I find it funny that this site is dominated by right wing yet still do things dem fight for (drugs suicide, pedophilia...

I find it funny that this site is dominated by right wing yet still do things dem fight for (drugs suicide, pedophilia, being fucking retarded you know)

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Niggers tongue my anus

Its probably the discord trannies doing half of it

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And yes we call people retarded who say drop the idea of left and right thinking and adapt.

i've heard a lot of mention of discord trannies lately
what's the backstory behind this exactly
is this referring to Reiko's Trap Harem or is it something unrelated

Yea Forums is full of left-wing faggots, this isn't /pol/

No one on Yea Forums is right wing. The worst we get are libertarians and people who are anti-politics (which is also stupid) Everyone here is a democrat, people just like low effort trolling.

im not a democrat, faggot
im not right wing either though so you might be right

bump because i would like an answer

what Yea Forums are you viewing, its a non stop trump dick suck thread. But right wingers are cuck fags, "party of small Gov" my ass. wake up people

Do you really think you're going to live after this?


maybe the world isn't just black and white afterall.

im confused am i missing something

There's a discord server for redditors who raid /pol/. Their posts sometimes do well, but that doesn't mean anything when the comments are all from /pol/ natives. They're called trannies because the majority of the far-left people who are really active on the internet are homeless/jobless trannies, gays, and stay-at-home moms/grandmas. Of course there's the occasional far left male NEET, but the rest of the stereotypes are a lot more accurate. The tranny thing is just a stereotype, but in my experience actually watching them talk it's not too far off.

i seeee thank you
all i could find when i searched up discord trannies was the fucking reiko trap harem r9k shit

people are just edgy and want to make fun of stuff, any political compas is result of what its easier to make fun of or what is more hateful

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Bro just by your text I can imagine what your life is look and how you look like. kys

Я зacлyживaю кoпeeк зa paзмeщeниe этoгo мycopa нa Yea Forums.

Most on the right don't really have good arguments. They just "feel" what's right and what's wrong.

It's just one incel user who spams this term. Probaply got his ass fucked in a discord debate or something

There's a group of discord trannies spamming tranny stuff. Gat porn and Cutting threads. There is much proof even pics of them doing math on how many threads they should make each.

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That's pretty racist broseph.

Just a reminder that Reikos Faggot Harem wants all men to take HRT. Fucking fag, for sure.