Transwomen are real and valid women. You should be on the right side of history and not say "they're not real women"

Transwomen are real and valid women. You should be on the right side of history and not say "they're not real women".

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And you should shut the fuck up and neck yourself.

And women that think wine and instagram are hobbies should be labeled as basic af asexuals.

I like trannies, but im not gonna enforce somebody that doesnt into liking them, as much as you want some features in the male body are quite noticeable and a clear giveaway that you are a tranny, even if you were completlely accepted as a woman that doesnt mean that guys are inmediatly like you, maybe you are unatractive, or a cunt

2/10 for making me reply. But seriously. They aren’t. As soon as this cluster fuck of identity bullshit narcissism detracts back into the swamp it came from, decent folk can go back to ignoring the shit storm of self centred attention whoring that culminates from a deep rooted mental illness to get on with their lives.

Transfags are fake and not women. Get born with a pussy or die, fag.

If you want to be right side of history you should stop promoting a mental illness.

Its called gender dysphoria mate

Transfags ate fake and gay. You should be on the right side of history and noose yourself

if transwomen were identical to women, why would one need the term transwomen in the first place

You are correct, OP. You may now leave Yea Forums because your opinion has been validated.

can she be bred? If no, she's not for me.

are they trans or not?

Unironically this

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they are biological men. am not gonna pretend just because they feel like something they arent. i feel like chair, are u gonna call me chair and respect that?

>Transwomen are real
>and valid women
they're trans and do not belong into women toilets, women sports, girl scouts, anything where real biological women are.
they're dickless (and brainless) men. they need help.

Thankfully the mental illness solves this problem for us.

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This is a real women.

Attached: tranny_gash.webm (304x540, 1.99M)

These real women are beautiful.

Attached: tranny_tell_me_im_pretty.png (575x2025, 365K)

What a beautiful woman! I would have sex with her!

Attached: tranny_gash2.png (662x775, 623K)

Oh, I can see the headline now. Transwomen are better mothers (and fathers) because they've lived as both sides.

then why oh why does everyone get so assblasted over trannies?

Changing your role doesn't change what you were designed as.

Take the CAC Boomerang, the first fighter aircraft to be designed and built in Australia.

It was designed as a fighter but turned out to be too slow and ill suited to the task. It did turn out to be a really good ground attack aircraft and was pressed into service in that role.

And yet, even though the CAC Boomerang saw service as a successful ground attack aircraft, it isn't classified as such. It was a fighter aircraft that ended up seeing service in another role.

In the same way I don't see transwomen as women.

I see them as men that have been pressed into service as a woman.

They weren't designed as women. They've simply decided to take up that role.

Attached: CACBoomerang.jpg (640x490, 128K)

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Poor people, suffer from such mental defect.

This is the best post in the history of Yea Forums.
Also, dubs.

I don't care about their or others fantasies and concepts. For me a trans chick is a source of pleasure, a chick with cock, balls and cum - what can be hotter than that?
Fucking a trans or letting her fuck me as hard as possoble is the most important

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