Kinda sick, kinda bored

Kinda sick, kinda bored
Dentistfag here, AMA

Done this a few times over the years.
Pics would help to get a better "diagnosis".
Nothing I say will replace the advice you will get from your local dentist, im just a random guy on the internet. You can use me as a stepping stone/stress relief till you get a proper treatment
Im slow to type but ill try to answer all non-trolly questions.
Im from a low income country so the costs I calculate for various treatments may be waaaay off for countries like the US

With that being said, ask away...

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How much bone deterioration should one usually expect from dentures? Will there still be enough bone left to replace them with dental implants years later? Specifically the all-on-four implants.

>Im slow to type

Like every dentist. Because all you are at the end of the day is a lunatic that rips peoples teeth out for fuck all pay. Should have become a doctor.

i have 3 wisdom teeth impacted and was advised if they dont cause pain then to leave them alone. any advice?

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You can expect 1-2mm per year usually. After some time you may need to reline the dentures for a better fit. If you can afford implants, I would suggest going that route first rather than using dentures, leaving dentures as a last resort for when the implants fail and there is not enough bone to get new implants even with bone grafts.

somewhat true. though, i never wanted to be a doctor. my dream was dentistry. 24/7 surgery, little to no chance of patient death and i love designing and betttering people's smile

there are 2 schools of thought. 1 side proposes all impacted teeth should be removed asap to avoid potential strong complications later in life. the other side basicly says if it aint broke dont fix it. Im leaning more on the conservative side. Dont mess with an asymptomatic condition. If it does pose a problem later you can deal with it, but so far the conversative approach has served me and my patients well.

Do dentist try to do unnecessary shit that you don't need like root canals for more money ? It is a business right ?

i have a cracked tooth, liquid and food can find its way into the tooth if im not careful. i wanted to know if smoking is more likely to cause damage to my tooth or gums in this condition. also i was thinking taking apple cider vinegar as its suppose to have health benefits but im cautious as idk what affect it may have on my damaged tooth. smoking and apple cider vinegar, any thought?

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>i wanted to know if smoking is more likely to cause damage to my tooth or gums in this condition
Not OP but yes. Had same thing.

i have heard of it. i have seen patients who might have fallen victim to such tactics. cant tell for sure though. im pretty confident that some of my colleagues would do this. after all being a professional is much more that just getting a piece of paper saying you are qualified to do something. I wouldnt do that but 100% it has been done fo sho. Interesting fact: during at least WW1 and WW2 dentists would go to battlefields after the fighting was over to collect gold crowns from dead bodies to use for their patients at a much reduced "materials cost" lol

smoking is ALWAYS bad for your gums. as for the tooth itself it is not its effects are not well documented other that staining etc. (my field of expertise is dental tissue surgery and biomaterials). definaterly dont use vinegar. vinegar is a nacid and acids are what cause all problems to your teeth. tooth decay is basicaly an acidic attack on your teeth. since there is a crack the vinegar can penetrate to the dentini (the inner layer of the tooth) which is more susceptible to demineralisation (acid attack)

Is OP kill for posting secrets from third world country about dentist ?

All of my 12 molars have broken to pieces, leaving only the roots / stumps just above the gum.
Only 2 have been removed because the deterioration went faster than I could make appointments with the dentist.
The 10 stumps left do not hurt at all.
Is it safe to leave them?
(Poor fag too, so implants are out of the question)

My teeth are sensitive. Wtf do I do

Have like 3 wisdom teeth that are cracked and breaking off, one of which is pretty much gone now. What can i have done to fix the hooes they're going to leave after they break out?

- a concerned dumbass who doest know shit about his teeth

Dentists scare me. but i have a rotting tooth right next to that fking bitch to extract. there only about 10% still vissible. how much of a hassle would it be to extract. it does not hurt and what is keeping me from just letting it decay? ty in advance

Why the fuck are your kind so fucking retarded you can't read properly updated medical notes and connect with your patients?

t. Dental Nurse that picks up after your retarded asses.

Had all 4 wisdom teeth impacted, and partially breaching or whatever you'd call it, but they weren't going to emerge further. Huge pain in the ass to clean. Had not gotten infected, but food got stuck all the time, and dentist said they needed to come out (some were more necessary than others, but since they were gonna take some, might as well do them all).

Now, I had a ton of shit going on. Moving for jobs, etc and it just never was a good time to do it for a few years. Anyway back in late 2017, when I'm 27, finally get them out. Oral surgeon tells me it's gonna be tough; they've got some pretty developed roots by this point, but agrees they should come out.

Do it. Wake up, surgeon told me (so my parents say) that it was very hard to get them out, but that he doesn't think any complications. Hurts like fuck as you'd expect. No issues with dry socket or anything. One complication arises though.

Numbness on the left side of my lower jaw from the middle to corner of mouth, pretty much down to the bottom of the chin. Can't feel anything at all.

Oral surgeon says nerve is intact, and will take a long time to heal.

For the next few months, feeling returns slowly, etc. Very very slowly. After seeing the oral surgeon a few times, stop making more appointments, with the intention of going back after a year or so if it hasn't fully healed, since it was clear it was gonna take a long time.

Now, it's been 16 months or so, and the feeling is still off. Hard to describe. I can feel something everywhere, but over that area, it feels different. I can tell sharp/dull and hot/cold. I can tell where something is touching. It just feels weird. It has been so slow, it's hard to tell if it's changing any more or if it has stopped.

I do need to make an appointment with the oral surgeon to talk about it obviously.

But, from what I've read online, usually if it's not healed within a year it will never heal fully? If so, it's not too bad... but want to know.

i smoke rarely, literally a handful of cigarettes a year tho im seriously considering not even doin that much anymore. as far as the apple cider vinegar goes, i did some research and indeed the acidic can damage teeth as u say, tho i was told i cod delude the vinegar 2 tea spoons into water and drink it with a straw by passing my teeth entirely, is that sufficient?

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I'm 35 and have maybe 5 cavities my entire life. Hardly brush, never floss. How much longer will I have super teeth?

omg all dem typos. hope you can understand the mess that are my posts. *dentin not dentini

doubt it. done these threads on and off since at least 2013 and still no kill. doubt dentists usually lurk Yea Forums

no, they are ticking time bombs. at some point your body will say enough is enough and swelling and pain will start, trying to force the roots out. get em out asap. unfirtunately if you cant afford implants and have no back teeth to use as a support for a bridge then partial dentures are your only meaningful type of treatments.

desensitizing toothpaste, desensitizing varnish after brushing (Colgate Duraphat), consult a dentist. maybe some of your enamel chipped off and you need some type of filling to block thermal and mechanical stimuli to the sensitive areas.

after they get extracted the body will heal itself and replace the area of the lost tooth with gums and bone. after extraction the "hole" will be sutured up. no biggie dont worry about it too much. its much simpler that what you first think

dentists are just people trying to help you. they re not there to hurt you. also one of the best advice is "you re afraid? good. now work past that". fear is illogical. you cant reason or combat it head on. just accept the fact that you are afraid and with the help of others, while going through the journey you will find out you had nothing to fear. its kind of a hassle but its done under anesthesia so you dont feel a thing. post op there might be some swelling and a bit of pain but nothing major.

i havent been to the dentist in 10 years, im 28. i went last week to get a cleaning and xray and the laying kept saying i had good teeth. i dont have insurance and they cleaned my teeth, said i had deep roots and said i need 2 fillings. 1 was in the middle of the tooth because it fell out sometime in last 10 years but its nothing major and a baby cavity on the same tooth. they gave me a price of 365 per filling and 35 each for desensitizer or some shit, came to like 700 somethin. they gave me a " new patient " discount of 485 to fill in the 2 fillings, should i do it or na

Your teeth aint super if youve had 5 cavities. Im 39 and havent had any ever. I get great remarks every time i go for a cleaning. Get on my level faggot.

Can braces help with overbite and TMJ/lockjaw?

Your opinion on invisalign for an adult?

>dentists are just people trying to help you...etc
thanks for replying. i am trying but it is hard. the thing i am scared of is the things that can go wrong. i have nightmares of scalpels dropping down my troath because of, oops did that just slip out of my hands? sry user. (dentists are only human and humans make mistakes, no hate) i have half a mind to just drink myself brave before i go but thats a bad idea i know

I just started feeling some sharp, not too strong but still annoying pain that comes and goes in one of my teeth that has some fillings cause of some cavities long time ago. I had this a couple times before and my dentist said it's cause there might be some infiltration going on and there are micro tubes inside the tooth and saliva or fluids can be getting into them and causing this pain so he redid the fillings and the pain stopped for years each time.

I started feeling it again but now I'm abroad on vacation in the middle of fucking nowhere and don't really have dental over here. Is there something I can do to improve the sealing until I'm back home?

Thanks for the advice OP!

I asked the denture question because I don't have enough for implants yet. I'm saving but it might take a while. Basically I'm wondering, on average, how long one can go with dentures and still have enough bone left for implants?

Show bobs and vagene pleas.

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Like this guy, i have two teeth that decayed and broke. They weren't all that painful, surprisingly. If they don't bother me, are there overall health issues to worry about just leaving them be?

the nerve got hurt in some way. most of the time if you do notice the numbing getting better it will indeed fully heal or at least 90-95% heal but it can take a really long time. cortisone helps at first but its not needed. you need to give it time but definately talk to your surgeon for follow ups and maybe get a second opinion as well. i feel for you. nerve damage is a bitch to heal but that doesnt necessarily mean your surgeon did smth wrong. these kinds of complications are rare but they do occur from time to time.

5.5pH is the so called "critical pH" value. anything below that will start damaging the enamel over time (though saliva can act as a buffer system and bring pH up after some time)
I wouldnt recommend vinegar or any home remedies for that matter. just remember, if it was an effective treatment, your doctor would be using it. medicine is picking the best therapeutic agent with the least side effects. over centuries we got to know why these home remedies worked, purified them, removed most side effects and then created a new biomaterial. thats hw any science works.

dunno. happens. its rare and im happy for you but i wouldnt count on it for your whole life. for example we have a super high metabolism and can eat w/e the fuck we want. then we hit 35-40 yo and suddenly we re a fat lazy fuck who cant metabolise properly a single bar of chocolate. teeth are living organs and their resistances and functions change over time

yes but you might also need some extractions or oral surgery first to reach the best results

its good but only for small types of treatments. it has its drawbacks and for major repositionings it can be too much force too soon and lead to root or bone resorbtion. i would ask an orthodontist and not a general dentist for the best treatment type for your case.

Thanks op; will definitely follow up with oral surgeon.

Take it from my personal experience. The longer you wait, the worse it becomes, and you might start running out of options.
Yes dentists are evil bloodthirsty demons but if I could travel back to the past "going to the dentist earlier" would be in my top 10 things to do.

>dear diary. today OP was not a fag
+1 my dude

i totaly agree. fear is weird thing tho. in this case it made me make all the wrong choices

>im tmj guy

Are there bad consequences for having TMJ for a while? I feel like I over time I might be wearing my disc out or something. I dunno the anatomy of it. Frequent clicking and lockjaw throughout the day.

wow, thank you very much for your time. answered my questions and gave me somethings to think about.

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("This guy" here) Same surprise here. I expected 12 molars falling in ruins would hurt like hell. But no, only some minor tootache (mostly just before another piece was breaking off) for which a paracetamol did enough, That's why I am quite shocked OP told me the stumps left are ticking time bombs.

How do I know for sure I have a cavity without seeing a dentist? My tooth feels sensitive sometimes but idk if it's a cavity or just sensitivity

Completely understandable. But this is one of those cases where it's worth it to try and fight that fear as hard as you can. You'll end up stronger and feel better than before. Best of luck to you dude

dont worry there are multiple failsafes during surgery and proper safety protocols. mistakes CAN be made but its not the majority. drinking aint the solution for you. if you are phobic (more than just afraid) many professionals will recommend sedation to keep you calm. not general anesthesia, just getting you a little high. DONT get high on weed or w/e though thinking its the same type of sedation ;)

sounds like there is microleakadge around your fillings. you cant do much te help seal it up, but the best course would be to replace those fillings. your dentist is right about the tubes etc. maybe use a desensitizing toothpaste till you can visit your dentist. it contains remineralising agents that MIGHT help seal gaps for a while.

you re very welcome. happy to help

depends on your age but if you re under 50 i wouldnt worry about it. just save for a few years and get implants. EVEN IF you lose bone (come on you aint gonna lose that much), bone grafts can do miracles these days. also its a routine procedure for anyone placing implants so yeah... dot worry too much about it dentures now, implants when you can afford em.

yeah. absessing. i replied to that question already so you might wanna read that. if you still have questions, im here till this 404s


lel so true. prevention is a million times better than treatment. basicaly we cant restore anything lost. whatever we dentists do WILL fail eventually. if you can prevent damage from occuring and NOT entering the cycle of restorations is the best kind of treatment you can get by far!!


yeah ive done loads of seminars and published a few articles on dental fear and phobia management but its too much to analyse here.

>DONT get high on weed or w/e though thinking its the same type of sedation ;)
oh i know makes blood as thin as water. thx for the advice OP real classy!

yeah exactly that. the sympoms will get worse over time if your occusion is traumatic, leading to pain, dizziness in the mornings and lockjaw. after 55-60yo the symptoms uuuuusually begin to disappear but i wouldnt chooose waiting that long and sacrifing my quality of life.

no probs. figured i'd help my Yea Forumsrothers out, since i have lurked for years but didnt post cuz im a leechfag

untill irreversible iflamation of the nerves inside your teeth (pulp) occurs, you will not have noticable pain, save for the occasional sensitivity to cold. when the inflamation does occur (adn its usually acute in its onset) its not very pleasant to say the least ;) I dont mean to scare you, mind you. Just trying to save you a couple restless nights.

ermmmm. if you can spot a hole, its a cavity lol. nt really sure how else to answer that.

not so much about blood thinning. its more about antagonising the real anesthesia and sedation we use. also it could potentially mess up with your heart rythm. VEEEEERY low chance of that but still you really dont want to have to deal with it if you can. anyway if you ever visit a medical professional while high, just tell us. We reeeeeeally dont care. we do drugs ourselves. we just want to know cuz every operation and patient is different. the more you know going in, the better you will be at that particular surgery

yay caught up with questions

>ermmmm. if you can spot a hole, its a cavity lol. nt really sure how else to answer that.

Well that would be a cavity that's been there a long time. My last cavity I had filled didn't make a noticeable hole and my dentist had to drill out some of my tooth to fill it. My question is what do dentists look for when diagnosing a cavity at it's early stage?

(incredibly simplified)
3 things mostly. sensitivity to cold (air/water combo) in a specific area of the tooth, not the tooth as a whole
white spot formation around suspected area of demineralisation

sadly this is the only way to detect not cavitated carries and you need to be outside your mouth to check. you can only do some basic cold sensitivity tests but that is a really inaccurate way of diagnosis just by itself.

im sorry to say that you do need to see a dentist if you need a definitive answer

do you think being "high" on xanax could antagonize the anesthesia you dentist use?

Aww ok. Thanks for the info

no xanax is one of the types of sedation we might use.

no probs

More of a orthodontic question:
I got orthodontic treatment from age 9 or 10 til I was 16,5 years. My bite was good, though I had a slight open bite on the right side (I didn't noticed it, just saw it recently on pictures). Now I have a bigger open bite on my right side and a open bite on my left side. I can not chew small stuff like spaghetti or peanuts on my right side, and I only have cotact with 1 tooth on my left side (i can chew most stuff without a problem).
How can one develop an open bite after orthodontic treatment for 7 years?
Note: im 22

ok, thank you very much!

My hygienist is trying to get me to come in for cleanings every 4 months. Is this just a scam to get more money out of me per year?

thats a scam tbh

if your orthodontist didnt use some sort of stabilisation (metal bar on your teeth or a night splint) your teeth have the tendency to revert to their original positions over time.

normally most patients need cleanings every 6 months or every year. I have a few patients that have so much calculus build up that need to come in every 3 months. its rare but it does happen. you can track your calculus build up in the mirror to get a rough estimate. if you can see calculus on the lingual side of your lower frontal teeth then its probably time for a cleaning

My teeth are really bad and I'm afraid to go to the dentist because he'll probably think bad about me. What should I do?

I used to be prognathic when I was a kid, I was re-educated and now I'm fine
I also have my wisdom teeth coming out for like two or three years now
My jaw often cracks when I do a horizontal motion with it, but 10 days ago it cracked pretty bad
And now my jaw hurts a lot, just below my left ear, whenever I open my mouth or move it sideways
It's not getting better, I wonder if it's related to the fact I was prognathic / have wisdom teeth coming out

What's your worst case of someone not brushing there teeth?

Opinion on orthotropics?

we dont feel bad for our patients, unless they are refusing our advice and/or are being a bitch. we only feel sad and want to help. you should go to the dentist.

you probably did some minor tmj damage. doesnt sound too serious but i couldnt tell without examining you. go to a tmj specialist or even a general dentist for a clinical opinion

23yo all teeth decays. only roots remained in both jaws. sadly, i had to extract everything that was left and 2 months later to do full dentures for him. he couldnt afford implants.

what do you mean orthotropics? im not familiar with that term

I amThank you, last question: is there a certain age where the median palatine suture ossifies? I had a maxillary expansion whe I was younger and my orthodontis wants to talk me into a surgical one (that I do not want, because my braces from 6 years ago still fit)

Does invisalign work?

Hi OP!
I bit on a metal pen and a tiny piece of my lower frontal tooth chipped off. It doesn't hurt or anything it just feels weird when I touch it with my tongue.
Do I have to get this checked right away or can I wait until Monday? Thank

as far as i know, never fully. surgery should solve that though. not my field of expertise though so i could be wrong. prob best to seek advice on that elsewhere.
yes but only on small scale repositions. it has its drawbacks though

you can prob wait till monday if its not too big and doesnt hurt on cold/hot. pob just needs a composite resin restoration and you re good to go

by the way since i enjoy doing this i was thinking of using to do provide answers on my free time and get some nice tax free monies on my paypal. anyone has any experience with that site??

whats the best way to quickly whiten teeth?

In-office bleaching at the dentist. DONT use any methods posted on fb or w/e OR any of those chinese kits on ebay. They mess up your enamel

Is it true you shouldn't rinse your mouth with water after brushing your teeth, and that you should just spit?

I am not having problems with my wisdom teeth, but my jaw as las x-rayed ten years ago. Could it have grown enough to resolve impaction?

I really appreciate your help, my orthodontist wouldnt believe me, that it does not (necessarily) ossifies at age 17-18. I am goint to search for a new one. Thank you very much.
Sorry, no experience with that site

not really. you should just avoid brushing your teeth after consuming acidic foods or beverages like orange juice. that sensitivity and metalic taste after brushing following an orange juice? thats your dissolved enamel ;)

pretty small chance of that happening. they will probably remain impacted for your whole life.

no prob. but as i said bone generation in that region is something i am not entirely familiar with. others might be more educated on that particular topic.

I can provide a photo of the x ray

>you should just avoid brushing your teeth after consuming acidic foods or beverages like orange juice
In that case how long should I wait until I brush my teeth? I generally brush them immediately after each meal

I have that on your pic on my right lower side but it's looking out a bit
Had it on the other side too but it started to hurt so I got it cut out
The wooden taste of bonedust is the worst
Would not recommend
>worst experience of my life tbh

Can eating carrets harm your teeth?

Dunno but my dentist is millionaire

op if you are still here. what do you think about the fact (in the Netherlands) dental care not being part of health insurance? to me that sounds like utter madness being that healthy teeth not only makes a great smile but is esential for a healthy body

sorry was submitting form to justanswer XD

sure gimme an xray

wooden? first time i hear it. cant really describe what it feels like for me, though since we use water on our cutting tools most of the time there is no taste.

not really,no. unless you dont brush afterwards

sadly, im not :(

in my country it is that way as well. if you want dental care you have to go private. its a shit system, but you cant do much cuz shit country. Also, private insurance in my country is shit, cuz they want to pay dentists fuck all for treatments (unlike the US). So we re like, no fuck you people have and will keep paying us without insurance. Granted, dental costs are abysmally low compared to other countries. smth like 50 bucks for a filling and 200 for a crown

>wooden? first time i hear it.
Or kinda damp if you want
The water mixed with bonedust tastes much different then water with toothdust or just water, also at least for me it didn't bind everything

aye it is not expensive here either. but still imho health isnusrance is that. insurance for health. i am the scared for dentists guy and i got quite sick from my bad teeth. i can afford to see a dentist tho but there are plenty people here who are not able to see one. and we are required by law to be insured, which is pretty expensive. as i said the likes of you scare me so i do not get many opertunities to talk about this with dentists. so i thought i'd ask you. are your teeth essential for being healthy?

>Dentistfag here, AMA
Don't you mean ADA?

never had bone surgery in my mouth. it does smell differently but i havent tried the taste.

yeah i get that. i too am paying for insurance but if i have to go to a public hospital the odds of me coming out at full health are abysmaly low. sigh

yeah teeth are essential to health. think about chewing and actually tasting your food properly, digestive issues etc. also think of the social repercussions. no teeth or a bad smile can lower your chances at a job/career/love interest/any social interaction. also an inflamation starting at the oral cavity can spread given time without addressing the symptoms.

AMA = Ask Me Anything

I have a tooth on my upper jaw that isn’t the same level as the others, it’s shorter. It’s not broken, it’s just short. What do?

I've got a slight gum recession i thnink because i don't brush my teeth regularly (adhd). Is there a treatment and will it "grow" back at their original level ?

My jaw is crooked is it fixable?

>AMA = Ask Me Anything
And ADA = American Dental Association
>What is a joke

cheers. i mainly got sick from the bacteria ingested. thank god my front teeth are fine and so ar my K9s(it is for dogs) speaking about it. what ills you at the moment?

pic? you can prob just do a composite resin bonded restoration and make it look perfect. doubt it can be just "short". its prob either chipped or it didnt surface fully.

pic? it probably wont but if you do regular cleanings and brushing it shouldnt turn into a problem. if aesthetics is your concern there are gum grafts you can put surgically to reposition gum lines.

but i aint part of the ADA ;) im half a planet away XD

I chipped part of my molar off. It doesn't hurt at all but it is rough and I can feel it with my tongue. I don't have insurance to cover anything, but should I fix it?

What if i never got my wisdom teeth out?

I love this question
>OP:nothing I say will replace advice from your local dentist
>user:here's some advice from my local dentist
>user:replace it

>29 year old
>Still have a baby canine
>Adult one is logged sideways in my upper jaw

Implant or get a brace and pull it down? I'm leaning towards implant.

I have one other tooth like this one seemingly hollowed to the gum, no pain, and I have chipped front teeth from an abusive step father, as a 24 year old can k get dentures? Is that reasonable thing to do? Is there any other options other than pull them and have no teeth?

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I never had any wisdom teeth.

thought id chime in here
idk if you've ever seen that gif in a rekt thread of the guys top teeth totally severed and able to flap like a southpark canadian
that happened to me after a fight, and I had to have my whole top jaw bolted in place
i had no feeling in my top teeth for close to 2 years, and it's still somewhat numb in the very front teeth, now pushin 4 years out
feeling comes back and numbness does go away, just takes an imense amount of time sometimes

related: OP, the injury i mentioned above still makes the left side of my jaw lock up sometimes, locking more toward the closed position. My teeth to not line up as they did before they were bolted back in place but after close to 4 years have adjusted
i was wondering how bad it is that my jaw locks up still, what affect it has in TMJ and tinnitus (which I have really bad)

>but i aint part of the ADA ;) im half a planet away XD
Fair enough, man. Glad to hear you don't have to live in this shithole of a country.

Is getting your wisdom teeth taken out just a meme? My dentist told me I needed mine out asap. That was 6 years ago and I've never gotten them taken out and I experience no pain ever.

Would you?

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you should technically but if it doesnt hurt on cold/hot maybe you can it delay it some. simple filling should fix it if the chipping is minimal. if its extensive then you should see a dentist asap.

no biggie. if it doesnt cause you any probs then dont bother thinking about it.
heh you got me on that. but still i gave both sides of the arguement, as well as my own opinion.

had the same thing, kinda. i got a brace and pulled it down. you still have to extract the tooth if you re gonna get an implant, so why go down that route. still, its a valid treatment option.

that tooth needs maaaaybe a root canal treatment and a filling. nothing more.

im not really sure i understood the type of injury. the jaw fracture and the TMJ could be unrelated. see a TMJ specialist or a prosthodontist for that. in a case such as yours i wouldnt delay getting it checked out just in case.

i think my second or 3rd post covered that topic. tldr you can let em stay if they dont cause problems is my opinion.

not passable enough im afraid

I was in pain for 6 years because of wisdom teeth i had them out just in b4 them damaging the bottom teeth next to then. no pain anymore but now addicted to heroin after experiencing opiate medication..

I have a baby tooth that is severely Decayed, I have to have the impacted tooth moved into position, and the baby tooth removed.

I’m also on Methadone, so I doubt I’ll be getting any pain meds...

Should I get it done?

>had the same thing, kinda. i got a brace and pulled it down. you still have to extract the tooth if you re gonna get an implant, so why go down that route. still, its a valid treatment option.

How long does it take to pull it down? Also, are braces worth it as an adult? Can't do a pic right now but I've heard they move back when you're an adult so it's pointless?

Do you believe in mewing and will it fuck my face if i do it while wearing braces ?
(thanks to spent time with us medicanon, god bless)

ITfag here. Why do you all use dentrix? It's fucking terrible.

I have this exact same problem. Pls OP.

Fagchecker here,
You're a faggot, which is unsurprising.

idk the exact name of the fracture but basically a horizontal crack above my top teeth just under my nose
i could grab my upper jaw and literally move it around
they bolted it in place but the alignment with my lower jaw was slightly off and now my jaw clicks hard when i bite/open and sometimes will lock
i had tinnitus before this but ive heard tmj can exacerbate it

eeerm one opiate treatment shouldnt be enough to get you that hooked. then again, in my country we rarely if ever use opiates. maaaaaaybe opioids

yeah get it done. you ll thank yourself down the line.

i had a LOT of problems so i had braces for 4 years as a teen. it is worth it, though. nowadays, age doesnt matter. i have ortho patients in their 60s ;)
if you use some form of retention (metar bar on the inside of the teeth or a night splint) the result will not change over time.

mewing? what is that?

i use DentalWin. Its a greek program. havent used Dentrix so no opinion on that


im OP, therefore im a faggot. Thanks captain obvious.

upper jaw fracture shouldnt affect the tmj, unless your final occlusion is traumatic. consult an orthodontist.

brb lunch. keep asking

Serious question, why do dentists tend to try and make small talk while working with my teeth?

How similarly do vaping and smoking affect your teeth OP?

cuz we get bored on simple treatments and also it helps to establish a doctor-patient relationship. at that time i am more of a friendly somebody who helps you with your problem, rather than a mute cold hearted bastard operating on your innards just to take away your money and make you feel fear and pain.

its all a matter of perspective. mostly cuz we re bored, though.

not enough data on vaping, yet. so no clue. regular smoking is pretty terrible on all fronts. vaping has only been studied socially so far. aka makes you look like a douchebad faggot ^_^
dunno about the health implications it might have

Yeah but I feel like a dick because I can’t really talk when they are working with my teeth

dont worry, we know. we already dont expect you to answer back. thats why most of the time we just tell random funny stories or comment on recent topics. very rarely will we ask something.

when i have a patient who i know doesnt want the small talk, i just listen to music on my bluetooth earpiece while working. I actually prefer it that way

Hey OP. So my wisdom teeth started really growing about 1.5 years ago, at first i coulnd't close my jaw normally bc i would end uo biting my cheek(shit was bleeding from time to time) and the dentist told me to have them removed bc it's going to bother me. But alas time passed and they kinda straightened out and now the problem is gone. Though food constantly gets stuck there and it's damn near impossible getting it out with a toothpick. I keep breaking toothpicks and stabbing my gums in the process, causing them to bleed. Wat do?

get a tooth cleaning, floss or use interdental brushes instead of toothpicks. if needed you can remove the small flap of gums you were constantly biting on.
biting it once makes it inflame and swell. then, every time you bite, you bite onto it and get it even more inflamed. if you protect it for a few days it should go back to normal. excising that part of the gums is usually the go to treatment option.

if all else fails and you keep getting the same symptoms, then i would advise extracting the wisdom tooth that causes the problem

Thanks OP

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I haven't seen this posted yet... How much of what you do is because of stupid people who don't take care of their teeth?

I am having some cold/heat sensitivity on one side way in the back. But only late at night or early in the morning. Sometimes makes it uncomfortable to Layton head down. I still have my wisdom teeth, doc said there was enough room for them back there. I’m 30 now, so I don’t think they’re the problem. It’s definitely on the back left molar though.

there are days where i wanna say 100%. but in truth it aint like that. most of the work is educating the public about prevention and proper hygiene.

I can do miracles inside a mouth, but if the patient cant or doesnt want to care for their own mouth, then my work will deteriorate veeeeery fast and he will be back to square one

can i get a pic? pain during relaxation (night or early in the morning) is usually the sign of an iflammation


when it comes to children, though, especially children of patients of mine i put 1000% of the blame on the parent. also, parents are always the cause of fear and phobias. if they are afraid of the dentist, then so is the kid

Man... people are weird. I'll never understand how they can be afraid of going to doctors (and dentists). Best case scenario, nothing's wrong. Worst case scenario, you have mega cancer. Usual case scenario, something's a little off and it gets fixed.

Does flossing actually work? Seems like a waste of time.

yeap it does. you cant clean interdental spaces efficiently enough with a toothbrush. though usually, i recommend using interdental brushes since its faster, easier, doesnt require a specific technique to use and doesnt injure the gums as much as floss does

having my wisdom teeth cut out inna month or two. they havent popped up from under the gum. i kinda know whatkind of a operation im walking into, but that nerve damage shit was not properly explained. if something goes fucky, do i need to drink everything with a straw or what?

Not a dentist, but look at it logically: cavities are caused by bacteria in your mouth slowly eating away at your teeth (hence why you should brush 2x a day). When you have chunks of food in your mouth, it's almost like you've got a petri dish between your teeth.

Side note: There's a british study that made me realize just how bad "studies" really are, and how easily they can be manipulated.

The study looked at british kids who flossed vs. didn't floss, and found that there wasn't any difference in the end... which makes perfect sense when all of the kids are gonna lose their teeth anyway and grow new ones.

IF your nerve gets a little scraped ( if its really close to the extraction site), that side of your jaw and tongue may feel numb after the surgery. its a rare complication.

seems like the questions have died down so ill be going. see ya next time guys

After I did heavy doses of testosterone enanthate, propionate and dianabol, 8 weeks total, all my wisdom teeth came out.(all ok, no pain) Should I worry? I didnt want to disclose that info with my local dentist.

Sorry, it’s really hard to take a picture of the inside of your own mouth, especially the back teeth.

Also took Nolvadex, Clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin