Just got out of prison and enjoying some real fucking alcohol for the first time in years. Been out a week...

Just got out of prison and enjoying some real fucking alcohol for the first time in years. Been out a week, everyone I know has done really well and has moved on with their life. My life is potentially fucked but I'm positive I can turn it around.

Ask me anything.

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why were you in prison, how long?

i only remember ur mom visiting for conjugal visits with my dick

Murder, 6 years.

How many years did you do?

Wow. 6 for murder?

Uhuh, lenient courts in my country

fake ass LARP thread


Yeah, and my prison bunkmate was a pre-op tranny, so he still had a pussy. shit was cash!

where you from? Sweden?

Lol no I'm not a cuck

How much dick did you suck OP? Do you miss it?

wow did you have women writing to you?

Get in any fights? Where you ever asked to do something for your people's? Witness or participate in rape?

Also op a fag that fucks traps

Prison homosexuality is an American phenominon and doesnt really occur in many other prisons. I dont fully understand it.

Oddly enough yes. A lot of them believing they could change me and a few saying they understood why I did what I did. I never responded.

I have literally no idea what you're referencing, again, it seems like you may be confusing American prisons with others.

six years in a Mexican prison and you saw no gay sex?

look at your responses, you are from some cuck country... you don;t even want to admit which one

Yep, you guessed it. I have only been to USA prison and Mexican prison.

Did alcohol have anything to do with the murder?

why did you murder him/her/it?

> (You)
>Prison homosexuality is an American phenominon and doesnt really occur in many other prisons. I dont fully understand it.
That is a deflection. Answer the question. How much dick did you suck, and do you miss it?

You'll never quite be where everyone else is, but there is no reason you can't still have a good life. It's not like only people in your peers situations are happy, and you can surround yourself with people who are understanding and possibly relatable. Good luck.

who did you murder, OP? Was it your SELF? Are we actually talking to a ghost?

Do you miss the free rent, food, homosex (traps are gay) and friends you made on the inside?

did you drink fermented tang in the joint, OP?

jesus christ. You're making a really good argument here to run out and commit a crime or something.

why did you murder him/her/it?

aand OP has passed out. some people just don't know how to hold their liquor

>Murder someone and get caught
>Get out
>Go right to back to being a drunk degenerate

It won't be long before you go back op

Make good decisions, good luck

OP are you voting Trump 2020?

Once again the homosexual standing of the OP remains stronger than ever, having come out of a Norwegian prison where he willingly serviced both captors and inmates with his mouth and ass. Daily cum showers were provided in which OP partook too enthusiastically and is probably “drinking liquor”, which in prison terms, means servicing a train of aboriginal Neanderthals.

why did you kill him/her?
What country were you in prison? if you dont want to be so specific you can always tell the continent.

Not Mexican

It will be easy to identify me if I tell you which country.


Because I wanted to.


My neighbour

Food was terrible. No gay sex. Friends were good.

Yes and it was disgusting/made you sick.

Because I wanted to.

Not quite.

I was a consulate professional before this happened, I don't regret anything, life happens.

I am not American and thus cannot.

>because I wanted to
OP probably went to jail for misconduct or some pussy ass shit

Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper or Mountain Dew?

fake larp thread
op is a faggot

Well done serving your time. I have got away with shit, but my life is still awful. Do you feel "cured" of the gaity?

was it a woman/man/child?

>Prison homosexuality is an American phenominon and doesnt really occur in many other prisons. I dont fully understand it.

Goes on all the time in England

What memories helped you the most to get through those hard times?

Get conjugal visits?

Read any good books? If so, which one stood out?

Again, the reason for the crime would be easy to identify on the internet.

Coke I guess.


I feel fine.


Again I wouldnt know, I wasnt in England

>everyone I know
Goes away in the end?

>Ask me anything.

How do magnets work?

Did killing feel good?

>Again, the reason for the crime would be easy to identify on the internet.
So what?
Worried that the world finding out you browse Yea Forums is going to damage your reputation? Like, wtf is the problem here?

The reason he’s not saying it because this is probably nigger dui copy pasta shithead and he’s changed his constantly written pasta to this. He’s a piece of shit and needs to die soon.

You save some money before you went in?

Edgy. mommy forget to put the lock on the computer tonight eh champ?

were there any experiments done on the inmates and did the prisongaurds abuse/beat any inmates?

How did the cops get you? What did you fuck up with that lead them to you as the perpetrator?

My older brother used to be a cop, and he told me how to commit the perfect murder, well, how to muddy the waters enough so that evidence was not solid to lead back to you. I am curious as to where you went wrong

Killing feels good. It's human nature to want to end the life of our rivals. Basic biology SOTF.


This is not copypasta if it was I wouldn't respond.

The guards were violent but some were ok

I handed myself in after family made an appeal

How many times did you try to escape? Why weren't you successful?

>I am curious as to where you went wrong

I feel that, if I avoid CCTV and didn't leave any clues, I could knife someone to death.

post the letter that your country starts with (in English) so G for Germany not D, J for Japan not N etc.

did you miss facebook? 6 years isn't a long time really.


Bingo. This is where many people go wrong, guns are great sure, but easily traceable. Knives are difficult to trace back to a person and can be permenantly disposed of.

Did you make sure that you're allowed to drink on your release conditions? Is that why you won't tell us which country?

Also, oin Britain there seems to be a "hysteria" about knife crime at the moment, mainly do to a pretty white gril being knifed. Adds a bit of noteriety to it.

There’s always various hysteria about weapons or what things can be made into a weapon (almost anything). In my opinion though, gun control like in Britain and Australia only makes getting away with murder easier because the easiest method of tracing to a killer, guns, aren’t easy to get hold of

How are logposters treated in prison?

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