Hey Yea Forums, I'm wondering if anyone has similar problems of acceptance?
I'm half Mexican but look white and no one believes me when I tell them that I am half. I don't want to make this overly political, but it seems I'm always told by white liberals that I'm not Mexican enough and am constantly being told that I have white privilege and should be ashamed for acting Mexican. I've always considered myself mostly Mexican because of how I grew up, my white family pretty much just tossed me aside and never was there when I needed it as a kid. My Mexican family had always took me in and so I've always had a strong sense of pride with my heritage. I don't hate my white heritage really, I just don't feel connected or even that I belong to it. It gets annoying when I'm constantly being berated with "YOU'RE NOT MEXICAN ENOUGH" or "YOU'RE ONLY WERE YOU ARE BECAUSE OF YOUR WHITE PRIVILEGE". I'm tired of my accomplishments being downplayed by someone who isn't even the same ethnicity as me. I've had to work myself through hell to be where I am. And its just making me feel that society as a whole doesn't even want me and that I can't even show pride in my culture without being called racists. Any Yea Forumsros relate in any way?
i read 2 lines into your block of words >lrn2memetext >i look white but am beaner no one pittys you faggot nigger this fucking website is about white superiorty you whining on the wrong site asshole
>> white privilege doesn't exist >> you should be extremely proud of your white heritage >> tell the libtards who say you have "white privilege" or that "your not mexican enough" to go fuck themselves
Angel Hall
>> Also don't be afraid of being called "racist" for doing something, ever heard the words "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?
Andrew Cooper
>about white superioritu Never was never will be Gtfo
Joshua Carter
I've always wanted to get more in touch with my white heritage, I just never had the chance as a kid to connect with it. I don't really have a way to know from which parts of Europe my white side comes from, but have been wondering recently.
Ryan Williams
What is your white families last name? Info such as that is also useful in determining whether you are celtic, slavic, or germanic, a dna test would also help you better determine which parts of europe your family decended from.
Liam Bennett
It's never the words that get me down. It's just how its become societally acceptable for a white liberal to isolate me from my culture and they'll almost always be seen as the 'good' guy, while especially in environments such as school or work, where a negative public image can nowadays ruin you.
Jackson Brooks
Alright then
Jose Hall
Only thing I can get a name from my grandfather and he took his mothers maiden name to the grave and so did my grandmother. His last name was Noble, so probably far enough back there was some minor noble family in England that became poor whitetrash in America. But again, this only accounts for a part of it and is mostly from assumptions.