The earth is round anyone who disagrees is likely a libtard.
The earth is round anyone who disagrees is likely a libtard
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round and flat but not a ball sorry
>The earth is round anyone who disagrees is likely a libtard.
Flat earthers are your people user. Trumptards
Sure it's our side when your side is calling for men to piss in jugs and put it in sunlight for sanitation then use it to clean and drink with LOL That's Ocasio Cortez' green new deal... LOL no airplanes ban cow farts... but we're the side of bad science JAJAJAJ ..
I know let's tax the most common element on earth that will stop climate change which naturally happened around every 10k years... 1500 active volcanoes release more pollution every day than humans do in a year. just because shill lye the fake science guy says global warming is real doesn't mean it is.. remember he taught that gender was based on chromosomes got paid and changed it to gender fluidity... your whole party is a joke
Round like an egg, sure if you get small enough there is a flat surface on it.
next you're going to say it's liberals that don't believe in human driven climate change.
Liberal, conservative, whatever. We're all faggots here, faggots.
Human driven climate change ajajaja you kiddos are as dogmatic as any religious person... It's true cause the tv scientist said so... lolol what's next you guys gonna blindly hate one race for the actions of others in the past ... oh wait you already did and the funniest part is the first slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson... ohhhh you dogmatic clueless pussy hats.
>It's true cause the tv scientist said so.
more like 99% of them user.
he hired so many minorities he got an award for it...
Orange man racist cause CNN told me!!
Liberal scientists wanting to fatten their wallet by taxing the most common element on earth.
Same reason Cannabis is illegal the lefties who want government regulation while they cry the system is against them also please take our guns while you stay armed said the thick skulled libtard
user, Expert consensus is a powerful thing. People know we don’t have the time or capacity to learn about everything, and so we frequently defer to the conclusions of experts.
forgot the pic
At one point the science community believed the sun revolved around the earth, consensus does not imply legitimacy or truth, in this world when it comes to humans it's always about money. And people are so easily trained into a dogmatic thought process or at least liberals they're willing to pay to breath..
Want evidence of this? look up JonesTown Cult they had very similar Ideals as socialist lefties pretty eye opening stuff. Ever hear the term drink the coolaid? this comes from the JonesTown/People Temple cult look into it make up your own mind.
Jesus never said the earth was a sphere.
Checkmate libtards
>At one point the science community believed the sun revolved around the earth
hate to break it to you user, but religion was pushing that more, also too bad americans still do believe that
Muhammad married a 6 year old named Aisha and bedded with her when she was the age of 9, fuck Islam and any libshits who support it
Sorry champ the science community and the catholic church have always been heavily entwined
Born on Feb. 19, 1473, in Warmia, Poland, Mikolaj Kopernik (Copernicus is the Latinized form of his name) traveled to Italy at the age of 18 to attend college, where he was supposed to study the laws and regulations of the Catholic Church and return home to become a canon.
So conservatives are mentally retarded?
>Sorry champ the science community and the catholic church
only at the dark ages user til mid-1800s?
We're talking about the dark ages
yeah just look at galileo, and how they attacked him for discrediting the bible, and banned the publication of books that were heliocentric until the 1820s
Nice sperg there chief, but it's not empty rhetoric to claim that flat-earthers are more commonly right-wing voters. The overlap is religious fanaticism and government conspiracy theory.
based roundcuck
That was the community, he was the one disagreeing with it.. like I said you guys are more dogmatic than most religious people, you're attempting to belittle me for not believing the dogmatic consensus. Sometimes I really think I should be a lawyer.
I have yet to meet a Christian in America who claims the earth is flat I have had over 10 Muslims tell me it is though
no, that was the church, using government to punish people who contradicted the bible, user. saying that science and religion are close is bullshit. religion was trying to prove the bible right, whereas scientists were trying to figure the world out.
i think his hair is cool and i'm a nazi
Lol look at you trying to twist it so it doesnt slap you in the face... Lol I love watching religious science kiddos squirm
also, go for it user, but using buzzwords and trying to do gotems in an actual court doesn't work the way it does on the internet, user.
A scientist, the consensus was in Catholicism he went against it and they removed him, this doesn't imply it was all scientist as much as you would like it to match your narrative
>Lol look at you trying to twist it so it doesnt slap you in the face
wait I'm the one that made the claim that religion and science are closer than trump and kfc?
>A scientist, the consensus was in Catholicism he went against it and they removed him,
>consensus durring the inquisition was pro-bible
huh, i wonder why that was user.
Einstein believed in god... check mate.
lol you're to dense to see the coloration between you and them and it tickles me.
whatever helps you sleep at night user.
nah, he was agnostic user.
I said nothing of Christianity my illiterate friend.
The majority of Muslim beliefs are conservative, and the only reason they find themselves defended by the 'bleeding-heart' left in America is because of the stigma it receives by the right (deserved or underserved).
In any case, vocal flat-Earthers are a small minority of the world population, so you're unlikely to actually "meet" one, but there are many online forum examples of flat-Earthers repeating Christian doctrine.
LOL conservative? ajajajjajajajaaj like murdering babies amirite
Heads up these two were libshit trying to prove it's safe to go through the middle east and hated on white guys... they kinda lost their heads on the trip though if ya know what i'm sayin
Yes, if you actually understood what the word "conservative" means, you wouldn't be coming across is such a god damn pendejo right now.
Your beheading reference is also completely irrelevant to anything said here.
Muslims beheaded these two girls in the name of ISIS sorry your inbred spic brain can't wrap around that
Again, retardedly irrelevant, because there was no defense of Islam.
i thought that most of the flat earthers where niggers that dont want to understand shit about the world and try to be original
right, because so many libtards are xtians who lack degrees.
there was a comment on Islam being more conservative, if it was "conservative" the wouldn't behead girls, and these libtard girls wouldn't be defending Islam.. so yes it's relevant you're just a dumb ass.
Jaja degrees in indoctrination, affirmative action has turned college into an adult daycare, trade school is the only real education left.
>Heads up these two were libshit trying to prove it's safe to go through the middle east and hated on white guys.
Yeah, without even looking into it I assumed this was the case. There is NO reason a white woman would travel whatsoever, especially to a place like this, unless she was gassed up on libtard thoughts. Fuck em, well deserved deaths and every white woman who thinks like a fucking retard should go get themselves killed....
Im happy it happened
>Inb4 Bert she yelled for her merm in the verdeo
Bahahahahaha her mom should go there and get revenge
you saying that blacks can't be right-wing?
also, flat-Earth advocacy existed prior to blacks having a voice in scientific discourse
not to mention, those beliefs still stem from government conspiracy theory and religious beliefs
I kinda agree, also abortions for liberal women too.
Blacks arent usually dumb enough to buy it.. it's your 3rd world mudrats and mexicants that usually believe it.. lots of it comes from Aztec history they raped and stole
Islamists beheading women doesn't at all disqualify them from being conservative. Go do some reading.
Despite your free-basing of tribal rhetoric, the reference is still completely irrelevant.
You've misunderstood me, I'm saying it's not conservative.
and champ even libshits can be considered "conservative" you think you've gotten me on terminology but Muhammad taught his later teachings that contradict old teachings are the ones you should listen to.. this is not tradition they're just inbred so much violence is in their nature seeing as arranged marriages among first cousins is so common in the middle east.
I didn't misunderstand you. You can't read.
>doesn't disqualify them from being conservative
This means I'm acknowledging you're saying it's not conservative and I'm contradicting you.
Thank you for acknowledging it, takes a big man to admit he was wrong
So you're insane, then?
Sorry didn't realize size was a touchy topic for you, it takes a good guy to admit when he's wrong
I am a Democrat and I literally don’t know anyone that pretends to know for certain. SCIENCE IS LEARNING. Not pretending people who ask questions are atupid. Fuck off OP no one is buying your biblethumping bullshit
see, another religion denier who's a flat earther... i'm for one am not shocked.
Lol you guys give up yet? pancake earthers are hilarious