Daily reminder: Genuine socialism has never once worked in the history of mankind

Daily reminder: Genuine socialism has never once worked in the history of mankind

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Define socialism

Define socialism before we continue.

Daily reminder: Genuine capitalism has also never once worked in the history of mankind. It's always a mixed system of both capitalism and socialism.

Socialism isn’t compatible with reality. It always relies on capitalism to fund it. It’s a cancer that feeds off its host, capitalism, until it sucks it dry.

She's sure living rent free in your head, OP. XD

Neither capitalism

It works perfectly. I work hard all day at my security job at Walmart, the government takes 50% of all my money, then gives it to brown people that commit crime all day.
Back in my day, it was so much better when we let the Catholic church decide who got charity.

As opposed to trickle down economics?

And are you not talking about communism at this point? Socialism is in use in several nations around the world, just not in a fully implemented way, because most if not all of said countries also has democracy so that the amount is regulated based on political influences by the parties pushing the ideology.

It can't work as long as you only take from the poor to give to the poorer.
Take the money where it is. They don't own it despite what they're saying.

>With is social democracy

Seems to work fine for the financial institutions and car companies that took somebody else's money when they went to the wall.
Corporate welfare is just fine and dandy.

>Back in my day, it was so much better when we let the Catholic church decide who got charity.

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This is probably some Palmer Luckey funded meme propaganda shitposting (theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/09/revenge-of-the-nerds/501344/).

AOC and Bernie have never advocated actual socialism. They're discussing 'democratic socialism' which is completely different and working great in dozens of countries around the world.

Hope you're enjoying the 57 cents you got for posting this OP.


So the public roads and schools are feeding off capitalism until they suck it off?

>This sorry ass thread again

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>so much better when we let the Catholic church decide who got charity
So it was better for the altar boys?

Name one example of a successful, purely capitalist society.

Some form of it is currently working in almost every first world country except the U.S., and if you're going to respond with a picture of someone in a burka and say that the U.S. should be more Russia or some shit then you can kys.

That’s not socialism, moron.

>be me
>socialism bad
>give tax breaks for 50 Million dollar jets
>build airports that said private jets land at with tax money
>stupid peasants can't come onto the airport unless they own private plane
>me make $7 an hour sucking andys shit logs
>Pay higher tax rate then billionaires that own walmart
>wait a sec
>im stupid cuck fag
>The jew fox has been pumping me full of neo-cum
>realize now, Publicans just fucking me all along
>still vote 2020 trump
>suck it libtards

You mean like how the banks were bailed out with other people's money under a primarily capitalist system?

Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy would be close.

It is though.

So no source?

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And all those social democracies are cutting back while still taxing everyone at at least 50%. It eventually sucks a society dry. You will always run out of money.

>Feeding off capitalism
>Not socialism

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So no example?

I love how they have no response either.

>National Socialism
>close to purely capitalist
>lasted ~12 years

The source is the lack of any such examples in history.

No, it’s not. Socialism doesn’t mean anything that uses tax money to fund it. Education and commerce

Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Any capitalist country who's oil hasn't run out.
Keep in mind those countries we're shitholes before they had an oil based economy and probably still would be if they had never discovered oil there

so successful neither are still around.

>we are witnessing actual liberal hysterics

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It’s not feeding off capitalism. It’s making capitalism possible. Nice try, Odildo.


>Socialism doesn’t mean anything that uses tax money to fund it
Sure it does. Rather than being privatized, these things are socialized.

This is stupid as fuck. Australia's marginal tax rate is 10-30% depending on your income, and the universal healthcare system is funded to the extent it can be run indefinitely. Canada and the UK's systems are similar. At least learn what you're talking about before posting.

Socialism has been supporting capitalism since the very first city.

Fine. Socialised roads

>Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Not purely capitalist, sorry.

So you actually admit that socialism is making capitalism possible?
>Public schools and colleges educate for jobs which pay back into the system, continuing the system
>Public roads help to keep the production and products moving, thus helping making capitalism possible
Whew you walked right into it.

I still don't understand how some people don't understand this, and would rather try to semantically undermine the logical argument

Not only the banks, don't forget:
>Fannie Mae
>Freddie Mac

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Is giving billionaires taxpayers’ money to build a billion dollar sports stadium socialism?

Norway is 99% white.

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They are the closest thing we've got to it other than somalia

You are a fucking idiot. I don't call repression working

the united states military

And this is why people don't vote Bernie. They don't understand what Democratic Socialism is.

God fucking dammit. It seems like everybody I know (I'm in Texas) is aggressively against socialism because they think it's communism, and they can't even define communism when asked. They all hate communism because Jesus told them to. These fucking retards don't even realize that their goddamn military is socialist.

>It's becuz dey white
>Here look at my ironclad blog post
>We wuz vikankgz sheet
Ok mutt

>Mussolini asks people to please work

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The whole point is that a successful example doesn't exist. Some might be "closer" than others, but none of them meet the criteria.

The government doesn't take 50% of your money numbnuts. You probably don't pay any taxes at the federal level working your BS mall cop job besides FICA. You are however defending the Walton twins whom you work for that definitely should be taxed at a 50% level.

The same people who believe socialism won’t work because in their eyes “it’s never worked” are the ones who keep trying to convince other that trickle down economics works.

Did you bother to do your own research, or are you regurgitating what was spoon-fed to you by /pol/?

A simple Google search proves you wrong.

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He chose which companies could produce what under the auspices of the state. It wasn't freedom. It only works if you are a bootlicker that never differs from the state ideology. Which since you are a stormfront addled automaton you probably prefer it that way, the people that do your thinking for you tell you what to do.

>Saudi Arabia is capitalist
You know that most Saudi citizens are employed by the government right?
>government jobs are capitalism

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Hurrr i know company names im so educated

And my point is that capitalism isn't sustainable and only promotes short term gains

Of course not because you are talking to a stormfag robot. He can't handle that the world is in chaos for a variety of reasons that require nuanced responses. So instead he just blames it on darkies and joos to simplify the process.

They were literally bailed out with taxpayer (i.e. 'other people's') money.

I'm sorry you don't know basic history of economics. I truly, truly feel sorry for you.

>Wut is state capitalism

you don't even know the basis of any of these economic systems. until you've read more history *not your fucking ideological bullshit online blogs* then you will begin to understand how a.)incredibly misinformed you are and, b.) how the belief system you ascribe to now makes you a tool of the elite. you have been sold a bill of goods friend. the chances of you personally working your way to the elite through hard work and dedication are significantly less than you winning the lottery. you have never read das Kapital or Adam Smith's economic philosophy. Give it a rest, you make the people who know weary with your bullshit.

>Which since you are a stormfront addled automaton you probably prefer it that way, the people that do your thinking for you tell you what to do.
Like Trump supporters?

i think welfare should be fixed so that it becomes a system that introduces you to higher paying jobs, making an incentive to make more money, rather than being a threshold to beat in one massive leap in your pay.

God if I have to put /s on everything we might as well all go to reddit

>Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Any capitalist country who's oil hasn't run out.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Those countries have a lot of benefits from the government.

Qatari healthcare at a glance. ... The healthcare system is available to all; whether you are a national, expatriate or a tourist. Qatar has a public health service that provides free or highly subsidised healthcare and, generally speaking, it is of an excellent standard

In 2002, the Saudi health system was established by a Royal decree to insure the provision of comprehensive and integrate health care to all population in Saudi Arabia in a fair minded, organized and affordable manner.

Or we could just do away with welfare and move to a universal basic income.

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Shh, the kids don't know that.

Attack the messenger when you don't have an answer.

oh nice another russian troll. how many rubles do you get per post comrade?

why do red states take so much money in subsidies and welfare from blue states? And then whine about socialism (most of you don't know this happens). Socialism works great for durrrrrrrrrrrrrr trumpanzees. What's the catch. Why do you lazy fucks get to take money, but the rest of the nation can't? Serious question

(inb4 California durka durrrrrrrr) Cali's a multi-trillion dollar economy, they have enough to feed their people millions of times.

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The dumb ones sure. There have to be some thoughtful thinkers in that group. Trump isn't 100% bad. That's what is missing is nuance. This your either my tribe or dead wrong BS is a cancer on society. The weakness of democracy seems to be long term planning but I don't want to replace it with authoritarian state just to get shit done.

>lets pay people money so they can feed it back to the 1%


man, you posted something that listed its references as a blog? that's a good one, user. tell us another story.

I think all welfare programs need a hard deadline.

If you're pbysically fit enough to find a job you have 1 year to do so and get on your feet. After which time your benefits are reduced to 0, your name/soc sec number are black listed, and you are ineligible to reapply for any assistance for any reason until such time as you can prove you have income.

This would apply to male/female alike and race would not play any factor whatsoever.

Well I guess I'm wrong. They're successful societies thanks to a degree of socialism

How is spending an extra $1,000 a month in local businesses and local farmers is really going to benefit the 1%?

Agreed. Fuck authoritarian state.
Just wish there weren't so many retards that we had to make laws for them.

Everyone on the right hates socialism until they hit 65 and then they suddenly love thier socialism. The boomer mentality seems to be fuck you I got mine and you can't take that away from me. But also fuck you for trying to ensure younger people eventually enjoy the same treatment.

because they are idiots. they're perfectly happy to call the police if they need to, or the firefighters if they need to. they don't complain about driving on paved roads or over bridges.

i mean if you're true red blooded americans don't drive on roads built by taxpayer money. don't drive over bridges built because the government supplied the funds for them. exercise your american right. build your own roads, or swim across rivers or creeks to get to where you need to go.

capitalism => incentive to make better things bc youll make fuck ton of money and get bitches. socialism => i cured cancer but i only got $4. if i clean bullshit all day, ill make the same as a doctor, why even go to med school?

yeah thats going to fix things.

Lets just cast away the poor , thats never going to cause any problems.

By definition 50% of people are dumber than average. Also 50% of people are more of an asshole than average. The rub is no one thinks they are dumb assholes even though at least 25% of them must be.

Because it's not going to be spent in those places. We all know it's going to be spent on cigarettes and whoppers

gross niggers in tha hood: fuck it i can just feed to the nasty cirlce of kill ppl and rob them and then have my friends killed so i have to avenge them lmao

This is one of the few reminders that are important enough to have daily.

But people will still vote for it. The allure of not working is very strong.

I think you underestimate the amount of people who would actually see utility in that money, rather than just a way to get fatter and sicker.

UBI shouldn't be seen as the solution, but it would be useful if used in conjunction with some sort of life/career planning.

so, you have universal basic income of 1k a month.

do you honestly spend it on local businesses and local farms?
You might, but i think 90% of society will just buy new kicks, a new phone every month, etc.

And even the money you put in local businesses, where do you think it ends up?

The system of government that has killed more than any other. No go ahead and say capitalism so I can have a laugh.

Thank God there are intelligent people itt.

Thumbs up gentlemen, I'm glad you get it!
These kids tiny minds have been warped by fuckery. Hopefully they're just too young to have been through proper civics classes.

It is crazy that anything that used to be the job of government is now socialism. Since Newt Gingrich everything the government fits into one of these three categories.
1) Socialism because it costs money and the rich pay more taxes
2) Government regulatory overreach that is strangling the job creators
3) Needed government spending on the military or you aren't a patriot and want our troops to die.

This is all pants on head retarded because the wealthy have never had it better than they do now.

>taxes pay for roads and everyone uses roads so that's socialism and that's why socialism works

If you actually think the dichotomy between socialism and capitalism is this simple, you clearly know nothing but dogma and rhetoric.

Income equality =/= income equity.

Bernie and all those other racist leftists believe in equity. UBI isn't that.

I'm talking about casting away only those who CAN but WON'T work. If there is a legitimate reason (medical, physical/mental handicap etc) then whatever.

My problem is with the hoodrats that pop out another niglet every 9 months just so they can say "gib me muh moneez"

Even a part time job at a fast food place would count for some kind of assistance.

An economic system has killed more than any other?

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hey, if there were no war that ended it, they still wouldv've been going strong

Bullshit ! Nazi Germany was National Socalist and so was Fascist Italy. K y s

if im being honest, i dont. i was talking out of my ass

the free market rules until it doesn't. if america was truly capitalist it wouldn't have bailed out the banks with almost a trillion dollars of taxpayer money.

which they then promptly used to give themselves bonuses because they did such a good job fucking over the economy.

No, system of government. But it has killed more than any other in human history.

I think you can invert that figure and be partially right. I made another comment about life planning centers. Most people have shit parents and know nothing about how not to be a shit citizen. UBI should be used in conjunction with this.

I don't think 90% of people give a shit about new shoes. As for "where it goes" question, it's not like the money would sit in that local business. It would be used to buy more goods, employ more or pay better, etc. This money isn't just sitting around in most cases, it's constantly being moved throughout the economy.

By that logic, North Korea is a Democratic Republic country.

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Are you retarded? Socialism is an economic system.

Capitalism backed by the state is the definition of a socialist government me boy. Argh! Argh! Arrrr!

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Authoritarianism has killed more people than any other system. Ignore the marketing the actual difference between North Korea, Nazi Germany, Pol Pots Cambodia, and Stalin's Russia is very slight. All are run by one dictator that gets to pick the successor and there are no human rights.

They call North Korea the DPRK which are all lies. They called Nazism National Socialism which it ceased to have any resemblance to after the night of the long knives. The USSR under Stalin looked very similar to Tzarist Russia prior to the revolution.

pure capitalism doesn't work
pure socialism doesn't work

you need a decent mix of the two, because i agree that people should be able to make the money they deserve to make, but also you shouldn't heartlessly neglect those that can't for whatever reason.

people will take advantage of welfare sure, but the rich take advantage of loopholes in laws with capitalism because they have the money to influence the politicians to make the laws that protect them ..

life isn't fair, but making life as fair as possible for the most amount of people would be better than the massive inequality we have now.

have you put any more thought into this than "i fucking hate black people and i hope they would all just get shot"?

yes, and in our current economical situation, the money seems to pool up in certain peoples hands.

Do you think UBI would magically change that?


>a collection of people has killed more people than a single person.

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Daily reminder: Pure capitalism doesn't work because for-profit corporations shouldn't be in charge of things like deciding if people should live or die e.g. health insurers

Unfortunately since Goldwater moved the Republicucks to the right and since Regan moved the Demonrats to the right we no longer have an actual liberal party. There are members of the Demonrats trying to pull the party back left. Apparently anything more moderate than Nixon is going to lead to Stalin's USSR 2: electric bugaloo according to the far right. Of course it won't. We need to find a way to have a soft landing as the American Empire in slowly sunsetted by the inevitable rise of the East.

america truly is full of cucks who want blacks to breed their wives and the rich to fuck them in the ass. CAPITALISM LAWL

No I don't think UBI would be the sole driver behind it. The biggest misconception about UBI proponents is that we think it's the cure-all solution to everything. It's not. But the economy game is changing (automation being the biggest driver in this) and we have to change along with it.

I think we should support buying from local businesses along with UBI. And if someone had an extra grand to spend each month, then they (if the LB was more expensive than a corporation) wouldn't mind spending an extra couple bucks to support that LB.

I'm aware of the optimism here and I bounce back and forth between pessimism and optimism about the human race. I think things are able to change if we stop dicking around.

Daily Reminder: This is not an argument.

And this is not a president

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This one is.

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>couldn't define it

Yep. This is what you lost to. How sad is that?

Didn't we all lose? That's more tragic.

Oh look another worthless uneducated white nigger who has no idea what socialism is but his GOP masters have instructed him to fear it and cry about it like an 80 year old. Go mop a floor, pale ape. You lose yet again

Not even close to true. More made up bullshit so some fat white nigger can pretend his crybaby agenda has any merit, which it does not
>imagine being a low wage peasant ape who will stop at nothing to defend billionaires who wouldn’t piss on his white nigger family if they were on fire


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Not me. I made it in fantastic fashion. I always do. Because I know you quite well.

Are you a sandanista? Because if so the CIA needs to smuggle more heroin to fund a death squad to get rid of the stragglers

it aint tho

Awww look, a worthless uneducated illiterate white nigger crying about niggers in broken gibberish when he’s just like the niggers that bring tears to his eyes, socioeconomically speaking. Great lulz.

No, I have read about them extensively. Socialism and Marx are shit. It’s not based on reality. The dumbfuck didn’t take into account human nature or different desires and thinks everything is based on class warfare. I haven’t been sold a bill of goods. There is no such thing as economic equality. All socialism is does is guarantee an even wealthier and smaller elite with everyone else equally poor.

To all the people saying universal health care is too expensive the Sanders plan (which is terrible BTW. It needs copays to make sure people have some skin in the game) is slated to cost us 30 trillion over the next 15 years. Our existing system is slated to cost us over 50 trillion over the same time period. We have a distribution problem not a resource problem.

>Based on class warfare

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Are you 57? You sound like a dumb white nigger uncle babbling at Christmas after too many beers. Pathetic crybaby bitch. “B-but duh niggers have too many kids and I don’t know any personally but I see duh memes and they make me sad and cry”

>my unique brand of ism has never been tried!

No one cares but you, dumb white nigger.

And he’s a massive and ineffective failure. Tax breaks that screw the working class while enriching the 1% and now record high trade deficit. What a loser. No wall, no infrastructure, no Hillary in jail. A con man who is beloved by the dumbest white nigger trash. Go mop a floor janitor. It’s all you’re good for.

Dude. There hasn't been meaningful cash welfare in the US since Clinton. The unemployment rate is 3.8%. The problem you should be worried about is people having to have too many jobs to live not a tiny tiny fraction of people that don't work. We spend far far far more on imprisonment than assistance. Don't even start with the military bloat.

Trade deficit means nothing. It is a meaningless metric. It is crazy how he focused on that and then it went UP.

>claims to have read Marx
>clearly never read Marx as evidenced by his laughable post
>saw a meme about Marx and read a post on pol
>typical dumb white nigger.

Kek only an uneducated chimp thinks the trade deficit has no meaning. Are you retarded or do you have no idea how economic systems operate?
>Hurr durr American companies are getting destroyed by foreign entities and selling less product is no big deal guise srsly.

Isn’t cuba socialist?
It’s no worse than any other shitty american 3rd world country

Marx said all conflict boils down to class warfare and struggle. That’s why he came up with socialism. Pretty simple. Eliminate classes.

Marx directly said that all conflict is based on class warfare. That belief was the basis for creating a classless society, which is socialism. Pretty simple.

Dude you are describing Communism, not socialism. Socialism was just an economy system that was supposed to be for people.

if it is not fully implemented then it is not socialism you mental acrobat. You can have part of some social program like healthcare. Socialism does not equal free market. No country has real democracy, most countries are republics with constitutions and elected officials who govern.

No. Communism is what happened when implementing socialism was attempted. Socialism lacks classes. That is why the means of production are owned by the people. Class struggle is a major theme of the moron, Marx. Speaking of Marx, we have Germany to thank for most of the assholes of the last 150 years.

Then there really ARE hot singles in your area dying to me you!

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No. Communism is what happened when, as you stated, the elite took control and leeched off the people through socialism. That is like saying that capitalism doesn't work because Fascist countries used it as an economy system.

That wasn't a definition

Go read up a but more my man. We are getting PRODUCTS for that money that make. life cheaper for citizens. Janet Yellan said Trump has zero grasp of monetary policy and she is absolutely correct. Trade deficit doesn't effect GDP or growth at all. It does lower inflation though. American manufacturing of low value added products are getting destroyed by globalization but high value added companies and service companies do better. That's the way the markets work. We aren't going to be manufacturing textiles again in the US because it is cheaper elsewhere. We will be manufacturing satellite components though. Don't stick your head in the sand and bitch about the Asian ascendancy. We need to plan for it. Multilateral trade deals gave us leverage and he walked away from them. China was more than happy to take up the slack.

Sorry man it isn't going to be 1950 again where the entire rest of the world had been ravaged by war and we could export like crazy. Maybe his unilateral trade deal will pan out. But we already had a great framework set up that would have made our products more competitive and he walked away.

Tarrifs make products more expensive and is inflationary. Just like unneeded tax stimulus. He is either a con man playing on your ignorance or he has no idea about macro economics. Take your pick because it is one of those two things

There are no classes in socialism. Why are you trying to refute a basic tenet of socialism, in fact the main tenet.

Ignorance is bliss.

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>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms.
Interesting. I see nowhere in this about classes.

Well if there are no classes in socialism it will never work as whole fuckin nature and evolution is based on classes and hierarchy. It's in our DNA.

Shut the fuck up

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I mean, it brought Russia from a feudal shithole into space...

>feudal shithole
>literaly saved the world from nazi germany

Looks legit

>Social patterns are in our dna
According to what fucking blog?

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lol nobody cares. we're already fucked, so i'm fine taking the whole ship down. you're gonna join us in this shit whether you like it or not.

Are you dense? The entire premise of Marx’s idea of socialism came about because he believed class warfare was the reason behind all social problems. He wanted to eliminate classes. Of course he doesn’t mention classes in what he describes because classes don’t exist in his idea. It’s oretty simple. Marx seed class struggle as the reason for all ills in society. Marx creates a system that gets rid of classes.

>What is alpha male?

Again you are describing Communism.
a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Ease off the stimulants and try to compose a post that doesn’t sound like the ranting of a college dropout on coke. Your position is muddled and it appears you didn’t even read the post you’re replying to. Your assertion that one can only be a con man or ignorant is absurdism, and no one brought up the “Asian ascendency” Kek. You spit out a bunch of tired tropes and cliches that all trump defenders use. Your stance of critiquing trump also appears to be a tool of subterfuge, a way you can appear neutral when you are anything but.

AOC 2020

Hells yes my brother. AOC needs to be and is going to be President. Probably one of the best too.

Not you

>Class structure is based on how alpha you are
Oh I didn't realize that you were 12

There is only one definition of socialism:
>state or public ownership of the means of production

Every other definition is encompassed by other terms, such as a welfare state, or public goods.

Give me that for free

Your class status is determined by your alpha faggot putting you on the bottom and gaping your hole even wider.

And dumber

stay mad conservatives

bernie is the most popular politician in the country and he is going to win

you are going to see socialism working the same way it has worked in places like norway

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Bernie is a Republican shill designed to suck the air out of DNC.

Did him getting cucked hurt you that bad?

You're right. Jeff Bezos is peak chad and the rest of us mortals are mere approximations

republican shill? bernie has been fighting for average people for decades

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You can't really make fun of liberals for whining when Trump won because you are whining over a little Representative. Go back to sucking your sisters dick - you are better at it.

I hate Trump but he isn't 100% bad nothing is that black and white. He isn't Pol Pot. I am firmly against protectionism and tariff. I want free trade that's all. Trump is either ignorant to macro economics or he knows better and is selling what people want to hear. I don't particularly care which it is because the damage is the same.

As for Asian acendency it is relevant because China is his trade deficit Boogeyman. Look the age of our commercial empire ruling the world is ending. All I want is a soft landing. Protectionism and isolationist ideology isn't going to provide that.

Thing is I completely agree so not sure why were having this little back and forth. We’re on the same page my friend. Though you do sound a bit wired.

You don't pay a higher tax rate than the rich. Dont lie. Done use shitty of 1 or 2 rich people that pay some low rate. The median tax rate on the rich is ~4x higher than it is on the middle class, and about 10x higher than the bottom 50%. But hey I'm sure you heard that the rich dont pay their fair share of taxes so it must be true.

Who's money did they use? Who had a tax increase to pay for their bailout?

Yeah I'm sorry I am wired. I just don't get the vitriolic tone nowadays. If you look back through history almost none of this is new. It is a slow motion catastrophie that should be avoidable.

No its crony capitalism. Like giving a solar company 500 million then having them go bankrupt.

I agree with this position also. I believe isolationist policy is always bad on every level. It is regressive, reactionary and speaks to fear and national insecurity. It’s part of why we are losing our empire: the emotions of idiots who think global trade is bad and that waving a flag and gun makes them a patriot.

This is too clear of a thinking for those people.

Socialized infrastructure - hey you need roads and bridges, right?
Socialized education - well who else is going to do it?
Socialized police - of course.
Socialized military - oh fuck yeah, america baby!
Socialized fire/emergency responders - gotta protect the citizens.
Socialized health care - omfg teh socializms is coming for us all it suckz so bad omg dont the you stupid commies know we're all under attack save america nao help help help waaaaaaaaaa!

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