Atheism is autism

Atheism is autism.

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No fuckin shit Sherlock

Samefag lol

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What's funny is when they blame shit that people do on God

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No fuckin shit Sherlock

well shit they got me

Yeah that's cool but for the evidence section you need to list evidence.

Claim of absolute knowledge of Gnosticism, which exists amongst theists as well.

But yes Gnosticism is retarded

>you need to list evidence
My sides have launched into heaven with Jesus

Can we just leave people alone, for fucks sake what kind of selfish asshole shit for brains cult City do you live in where if you don't believe in God you basically should be killed for it? Your going to heaven, who fucking cares what other people believe, just shut the fuck up. I'm Christian and even I don't care what you think.

Nice try faggot, but Yea Forums has always been atheist

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In all honesty, you have a point. But if you knew atheists were going to the bad place, why wouldn't you want to save them from eternal suffering?

No wonder there's no sane people here.

It's less of "fuck you if you don't believe God" and more of "you constantly talk about how there is no God, yet you can't prove he doesn't exist." Most atheists I've met are huge assholes that make everything about them. Like atheism is their whole personality. Atheists are like the vegans of religion. Agnostics are ok, though.

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Pagang agrees, monotheism abrahamism is autism

Except this only "proves" certain attributes of god/s, not existence.

I'm not an atheist, but I'm not religous either. As I remember correctly I'm a deist. (Benjamin Franklin was as well and he was a smart guy.) We believe, as I always like to put it, "God pushed start on the universe, sat back, and cracked open a beer." Simply put, god created the universe, but didn't do jack shit after that. God doesn't intervene with our lives directly or indirectly in any way. God just watches us like a pervert.

nope, it makes god not god, either he's omnipotent or not god

>god sends unbelievers into hell
God actually wants people to go to heaven. Not everyone can go, there has to be an equal balance of believers to unbelievers.

Because it's not my place to say what they should and shouldn't believe in

Again that's cool but do you have any evidence?

>there has to be an equal balance of believers to unbelievers

ok but fucking why

>tfw god grades on a curve


Christfags laugh at this but I've never seen them come up with a good answer.

Ok... I looked at your little pic.

What about those things? Just naming off random things isn't proof of God.

Only a 5 year old would think that which makes sense since only 5 year olds still believe in sky fairies.

That's kind of hilarious.

Only retards claim that God doesn't exist full stop. Atheists who have any idea of what they're talking about would say "There is no evidence for God's existence therefore I don't believe he exists" which is a logical point of view.

Out of respect for our free will, God doesn't force us all to accept Jesus and go to heaven. People freely separate themselves from God of their own free will.

Why does there have to be that? God is almighty, no? So why does he make such shitty rules?

I mean... you know OP isn't interested in a rational discussion right? He posted this to stir the pot and watch it boil.

Yeah, but I like to stir the pot as well.

The Bible states the exact opposite. It specifically says that the path to hell will be wider and more travelled than the path to heaven

there really is no such thing as free will dude, at least not in the way most people think of it

While I totally agree that some atheist are assholes and are constantly trying to debunk God and such, I say let em, ignore em, and live your life. I believe they do that because we are constantly shoving it in there faces like assholes and not leaving them be, trying to force them into it, not all but a lot.

And that's the atheist position. Anti-theists are the ones claiming "there is no God". It's an important distinction.

something something "free will" something something

Tell that to Solomon when God hardened his heart. Or the other 500 times free will was manipulated for shits and giggles

And that would be a valid point, if it weren't for the concept of hell. Which isn't in the bible anyway, but it's a popular idea so it's worth discussing.

Not true. I as agnostic, don't believe in any god invented by man nor religion.

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It's good that they exist so we can all take common ground on anti-theists being both cunts and illogical at the same time


I like that idea

If it isn't evident, the godtard aka me will explain
(inb4 op is a faggot)

Everything in the universe has a cause, including the universe.

Since the universe encompasses all of space and time, whoever created the universe must transcend space and time.

>inb4 who created god hur hur godtard rekt
God exists by necessity.

Right, and that makes you an agnostic atheist. A lot of people get the terms "atheist" and "anti-theist" confused.

I don't think atheism is autism. I think 90% of atheists happen to be autists. It seems to be more anger than disbelief with them.

Well I don't believe in God but I acknowledge that He/She/It could exist, I just don't believe in God in the sense that, like, when people say "I believe in you" they want you to do a good job at something, but I know damn well God can't do a good job because if He/She/It exists then He/She/It fucking sucks, so in that sense I lack belief in God

What's so hard about acknowledging that Jesus dies for you. God has one rule to get into heaven: believe.

I didn't know that was so painfully difficult.

Still here, still interested in discussion.

Theism is retarded.

you can't be serious

How is god necessary?

...Maybe not an equal balance. But for there to be people who go to heaven, there have to be people that go to hell, too.

It really, truly is

And the punishment for not believing is infinite torture. How is that reasonable?


What you think of as "agnostic" is what atheism actually is.
The whole thing is a massive clusterfuck of semantics.

Again, why?

also don't mock bald priests, he gonna send bears after you also dragons, ah no that was retconned

The internet, stupid.

Yeah but why though

>500 time free will was manipulated for shits and giggles
>God cucked Solomon
It's highly probable that Solomon is in heaven.
He believed.

It's like you didn't read the quote.

That's not evidence. If it's so obvious why can't you list it?

Since when did Dubya become a Jew?

god is a drooling retard who couldn't make anything good if his/her life depended on it, that's why everything sucks so hard

The universe didn't create itself. Someone had to create it (God). You could say that the universe exists by necessity, but that's a taxicab argument.

That's not even slightly related to God manipulating peoples free will. Its cool that you believe he went to heaven but I was just refuting the idea that God doesn't manipulate free will

I imagine he's saying something along the lines of "You wouldn't recognize good without evil, light without darkness, earth without sky, etc..."

Doesn't really explain why god has to send good people off to be tortured forever for the thought crime of failing to be convinced by the total lack of evidence that he even exists, but you know.

Jesus loves me, he loves me a bunch, he always puts Skippy in my lunch

Serious as I can be.
How to get into heaven:
1. Accept Jesus (who is God)
2. Boom, you're done

Is god willing to prevent evil but not able, then he's not god
if he's able but not willing, he's not ''good'' god christians claim he is, he is evil incarnate in fact, if he's able and willing, he's not doing so therefore he does not exist, if he's neither he's not god

Or you could say, "We don't know how the universe came to be."

That is a more reasonable position than "magic did it"

well i can't do that because i'm not a fucking idiot who is wired to believe insane things

But the omnipotent creator of the universe who invented all things including logic could have ingrained an objective morality into all of us so we didn't need the bad to appreciate the good.

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> You could say that the universe exists by necessity, but that's a taxicab argument.

> God exists by necessity.

How are those not the same thing?

If you don't see why God sends people to hell, you don't see how bad God sees sin. God cannot allow anything that is corrupt into heaven. You may see that this is kinda messes up, but if God let unbelievers into heaven, it would not be a good place anymore.

If you're talking about Elisha, he wasn't mocked. A gang of like 42 guys threatened/ tried to rob him.

I'm pretty sure there's more suitable place for unbelivers than eternal torment

You got it wrong, mate.
1. Accept Allah
2. Jihad
3. 72 virgins

I really don't think any human being is good enough/qualified to get into Heaven no matter what they believe honestly

What does this even mean???

On the point of stopping evil

Is god able but not willing? Then he is evil
Is god willing but not able? Then he is impotent.
Is god both willing and able? Then whenceforth cometh evil?
Is god neither willing nor able? Then why call him god?

Like i said, God respects our free will. You're going in a circle here.

From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. "Get out of here, baldy!" they said. "Get out of here, baldy!"
Then he turned around, looked at them, and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Suddenly two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the young men.

do you really expect such a being to take interest on us stupid humans

It has a whole universe to whatch ou for and he decides to stare at some hairless animals

God is just stupid

Your god is stupid... no real purpose or importance really

Even if he was real but not interested he would be evil since he made us expierience a torturing existance

You are no more than a atomically complex turd which decided its alive

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Yeah, that's more or less my point.

Exactly, Plus God is not subject to any of the laws he created. He is outside of that and simply created it.


If god were to remove all evil, he's also remove our free will and turn us into perfect saint robots all the time. That's a lot worse, in my opinion.

Wud. You just said Solomon went to heaven. I said he was manipulated. How is changing his emotions not manipulation of free will?

yeah, I'm simply saying in any of those instances the christian god either is evil, or doesn't exist
monotheism is fucking bullshit to be honest, all you end up is with a multipersonality lunatic god

so who made necessity ?
and then
so is necessity necessary to prove gods existence ?
is this whole dumb discussion really gonna help people find faith ?

nope, I have my free will
I don't belive in god, in fact if he exists I find him revolting, never harmed a living being, just because if there is no evil in the world doesn't mean my free will would be removed this world has nothing to do with ''free will'' it's a curse because of the sin of first man

>we don't know how the universe came to be
God making the universe is pretty logical. According to the fine-tuning argument (look it up), the universe is made specifically to suit life. There are trillions of other universes that could have existed, all of which cannot support life.

and they could still exist, your point?
we don't know past our universe

I don't understand the first two questions. As to the third... no and I sure hope it doesn't.

>Epicurus, Greece's Nietzche
Alright you edgy queer, let's settle this.

Free will is the major component of being human, and a the largest consideration God gave when creating us. You could always program a robot to tell you "I love you father" Every hour of every day, but this is unsatisfying in the long run. What is much more difficult, but also much more fulfilling, is to have a child. This child that grows, learns, stumbles, and falls is imperfect, but seeing it realize its potential is far greater than creating a machine for one simple purpose. At the end of the day, I would rather have my son learn to walk than have a machine that does my dishes, understand?

Now, free will is tricky, and you can easily step all over it unintentionally. Do everything for you kids? They won't function by themselves.Do nothing? They won't function that way either, because they're born empty-headed. Instead, you instruct them, you help them, and you give them rules. They follow the rules or don't of their own volition. In this spirit, God cannot stop every bad person from being bad because then free will and struggle become meaningless.


can i just be real here and say that everyone arguing here is a rusty bag of salsa. okay now go and jack off to trump or something.
>inb4 lol stay mad
>inb4 biblefags

>the universe is made specifically to suit life.

the universe is a harsh, deadly place.

The argument could (barely) be made that the Earth is fine tuned to support life. As for the universe? We would immediately die in 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of it. That's not particularly well tuned to support human life.

>first mover

bad argument, even if a first mover is self-evident what evidence do you have that it's your particular first mover?

>atheism is cringe

kinda but less so when you realize christians are the good guys, they built the west, they allowed science to even occur and have more or less fully healed from believing in things like witchcraft, they alone have accomplished this

let's say the truth aloud together: non-christian religions are autistic

well more like "still autistic" but my point stands

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yeah. our planted basically rolled quints to be able to support life

God transcends all space and time. If you say everything in the universe has to have a cause, but then say the universe exists necessarily, that's a taxicab argument. God is exempt because he lives outside the universe, in heaven. You could call this a taxicab argument, but it is not since the God transcends the universe.

Allowing people to be mean to each other means God isn't real, or something.

Hmmm...So he was behind that...?

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We also quickly die on/in most of the planet.

sorry, many of your points are valid, but there is one you forgot, god could prevent, murder, torture, rape, sexual slavery
he does not do so, even though we humans use our free will to do so, therefore either your god is ambivalent, malevolent, or doesn't exist
if I create a robot that rapes tortures and kills my daughter, it's going to die

So god doesn't need to be created because... he's a special exception? What are you basing that assumption on?

Struggle is a vital part of our existence, and shapes us as creatures. The more problems we overcome, the better we become. We see this with science, art, philosophy, war, and even something simple like working out or doing a job long-term. Taking away all struggle when someone says "Oh Jesus I love you" would also infringe on free will because it goes back to taking away all struggle and leaving your children helpless and unable to function apart from you. Doubly, it takes free will away because any unbeliever that sees all problems get solved immediately as someone says"God please do X for me" will immediately see that their beliefs are wrong and cannot question the validity of Jesus as the higher power, master of the Universe, blah blah blah. You have to help, but you can't make it so obvious that there's no question, otherwise you override free will.

Believe it or not, ruling the Universe, has some nuance to it, and doing it incorrectly can trample all over the work you've done already.

there is also the fact god creates murderers, sees the future, knows exactly what they will do, but hey it's all fine

Runaway little zealot.

gnostic = know
theistic = believe

if you're agnostic you don't know what you believe is right
if you're atheist you don't believe in a god.

It means he isn't either real, malevolent or doesn't care at all

Read this.

If God took all struggle and sorrow away, there would be no point in believing in God, or there would be zero people who wouldn't believe in God. Thus, obsoleting free will.

They're slowly beginning to realize they'll soon be outnumbered.

This is a burden of proof fallacy. The burden of proof is given to the person making the claim in the first place (eg. There is a god.).

Then explain bone cancer in children.

Why can't any religion provide scientific peer reviewable proof?

Yet god doesn't experience such, yet has free will. Why don't we do the same, fuck prisons, it's free will. God is omnipotent he sees the future, he knows what you will do, he ignores multiple universe theory, because he's omnipotent. The moment he creates you he knows what you will do, be it murder, rape or other nasty shit. If he does not know this he isn't omnipotent, he isn't god.


Gnosticism makes a claim about knowledge. Theism makes a claim about belief. Atheism is a lack of belief in god. Agnostic atheists don't know if god exists. Gnostic atheists claim they know no god exists. Agnostic theists believe in a god, but they don't know for sure. Gnostic theists claim they know god exists. Simple as that.

He knows what we will do, but he does not make us do it.

What I'm talking about is the universe's ability to create galaxies, planets, etc, which in turn support life. The odds of a universe being created that is able to support galaxies that support starts that support planets that support life are astronomically tiny. The universe is fine-tuned to support all these things by God.

Yep, that's correct.

You can't blame God for bad shit that people do. That's the most retarded thing ever.

He does through creation. Or are you gonna claim he has to create no matter what, even the most sick individuals. He knows what you will do before you do it or he isn't god.
And in the early version of judaism it IS god that makes you do it, and sends his angels to tempt, such as Samael.

Maybe we just don't understand God. We can barely understand other people.

Yes, right. God does not need to be created. He never was created, because he's omnipresent.

But God is omnipotent and omniscient right? So he could have fine tuned the entire universe to support human life, but instead chose to make it so almost all of it is totally inhospitable. That's still not fine-tuned.

Yes I can, why can't I?
He is omnipotent yet does nothing. It's revolting. Humans do more than he does, we're thousand times better than him.

you assert god exists, prove it and i'll stop being an atheist.

And that's not an argument.

It's funny how almost every single atheist makes it their personal mission to speak against Christianity. Out of all the religions out there, it seems like atheism ALWAYS spawns from Christianity. Atheists are just bitter people jealous of the whole happy family Christian stereotype that they lash out in anger and denounce it rather than making an effort to fit in and actually be happy.


That's a claim, not an argument. What did you use to come to the conclusion that god didn't need to be created?

I despise your happy christian family because you fucks put your tendrils all over my fucking country. Faith school in public education spewing anti condom propaganda while teenage pregnancy is skyrocketing.
I despise what I am surronded with, plenty of arab born atheists hating on islam as well.

If god made everyone perfect, we'd all be robots. God allows stuff like murder to happen out of respect for our free will. He's not going to control us like robots, that wouldn't be morally right.

He created us at the beginning, and everything else happens. Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. Godly people seek a good life and redemption. The ungodly perish in ignorance, and live without the favor and help of God.

>Early version of Judaism
There is one correct version of Judaism, and a few incorrect versions. Kinda like Catholicism and Protestantism.

Weak bait. Try harder.

There is no free will with god. Multiple universe theory supports free will. But god is omnipotent so he ignores it, or he is not, therefore he's not god. Either he knows the future, or doesn't.

Ooh, that's original. "I can't argue against their points, so I'll just call them a bad person." You got me bud.

The universe exists
The universe encompasses all of space and time
Therefore, whoever made the universe must transcend all of space and time.
Need more?

Go watch Stephen Fry and Dawkins debate whether the Catholic Church is a force for good.

Hey, when is someone gonna bring up Pascal's wager? That's a fun one.

Dude, try to fucking learn about string theory, quantum physics, 4th dimension objects and the concept of time before we talk about why god hates fags for no reason.

God either doesn't exist, or doesn't deserve my respect. I don't care either way. I'm just here to fix the problems his followers have caused.

He does know. He chooses not to control us like robots.

You're begging the question there. You're assuming someone created the universe. You haven't established that as a possibility yet.

God isn't omnipotent, dumbass. Show me in the Bible where it says that, fuckfaggot.

Can you counter my point about how atheism seems to only spawn from Christianity? Can you name any prominent atheists who originated from anti Islam, anti Judaism, anti Hinduism views?

Control how? He knows a person is going to go to hell and burn for eternity before creating him, yet he does. He willingly allows most hellish of fates. If such a human existed as him he'd be destined to hell himself. If I acted as him, I'd be going to hell myself.

Then he isn't god.

I am a theist because I became that way after studying both sides of the issue, and decided that the belief that god is a fake doesn't add up logically.

There's a ton of books with logical statements that prove the existence of God.

I'm not a Gnostic because I'm not able to see into heaven and confirm God is there. I have faith.

He fine tuned the universe because he wanted humans. First book of the bible- he made the heavens and the Earth. Then he made humans. Why would he make a fine tuned universe if he didn't want humans?

I don wanna pay shipping tho :(

I would argue that atheism is most widespread in the west. The dominant religion in the west is Christianity, and therefore the most crucial to argue against given how it's used more than any other religion here to justify atrocities. If/when hinduism becomes the most influential religion in people's lives, you'll see the focus shift.

You'd really rather be controlled like a robot to do whatever God says is good?

God respects our free will. End of story.

It absolutely is. The alternative is that God controls you like a little robot and you are programmed to do nothing but good.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I'm willing to bet I could debunk the "logical" statements those books make, but nevertheless I respect your right to believe what you want to believe.

Ok, call him the Guy You Should Believe In Because If You Don't You're A Dumb Faggot Who Will Burn In Hell Also Your Life Will Be Really Shitty. I don't care. By not worshipping him you're literally playing life on hard mode, except the rewards are worse.

Atheist here. Christianity is still for normies, which is why I identify as one until atheism is mainstream

Whatever I need to do to fit in.

I said this before, god exists by necessity. The "who created God" argument doesn't work because it's obvious nobody created him. He didn't create himself. Time and space meant nothing to him before he made the universe.

Why make a universe at all? Why not just make the Earth and nothing else? Was he going out of his way to make it seem like everything arises as a result of natural forces?

I am a christian and support the separation of church and state. That's a prejudged stereotype.

>Christianity is mainstream
Not really, dude. Christian values have been on the decline for awhile. I wish it was mainstream though.

equal probability god is real vs not real,
100% probability god doesn't care about us.

And yet another alternative is that he reveals his existence to us in an undeniable way, so that we can all make an informed decision about our actions and beliefs.

For anyone 40+ above it is

That's debatable. And 40+ isn't exactly the mainstream culture.

He doesn't know the exact future, he knows the outcome of each person's acts. There's a difference, if he could tell the future, then yes, we would be robots. He knows what will happen if you CHOOSE to sleep an extra hour, and he knows what will happen if you CHOOSE to get up early. He gives you the free will to make these choices.

God doesn't hate fags, he hates the idea.
It's called love the sinner, hate the sin.

Rot in Hell, atheists

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Time and space had no meaning before the universe existed. So why couldn't the universe itself exist by necessity, same as your god? I'm not saying that's the case, again we just don't know. All I'm saying is your claim that God exists by necessity makes just as much sense for a universe without God, so we've gotten nowhere.

>christian god

Invisible psychopath killer who threatens eternal damnation if you fail to obey him.

>"You only EXIST, because I allow you to exist."
>"WITHOUT ME, your life has no meaning, and is not worth living"
>"You don't DESERVE me."
>"You'll never find ANYONE good as me."
>"YOU brought this upon yourself."
>"Only I know best."
>"You're not WORTHY of my love."
>"I'm doing this because I LOVE you."
>"You're a TERRIBLE person, and you need me to be better."
>"Don't listen to ANYONE who doesn't understand what we have."
>"LOVE ME, or you’re going to burn in hell forever."

Now where have I heard that before..

I'm not begging the question. I'm asserting that the universe has a cause, which I believe to be God.

But he also knows which one you'll choose, otherwise there's something he doesn't know and isn't omniscient. Boom, no free will.

>muh free will

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Bait is gay.

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I think this mostly comes from a misuse of the language. If you vehemently say there is no god with absolute belief that makes you an antitheist, not an athiest according to the classical definitions.
Similarly gnostic means having knowledge of god so agnostic is the claim that there is no knowledge of god. So I can say something like, "I do not have a belief in god because there is no knowledge of god or it is impossible to obtain" which would make me both an agnostic and an athiest. Theres also probably a bit of selection bias with the whole "all athiests/vegans are assholes who base their existence on their beliefs" but you only see and hear the assholes. Guaranteed you've met people who have these beliefs but didnt feel the need to share them so how could you include them in your internal statistic.

Seriously, someone bring up Pascal's wager. It'll be fun I promise.


In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. (Genesis 1:1)

God is omnipotent because he created space and time (the universe), and since he created space and time, he must transcend space and time.

He gives us the choice to believe. People freely separate themselves from God against his will.

Thanks. Whatever your beliefs are, you're a good person who is tolerant of other beliefs.

Neither this image or your religion makes any sense. Keep getting angrier tho. Fucking dumbasses still living in the middle ages...

>Atheist here
>I identify as christian

God likes creating things. Humanity is the pinnacle of his creation, but he made stuff like stars, galaxies, etc to show off his might. I guess you could say he's a show off. These things aren't pointless, people enjoy studying things like planets, etc.

Well I appreciate that, and I hope you'll keep asking questions.

Geeze, try to post something nice and I have to verfy I'm not a robot 500 times.

So explain to me how it is that evangelicals believe Trump is a saint and appointed by "God". I'll wait.

He cares about us. Ever heard of John 3:16? He literally sent Jesus to die for us.

2 bears, 42 victims. That's an impressive k/d ratio.

And what scripture are you basing that off of? Or is that your own personal theory?

>rot in hell atheists
That's really not the attitude Gods wants us to have. Our job is to show love to those who oppose us.

Ah right, he sacrificed himself, to himself, to appease himself, and allow himself to rewrite the arbitrary rules he himself implemented. That makes sense.

It's fun because none of the "what about" things hold up under scrutiny as evidence for God.

>why couldn't the universe exist by necessity
Taxicab argument. God's necessary existence is not a taxicab argument because my premise states that he created the universe, and he isn't part of the universe.

God is the programmer. This doesn’t necessarily mean that god the god Christians, kikes, and towel heads try to shove down our throats.

There couldn't be a "before" time.

God's knowing of time ahead does not restrict our free will.

And I appreciate that. I came out as atheist to my parents a few months ago, and the most depressing thing about the experience was how little they did to convince me otherwise. When I was a christian, I was extremely distressed by the idea of ANYONE spending eternity in hell. I thought my parents would feel the same and do everything in their power to convince me to rejoin the faith, which would lead to a long arduous conversation and crying and gnashing of teeth. But they kinda just accepted it and moved on.

I just don't understand how they can believe their only son is going to hell and be okay with that.

>inb4 they never loved you bitch

How is any of that stuff evidence of a god? DNA? RNA? Why? Why would a god make our bodies so fucking complicated? Why not just make us solid like a fucking Gumby? Answer to this and all questions about religion:

>god works in mysterious ways

Yeah, you're just gonna keep popping in and out of that taxi cab yourself aren't you? You have to demonstrate that what you're claiming is possible, and you've failed to do that. Until you do, we're done here.

op here
who in their right mid would say that Trump is a saint? I support him as president, but I wouldn't consider him a saint, especially because of some of the stuff he's said and done.

What is a "taxicab" argument. It sounds to me like you are committing a fallacy of composition, assuming that what is true of the parts must be true of the whole.

It's a personal theory. But I bet there's scripture of it if I looked.

Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of his hands

>who in their right mid
Nobody, but that doesn't stop them from saying it.

Yeah, it really does. If he knows which one we'll choose, then we can't choose otherwise and the conditions he set when he created the universe are what determines which action we'll choose.

All we've really done here is logically demonstrate that free-will and omniscience are mutually exclusive. You can't have one and the other at the same time.

He never rewrote any arbitrary rules.
I (and most Christians) believe that there is a trinity. God exists in three persons: the father, the son, and the spirit. The Father sent his Son to suffer and pay for our sins. This was a plan ever since the fall happened.

That plan is nonsensical.

Okay, so the captcha's are taking me forever to get through, and I feel like I've done a solid job of defending my viewpoint, so this is where I'm going to end my part in this conversation. Have a good one guys, and keep seeking answers.

You realize we have no way of knowing who in the thread you are, right?

I believe in the christian god because Jesus was historically proven to be a real person, and there are over 5,000 people who saw him after the Resurrection. You can deny his status as God if you want, but it's historically inaccurate to simply say he never existed.

Oh god dammit I was so fucking close!

I was the guy who spoke politely

It's a pretty mighty leap to get from "Jesus was a real person" to "Jesus is God"


Are you me?

It's not "mysterious ways", he made laws of the universe and made our bodies in such a way that we could live in those laws.

If that doesn't work for you, consider the idea of christan evolutionists, who believe God used evolution. Google the revelatory day theory. Personally I don't know if this theory is right, but it's the idea that God used evolution to create us.

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I don't support Trump being sainted, and I have yet to know of anybody who does.

There is no evidence that evolution is anything other than natural. Saying "God created evolution" is just unnecessarily tacking things on.


People should really stop takiing this word literally.

There is no "laws" in the universe, just constants

Nonsensical how? He came to call sinners to repentance of their sins. God promised a Messiah, he gave us one. Where's the nonsense?

Oh fuck OP got bitches crying

It wouldn't be a fallacy to point out that a line of reasoning no longer holds.

>christan evolutionists, who believe God used evolution.

This is something that I am surprised isn't more mainstream. The vast majority of Christians dismiss evolution outright without knowing anything about it because the guy running the Sunday service tells them to. They believe that a magical sky wizard created a planet and either imbued it with the ability to change over time, or is directly controlling that change, resulting in huge changes in climate over long periods of time. Surely, it would also make sense that this same magical sky wizard would also either imbue or directly control changes in the life he created and placed on that planet so that they can adapt to those changes.

Because people saw him after his execution and Resurrection, and there are accounts of this (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul the apostle)

I was with you on the "he was a real person" part up until you started going into the part about how he was a zombie who came back to life. He was clearly a real person.

Like I said, it's just a theory. Take it up with the person who came up with it.

Oh well! Won't stop me from believing Atheism.

On multiple levels. An omnipotent God would not need to bother with such a bizarre plan. It's made even worse by the fact that we have no way to verify that a Messiah was actually given, which God would be able to do trivially.

It is fallacious to hold a line of reasoning until it's no longer convenient.
Everything in the universe had to come from something.
Except the actual universe.

People claimed to have seen him after his execution, which is not the same thing. Also, even if it was true, it still wouldn't mean that Jesus was God.

It is not fallacious to hold a line of reasoning until it is no longer valid. You are committing a fallacy of composition by assuming that what is true of the parts (everything in the universe) is true of the whole (the universe itself).


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>It's not "mysterious ways",

"Mysterious ways" is a basic tenet of Christianity. It is the "moral of the story" for a great many parts of the bible. It's the basis of faith altogether. It means that these people believe that their god operates on a much higher level than us, and so we can not possibly comprehend his intentions nor his reasoning for his actions. So when someone's child gets cancer, it can be explained away as
"god's will", or god testing your faith. It's all a very convenient circular logic.

It's a theory I consider.
I may have to stop posting soon, since the captcha's getting pissed at me.

The mental gymnastics...

He wasn't a zombie. A real person who died and came back. Comparing him to a zombie makes no sense.

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OP here
You do you, man. I find atheism illogical.

We actually have evidence of zombies though (both voodoo and fungus varieties)

A lot of it isn't just a bizarre plan. A lot of it is like of like a public demonstration of His love.

Rev 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

Have you read the bible?

I don't see why an all powerful eternal being would even care what people do in their millisecond of existence on this planet. For that matter, if Christians believe they will spend an infinite amount of time in the happyland in the sky, why are they concerned about anything that goes on here in this speck of time on Earth? They should be doing everything they can to get out of here and get to happy land right?

Torturing people forever because they don't believe in something without good evidence sure is a public demonstration of love. Yep.

Here's how I put it.
The Romans killed Jesus. That's a fact.
Three days Jesus was dead.
Then on the third day, God rose him from the dead.
Over 5K people saw him after this.
That's why i believe he's God.

Died and came back to life. That's a zombie. Either way, you are claiming to be both a sane adult and someone who believes in dead bodies being reanimated. You are, by definition, mentally ill. If it weren't for the fact that the vast majority of people believe what you believe, you would be institutionalized.

>Over 5K people saw him after this.
That's just a claim though. Do we have 5k individual eyewitness statements? I'm not saying that would make it true if we did, but we don't.
>That's why i believe he's God.
Why though? If someone dies and comes back to life, why assume that person is God?

Yeah, basing your entire faith on some supertitious sand goatfuckers who lived 2000 years ago sounds about right

Bible says the earth is 4000 years old, Hinduism is 7000 years old. Get bent religious cucks

neither can define "god". how can you deny the existence of something unless you first define what it is you say exists or not?

how about this, anyone, define "god". then, i'll tell you if it exists or not.

no, it doesn't it was a lone stupid irish pastor who recently decided that figure based on some bullshit. the bible also doesn't include "satan" or "the devil".

Sure you are. Maybe just not this one insane thing.

If you believe in god...any god...then you're truly retarded and should be euthanised.

I would define god as a conscious entity that is maximally powerful.

In all honesty, you have a point. But if you knew infidels were going to the bad place, why wouldn't you want to save them from eternal suffering by showing them the light of Allah?

>The belief that there was nothing
>Nothing happened to nothing.
>Nothing magically exploded.

Nothing can't exist.
It has to be something.

P.S No creator is needed.

>The belief that there was nothing
>Exept god.

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ARE You retarded, have you not read it? From the point of the photo that inslaves the Jews( didn’t happen being they recently discovered pyramid builders were fed well and no mass graves if there bones) to the story of cane and able its only a few hundred years then from the beginning of the Bible after being cast out to cane and able is another couple hundred years, read the Old Testament. “ oh Jews wrote that hur deh dur” well every bible says the Old Testament is crucial to understanding gods forgiveness in the New Testament so it’s incorporated. “Oh I just don’t believe that part hur de dur” well then congrats on doing what Islam did and Mormons just taking an old FAKE book adding and changing a few lines then rebrand as new coke

Don't need god if energy already exists

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