I, I wish you could swim

I, I wish you could swim

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Go to bed, Vinny

deam right

Attached: download (4).jpg (864x1105, 171K)

Like the wallflowers song? oh man i had this soundtrack CD from a poorly made godzilla movie and it had some great tunes on it and this one track by the wallflowers was really great

It's a god awful small affair.

Holy shit im a retard, i guess it was a cover of a david bowie tune, just went to go find it on youtube and found the original

anyway after hearing the original, i actually way prefer the wallflowers cover of it, maybe just because i was a kiddo and nostalgia but hey whatever

I cannot

yknow i guess im not too far off because the comment section of the wallflowers video is um...

its full of people saying the cover is pretty fucking great


so i guess i have as good of taste as the retards who go into comment sections and say

"2019 ANYONE?!!?!?"

Love both versions, they have there place , god damn /b is a shit show but this was okay

sorry i kept just having more thoughts so i kept replying to my own post.

i havent used this website in like 15 years -- its all very strange to me again

I literally only get on here to see if I am missing a point and usually regret it, but it is good to see other humans

Apologies last post was supposed to be a reply , I really suck at Internet protocol

I just cant stand the negativity of the places i usually browse like reddit, and also this place has a larger variance of topics and uh

nobody here really has to watch themselves too carefully --- everywhere else online people are scared to be themselves

nah i figured dw bout it

i think you and i are the only people in this thread i think even OP abandoned it

Yeah funny how that does, /b has actually gotten way crazy in the last 2 years , it’s half /pol and a lot of traps...

As far as reddit , I find it better but you have to watch your subs , some are really great, I also dug imgur for a bit , but it’s kind of fallen off the wall

I've been divorcing myself from reddit for a while now, I still browse but actually participating --- im doing that less and less and less

Ive been on IRC networks since i was like fucking 8 years old back in 1995 -- and now I end up in a lot of discord servers, chat is way more humanizing than these image boards and aggregation sites

I am old school IT, so spent a bunch of time on IRC in the 90’s ,I actually monitor partially for work knowledge but it does suck you in. I find that human conversation is the most refreshing

more and more as i get older, i mean, im only 31 right but as i get on in life im becoming a mostly digital person, MOST like waaaaaaaaaay disproportionate amount of my socializing is done through chat

Sounds good to millennials, they don't know shit about music.

Like dolphins....

cmon now, even my father liked that version and he was born in like 1951

Damn 31 is so young, but I get it f2f is not for everyone , looks like we have some new fags coming on the chat

Exactly both versions are legit

I do so well face to face though, its not quite like a socially awkward thing, I'm a super duper extrovert to the point that i HAVE to talk to people like 90% of my day

its just easier to interact with 5193 people online than it is to find them in person --- people don't wanna chat in the checkout line at the grocery market

True get that, I have interacted more online today than most weeks, I usually just watch, but give me two hours in the bar at a Whole Foods and we get the place rocking

Whole foods has a fucking bar? Are the drinks organic and cost $99 each?

Mine does , they mostly carry local craft and it’s 4 or $5 depending, but it’s a blast if you are into craft beer

I'ma be real I stopped drinking around 27-28 --- not like it was a problem but i just never could get the taste for it, and it costs a lot and i always got sick and hungover etc

cause like when i drank i HATED the taste of everything so i'd get fucking unable to walk hammered and throwing up because i had to make it "worth it"

It is also a coffee bar , and they do bingo / trivia a couple nights so that’s cool too, but yeah not everyone’s gig ,

I mean the booze really is not for everyone, but they really make it about community, which is cool

Also the worth it thing, I have been there , but let it go a long time ago, now I just have a couple and decide it’s time for bed, but I do have to get up early and either run or take kids places