Do u agree

Do u agree

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Sage. Do not respond to this post

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Die faggot.

You don't get to agree or disagree with trends. If more intelligent people tend more to do something then that's that.

However it doesn't necessarily mean it's done because it's the smarter thing to do. It's just a fad that caught on in that demographic.

Cuckolding is common among Democrats.

So is your mom


The more jealousy you feel giving her to another, the greater the trill of reclaiming her as yours again.
Feel like your first time x10 man

Seek help

why even live

fuck libs

It's well known that Rick and Morty is a hyper intelligent programme for intellectuals. Creator Justin Roiland has been in a long term relationship with a porn star who posts herself getting fucked by different men on her Twitter for the last 8 years or so.

My gf is my personal porn star , I don't have to jerk off to Internet porn like you pussies.

I disagree.

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And the more intelligent apparently..

Wouldnt it only make it 10 times better to kill yourself now, only to come back as a cockroach

I think it's the opposite actually. The cuck thinks "im so smart. Watching my wife fuck a nigger. People are missing out. This is heaven" then the wife leaves because the husband is terrible in bed compared to the nigger. Husband is now alone while his wife is getting seeded in private. Husband turns into a white supremacist.

And being an incel is common among Republicans.

That’s because most of these women are closet whores who want to get fucked all day instead of studying bullshit that doesn’t fix their situation.

This actually seems to be an intelligent post. WTF are you doing here user?

the fuck, you think im studying cucks or something or give a fuck what other people do?

I can barely dress and bathe myself, let alone give too fucks if someone else is smart and is it because he pisses in his wife's mouth on fridays or watches 5 guys run a train on her every sunday, like I give 2 fucks

That's because you are a retarded monkey.
Giving your girlfriend the freedom to play with guys you approve once a month and the security to return and not only still be loved but be loved even more is something most other men cannot provide. She will never fuck that up by leaving you for a selfish guy who makes her cheat on him behind his back.

I like being frustrated with my Saturday morning coffee.

makes sense, most black guys are dems, they go over to some crusty white guy republicans house and fuck his wife while he jerks off in a closet

That's actually most women.
They can try to repress desire until they overflow shamefully and you never know, or you can accept their desire and fantasies and have a say in what happens.


Is that egg salad talapia i smell

>retarded monkey
You are literally advocating a cuckold lifestyle
Stare at yourself in the mirror for a while

I have love and sex anytime I want from a dedicated woman who will never even make me mad, let alone leave me, who I have complete sexual control over.
What do you have little monkey?

>mfw Yea Forums doesn't know how to sage now

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Thats what you think hahaha
Sounds like she is in a great relationship

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Cuckolding is for weak minded faggots

Weak minded faggots make their women fulfill their fantasies behind their backs, with sketchy guys they have no say in because they don't want to know about it.
Enjoy your aids nigger

Mfw your opinion of what's valid discussion on a random board is not determinant of what is valid discussion on a random board.

Agree with what exactly?

Intelligent people are often on the left.

Actually, the most advanced thing a high iq phd person can possibly do right now is transfer his wealth into my bank account. transfer wealth into my bank account. 32562875829525928