Why am I still single what the fuck am I doing wrong
Why am I still single what the fuck am I doing wrong
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Nothing. Also you have the same hair type as me, which girls love. Just get out there and quit being an anti social incel like me.
you could start with not being a whiney faggot
Bitches think I'm alright but then I fuck it up because I'm way too anxious to make a move so they see I'm a bitch and friendzone my ass
You're a nerd
Best advice right here
I don't think I'm a nerd, I mean I'm kid of mentally ill and quite smart but people think I'm generally funny and I'm generally seen as likable
Firstly, stop being an insecure faggot. Nothing worse. Secondly: That gayass look you have on your face is not good. It looks like you're awaiting a load to your face with angst and curiosity. 3: get a hair cut or learn how to walk around with curly hair. You must be a smiley funny motherfucker if you want to have clown hair. Just be yourself, be real, know your shit, your strenght and limits and you will be fine dude.
Start trying to fuck chicks from other towns or schools. You can do this by going to sporting events held in their towns, i purposly would play as many sports as i could just so i could network with whores from other towns. At each event try to get a couple of women to add you on social media. After a while youll have gaggle of whores to talk to. Then you can practice talking to these whores until you start fuckin them or have enough confidence to talk to girls at your own school. At one time I was up to 14 whores i would talk to, 6 of which i was banging.
And then, suddendly:
That's actually good advice, my homie set up a fake account with poetic pictures and my best black and white picture where I had a russian name and I would add a lot of whores from my high school when I freshly got out of it and a lot of them actually wanted to meet, I could add a lot of bitches on facebook and do the same thing over again
Ya just use your real name and make the account real. The only problem is that when you have more than 2 women youre banging you cant have them both on your facebook account liking your shit and commenting on it. So id avoid that.
Im not sure i understand friend.
you're on Yea Forums.
And suddenldy you woke up you little twerp
Are you innsinuating this isn't me
Hey...nice, Elon
Embrace the fact that you're a raging homosexual and you'll get all the boipussy you want
What do you mean i woke up? Try the strategy yourself before you try to say that it doesnt work.
I will actually help you. Your problem is that you care too much what girls are thinking about you. I know it's tough to simply "not care." What you need is confidence in yourself and who you are as a person. Don't try to act any other way than who you truly are. If you do this unapologetically and with a smile on your face, girls will be interested in you.
Unless who you truly are is a huge faggot. You could always go gay.
I know it sounds weird said on here, but I'm a functional human being without autism and I'm capable of talking to girls in real life without using the internet. But I'm happy it's full of people like you because you're EXACTLY the thing girls always bring up "oh it's so nice to finally have a nice guy able to stand a interesting conversation and not only shy weirdos who talk on the internet but shut up in real life" so thanks user for being you. We need more betas (or maybe it's just the new generations who are used to speak over electronic devices. I hope you are from the new gen user, at least you would have an excuse)
This. People don't understand that doesn't happen much if you do something the other person dislikes. Better to be honest up front instead of having to suffocate that thing later to hide it from the relationship. Be yourfuckingself. It may takes years to find the person, but once a person accepts his self the magic happens.
You just answered your original question, user. Man the fuck up, do activities that give you confidence, and then get that pussy.
bud ive fucked enough women to not care about faggots like yourself.
FemAnon here. Confidence. There were so many times I felt the same way, I was unsure if a boy really liked me or if I was just someone to goof around with in a friend way. Send clear signals.
get the fuck away from Yea Forums. that will help.