Celeb Thread- More Emma

Celeb Thread- More Emma

Attached: Emma watson (9).jpg (797x1053, 190K)

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Haven't had an Emma edging session in a while

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One of the few fakes that I enjoy

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Attached: Emma Watson.jpg (2020x3000, 555K)

>iwn nibble on those toenails

Emma in that red see through dress is prime Emma

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this one?

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Better than porn

YES! Her legs look amazing in that dress

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This actually might be my favorite pic of her.
Anything from that day really. She looks so cute, and as a footfag WEW.

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This is my porn.

Yeah she looks amazing

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whoop there it is

Attached: em close up beauty.webm (1000x552, 470K)

I wish I could cover her face in cum so much right now

hfw I get a bone in public lol

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Attached: EmmaW1485701314624.webm (624x680, 1.57M)

So perf!

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hfw she realizes I stuff my pants with socks because my dick is tiny.

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cute as a button

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>tfw ywn get to rape her like Harvey did.

Attached: Emma Watson 2.jpg (2048x1152, 184K)


I just need a kind Emmabro to tell me to cum for one of her pics...

What are you waiting for user? Cum for her!

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lmfao. I laughed but also got a bit of a chill down my spine because I know this would be my fate as well (っ﹏)っ

Attached: EWpinkqtw.jpg (1200x961, 109K)

Thank you, i did

RIP, sorry user!

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Good boy!

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it wasn't Rape - she was WILLING

Emma's legs give me Wood

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JLaw was willing. I'm not convinced about Emma.


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not your fault user. it's okay. that face is the pinnacle of all cum targets

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I hope one day we get a sex tape of Emma.

Emma WANTED it - she's a Pervert and Sex Maniac

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for you and only you, brother. bd wrote me a script that enables me to only let one user save an image. that user is you :3

Attached: emma in reddd.jpg (1900x2855, 368K)

Oh, Emma!

That was good but this is prime

Attached: 1bb8548a7d0398dbc5f039442f113222.jpg (1679x2560, 522K)

I think I'd believe the opposite before I believe that. She comes across as quite uptight and prudish.

That pic... time to fap
every time

The ones that act that way in public are always the kinkiest freaks in private user

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Naughty naughty

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Attached: does emma like the dick.gif (500x250, 954K)

Trips of truth

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I can't tell if I like you because you're silly or if I overlook your silliness because I like you

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dis nigga knows

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Attached: emma watson 1488825095047.jpg (750x1334, 110K)

Thanks Emma bro

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emma likes to be felt up

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Is it a bird? Is it a plain? No, its a get-train

She obviously likes dick, I don't think there are any (credible) rumours about her being gay, but I always imagine her just laying there and taking it.

I'd love to rape 11yo emma

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Mmm thank you

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You should get clover.
Or at least disable mobile version

Attached: Did I like doing Harvey.gif (500x200, 452K)

As someone who works in the entertainment industry, I have heard in person, on several occasions, James Franco refer to sleeping with her years back, and saying she was insanely animalistic and "the most sexual person he has ever met"

Yeah I know lol

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love that one.
lol :p I'm a goof but like to think I'm a somewhat funny one. probably more annoying than anything else heh.

Post Script: I like you as well. quite a bit, in fact.
you're more than welcome fren.

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Attached: I Love The Cock.gif (500x281, 980K)

>Wake up to Emma thread
>Most pics are HD
I knew this was going to be a good weekend

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Attached: emma sweaty.gif (500x281, 760K)

I want to cum on those legs

With all the shoops that already exist how will we tell?

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Emma is a feminist shill

and you're a broken record

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Attached: Dua Lipa - Streets of London Fundraiser Concert, Dec 2018 14.jpg (1280x1024, 132K)

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Ill fuck the feminist out of her and impregnate her with my seed

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Attached: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - C Magazine, Feb 2019 4.jpg (1024x1536, 370K)

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Attached: 021.jpg (1333x2000, 293K)

Oh... Emma!

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you're my fav black :)

Attached: Victoria Justice 12.webm (392x628, 578K)

Whenever I see Emma Watson, I’m immediately reminded of how she got Weinsteined. Gross.

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then why'd you save a picture of her and post it?

Because this is an Emma heavy celeb thread, and I was reminded if that photo....duh

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He’s a certified cuck.

Cause he jelly

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Her legs be looking good in this picture though lol

do you also buy movies you don't like?

I wonder what those lips could do

Baby got BACK

I believe the term is Harvested

Attached: 1539869751638.jpg (1024x822, 568K)

Ohh, I came to this pic so many times...

suck big peckers

Attached: Dua Lipa - Grammy Awards, Feb 2019 5.jpg (1280x1673, 277K)


Attached: 051.jpg (1359x2000, 242K)

Emma was the celeb I was used to fap the most until JLaw leaks...

Should it be Harveysted?
Even the meme is shit.

I didn’t buy that photo though.

don't let not knowing what words mean stop you from using them in a sentence user

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>cause he jelly
You’re not? I mean you guys are posting a lot of Emma pics. I’m not even really into her.

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Want to shoot thick ropes on her back

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How’s her ass?

Don't hate the playa hate the game. Big Harv did nothing wrong except get primo pussy. Haters gonna hate.

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If I was Harvey I would have fucked emma too.

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hhnnggg... I loved that leak!

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Good call. Jlaw’s drop was legendary.

is this really how you want to spend your Saturday dude?

I don't think I have any good pictures of it tbh

Attached: dua-lipa-2018-billboard-music-awards-in-las-vegas-17.jpg (1280x1923, 258K)

Emma’s legs are the best

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>it wasn't very effective...

Attached: 0277.jpg (2000x1333, 290K)

Lovely size 10 feet...

Attached: 2019-03-06 21.05.48 1993827218473386981_1702555068.jpg (1080x1350, 176K)


hhnnnggg... I can't get enough of her...

Post what you got. She’s kind of hot

Stopud fapus, please.

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Maisies face maybe a little weird but she has great feet.

Attached: Maisie-Williams-Playing-With-Feet.jpg (500x375, 23K)

Attached: 083.jpg (1333x2000, 230K)

It’s only 8:30am here. I just posted a pic of her with Harvey, nothing to get upset about.


Attached: OfWL61b.jpg (750x767, 120K)


She was 13 when Harvey deflowered her

I would ravage the absolute fuck out of her!

I know and I know. Love her feet
?? You mental

Attached: 2019-01-08 02.31.17 1951954055242494485_1702555068.jpg (1080x1350, 146K)

My fap is too strong for your mortal spells

Attached: 017.jpg (1467x2000, 304K)

hhnngg... I love her so much

Attached: Dua Lipa - Grammy Awards, Feb 2019 10.jpg (1280x1920, 360K)

Prime didn't realize Harv was a cunnysieour

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Celeb faces turn me into a crazed bate monkey

Attached: bra.jpg (1992x1476, 817K)

only fay to stop is nutting...

ok then

Attached: bruce-juice-com-14602_preppie_emma_watson_at_harry_potter_and_the_deathly_hallows_premiere_120_122_3 (1184x3532, 581K)

damn, you stopped me (for now...)

Attached: Dua Lipa - Billboard Music Awards Performance, May 2018 8.jpg (1280x1789, 213K)

Itt we summon babsanon

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She has nice hips

Attached: 32478.jpg (1142x1600, 237K)

How about Milsanon?I

Attached: milliebobbybrown_1___Bunur01H1F1___.jpg (1080x1111, 99K)

No you won't

Attached: 2019-03-05 05.03.23 1992618041910614325_1702555068.jpg (1080x1350, 122K)

lmao :D

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Attached: milliebobbybrown___BpflW2lH3xI___.jpg (700x700, 108K)

Attached: Dua Lipa - Billboard Music Awards Red Carpet, May 2018 4.jpg (1280x1926, 293K)

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a friend of mine looks like her

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Time to bate

Why tho

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almost (hot)

Attached: Emma_Watson_The_Bling_Ring.jpg (360x659, 41K)

Jerking to Katy is the best.

Attached: 6786809.jpg (1064x1599, 492K)

A shorter dress maybe?

That poor goblin


I've nutted for Emma twice already and I'm not even out of bed yet :|

Need to pump while blasting her music and collecting pics with anons

And beautiful.

Attached: 1547840259610.jpg (2335x3000, 1.3M)

>Emma Thread digivolve to...
>Katy Cat Thread!

Attached: 1537322902651.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

probably the pic of emma i've cum the most to

That's the dream right there.


Attached: 1440733061172.jpg (1500x2000, 741K)

Its all about those giant tits

Post more pits sir

Katy Cat anons unite

Attached: 1534214128418.jpg (3319x4979, 1.24M)

I love Katy Perry in general, but her tits are amazing.

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Post ana de armas face

Gooner bate boy for anons. Anons control me with picss

I wish I could meet a KatyCat irl. I'm listening to Witness right now.

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woah @_@. I see a bit of either Lake Bell or Stana Katic in her face too. which is trippy cuz an user just mentioned her in the other bread. amazin

Attached: Attach9775_20181201_070358.jpg (682x1024, 179K)

Good luck, user

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Never met another irl either.
Would be nice.

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Having someone to listen to her music with and nerd out over her would be so nice.

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How do you hint that you’re into fapping to celebs to possible anons in public

Lake Bell is truly underappreciated.

Let’s nerd out to Katy!

I don't think you do..

And go to concerts!

Attached: FP_3655547_Perry_Katy_COQ_092109.jpg (500x821, 94K)

I need a private Katy music listening session with another KatyCat in my room.

Attached: blGE9.jpg (1649x1600, 413K)

God yes. Wearing her merch and going to a concert with another fan. Ugh.

Attached: 24367.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

And then..

Definitely her best feature

my soul is not finished searching
the light is calling. the answers are out there
but are we asking the correct questions?
the light, truth's radiant light
it beckons to me

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Backstage passes to meet her...
I think I'd die of excitement

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Need faces

I must go, my schnoekies need me

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Oh, I think you know..

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Attached: Poppy m3d59Y.jpg (2100x2100, 194K)

Could you even imagine getting to meet Katy Perry and take a picture with her? I don't know how I would handle it!

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Attached: Poppy B33Xf27.jpg (720x879, 139K)

Take a Viagra beforehand..

More Lucky 7's today. The holy, holy

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The more I think about it, I'm pretty sure I'd just cry

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Attached: dua-lipa-shows-off-her-endless-legs-nyc-07-27-2018-14.jpg (1280x1844, 269K)

Attached: Moriah Pereira Poppy H38T0.jpg (750x744, 144K)

I think she'd understand.

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I know. Makes me want to cry more hahaha

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I seriously love Katy Perry so much. She's like my favorite singer.

Nicki compares

can I suck your cock for her?

now where could my pipe be?

now where could my pipe be?

if anyone can get me her phone number, i'd like to invite her over for some sexual intercourse adventures

I love Nicki Minaj too! Katy is my number one though.

Her videos are some great stroke material

I really liked her last album.

new emma thread