Pssttt aayyoo whiiteboii

nice damage control. how does it feel knowing I will have an objectively more fulfilling life due to my skin color?

it was white people who started the whole bbc thing, black guys just ran with it.
the majority of people who look at bbc porn aren't black either

Attached: yum.jpg (220x220, 15K)

annon, it were the jew. Hence not white.

yeah it was the jewish who said blacks had big dicks since back then big dick=stupid person who could think of nothing but sex.
did you even read black like me in 9th grade?

Blacks do not like the 'BBC' stereotype. Imagine being a normal average 99.9% black guy and having to see that look of disappointment everytime they don't pull out a 14" photoshopped dick.

yeah i know that, but you can't tell me that there aren't black guys who benefit from that sort of, uh, free advertising.
i like how you edged in a bit of "bbc are photoshopped" in there