Why was he so famous even though his music is garbage?

why was he so famous even though his music is garbage?

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cuz nigger

Because he's hot as hell

a lot of people threw the 90s didnt even know he was a black man and thought it was a white woman and he still sold like crazy

Off the wall was a actually great album, went downhill from there. Oh and I guess jackson 5. He fucked those kids dude, fo sho

You have to be trolling. Listen to Thriller (the whole album). I just put it on my turntable. I wasn't sure what to play next but a musical genius and the king of pop isn't a bad way to start.

You could say the same thing about Bruno Mars or Kanye after College Dropout.

his music is fantastic. I listen to mostly metal, but you'd have to be kidding yourself to deny the talent he had.

Michael Jackson, and like Hall and Oates are the litmus test for music, if you don't like them. Then your opinion on music just isn't valid.

Greatest abuser of all time he set the standard .

He's famous primarily because he's one of the few musical child stars that managed to transition to adulthood while only becoming more successful.

Individual, talent, charming


Are you deaf? His music is amazing.

Do yourself a favor and listen to one of the best albums ever made.

Why are there MJ threads lately?

what the fuck did you just say about the king of pop you stupid faggot

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Micro marketing, they are probably going to make a movie or something

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lonely faggot looking for some (you)s

Michael is the best though.
Invincible > Dangerous> HIStory > Bad >> Thriller


faggot with no taste detected

no u listen to thriller

I'll listen to something good

I listen to all sorts of music, always have, and enjoy his as well. i liked him up until he went freak show on his face and the rumors came out about his kiddy fiddling. Still enjoy his music but I'm glad he's dead.

>not my king of pop

stupid faggot

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test post

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>why was he so famous even though I, a zoomer nobody, thinks his music is garbage?

Because billions of people did love his music, retard.

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I get it, the 80s sucked. But why was he so popular despite being a pedo with a shitty singing voice?

It's not a generational thing. Even zoomers like him.

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MJ was a supreme genius at music. To deny is to be a liar to yourself. Go listen to smooth criminal and reassess. But what that fucking piece of shit did to those little boys makes him a ....thinking of a word worse than devil.... It makes him...

What's the word word for someone that has all the money and influence in the world and uses it to corrupt and literally rape the youth?

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You implying Ben Stiller touches kids?

sheesh stop being such a contrarian. we get it, you're edgy and don't like what other people like. I'll spell it out for you nonetheless:
-a shitty singing voice, which is your subjective claim, doesn't bar anyone from making great/popular music
-by the time it was found out he was a pedo he'd already been at the top of his game/popularity for over 30 years, guess people had a hard time accepting their guy was a baddie.

i see what you're getting at but it's crazy to think the jews are trying to destroy mj, just crazy i tell ya.

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>quality art
Pick one

He was a talented motherfucker, not really my main kinda music but he was talented nonetheless (plus im a bitch for beat it and smooth criminal)

Put on your stovepipe trousers and go support your local band when you are done criticizing people who made music history.

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pay for play.

his first album is pretty terrible, actually, compared to thriller but then, thriller returned to a disco/pop style where off the wall was just... grating. in any case, it was all pay for play. the same it is now, but he just happened to be some oddly perfect androgynous black/white what the fuck with effects and... the nasal side kick as paul mccartney. if you didn't own the album you wouldn't understand. as a six year old, getting it on vinyl from my local gemco grocery department store--similar to a walmart supercenter--i was genuinely confused about who this annoying asshole was singing with him and fighting over some girl. weird, stupid shit. really though, just stupid shit. everything after that was just overhyped cringe.

That is the most hipster thing I've ever heard. Something doesn't lose it's quality just because it becomes famous. Holy shit what a tryhard. Why don't you go finish your craft beer and comb out your 1800's sheriff mustache

Because he wouldn't kill himself I then made the mistake putting his gloves on when he finally died and I became him the cycle continues.

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Don't try and turn this into a jew thing. Dude liked fucking with little white boys. That's what should remain of his legacy.

Jesus, I feel sorry for their cunt mothers. They should kill themselves.

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I am a musician and donate to several foundations, eat my dick faggot. I am the local artist.

>implying I said popularity makes something bad
Tons of popular stuff I like, even Jackson's music. That doesn't mean writing a pop song is difficult or takes any particular level of artistry. If you know what you're doing, writing a pop song takes a very, very short amount of time and low amount of effort. Suck a dick

The anti-Jew guys claim everything is the Jews.
Black woman with a white man? Duh Jewz
Successful black man? Duh jewz
Successful black man turns out to be a paedo? Jews fault

O shit exactly this ( me)

>I am a musician
Do you consider yourself more talented that Micheal Jackson?
I'm looking for a yes or no.

michael jackson fans would kill ya for that claim you know

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Some people cant accept than men can be quite evil enough without jews telling them to do so.

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imagine being so edgy/autistic that you think being liked discredits any and all talent one could possibly have.

That thing that everyone lies? Yeah, it sucks.

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More talented? God no, dude was a performer since he was a kid, are you fucking kidding me? Jackson was a goddamn BEAST on stage, dude had absolute control over his performance, his voice, his dancing, his choreography, etc.
Am I capable of writing more artistic music?

Yes, and so is damn near everyone who can follow chord changes.

>imagine implying I said this for a false sense of superiority

If I had all that fame, talent, and money you can bet your sweet ass I'd be fucking little boys too. Because honestly, that's pretty much the ultimate thing to get away with.

And imagine how tight it must feel.

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You are either delusional or we are graced with the presence of the next Mozart who happens to be posting on Yea Forums at 11 London time.

burh hands down to u. still he touched those kids peepees tho

You have no idea how annoying it is for a trained classical musician to hear pop music over dance rhythms compared to fucking Mozart.

Jackson was a phenomenal performer, literally inspired me to want to perform instead of write music. But I hate to break it to you, Jackson's music was not that extraordinary. His stage presence and his voice, on the other hand...

>having a 7 year old Australian boy suck your cock

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man fukn REKCTK M9
damn i don't have reaction folders uwu

>A ten year old white boy on your dick 24/7

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Many times you have to wager an artist's personal life vs. their art. It's not always easy to separate the artist from the person. In this case though, MJ was a homosexual pedophile. It makes the music irrelevant.

I play classical guitar you smug twat; they said the same shit about Mozart in his time. Some people can make music and some can't. It is what it is.

Hey...nice, Elon

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>people said bad things about Mozart's music back in his day, too
Wow, it's almost like every artist gets a bad review. People say bad shit about Lil Pump, too. I guess Lil Pump must be as good as Mozart, right?
Fucking retard. Classical musician? What about Michael Jackson makes him comparable to Mozart, artistically?

Unless you are sooo talented that you can blow Micheal Jackson out of the water and willing to provide proof I'm not going to respond anymore.

That's what I thought lol.
>I'm a classically trained musician, I know such composers as uh, Mozart!
>Michael Jackson and Mozart both got bad reviews in their day, they're equal artists

This isn't going well for you is it? Just let the thread die.

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Kidding right? Thriller was a classic.


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So how many dicks does Michael Jackson lick to get to the creamy center?

Sweet dad joke.

Nah, I like to check in on threads I participated in. Plus, last post proved my point xD

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Shut up, Applehead.

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He sounds like an average female singer with generic beats. All these fuckwads defending this shit just don’t wanna admit it makes them wanna lube up their dildos listening to the sound of a mans voice being strained as high as it can go. It’s headed for the trash in a few years. “King of pop” lmao... pop is for kids, bitches, and cucks.

Talk about composers if you wanna talk about musical genius. Not kids who were groomed to be puppets.

if he was such a trash singer with no talent then how come his thriller album is the best selling album of all time worldwide with no one even close to the number of sales it has?

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>t. only heard five songs of his on the radio

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Clearly you don’t know how marketing works... millions of dollars don’t go into advertising for nothing. I know it hurts to find out you’re just a mindless robot consumer who was told what was good... but the pain will subside if you’re ever honest with yourself.

His military background

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pay for play. if you were around 35 years ago, you'd walk in to the equivalent of a walmart and see 100 copies of it. there wasn't much back then. it was ultra saturation you moron. it might have been one of the biggest global crossings of culture at the time. he's not really black, white, male, or female. are you simply going based on apparent history or are you using any actual applied inspection?

cardi b is a barely coherent retard that probably took six hours to record that awful "bodak yellow" and it made 20 million bucks. not that it literally sold that much, but that rachet shit earned that much for someone, easily.

Why do people always post the gross looking white Michael Jackson and not the mid 80s black cool Michael jackson that everyone remembers fondly?
>pic related

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I remember being 14 years old too. You'll grow out of your contrarian phase at some point. Hopefully.

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My friends aunt was a volunteer paramedic in one of michael jacksons shows and she always said the crowd smelled of piss from women urinating out of excitement and the noise loud enough to require earplugs, they had to communicate using hand signals.. people loved michael jackson so much its weird


And yeah, he raped a bunch of little boys and permanently fucked their minds, but he gave us thiller. And if you actually watched that Leaving Neverland thing... It's pretty straight up about how an abuse victims feels.

TL;DR It didn't seem like rape, only love and not a big deal. It hurt too much for him to put his cock in my ass and I started bleeding.