Yea Forums who is this?
Yea Forums who is this?
Brendon Fraiser from the 1999 movie "The Mummy"
The Joker
Crypt keeper. Poor bastard.
Sammy Sosa
Bill Cosby Jr.
Elvis Presley?
Some guy who really did not do anything bad. Men are becoming faggots and thots nowadays that they have to go start chasing other men for money and fame like the lady thots.
his name is Jack Michaelson or as he has become known " the nigga ranch cunt "
biggie smalls
Jason Momoa? Fucking pedo!
Yeah, ayuwoki
Jack's son
Michael Jackson was quietly murdered and replaced by a white woman who had a facelift.
That's fucked up, this video is edited, watch the full video
That's Jecksun Miguel
where is it?
michael son of jack a.k.a pedo nigga
That's "El ayuwoki"
Annie ayuwoki? Annie ayuwoki? Ayuwoki, Annie?
Belive it or not, it's a nigger.
Your mother loves niggers, believe it or not.
I wonder, who this might be...