/rekt thread

/rekt thread

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Homeless killings :)

thats not very nice

Humans are sadistic and cruel.

You know, i earned it!
wait a minute...

Is that guy from the future?

I'm original poster but I commend your trips.

I didnt even notice i had trips :D
I was more concerned if anyone would recognise my reference to the cake stump video

Actual video of doge’s death.

Attached: 33D5EEDA-CAE5-4CF8-A77F-1F026308CE6F.gif (257x214, 1.83M)

fek but classic

ups forgot to conttribbdfb

Attached: mice and men.webm (228x400, 1.36M)

Attached: slik riv ein då ikkje ost.webm (720x420, 1.65M)

Make Hands Grate Again

That's what he get

this is why the death penalty should exist

That's why i don't understand the word "humane" we only be good because of laws and society. China is a great example how they have to monitor their people closely and give them a reason not to regress to their primal urges.

lol, rekt

Damn I read once that a stab to the kidney puts you in instant shock. This dude was dead before he even knew what was going on.

the guy eating with the seeds reminds me of trumpanees.

The Hammer is the DNC in 2020. BAM! Enough fuckery you retards! We will teach you tranny filth to respect murka and the world!

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this is what the right wing wants to do to blacks, Mexicans and the homeless.

then they tout how "blacks are leaving the DNC to join us!" Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I win the internet.

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shut up thats not even true

Veterans are right leaning, veterans are a huge homeless statistic. The right wants to kill homeless.

You're a retard.

Wrong, rekt threads are not representative for general humanity you fucking retard.

glorius ukraine activist, supported by EU and USA to standup to Russia and promote democracy.

>Fuck off!
>gets fucking bled like a menstrual 13 year old
I love it. God, it makes me hard.


Wow! Here in Mexico they sell you seeds while you're in the subway.

You know it's fake right? Even in Japan, dido wielding samurai don't show up to punish the wicked.

no its real i was actually there

its not japan

Attached: china.jpg (1600x900, 143K)

and here in Russia if you don't already have seeds on you people will just randomly give you seeds to make sure you're ok

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Neck yourself retard.

Blacks are leaving the DNC because the DNC is hot fucking garbage.

seems fake as fuck