When and how should I kill myself?

When and how should I kill myself?

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Thanks for this. How would one get ahold of cyanide?

Guess I'm gonna burn myself

They are mainly used in fumigants, rodenticides, and fertilizers. It may take a while to gather but who cares your trying to kill yourself

Also old carpet has cyanide Just burn a bunch and breath in the smoke

Rolling for way to end it

Good Luck

When all is lost, charge a cop with an ice axe. That should solve your problem.

I recommend using opiates and benzos.
Find some heroin, Prepare for IV
Take benzos, anti nausea medication.

Fuck it, the IV heroin will kill you anyway.


Dont kill yourself at all and even if it seems stupid you can allways find something to live for

Whay is heroin?

Old age.


Don't forget to livestream it

fast and painless or slow and painfull?

the day before your 99th b-day
walk into traffic

why do you exist

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Please. Thinking of other ho's

anyone ever steal an asian girl's socks?

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ya well it has been 4.5 years and she's engaged so

Do you live somewhere cold? Get super drink and passout in a snowbank at night, should do it.


Oh, god. Please get help. Suicide is not the answer. Therapy is.


How can hanging yourself hurt that much, doesn't your neck just fucking snap instantly?

To be fair, I'm sleeping with someone else, too.

Of fugg don't do i-*BOOM*

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Usually suicide-hanging is death by strangulation, none of that fancy neck snapping action. You need a pretty good drop, specific types of knot/rope, etc. to reliably have hanging be painless.

I don't want to talk you out of it but could you tell us what brought you to this decision?

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I think that's gone bad

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cyanide is pretty easy to make
If you decompose a hydrocarbon and an amine with acid, it's often a byproduct.

Never get too attached to only one woman.

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Wow this picture is actually true today. Fuck that bitch