Had all 4 wisdom teeth impacted, and partially breaching or whatever you'd call it, but they weren't going to emerge further. Huge pain in the ass to clean. Had not gotten infected, but food got stuck all the time, and dentist said they needed to come out (some were more necessary than others, but since they were gonna take some, might as well do them all).
Now, I had a ton of shit going on. Moving for jobs, etc and it just never was a good time to do it for a few years. Anyway back in late 2017, when I'm 27, finally get them out. Oral surgeon tells me it's gonna be tough; they've got some pretty developed roots by this point, but agrees they should come out.
Do it. Wake up, surgeon told me (so my parents say) that it was very hard to get them out, but that he doesn't think any complications. Hurts like fuck as you'd expect. No issues with dry socket or anything. One complication arises though.
Numbness on the left side of my lower jaw from the middle to corner of mouth, pretty much down to the bottom of the chin. Can't feel anything at all.
Oral surgeon says nerve is intact, and will take a long time to heal.
For the next few months, feeling returns slowly, etc. Very very slowly. After seeing the oral surgeon a few times, stop making more appointments, with the intention of going back after a year or so if it hasn't fully healed, since it was clear it was gonna take a long time.
Now, it's been 16 months or so, and the feeling is still off. Hard to describe. I can feel something everywhere, but over that area, it feels different. I can tell sharp/dull and hot/cold. I can tell where something is touching. It just feels weird. It has been so slow, it's hard to tell if it's changing any more or if it has stopped.
I do need to make an appointment with the oral surgeon to talk about it obviously.
But, from what I've read online, usually if it's not healed within a year it will never heal fully? If so, it's not too bad... but want to know.