Other urls found in this thread:
This rapist has a 13 year old girlfriend.
Jesus Christ of later day saints, this is the weakest ylyl thread I have ever seen
Where's that obsessed piece of shit who stalks you in every thread and tells you to take your meds? I heard his mother has an infection in her dirty cunt.
take your meds
You heard right.
Classic trolling
I'd have the same reaction... shaking with his left hand
Truly, much better to shake the hand they wipe with
how else would I get my stool transfusions?
I don’t get it ?
it'd be hilarious if she got impeached
A very far right wing "charity" filed this complaint with no real evidence, and was only reported by Breitbart.
Hilarious that conservatives eat this up.
You should visit some rekt threads
Fuckin gottem
autism: the image
weird that they made sure to spread some characters out (ex: fox robin hood and his girl maid maryann) but yet they made sure that lola bunny sucking off bugs as properly should be...
Hmmm...So he was behind that!?
Why do you only ever see white kids shooting up their schools?
Oil drilling is a job of the past. If that worker wants to keep working, let him apply to the millions of renewable energy jobs opening up.
Can we get some Sesame Street pics? To be specific, the ones with the random picture and a caption that makes it a part of a dark joke?
both pics related btw
There are actual people who think US democrats are extremists. They're not even left of center.
Booker is behind Antifa.
You heard it here first.
I like these you live you learn threads
>the past.
Lmao you ideologue
No, this image depicts that these 4 particular members are pushing the Dems to a dangerous point where the party could become very disbeneficial to society and/or our country. Moreover, every group or organization has extremists, whether or not this political cartoon is saying that these particular politicians are or aren't. Besides, if EVERY member of a group had a set of beliefs or conduct that could label them as extremists, this would only set the bar higher for being considered an extremist, unless the party's core beliefs or ideology are extreme.
US Democratic party is gone to far to the left for it to be palatable for presidential elections, 2020 is literally theirs to lose and they're doing a pretty good job of that. American public does not want the kind of policies being evangelized by the the likes of Bernie or Cortez, yes they want health care but they don't want medicare for all, they also don't want free colleges, americans in general don't want free anything in principle, but they will take free money to pay for it, it may sound like semantic differences but it matters on election day.
Here you go, fellow user.
When the next war was already there, it became boring in the world. Americans, are you even trying?
The cartoon wasnt calling anyone extremists; your argument is a logical fallacy.
Because niggers don't go to school and just kill each other in the ghettos.
Niggers don't go to school, they shoot their neighborhood
This is because Americans are retards
>someone who has different ideas than me is retarded
maybe you oughta grow up friendo
Bots replying to bots, the future of Yea Forums
Join Discord
E-Girls and Boys, Nudes, Lewds, Boipussy (Traps/Femboys), Memes and the potential to get mod just from posting.
Also but not limited to....
E-Sex, Dropbox, Megafiles, Vola, Meetups, VC, Links, Snapchat adds and more
Take this garbage to another website. If you actually find that funny I hope you get cancer.
Nah, renewable energy is for faggots, we need more nuclear reactors.
lost hard
>searching for gay blowjob
>there isn't any
yikes thats wholesome
not an argument
Not true. AP already confirmed the investigation is ongoing
Some points don't apply, but very accurate image overall
Fucking perfect
>implying the average Yea Forumstard wouldn't jump at the opportunity to fuck a furry foxgirl
It all makes sense now
who is this guy and what did he do? can yes give me a link or smth?
and why is he in every thread?
The left just can’t handle the fact their propaganda machine isn’t functioning the way they want it
based SWATChadz I forgot about that show.
point 12 is true, my dick does that. If only I knew that, back when I was dating my now wife.
This dude is based.
I love how there is a guy to the side waiting his turn to refill her mouth
I have a joke for you:
America, family takes their son to surgeon because of knee pain.
Surgeon takes one look and says: "Well, looks like it's gender dysphoria, we'll have to cut off your son's penis".
The family is angered and they go to a different doctor.
He says "Jeez, those crazy surgeons only want to cut off something. Here, I'll prescribe you these pills and the penis will fall off by itself"
Unless you're sucking the balls of the AP's lead editor and have information that they haven't actually fucking published, then you're lying through your cum covered teeth you mayonnaise filled ziploc
Actual true story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down
>that sheer blind liberal anger
That is true, but would you participate in that particular orgy with those furries drawn that way?
Why are ameritards giving this attention whore attention?
Ad hominem is the lowest form of debate but it's the only thing a conservative uses
fuck it, roll
Right? Sometimes I feel like not every single aspect of the world has given in and catered to gay lifestyles. Very disappointing.
She's a liberal politician that's calling on her conservative constituents bullshit with no fucks given, and is finally focusing on issues that liberals have wanted for year, but her party has been afraid to do.
>Ad hominem is the lowest form of debate but it's the only thing a liberal uses
What we need is more research towards nuclear fusion, no one wants to build a nuclear reactor and have it be useless a few years later because there's fusion reactors everywhere
Eins zwei Polizei
drei vier Grenadier
i had a dream Scooter died
lemme google
Fünf Sechs Alte Hex
Sieben Acht Gute Nacht
Cause black people dont go to school they shoot up their neighborhood
Unfunny copypasta
>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
You mean the ones paying attention?
perfect for eachother
Who hasn't?
>It’s unclear what the FEC will do. They could launch an investigation or choose not to take action. A spokesman for the FEC confirmed that the agency had received the complaint, but declined further comment.
fucking lobotomized mongoloids. Meme magic may have gotten orange man elected, but you shitbirds sunk 2020 your own damn self.
Nah, looks more like orange jews to me
Dont be jealous, lil incel.
oh, (you)
what if your brain "digested" the news about Keith Flint dying and made this connection
also this song isn't by Scooter BTW, it's Mo-Do. link just in case youtu.be
Highly offensive meme I saved the other day.
Fuck this hit really close to home.
>you shitbirds sunk 2020 your own damn self
>sunk 2020
The denial is strong in this one. Don't you ever second guess yourselves while you do the same mistakes like last time? Suits me I guess
she ticks the PC boxes, city dwellers know she pisses off republicans so they advertise her all over the internet, not realizing the rest of the country can't stand her.
Comedy gold haha, libtards stay butthurt
ye roll
The I'm smarter than everyone else narrative is cringeworthy and why I left that shitty party.
rolling for based boomer
Not 100% accurate but close enough.
link pls
> hook electricity to the water
not an argument
It's mirrored you retard
not an argument is not an argument
Fuck off, samefag
The good old StuG III F.
all except that crypto crap.
God damn that's fucking accurate
fuck I wanted to be peter
circles are hard
Go back to instagram
Glad to hear you have a brain user. I'm assuming you are talking about the dems? Who'd you pick next time? Yang? Gillibrand? God forbid, Harris?
cold water pipe could be ground and/or neutral
metal gas line could provide a single phase
develop fancy locking connectors that disconnect safely
That's a trip to think a out.
This is fake news, already debunked, better luck next time. have fun sucking that shit log
Boomer here- save this image. It's truth.
traced from a pokemonXdigimon one from 15 years ago
"more conservative" hahaha those fags dont deserve that title. Check out the national debt, Its skyrocking under their "leadership". These last 2 years have been a joke. They dont care about making us great, they are just lining their pockets and were stuck with the cum drippings. wake up people, take the red pill
sorry derp canda is amercan
oh shit nigga
Rolling to become user who made this incredible strawman collection
Pic related
going to the monastery is a really good idea, free housing and food is a real pro,
few of my friends went to a monastery for a couple of years
best pasta on the internet.
Im starting to like that bitch, shes pretty gangster
>no wonder they call it a murder
laughed out loud
Best advice I’ve ever read on this shitstained site
It's all true, you know
Not even funny
ZAP while you TAP
His wife used to burn people by putting a gas soaked tire round their necks and lighting it.
What a perfect picture, you pretending to be maga when really you're crying over your crashing and burning party.
Perfect kek.
can someone translate the cyrilic
Fucking Slinky eyes pieces of shit
You just don't get gun delivery like that outside of the U.S.
Found the britcuck.
i really don't like this
I think you meant to say, Gooks.
Rice Niggers.
How do they not cut off the circulation to their calfs/feet?
Slav magic.
His name is Jared.\:
You’ve failed the autism test
Talk about a failure of evolution
That’s the butthola borealis in southern alaska
Well, fuck.
i thought it was eggs
This actually makes me sad. I like whale sharks.
unironically defending ben garrison autism
wtf I HATE mark zuckerburg now
It's a domesticated goat bred for large horns. The horn didn't kill it either it was shot.
that*s so retarded...
Pathetic when the right makes things up about the left that don't come close to the shit that they are actually getting caught doing regularly. This will go no where believe that.
No. Try again, Ivan.
kek, thanks for the laugh
It’s a ylyl thread not a cringe thread leave
Holy shit fucking lol
Within 2 seconds this user just predicted this retards next post Fucking screen capped
New ylyl thread
Jesus what a trip.....
> not an argument
G-gu-guys? Isn't this a YLYL thread? Why don't we all just calm down, p-put down the knife we're all friends here
Wow. These Zuckerburg memes were funny but this shit is just.... dark.
Perhaps it’s meant to be.
Also clearly the little shit in the story is familiar with Buddhist koan of “hanging from a cliff”. Little fucker.
*isnt familiar
Not SWAT cats too
Well I occasionally like to to trigger people that don’t think like me and have pointless arguments on here. It brings me laughs and that’s the point of the thread.
Granted it doesn’t do anything for the non pretentious, well adjusted folks who just come here to laugh without arguments but fuck ‘em for being so well adjusted and self validated.
Shouldn't it have a shop on every cormer?
Its funny how scared the right is of her
Holy fucking shit this isn’t a citation you realize that don’t you? I’m not even gonna tell why because you really should know what’s missing.
Goddamn you’re fucking dumb. But you have the Russians to blame for your room temperature IQ so no worries.
This post is the textual version of this meme kek
Why would they be scared? What do they have to fear?
How so? The text version has the mask removed now doesn’t it?
i still don't get it after the 100th time.
I'm gen X and I just wanna confirm this. All of it. Based.
Me ven rolando
>Well I occasionally like to to trigger people that don’t think like me and have pointless arguments on here. It brings me laughs and that’s the point of the thread.
That is the most, 'I'm triggered but desperately pretending not to be' sentence ever.
Nice thumbnail asshat.
>Granted it doesn’t do anything for the non pretentious, well adjusted folks who just come here to laugh without arguments but fuck ‘em for being so well adjusted and self validated.
Think it over.