Daily reminder: genuine socialism has never once worked in the history of mankind

Daily reminder: genuine socialism has never once worked in the history of mankind

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Thats because true socialism has never been tried.

Its always some closet capitilist shithead who lets his greed ruin it for everyone.


Was the fact you were totally proven wrong in the last thread not good enough for you?

>real socialism has never been tried.

Soviet Union, Vietnam, China, Cuba, East Germany, Poland, France, Venezuela...

Ah, this shill retardation again.

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It has been tried and have failed literally every time. You need to stop the fantasy that you will never have to work.

You'd like to believe this.

>applies to all "free shit"

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i wanna fuck aoc so bad

AOC 2020

>Soviet Union

No longer communist.

More capitalist than anywhere else now.

Going through market reforms.

>East Germany
Reunited with West Germany and is now very capitalist.

Now capitalist.

When was France ever commie? At best it was left leaning capitalist.

How's that economic collapse going?

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Most people aren't actually arguing for literal socialism. Most people are arguing for more restrictions on capitalism and focusing tax spending on social programs. Politicians like Elizabeth Warren or even Bernie Sanders aren't actually economic socialists. It's really a tiny fraction that want, say, the government to take over currently private enterprises.

Your a dumb shit. What do you think taxes are?



Are all Captiallist systems where one guy got into the position to give himself most of the money.

>tell everyone you will give them free shit when you have the power to
>you get the power
>you give yourself all the shit
>take a massive dukie on everyone else.

>Most people aren't actually arguing for literal socialism.
Retarded college kids and their ilk are.

>Most people are arguing for more restrictions on capitalism and focusing tax spending on social programs.
Sounds like pic related.

>Politicians like Elizabeth Warren or even Bernie Sanders aren't actually economic socialists.
They're still retarded and economically illiterate.

>It's really a tiny fraction that want, say, the government to take over currently private enterprises.
A significant portion of the left.

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There are literally 2 of this exact same thread on the front page. Looks like the russian bots are at it again.

>When was France ever commie? At best it was left leaning capitalist.
i think he means the paris commune, which was during war time and a little part of a city actually denounced by marx himself

are you a billionaire? because if not you're shooting yourself in the foot if you're libertarian or ancap

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Without taxes we would have no army
Without an army we would belong to russia or china.

That's pretty funny then.

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>what are mercenaries
>what are private contractors

ah yes, because genuine capitalism totally worked out too.

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It's reduced global poverty more than anything else in the history of mankind. And let's not forget the prosperity and technological advancement. Yeah, I'd say it's doing great.

i swear to god have any of you taxation is theft retards the tiniest bit of knowledge about social contract and economics beyond pragerU and other Koch-funded propagandists

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I would rather pay for the great healthcare my family receives than pay nothing for shit healthcare that everyone can have. Anything the government gets involved in cost 10x more than the private sector. Normal business failures result in loss of business or investors, but not the government. There is literally no incentive or reason for them to give a fuck

>social contract
Where is this contract? Can I see it? When did I sign it?

>economics beyond pragerU and other Koch-funded propagandists
Oh no, it's retarded.

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user, antitrust laws and government funded technorogy aren't capitalism

enjoy the ancap utopia then, fuckwit

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>I would rather pay for the great healthcare my family receives than pay nothing for shit healthcare that everyone can have.
Someone who gets it!!

>Anything the government gets involved in cost 10x more than the private sector. Normal business failures result in loss of business or investors, but not the government. There is literally no incentive or reason for them to give a fuck
A smart person on Yea Forums? I thought I was the only one!

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The fact you have to resort to such a hilarious strawman says it all, doesn't it?

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Lol, are you one of those "taxation is theft" dumbasses?

>Where is this contract? Can I see it? When did I sign it?
this just shows how little fucking knowledge you have on this, read up on economic and political theory before pretending to know something next time

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What's scarier is, for these reasons, the free market wont allow socialized medicine to exist. In order for these fags to pull this off they'd have to abolish private healthcare.

National Socialism seemed to work wondrously in Germany in the 30's. If the world hadn't declared war on Germany for getting themselves out from under the thumb of the Jew banks we would have all adopted their system and would be sitting pretty right about now.

>read up on economic and political theory before pretending to know something next time
>coming from a leftist

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Trump wants to "Make America Great Again!" and the best place to start is with the tax system we had in the erra he is talking about as when america was last great.

%70 to %90 tax on the %1.

Because as we have had proven to us a dozen times, when you give the rich a tax break it does not help the middle class.
However on the flip side were we to tax all income over $5,000,000 a year at a rate of %90 the CEO's would either A. give their work force a massive pay raise and also demand top quality work from them or B. pay a stupid ammount of taxes into the system to support their underpaid workforce.

Walmart is able to pay its workers chicken feed to the point where most of its workforce is on anti poverty systems. They do this so its top dogs can make more in a year then most of thier workforce would need in a lifetime. they do this because they can never stoping to think about if they should.

Im hoping the devide in the demorcatic party will lead to a fucking common sense party.
>support gun rights
>support bans on post birth, partial birth and late term abortions
>support unions
>support taxing the rich at a high enough rate
>does not touch gender identity issues with a 39 and 1/2 foot pole
>supports strong borders
>support voter ID requirements

If the republicans would stop sucking CEO cock and start working for the people who elected them they would sweep the elections.
If democrats stopped trying to murder babies and take everyones guns they would sweep elections.

Right now our choices are blowing our brains out because we voted republican life sucks but at least we still have guns.
Or commiting sudoku because we voted dems and our life sucks and our guns are gone.

Isn't that how it goes? To get "free shit" you must lie cheat and steal and abolish human rights.

>because marxism isn't political and economic theory which is still widely adopted in academia

neither neoliberal capitalism nor centrally planned communism are effective in the post-industrial context, nor even market oriented authoritarianism given the wave of democratisation since the 1970s

we live in the post industrial world and this stupid cold war debate about the two great ideologies is irrelevant and only retards continue to seriously engage it

even though AOC says she's a dem soc she's hardly advocating for a centrally planned economy so OPs point and the xhole meme is meaningless

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A bunch of ivory tower morons who have never had to deal with real life. Why should anyone take anything they have to say seriously?

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What do you propose?


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And before the industrial revolution, every economy was agrarian based and the idea of basing your economy on something different was considered ridiculous.

Capitalism has been outgrown. A few morons will insist on living in the past, but-- much like the Amish-- they will become increasingly insignificant as time goes by.

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joining the #yanggang

I'd say it isn't working. Your public education has clearly failed to teach you what "socialism" is.

Capitalists gave a prize to someone who thinks like they do. That's just a circle-jerk without a point.

>Communism totally hasn't miserably failed every time it's been tried.
>It's not like millions upon millions have died for it.

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>A chink
>A chink who supports social credit

Your economic illiteracy offends me.

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far sight better than what we have now which is just managed decline and accelerating precarity

Why you roasting me I agree socialism is huge gay

how mad left wing policies that work in every other remotely civilized country makes Yea Forums and /pol/ is amazing, it's a delicious treat every time.

but don't you know europe is breaking down due to migrants and antifa? this is totally real trust me man

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I don't want the government controlling what I do and think via Social Credit thank you.

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Name one left wing policy that works. And I mean left wing, not social democrat because that's capitalist.

Get out of here

Back to Twitter with you

I don't care. I want to see you in the gulag, comrade. I want your family to wait in line for 4 hours to buy a pair of shoes that don't fit. This country is fucked anyway, might as well get some jollies out of it.

>posts left wing politician

The excuses begin, amazing

"name one left wing policy that works, except all those left wing policies that work"

There are five of these threads with the same copypasta. She must really scare this guy.

the people who say this are the ones who whined about the individual mandate - they didn't want to be responsible and get insurance, but if they get sick you bet your ass they'll go to the emergency room and use it as a "free" clinic.

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Do you understand the difference between left wing and social democrat? I'll give you a clue... Left wing is socialism/communism and social democrat is capitalism.

you sound like a freeloader


just like this thread

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this isn't /pol/ retard

irrelevant to what I said - go back to fucking your dog, kid. You got nothing to say.

>coming from a commie

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did you say that when they handed obama a nobel peace prize for the same reason?

you do realize the left wing is not just socialism and communism do you? any sane person counts social democracy as left of center

is american education this shit?

>capitalism is now left wing when I like what it does

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Dont forget hitler was in the Nazi socialist party. The Nazi party took away guns from the public, then started rounding up jews and others and killing them. The common man had no way of fighting back because they had no guns, thus no power.

Socialism is a mistake because it concentrates too much power to the rich elites and government

look at this retard

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>Socialism is a mistake because it concentrates too much power to the rich elites and government

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>an unconditional citizens income is somehow the same as the chinese social credit system
>implying we dont already have something approaching a social credit system anyway given health insurance trickery and credit ratings

but of course, when faceless corporate entities are doing it, its not a problem

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last time i checked idiot right wingers claimed 100 million
can you fucking decide what lie you're gonna tell?

Try again faggot

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that guy in the middle looks like fucking Rick Sanchez kek


but one is based on prohibition and punishment, the other is based on inducement and reward, so the comparison is pretty weak

when you consider the pace of economic change, automation, the zero marginal cost economy, you're going to have to have structures to redirect energy into third sector work - be it caring, volunteering, engaging in art - that is valuable but not profitable in the conventional sense

the typically socialist response would be a jobs program but those are often ineffective, surely what yangs proposing would be a better way

"Mommy mommy help, the mean man online doesn't care about my prescriptive definitions"

"Sorry son, you can't change what words mean just because your opinion is trash"

A day in the life of (you)

Yes because most social programs aren’t pathological entities just like big businesses corporations.


the fact that it has, and well, is why you're so scared


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whats it like drinking jordan peterson's cologne as a means of masturbation?

If it weren't for Capitalism you wouldn't be living the sweet, easy, cushy life you're living now. You'd actually have to have a JOB!


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But that’s not true Communism !

Sorry lol. I couldn’t even type this with a straight face.

>>tell everyone you will give them free shit when you have the power to
>>you get the power
>>you give yourself all the shit
>>take a massive dukie on everyone else.

That is the PERFECT description of EVERY socialist system that's ever existed. If you don't believe me you can ask
>Fidel Castro
>Che Guevara
>Joseph Stalin
>Kim Jong-un
>Pol Pot
>Ho Chi Minh
>Nicolás Maduro Moros
>Samora Machel
>Mao Zedong (Who established the world's largest slave colony.)
>Nikolay Matveyev
>Ion Gheorghe Maurer
>Mengistu Haile Mariam

And me. Yes, me! I used to be a Communist until I woke up and realized it's all an incredible lie designed to put small and petty men (and women) into positions of power where they can control your entire life.

>"genuine socialism" means whatever I pull out my ass

You’re talking to a Capitalist

Your response just proves how intellectually stupid you are.

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Neither has capitalism, if we're being honest.

This image is misleading. Communism has been tried many times and it worked a lot of those times.
Worked, as in being a system for obtaining power. As shown by the fact that Mao, Stalin etc. held undisputed power for many years.
It worked perfectly.

>entire argument is "lul whats the difference between businesses and government running a service
>uses the word intellectually
>has reaction images

Wow yikes, hows sucking off jordan peterson while you pay for his daughters weird meat books?

I see a bunch of successes there.

>150 million dead
>this is supposed to be a bad thing
Overpopulation is the greatest danger to humanity.