Im old

Im old.
Ask me anything.

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Can you still get hard

why are you so poor?

Follow up. When you do try to get hard and you can't do you feel bad?

How old where you when SNES came out?

Whats it like molesting little boys?

How old are you?

Does your attraction shift to okder women at all? Or is it jusr always on preidominately 18-27 year olds?
How can an old man have sex if he isnt attracted to old women

Youre not supposed to ask a lady his age, its rude user.

It's okay, I'm a doctor.

I guess OP never specifically said hed answer any questions.
>weve been played

Haven't had any issues yet.
You tell me.

Having a doctorate in Art History does not make you a doctor.

Honestly im attracted to all ages

Dam son, gimme a minute to type it up

Thats really really funny

What's your age user?

Damn son! I was like 8 when I fist played Mega Man X. Well since youve been around the block, what do you think about kids having constant electronic stimulation and no motivation to play outside these days?
>seriously concerned for their health.


Half a fucking century.

I'll be 30 this month, I'm slowly starting to go on that downhill slope.

I'm a self proclaimed doctor, of medicine. I'll sell you some tylenol yo.

What other boards do you frequent?

What political party did you vote for/would you vote for?

Same, but in june. Just be more active, read more, this is your prime.

I think its what makes kids today such faggots.
I limited my kids exposure to all this crap .
We were outside every day.riding our bikes building tree houses, hanging out in the mall part lots.

Unless youre going to offer me ketamine, get lost

What do you mean by down hill?
Health wise?

Good on ya. I hate to say it but this generation of kids is the only reason im not married or have kids, i cant imagine rasing a child surrounded by such worthlessness.


Used to /pol/ but fuck them

I voted socialism and regret set in a month later

I'm high fuck you
36 here user

It's kind of weird actually, this year I've started to read more and get in shape, I've lost like 25lbs since the start of Jan.

Nah, just the downhill slope to becoming an old man. My health is actually getting better.

No matter how much I try to protect thrm against it ,they still get influenced by friends and school.

You're thinking about it the wrong way.
Its like aged wine or whiskey.
Shit gets better.
In every sense.

>25lbs since the start of Jan

Yeah, I know, I just like to joke about getting old. I'd actually like to live a long full life and I honestly didn't think I'd make it to my 30's.

Nope, just watching how much I eat and exorcise. I was 235lbs at the start of the year so I had plenty to lose.

Well done trips


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Let's see the penis

This is why we can't have nice things on Yea Forums

Woul you?

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51's not OLD. I thought you were gonna be like a 75 year old old-school computer guy in a nursing home or something

yeah it is

did life ever stop being shit at some point?

It's not the kids' fault or technology's fault. Parents actively discourage going outside and being independent because the tv gave them (mostly) irrational fear of Stranger Danger. And they wonder why the kids start going out of their minds with boredom and go for the laziest possible solution of overloading their brains with entertainment at all times. And then wonder why their kids don't know how to be independent or social or have any interest in the world around them.

I hate that people blame technology or "this generation" when the problem is parents who are too stupid or apathetic to not turn their kids into zombies.

Yeah I remember growing up when there was no internet and limited games to play inside. It's not all it's cracked up to be, especially if you're a kid that doesn't like sports. There's only so much shit to do unless you live out in the country and have guns and dirt bikes and shit.

if you were 15 when snes came out then you are in your 40s you lying cunt


general advice to give from your experience in life user?

Does your dick still get hard?

Είσαι σε φάση ο θείος για τον οποίο δε μιλάει η οιkογενια γιατί δεν έkανε παιδιά kαι είναι ψυχαkι?

If you voted socialism and you are around 50 you are a fucking retar and should KYS.. you are old enough to know what socialism really is. I am calling you a liar. I bet you are under 25

you were troled. there was never any socoialist candidate to vot for. don't think all old people are stupid