My dad started fucking my ex and she just told me to do dishes. What the fuck?

My dad started fucking my ex and she just told me to do dishes. What the fuck?

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Your dad is a cutie user.

Post more of that face. Would fuck it, in real life, for an hour.

I am your truly father

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Tell your father that the bitch is acting like she's your owner, and that it's fucked up that he's with your ex. Tell her to fuck herself with a rusty knife for trading in you for your father like a money-grubbing whore.

I hate her.

I wish I could, I hear them almost every night through the wall.

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you got cucked user. just move out

Tипичнaя aмepикaнcкaя ceмья.


I don't have any other place to go to atm. I'm dying here.

Fuck you.

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Post her nudes op the dishes

Your dad is taking you for an epic troll

You better do the dishes like the bitch that you are. She obviously went for the only man in the house. If you were a real man, you'd go in their room, fuck her in front of him while maintaining eye contact to establish dominance and then when you're done with her, fuck him in the ass while staring her down. Instead you are on Yea Forums bitching about being a bitch.

you idiots are supposed to type in english.

way to blow the whole thread you fucking mental rejects.

Join Discord

E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), Memes and the potential to get mod just from posting.

Also but not limited to....

E-Sex, Dropbox, Megafiles, Vola, Meetups, VC, Links, Snapchat adds and more!

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Pleb roles users get removed frequently

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No fack you пиндoccкaя whore.

is russian for "I'm 12 and what is this?"

Is it bad that I don't speak russian and I know that's the n'word?

Heт, идиoт, этo ты дoлжeн пeчaтaть пo pyccки.
Фopчaн-pyccкaя бopдa!

Time to give Dad a choice his gf or a vicious beating.he can have both but the daily beatings will get sure he'll do what's best

post her nudes as revenge

Blow your brains out all over their naked bodies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Know now that "Pindos" is an offensive nickname for Americans in Russia and the CIS.

That's illegal. Please don't post illegal things here or I'll have to tell the FBI.

Kill him, and then rape her and kill her.

Isn't this a professional? She looks familiar.

Invite all on 2ch, in the partition /b!

Fuck no.

I just want some fucking justice.

What do you mean?

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>running away like a bitch
>not being the biggest lump of immovable shit you can be
>not coming to breakfast in a leather jockstrap with the Lithuanian hooker you bought online
>not mixing tropical punch protein powder into all the milk in the fridge
>not playing the 5 hour Initial D eurobeat mix with the speakers against the wall while you nail your Lithuanian hooker
>flushing after you take a dump
user I-

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mooooaaaaar site with funny pictures, anime and stories about shit.

become a gud obedient bitch to your new mommie
maybe she lets you cumcum as she laughs at how much shes owned you

Pay a hooker with herpes and/or other stds to roll in their bed

So shouldn't you be doing those dishes, user?

Whoo!...think was him!?

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Nice trips...

Go fuck yourself.

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Thanks user! Moar if you can.

Kidnap her, while she is out, then torture her until she begs you to finally kill her. Also if you will decide to do this, get some alibi.

if mommie orders me to fuck myself, i will
she decides the educational dildo size

if pic is related and she's your ex, i would do the same your father did.

Haha, you faggot

Fucking leave. If you want to stop being treated like a little cuck bitch then stop being one.

Use this as the kick you need to move out.

How old is the girl? How old is your Dad? How old are you? Also, give us the backstory on this deal.

user, plz post moar of her. You'll have your ravange that way at least...

fuck that's hot. why did she dump you?

and if the story sucks, make shit up so I can fap.

Plainly your Dad has no respect for you at all. I can only assume you deserve such disregard. Loser.

How many dishes are there? Did you dirty them?

take her back user... also post titties

Post more damn it.

I know right.

I don't have anywhere to go atm and they suck all the motivation out of me.

Nobody fucking deserves this.

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This is irrelevant. This is how dishes are done:

Is there a woman in the house? Yes-> Woman does them. No -> go find a woman to do them.

Does the woman refuse to do the dishes? Yes-> Beat her. No -> when she's done, have her make you a sandwich and then have her clean up that dish too.

The end.

What's her name user

Then it sounds like you've resigned yourself to being a little pussy doormat and as such, the way they're treating you is apt. They're taking the piss out of you, and you're just accepting it.

There's no helping you because you won't help yourself.

Be a fucking man. You have to move out. Find something. Anything. You can't stay in such a demeaning environment.

She is hot though

Damn beatifull user. Good job

Ok assuming not BS, tell her that unless she's sucking your dick that she can do the dishes her damned self. Be openly disrespectful not only to her but shit-tier dad as well. Ask him how the cum you left inside her tastes, ECT.

Motivation will return when you start being active in your life.

The worst thing is I keep thinking what if they stay together. Even if I move out, I would have to deal with her in the future because of family.

I loved her. Nice tight pussy and she was moaning like a pig in bed.

I mean she asked me respectfuly about the dishes. I just couldn't believe it. It's pretty humiliating.

I gotta go anons, thanks for the nice messages at least, feeling a tiny bit better.

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Kill Your Father

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this, so much this

only acceptable reply


Tell her she's the bitch and it's her job

post the nudes

where the nudes at


make her watch you fuck your dad to establish dominance.

or let your dad fuck you so she get jelly

>The worst thing is I keep thinking what if they stay together. Even if I move out, I would have to deal with her in the future because of family

That wouldn't be so bad. You'll have moved on, found another girl and forever your Dad will know you fucked his girl. You'd win, but not until you do actually move on.

>slip a high dose of mdma into the milk in the fridge
>stuff your dads cars exhaust pipe
>rub tabasco on their underwear/in their shampoo
>pound glass shards into a fine dust and sprinkle it on your dads bed


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