is just a conspiracy theory. Their strategy is to buy out all competition and keep constantly expanding. Actually might put them out of business within the next year or two. They get stuck with multiple stores so close to each other because of the leases they obtain when buying out competition.

I'm not the one you're arguing with. I don't care where news comes from it's a fake and sensationalized anyway. I was just pointing out that the domain was really funny sounding. Boingboing is just too funny for a news website that wants to be respected.

>Surely they've addressed this by now...?
"addressed" by confirming it releases powder "but it's safe". LOL.


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>Claims made by an ex employee of a competitor
Yeah, that's my arbiter of truth right there

>part 1/6

Honestly looking at the design I doubt it would hold up if you're overweight. Which, let's face it you're on Yea Forums, the odds aren't in your favor.

>"The retailer is owned by South African retailer Steinhoff, which came under scrutiny at the end of 2017 after it postponed publishing its full-year accounts, citing "accounting irregularities," and its two top executives and chairman resigned. Its stock price tanked by as much as 62% in one day, wiping out $15 billion of its market value, Reuters reported."

It's not a conspiracy theory.

Tempur pedic rocks

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Ah, well it looks like we're all fucking retarded for not googling. purple.com/blog/non-toxic-plastic-powder

>it's a white powdery substance
better get the FBI right down here to make sure that you're not going to get cancer from your bed.

But your still going to eat those nuggets and drive in a car right?

false equivalency


lmfao, i'm 165 lb, not worried about destroying a mattress with my own weight. good point though.

I approve

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it's the equivalent of putting baby powder in grandma's gimp suit. shocking...

You're right. Nuggets and automobile exhaust have actually been linked to causing cancer.

>Sure, the mattress has powder all in it! But it's safe!
>We can't even tell you WHAT kind of plastic, but we assure you it's safe!

Retard test.

I dont really give a shit about quality's of beds. Mines feels like heaven when I'm tired and it's a piece of shit.

Their ads are pretty funny.


Mattress is alright. It's not super comfy but it DOES WHAT IT ADVERTISES. By that I mean there are absolutely no pressure points or unsupported sections of your body.

Kek this

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I would sleep in a hot tub of water If I could figure out how to not drown when doing it. also make the sides a little cushiony. that would be awesome.

Look at this faggot. someone talking about the product like it's a mattress. FUCK YOU ADDRESS THE POWDER

>It is chemically inactive, AKA an inert substance.

Reading is key

What else do you expect from the laziest assholes on the internet. If it was some chick showing her tits, we find out her personal info, and her blood type

How to tell when user is either 12 or has the body of a 12 year old

The powder is there for a reason. It destroys the part of your brain that registers discomfort. So if you use this bed, you will loose the ability to fell uncomfortable and then any bed would do.

Epsom salts.


top kek

Personally I didn't have any powder issues with mine. Maybe I got a good run, but yeah I've had to crack it open and take a look and I saw no powder

hot either way

It's cocaine. Now shut up about it.

>you don't have dusty old bones full of green dust
>you can actually rest comfortably
Epic insult grandpa

Sounds win-win to me homeslice where do I sign the fuck up?

you already breathed it all in!

Whatever you say fat ass

I love Epsom salts, but every time I try to buy some, they cheat by selling me ecstasy instead.

I'm more for /fit/ than /ck/

eheehehehehehheehehh thats the noise peter griffin makes normally... but when he sees purple mattress he says

the cool thing is that nobody will tell if im being
ironic or not

Where do I have to go to get this?

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Pics with timestamp or gtfo

If you want to stay here, try to be more random.

Well at least we can tell your not being funny.