I punched my sister really hard and she's in her room crying AMA

I punched my sister really hard and she's in her room crying AMA

Attached: delicious tears.jpg (360x500, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sexual strawberry shortcake


Do you like banana pudding?

Why did you punch her?

it's ok I guess, not a huge fan of bananas tbh

either post nudes of her or gtfo.nobody cares


Attached: 1546390563110.gif (500x360, 549K)

How old is ur sister?

she's been fucking annoying all week, she just came in my room and wouldn't get out so I pushed her and she pushed back so I punched her

Lol pics or it didn't happen/

fucking ebin Yea Forumsruddah

Pic of sister crying or didn’t happen

Should have slapped her utters

Post a vid punching her again

film her tears

make sure you cum in her face before you punch her again

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sexual strawberry shortcake

Threads like this prove that Yea Forums is just bored teenagers using it a anonymous social media.

Do you fap to clothed women you don't know in fb/insta threads aswell faggot? Please never make a thread ever again.

Not op but


Get out.

Attached: 6FDE097B-82C0-4CFE-BE0D-B6B64C2A9733.jpg (576x310, 53K)

Calm down. It's just one thread - hide it.

Clearly you don’t know about the female body

I can smell the autism from here.

Fucking well pointed out OP. How long you been here? Long time yea?

Obviously. It's your breath.

I'd tell you to go back to school but you haven't finished yet.

Get raped in the ass faggot

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017-07-14_at_10.20.17_AM.jpg (800x450, 39K)

How did you get away from your tard wrangler?

Not Op

What you hear it’s not her crying, it’s her moaning.

Do they still play crab soccer in middle school gym class?