Tell me I'm better, I need it.
Tell me I'm better, I need it
fuck no
grow a beard you look like a baby with muscles. cool muscles though.
the fuck is that face jesus christ OP
baby / ugly face with muscle body, is a sign of desparity and loneliness. Stay sad and insecure
I wish I was ripped
You are buff for a Down’s syndrome kud
what can I possibly do about my "babyface", huh? Your post is a sign of jealousy.
Trying to cuddle you would be like trying to cuddle a rolled up carpet, ladies love a bit of fat on their partner
No they don't go outside
glasses don't work for you, contacts would benefit you greatly
Do something with your hair please, it looks like shit. Your face is also fucked but you can't change that
what the fuck am i looking at?
you're an ugly cunt, sort your hair out, and for fuck sake lose the glasses. Good effort on the gym though user /fit/ would be proud!
You are going to die alone in front of your computer naked with gay porn still on the screen when they find you
and guess who will be on the screen, getting his ass pounded by a nigger? You!
why is my hair shit? I thought it's just normal hair, you know, default.
Dog turning its head sideways
Well your face isn't the prettiest, but you can't really do anything about that.
Your face is still far better looking than mine, that combined with your outstanding physique makes you very handsome in m comparison to me.
That said some contact lenses and a new haircut /hairstyle would do wonders.
It makes you look like a paedo. I'm not saying to need to go to some gay-ass salon and pay whatever is a lot in your country. But do go to a barber and spend a small amount, hair makes a huge difference
I'm better dude!
you are better
btw,do you like soup?
These threads should be called "baited normies react"
The cut is absolut garbage and the it has no styling whatsoever. Get a decent haircut and just use a bit gel. Showing that you care for your appearance is always a plus.
So this is what we're doing now?
Face is ugly as fuck, but why should you care?
If you'd be less of an insecure little faggot then you'd probably be pretty decent, after all you did get /fit/ and show discipline.
Well yeah. As I said even your rather unattractive face beats mine by a long run, though my hair style is better than whatever abomination you have.
Still beating a hugless virgin shouldn't be considered much of an accomplishment imo.
how is it a plus? Being a fucking rebel is a plus nowadays. First you complain that people care about looks and first impression too much and then you advise me to put a fucking gel on my hair? I passed that stage in middle-school, sorry.
theres a big fucking difference between being a rebel and looking like a tramp!
Ditch the fucking bowl cut.
switch your default from the $11 boys cut at great clips. would go a long way man
grow a beard and shave your head, i think you would rock that
Your lats are awful
You have the body of a Greek god, too bad you have the face of a Greek monster.
grow a beard, lose the haircut, the body you already have.
Its that easy.
Beard, haircut, new glasses that competent your face. Go to your barber and you'll feel great. Cheers
Chad or Chud?
I'd say the kid just needs to find the correct styling. A shaved head and a beard would work. Also contacts.
chad arms/torso, chud face
Get a real haircut. This isn't 1979. Also a beard and some contacts.
Because of that face no one will want to take off your shirt.
Look like a grade A faggot and maybe a jew
This. /thread
tramps are the best rebels because they are the proof you don't need much to be happy and most of happy people are forcing loads of shit.
Body is on point, now you need to do some face workouts and you're good to go.
notice the shape of his hair near the back of his head
Im way better looking than you faggot
still a redneck idiot
ill fuck you up
I fucking knew you are bloody stupid
atleast i have friends fag
gay friends. It's pretty clear to me that you repulse all females. Even fat ones.
unironically get contacts and a chad haircut that doesnt hide your forehead like a coward
Ill smash more girls in a night than you will in a lifetime
HAHAHHA holy fuck OP
is that really you or just good photoshop?
If it’s really you I’d be jellous
you can get a baggy jacket and prettend to have a slob body to match your face, and when some faggot tries to fuck with you, you just take off your jacket and shirt and watch them shit their pants.
seriously, you only need to shave your sides and forehead hair and you’ll be half descent (which is more than you need with that body
Change the glasses to a darker frame, the same height, but rectangular shaped not over. Shorter hair, and I agree with the goatee. Maybe darken your hair just a bit
Here is me on a weak day fantasizing over some slut
>ur perfect
clishe faggot!
Heres me chowing on real man food
Why are your eyes so close together
They arent close together, just not the same level