I have a fairly stable job and earn the bulk of my family’s income. We have a toddler and just had a second child, so I’ve decided it’s time to get serious about life insurance. But I’d really like to understand some of the basics before I make a purchase – mostly so I know what to ask an agent or look for in a policy. What are some things to consider before buying life insurance?
Sebastian King
no. just random pic
Xavier Reyes
What are you doing nowadays?
Julian Peterson
was your seminary infiltrated by homosexuals
Christian Johnson
All these are you, why don't you answer the question? It's valid. You're an apologist or a perpetrator, either way the only thing keeping you alive is because it's illegal to kill you.
Carson Wright
what's the general reaction in the church from the recent conviction of cardinal George Pell? How common was peodophilia when you were studying to be a priest?
Owen Nelson
Are Catholics at war with freemasons or are they the same
Is the sex abuse joked about? Like it’s essentually common knowledge it’s a huge issue but nobody really thinks it’s that big a deal?
Hudson Campbell
Nah, man, the day is coming for you people. Do you feel safe where you are?
Levi Lewis
i don't know, do you?
Mason Gonzalez
shock. It is claimed he got a BJ with bishop's mass vestments on. the man is 6'4". Sounds very far fetched. Most of the pedo stuff happened in the 70s/80s
not at war but a Cath can't be a freemason.
Christian Howard
Do you have specific classes on how to abuse children or does it just come naturally to you
Grayson Nguyen
Colton Powell
Not joked about. we had endless psych tests to make sure we were not inclined to abuse.
the premise of your thread is kind of boring tbh. i don't think anyone is really going to care except angry evangelical boomers taking the bait.
Kevin Garcia
The Day of The Rope? That promised day on some undesclosed date where all the people who live by a list of commandments will be saved and live on in paradise?
Nicholas Brooks
Meh. Had nothing to do. Thought I'd put it out there a little bit on Yea Forums. I've posted this thread before but it's been a while. But the whole caliber of Yea Forums has gone way down over the years .
What are the qualifications to become a priest trainee, and what is the process for conversion to Catholicism?
John Long
to become a priest trainee: have to apply, be interviewed, psych tested, college age or over but not ancient, deemed normal.
Convert to catholicism: get in touch with local Catholic church. register for classes and basic instructions. Some other pomp and circumstance along the way. Be received into the Church at Easter.
Answer the question. Do you realize that Catholicism is no more real than wiccan, buddhism, or any other supernatural based belief system?
Asher Clark
thats gotta be awkward. does the evaluate disclose the full thing to your superiors or do they just say "yea hes okay"
Daniel Murphy
Did you wind up enrolling in a graduate program afterwards?
Jace Roberts
I think they are neutral and professional about it. They will give some general summary and an opinion on whether the seminarian is normal and likely to work out or not. But not over the top details. It wasn't that bad to be honest.
Luis Gray
After the seminary you mean? I already just finished college when I entered seminary. I did 2 years of pre-theology and 2 years of theology.
Had my BA to fall back on when I left.
John Miller
Ok, I was trying to see if you were Josh from my grad program.
Henry Carter
hah! It's a small world man but not that small.
Dominic Sullivan
Have you ever choked yourself, choked someone else, or have someone choke you while having sex or masturbating?
How many different catholic churches have you been to? any really cool ones? Mount St. Michaels in spokane WA was impressive. did you go to catholic school? how was it? i sometimes think about it being nice to have taken latin or greek classes but they obviously dont offer those in most public schools.
Elijah Garcia
no. never choked myself when jerking it or any of that.
been to a lot of magnificent churches. My favorite ever was the Cathedral in Toledo, Spain.
I had a good amount of Latin. Just a little bit of greek. Glad i did
Glad to see your around, first thread I’ve seen in a loopooong while.
Jacob Cooper
I'm here. lost a lot of interest in Yea Forums so don't come on that much. But have a free day today. figured i'd go for it
Nathan Howard
seminary and SEMENary is no coincidence do you know why the men have to wear the robes? because in the ancient days it was the women who were seen as the spiritual ones, it was the women who only wore robes. It's the female spirituality emanating. Do you know why the church doorways are curved? Because it represents the female sex organs (concave) On the flip side; the pillars in temples and monasteries would be symbolic of the male phallus. >It's sex worship
What would you say the Catholic Church really is? What does it really do primarily? What is its actual goal as opposed to stated goal?
Colton Powell
good question. I would say it is a spiritual and earthly society going back to being established by Christ that is meant to be his instrument but also fend for itself and propagate itself to the world. (that's a very reflexive answer)
how do you deal with or come to terms with lay members of the catholic church being rabid fucking dickheads to those outside the church including their own family members
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Based on your familiarity with it, what specific qualities of this society's organisational structure allow it to pursue this goal successfully? Basically my question is: let's say we know what qualities the individuals in this society must possess in order to pursue that goal successfully, but what aspects of its structure make the organisation as a whole, as a system, successful?
Daniel Martinez
clergy can be that way too. It's just shitty fallen humanity Yea Forumsro
Isaac Howard
There could be a doctoral dissertation on this.
Fast answer I would say that in 2019, the Church is very old and far flung and has a broad network that connects to lots of peoples and places which help in the pursuing of the goal. Also (even with its flaws) a good reputation insofar as charitable works, education, cultural contributions, etc
Zachary Lee
What do you think the Temple of Solomon is? It's a big sex act. All the churches have these colonnades. It's a representation of the male phallic. This is why priests have to go to a SEMENary. Egyptians climbed the pole of Min (Egyptian mnw) >is an ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in the predynastic period (4th millennium BCE).[2] He was represented in many different forms, but was most often represented in male human form, shown with an erect penis which he holds in his left hand and an upheld right arm holding a flail. As Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of gods and men". "See you at the Maypole" >A maypole is a tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk festivals, around which a maypole dance often takes place.
>The festivals may occur on May Day (May 1) (((MAY DAY))) Where do we get this phrase "May Day" Egyptian concept of twin pillars at the temple is one of the oldest recordings of this architecture. Then copied by Jerusalem to create the Temp-EL (House of El) of SOLomON (Sun). Jachin - God makes him FIRM; Boaz - Eagerness and Strength. S - E - X buddy Two male phallic pillars in front of the House of God (the Temp-El) no, the House of El; House of Saturn
>seminary You're an idiot. A seminary is actually the word used to describe a man who travels the world spreading his semen.
Chase Jones
thank you for clarifying.
Thomas Davis
Not an idiot. The priests go to the seminary to spread the SEMEN. Why? To learn how to give it to you. Who's you the Fish. Christ is the great fisherman. The fisher of man. Christians today put the symbol of a fish on the back of their car. You're a fish. You got caught. Something smells FISHY. The LAMB of God has pulled the WOOL over your eyes. Get it? Good.
You think I don't know this shit, shysters ain't gonna fool me, pal.
>Christians today put the symbol of a fish on the back of their car. Bloke who lives in the same street as me has a Darwin fish on the back of his car.
True story. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm also available for hire as an after-dinner speaker if you would like to hear more interesting anecdotes.
Luis Lee
The papal head dress, the pope's head dress is shaped like a fish. The ancient priests that worshipped a god named Dagon use to wear the same shaped head dress. It's the fish god. Freya is another name for the fish god. How come catholics eat fish on Fridays? Because Friday comes from the word Freya. It goes on and on and on
A seminary is also the name of the small porcelain vessel in which the catholic priests collect the semen of their choirboys.
There is a room in the Apostolic palace that has what is reputedly the largest collection of seminaries ever assembled in one place, with some examples dating back to the early 12th century.
Is the church actually doing anything to modernize itself and progress with society? Or is it just planning on following the ancient status quo and letting the whole system fall apart in the fairly near future as people leave religion in droves
Charles Reed
The church tries to modernize but it is always ham-handed and then society modernizes further down the road and the church just looks ridiculous. I am not sure how much the church can really "modernize" without compromising itself.
Jayden Smith
>Most of the pedo stuff happened in the 70s/80s
True. Back then gay men were often pushed by their families into an honorable lifestyle - the priesthood - to keep them out of the bathhouses.
Instead they did what gay men do; just with their position of authority over teenage boys.
>We're on a mission from God lol reminds me of Terry Davis in one of his videos. it was his intro
Kayden Stewart
typical seminarian dorm room. I never had posters like that up though lol
Mason Edwards
They could start by moving away from the highly fictionalized stuff and fear tactics and get back to preaching compassion and organizing charity. I was raised catholic and stopped in for Christmas mass for the first time in 15 years. The only mention of "charity" was the second pass of the collection bowl. The sermon was about individual responsibility and family commitment. It was one racial slur away from a GOP rally.
Tyler Sanders
Dear OP,
1. Did it seem like there were a lot of gay seminarians seeking to avoid sins through celibacy?
2. You said the age was rising.... are these the divorced middle-aged guys who realize they aren't gonna win in dating/marriage and so go the priestly way? I heard that was a trend now.
3. Are you stigmatized by dropping out? Are your fam / others disappointed in you?
4. Do you think St. Paul really wanted clergy to be celibate or was that a later invention by the church?
5. Have you dated since dropping out? How does that go during the share life stories phase?
Blake Lopez
sucks. Christmas Mass is usually insane
some were flamboyant I'd say. I only got 1directly propositioned once. I don' tknow about trying to avoid sins through celibacy though.
2more guys like myself who had already been to college or had some college. late 20s/early 30s
3nah they were laid back. a lot of 'if it makes you happy, we're happy'. keep in touch with friends from then. some friends dropped out, some are priests now. when i was leaving the vocation director tried to talk me out of it.
4celibacy was from early on but not as early as st paul. but the catholic church isn't protestant trying to scripture proof every little thing.
5yes i've dated. women are intrigued. it's actually a good conversation starter
Yes it is. So unusual that even this Yea Forumsro is intrigued.
It doesn't seem like you lost 4 years . . . it just put higher octane in your remaining life.
Good luck in your new life.
Ayden Anderson
thanks. yes, i have no regrets
Jeremiah Hughes
This, the churches obsession with competing against evangelical to collect the most assholes instead of a desire for community service and the general welfare of humanity like it did throughout the 80s and 90s is why I left the faith.
Tyler Ramirez
if you want community service, join habitat for humanity
I have always wondered how Catholic priests are doing with sexual repression.....do they adapt or stay pent-up and horny the whole time ? do they think about sex often ?
Owen Davis
I never became a priest. just studied to be one then left 2 years before I would have been ordained. so I'm not sure how thoroughly I can answer that question.
Second, did you live with many people? Did you ever feel lonely in the seminary? I have always wondered this. Seminarians and diocesan priests are always walking up and down. celebrating, teaching, doing all sorts of stuff. And they meet a lot of people along the way. BUT, do they ever feel lonely? Specially in the seminary. Is there anybody they are real friends with? Most of their relations are based on religious practice and observance: directors, teachers, colleagues... But do they have like, real friends, not just acquaintances? I think I have read you kept some friends "on the outside world", but what about those long terms in the seminary?
Also, did you ever go to Spiritual Exercises (the ones by St Ignatius) while staying in there?
Levi Sullivan
Yes, lived in a big institutional seminary with a lot of seminarians. A little lonely sometimes but not for the most part. good camaraderie. I think in the seminary it is possible to make and have very good friends. But I came to see that after ordination, it would be a lot more difficult and that was one of the reasons for my leaving.
No, never did the spiritual exercises. I think that takes about a month and is a time investment that would have to be worked out. I was not studying to become an SJ
>I came to see that after ordination, it would be a lot more difficult Care to elaborate?
>never did the spiritual exercises In my country diocesan seminarians do a smaller version (3, 5 days) of the Exercises every year. And the full-version is compulsory before priestly ordination. The Jesuits were traditionaly strong on my homeland. Shocked you never took them; I recommend them to you (and, honestly, anybody I know).
Lincoln Anderson
TLM experience? Is it the key to making the Church great again?
Robert Green
I had some experiences working in parishes as part of the training. I could tell that the reality of that life was a lot different than the safe, fun, fraternity of seminary. That is what I could not see myself doing long term and knew it would be a lot lonlier then.
what country?
Yes. I prefer the TLM. And yes, it is one of the few positive, growing trends in the Church now.
Jaxson Hill
What was it like in being in such a male only environment? was there a sense of brotherhood? Was there any weird homo erotic tension among the men?
Hudson Stewart
I would of left too I mean the way they are cracking down on altar boy rape, that is why you joined? To get some sweet altar boy ass?
Wyatt King
sucking that kid at summer camp
Jaxon Johnson
Hey, seems like you're a KGS alum. Same here, though a bit more recent. How are you, brother?
Owen Torres
Yes, lot of sense of brotherhood. Great fraternity. maybe homo erotic for some but not a whole lot for me. I think i already said, a few guys you could tell were gay or were just flamboyant but not the majority. I only got propositioned once.
Owen Moore
not KGS alum, but hey
Oliver Reed
>Yes, lot of sense of brotherhood Could you give details? I had heard people in similar situations say there really wasn't, that you felt more like all the men were just in it alone.
Alexander Bennett
Sorry, I'm late to the thread but had to ask: Ever considered going back? How are you finding the lay life? I've been out a couple years and considering going back. The only thing that was insane was the politics in the place
Juan Lopez
I don't think so. It wasn't prison lol
All of us were more into our religion, which most people are not, and we all had a common goal of priestly training which is bizarre to most people. So to be with a number of guys on the same page like that was actually an uplifting thing. And with friendships, you gravitate to and make closer friends with those who are more your temperment, like usual
Ryder Torres
That's something I also sense among priests and religious brothers (with a community and all) I know. Loneliness is right around the corner, waiting for you. It's so sad. Some people might say the solution is in ending celibacy, but that sounds like a chimera nowadays. Maybe priestly fraternities? Like the Opus Dei guys do?
>what country Spain
Gavin Cook
I wouldn't say I'm absolutely opposed to going back, but I don't feel super compelled to now either. I'm fine with my life and think I made the right decision in leaving.
Parker Jenkins
That's what I would imagine, particularly if they swore off women because of the job I feel that there would be an intense focus on friendships but I heard it was rather mild so I don't know. I'm looking for a less cliche setting for a 'boys club' type story I am developing, and thought a seminary might be it.
Ok OP, I'm going to brutally earnest with this one: I went to a catholic boarding school, of a French order in the British isles in the late 90s-00s, we all knew about the rumours other boarding schools being packed to the gills with gays and pederasts. This order is a moderate one, middle of the road old style leaning towards UM. Heavy emphasis on sports, physical fitness and very high induction into the army/War College after school.
I honestly can not say a bad word against any of the Brothers, at the time they were a little harsh but never made me feel weird, no homo shit, never even heard of homo shit. Always respected the privacy of their students etc. AND I know the difference, I remember being on a boy's scout weekend and getting serious creep vibes from members of different orders.
My theory is that the Catholic church was infiltrated somehow, and some orders were tainted in some way, perhaps with systematic buggery, perhaps with some demonic woo woo shit, I don't know. But something about my school's order proved a balwark to satan's neon claws.
James Fisher
I don't think ending celibacy would be practical or beneficial. Yes, the Opus Dei thing can be helpful for some. But I think it's just a temperment that you have to have. But the Church is not healthy and in its prime for the most part, so it's hard to find your nicheif you have a vocation.
Even religious orders that are supposed to have big community life are for the most part dysfunctional
Spain - awesome. No wonder you appreciate St. Igantius
But what if it's just normal? I mean, being lonely is part of life, wether you are ordained or not. Specially nowadays.
>awesome Spain >No wonder you appreciate St. Igantius Thanks. The Jesuits have always been a stron force here. You can tell from all the organizations they run. But they turned too political and heterodoxy-tier in the 60s, and they are paying a price now.
Landon Allen
How much homosexuality did you see in seminary? I don't want to be mean, but every novice I met struck me as queer to some degree. Not tarring every noviette, just the ones in my country.
Ryan Taylor
Isaac Brown
When I was in college I got into my religion a lot more. I took a lot of philosophy classes and liked them and met seminarians through them. Also got involved with the campus ministry, went on retreats, prayed more, etc. Decided to go in to try it out.
After 4 years though, I could just tell that it was not for me long term. A lot of the bullshit of parish life would have eventually made me crack. Celibacy was a part of it but not at all the biggest part. More so, that I could not see myself long term dealing with dysfunctional and political stuff in the Church and also ministering to shrinking congregations of annoying old people for the most part
Christopher Lewis
Fucking boring questions so far.
Did you have any experience with Demonic possession or hear any stories from other priests that had?
David Sullivan
some but not as much as you'd think . a few guys left then came out. only direct encounter with it i had was a seminarian offered to give me a handjob. i declined. didnt' turn him in but he eventually left.
never personally. don' t know much about that. i think it's bigger in movies than happening frequently in real life
Eli Sanders
>the Catholic church was infiltrated Not OP.
I don't believe all that infiltration bs. When Saint Paul VI talked about Satan's smoke he didn't refer to some Homo-Marxist bizarre plot. Heterodoxy was moving in the mainstream among clerical circles, sure. But I highly doubt he was talking about some homo-infliltration conspiracy theory.
Homosexual and pedofilic tendencies have always been present in the church. If the common faithful didn't find out (unless they got involved smh) it was bc the clergy was excessively powerful and mass media wasn't a thing. Rumours was all you could ever get. If a kid got abused by anybody, what could they ever do? Even if the abuser wasn't a church official.
Jaxon Lewis
"Saint" Paul VI LOL
Zachary King
Where did/does your faith come from? An undefinable connection to something greater? Inspiration from the book? A sense of destiny? The secular joy of serving?
Thoughts on Sedevacantism?
Luke Roberts
Are you still a practicing Catholic?
Ian Sanchez
probably all of the above and more. hard to articulate it here.
sedevcantism is kind of a stalemate in my opinion. It is unresolvable and denies the widely accepted given. Also seems a bit ultramontane - the pope on such a pedistal that he can never come close to heresy, but if he does (and who has the right to say so? no one since Vatican I), he will be quickly condemned. Very messy. Not conventional or practical.
Leo Flores
Is “god works in mysterious ways” a generic filler response for when you don’t want to answer a question because any answer would seemingly invalidate the existence of god?
Dylan Gonzalez
Grayson Ross
Honestly, if you're going to have a dick-fighting competition with a woman, you must've started with the world's cruelest handicap. Which I'm sure benefits the nine year old boy you have chained up in your private Vatican jet. Which was paid for how? Oh right, generous donations from your followers to spread the word of God...all over his back.
Nathan Foster
meh. this was not supposed to be a religion discussion thread. I am going to walk away from your question. I can only type so much to give a reasonably thought out but quick response on here too
Noah James
OP, me too. In the late 70’s I studied at St. John’s for the diocese of Los Angeles.
Luis Lewis
must have been like a big hippie colony then.
Blake Perez
Not into alter boys huh? That's a good thing.
Colton Parker
>because any answer would seemingly invalidate the existence of god? Not OP, but no. God working in mysterious ways is what you tell people who associate the idea of god with the idea that if you worship him he will make sure your life is successful and without worry. It is supposed to mean that you are being tested or are supposed to learn something, but that you won't see it immediately. They say 'god works in mysterious ways' when a tragedy occurs, which never invalidates the existence of god.
Bentley Johnson
Landon Anderson
You're thinking of Santa.
Lucas Bennett
>never personally. don' t know much about that. i think it's bigger in movies than happening frequently in real life
My faith has been whittled away over the years, there is very little I love about the Church anymore. Oddly enough the presence of metaphysical evil is one of those issues that prevents me from just giving up. They are personal experiences, I will tell them if anyone is interested. But they are ultimately pointless since they cannot be verified. I would not be so quick to dismiss the concept of anatama of evil, it is perhaps the oldest tenant of the Church.
Jason Cruz
Good thread, OP. Even with all the dumb shit-posters, who bump this atypical thread to the Yea Forums top (#8 rn). F*ck, Yea Forums isn't just tranny porn and furries.
none right now. Again: not supposed to be a theology thread
Asher Cruz
Will do, thanks
Nathan Richardson
OP for every actual priest I know, I know at least 2 or 3 drop out seminarists.
Why's that?
Jace Russell
not for everyone. And the Church is in a state of crisis with a lot of hostility from the world as well. Not a great support system for encouraging vocations, sustaining seminarians, and supporting priests.
Nicholas Green
How many little boys did you rape, faggot.
Nathan Adams
Ah, sorry. Was there a drinking culture in your seminary? Did you go to a pub or have a glass of wine or two? What did you do for fun?
I liked to drink and so did my friends. Just a bit in the seminary but we would go out.
For fun? Hang out with friends, movies sometimes, joke around, just usual stuff with friends.
Carter King
don't you think that the church would be able to compete again when it will abandon the vows of... not being allowed to marry?
This is an antiquated industry of pedophiles ATM, don't you suspect this is because of that toxic condition?
Chase Williams
I don't think the church could last if celibacy was done away with. people give less and less now to the church. how could a priest support his wife and family on that? then if he had to get a secular job, people will be pissed because he won't be as available.
Liam Campbell
What were the rules about dating? Were you held to the same standards as a Priest? Surely there must have been a few close calls if you were out on the town surrounded by girls?
Andrew Allen
was not supposed to date when in seminary. yes close calls. some guys got caught with GFs and then were realistic and left. I never had a relationship on the side when in the seminary. Only hooked up a few times with one girl over a summer assignment. But other than that I never messed around on the side.
Asher Thomas
I believe the vow of celibacy remains to ensure the sanctity of confession. You allow priests to marry and the confession box comes into question, especially for priests in a close knit community, where their flock live amongst the priest's family.
Chase Cruz
interesting perspective. never thought of that
Asher Hill
>not op
Should have said that.
Ayden Diaz
The cynical perspective of "so the Church gets the inheritance" is over used, thought I would give a fresh one.
Alexander Campbell
That's wrong. Protestants are allowed to marry and are as respectable, priests are better paid, and they are not pedophiles on an industrial scale like the catholic church! That celibacy thing that is ending the catholic church, nothing else. No sanctity in transforming healthy young guys into dark community of frustrated perverts. Other religions are flourishing, it's time for catholics to update.
Kayden Wilson
Wow. I had no idea it was so glorious over there.
Jonathan Williams
I live in south america, and here it is glorious for other churches. Definitely.
Chase Campbell
interesting. just going on my USA point of reference What country?
Carson Gutierrez
Brazil And please note I am NOT brazilian.
Chase Edwards
all good man.
Chase Ortiz
Do you believe in the paranormal (ghosts, demons etc)?
Jason Hall
yes but can't explain a lot of that
Lincoln Davis
Physical manifestations or adulteration of the senses?
Colton Young
spiritual manifestations. adulteration of senses also possible
Kayden Mitchell
Evil is the seducer. It cannot affect behaviour so it germinates the seed of evil in all of us, nobody is absent from my broad generalisation. This is why the puritan is the ideal, this is why we must all hold worldly things with a light measure of contempt. To hold the worldly as tools is fine, but to use them as a crutch, that creates a chink in the armour.
I understand you reticence when it comes to talking about this, I will say that if you know how to articulate the terms of battle in secular language it sounds like Jordan Peterson or any other self help mantra. IN the past evil was everyday, but today, it is intentionally occluded.
Michael Carter
Is there money in it?
Connor Bennett
Do it online otherwise you pay commission to the agent
Elijah Watson
not really.
Angel Bell
Dude, how old were you when you started your initiation into the cult? I don't see how grown adults, say older than 24, can't see it for what it is. Its hard not to assume you're a fucking idiot.
Carter Bell
Of course you do. Youre devoid of any comprehension of the universe, its laws, or math in general. Kills me how dissmisive you are to ridicule because you struggle to even define reality.