Why does anyone who has a decent education and a job they earned from having that education support socialism?
Why does anyone who has a decent education and a job they earned from having that education support socialism?
JD here, and I support Democratic Socialism.
if there ever was a racist cartoon is that one, looks like something from slavery times.
Wtf is up with Bernis face? Looks like a fucking demon
False sense of moral superiority. To me the people who are super sjw now and all into the identity politics shit are just making up for being massive pieces of shit to people in high school. You cannot change my mind
We all know why you are too busy.
They don't. False premise. Revel in your feminist tapdance theory degrees.
They are a bunch of self-obsessed retards who think they're smart enough to judge one person's life verses another.
Socialism or barbarism.
People can't grow up and change their minds from when they were TEENAGERS, the demographic of people who are often highly irrational and don't have complete world views. - You
It's not socialism, it's democratic socialism. Pure socialism and pure capitalism work with no ways to punish or observe corruption well. Democratic socialism has been shown to be very successful in scandinavian countries and most modern countries have socialist policy in some way or another.
im sure the un accidentally left out all the rape and murder statistics that have skyrocketed since the forced influx of immigrants. and lets ignore the crippling taxes.
Your politics don't hold up because in order for you to have them you have to post them on Yea Forums or The_Donald. Go onto an actual debate forum or argue with someone in real life where you can't meme your way out of discussions.
Do you want an actual honest answer? The people who call themselves "jews" have made their "long march through the halls of the institutions" just like they promised. They control media, education, entertainment, finance, law, so on and so forth. They've apparently learned from past mistakes and instead of going full Old Testament genocide on people like they did in all the countries they took over with "socialism" and have opted for the generational indoctrination strategy. Despite being a shill, Yuri Bezmenov (the "sly fox") outlines this perfectly in that infamous video. For the people who call themselves "jews" it's all about infiltration and subversion. They never create their own things. Mostly because they can't. So they look for things that are popular and have lots of influence, then infiltrate and subvert.
If you just want a joke answer: Cuz even smart people are stupid durr
okay. it's very simple. you cannot evaluate one person's livelihood against another. It's just not possible. You will always end up trying to resolve one injustice, only to have another pop up in its place. Not to mention that you need to know precisely how each individual person is living. Just because Norway has found something that suits for them (which also has it's problems: they are trying to reduce government influence), doesn't mean everyone in the world is a fucking Norwegian.
I make a decent amount of money but I support healthcare and education for all US citizens. It's the ethical and cheapest thing to do.
The Jews ate my balls
I went to two state-owned schools (Florida and Illinois) that subsidized my tuition with tax dollars. I've been using both my undergrad and graduate degrees extensively.
If tuition wasn't low thanks to taxes, I'd never have gone. Sorry, I know you're trying to make socialism sound like this horrible thing that hurts people all the time, but that's not always true.
PS: I'm a white male. Race seems important to you, so there you go.
I'm on track to make 140k this year and I'm a marxist. Don't give a shit about Bernie though.
Sociaists are against mass immigration. It is neoliberals who destabilize entire regions with their wars then ship the refugees to the west. It is neoliberals who call for open borders in order to drive wages down.
Norway also doesn’t have niggers
It's true.
White men by demographic are the ones that are mainly net positive tax payers.