So here goes my question Yea Forums...

So here goes my question Yea Forums. Why the hell do people have this extreme depression thoughts when they are hangovered ? I mean if it wouldnt be for that everybody would get shitfaced every day but this really stops me from overdoing it. Does anoyone has an answer to this ?

Attached: stopreadingthis.jpg (615x446, 35K)

Alcohol is a depressant. The common hangover is a withdrawal effect of alcohol.

Can you elaborate on the term depressant ?

Attached: Checkem.jpg (433x432, 36K)

chiefly of a drug) reducing functional or nervous activity.

If wake up feeling depressed, have another.

reduced nervous activity resolves into depressed mindset ?

Hangover is not withdrawal. Hangover is acute dehydration and can quickly be reversed with intravenous electrolytes.

well that just postones the god damn hangover.... and honestly it multiplies it

so you are telling me there is fast way to remove hangover ?

>extreme depression thoughts
Not always.
May times I wake up horny as hell. I can cum in my GF sooo loooong that it looks like a piss session.
No depression in that believe me

probably cuz you physically feel like shit. when you feel good you usually have better thoughts. maybe regret too? like every time i get drunk i do some stupid shit thats out of my character and that fucks with me the next day

Get yourself a bloody Mary, have some food.

well I would give credit to the endophnes that get released during the sex which beat the hangover for me too but still the shit is when you are alone

Uh, yeah. IV normal saline or lactated ringer solution. There are some urgent cares that will do this for you.

Or you can prevent a hangover by making sure to drink enough water/Gatorade/pedialyte while you’re drinking.

yea well I had a blast yesterday and didnt do anything stupid

drinking water or any other stuff while drinking helps with the hangover but never is able to block it out if you have a proper drinking evening

This guy is accurate, OP.

You’re right. The more you’re drinking, the harder it is to prevent it. But drinking proper amounts of water can be the difference between getting a hangover after 5 shots and getting a hangover after 8 shots, for example.

yeah that I definitely agree on. But once you go out hard nothingcan prevent the hangover, or is there ?

Ehhh... I don’t want to say it’s “impossible,” but once you really get up there, let’s just say that preventing a hangover is “extremely unrealistic.”

That being said, you should still drink a good amount of fluids to lessen the severity.

It's more complicated than that. There are several different components to a hangover.

1) The worst hangover symptoms are typically from dehydration. Mainly nausea and vomiting. Some electrolytes will take care of this.

2) The depression and headache are actually from alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol boosts dopamine and GABA so your body tries to lower its own levels to get back to its equilibrium. Then when the alcohol is gone from your system, the brain hasn't readjusted its neurotransmitter levels back to normal yet and thus some people feel depressed because dopamine is lower than normal.

3) Alcohol disrupts hormone release while you're asleep and this ruins sleep quality. Alcohol may help you fall asleep but it just makes the sleep less effective. You're tired the next day partially because of this.

4) The fermentation process for alcohol creates other chemicals like methanol and a bunch of allergens. Cheap alcohol often hasn't had nearly as much of this filtered out as compared to the expensive stuff. These other chemicals make pretty much every aspect of the hangover worse. Obviously the dangerous chemicals like methanol are in low enough concentrations that they're not really dangerous. They just worsen the hangover.

Aka drink 1 more the next day and get some grub

You can stave off the majority of a hangover by having pedialyte/gatorade, some water (I found that mineral water is actually best), and a heavy meal (typically something with plenty of fat and salt) before sleeping. This will deal with some of the symptoms but it's not a perfect solution. It should guarantee that you aren't dehydrated the next day. Then a little hair of the dog that bit you (have a bit more alcohol in the morning) and the hangover should be minimized as much as possible.

It also helps to stick to high quality spirits when drinking since beer, wine, and cheap spirits will all cause worse hangovers for the same amount of alcohol (they aren't filtered as much for some of the byproducts of fermentation)

Water can worsen the dehydration sometimes, especially if you're really dehydrated. Alcohol depletes electrolytes and those electrolytes are required and used to absorb water. When your electrolyte levels are really low, water just reduces the levels further and will actually make you sicker.

And hair of the dog will absolutely help with hangover symptoms if dehydration and electrolyte depletion have already been dealt with. You have one drink and that helps with the alcohol withdrawal. It's basically the same concept as tapering

Alcohol prompts the release of dopamine in your brain, the “feel-good” chemical that is responsible for eliciting sensations of pleasure. If you use up all your dopamine you feel sad.