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Other urls found in this thread:

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I lose every time.

Attached: 1551524088888.webm (288x360, 1.92M)

And then you find out this madlad is actually 97 years old

Attached: 1551839536450.webm (270x360, 1.74M)

I wish I was this fucking cool. Jaysus

poor kid lost his entire fuckin family

Look how wide open the street was.
How does this happen?

Attached: 1515311578643.webm (540x734, 361K)

Why question China?

Attached: 1533640181379.webm (204x360, 1M)

r.hapas dinner time

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Attached: ching chong ding donged.webm (352x640, 1.07M)

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Attached: going_down.webm (640x360, 1.96M)

Attached: one bar.webm (640x480, 1.46M)

Always admired this one for some reason
>when dinner is the show

Attached: helpme.webm (640x360, 1.85M)

I refuse to believe that was a fucking accident

on purpose.

This person IS being helped.
He's held in place because he's dying from extreme radiation poisoning, his body is completely breaking apart.
He died eventually, but he wasn't being tortured, quite the contrary actually.
At the time this was recorded there were literally no known techniques to help him, thus why it all looks so makeshift.

chinese people aren't even human

Oh fuck the wipers lol

This man deserves a daily gold medal

Attached: 1519503511292.webm (640x368, 888K)

Thats not helping

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Attached: 1530410139898.webm (480x480, 1.41M)

this is warped

Was this the inspiration for that movie Devil?


That's how you seal in the freshness.

i cant even imagine how stupid it must feel to die that way

I'm glad he had a helmet on.

Attached: 1537677803965.jpg (1600x1800, 450K)

don't fuck with wasps

couldn't stay alive long enough to realize.

He ded


its like they all have full blown aspergers in their genetics...


>wish /b had sound
I'd love to hear some SF2 sounds on this
"Ughhhhhh" "PERFECT!"

And that, my friends, is how to get expedited salmonella.

Did he just ate his own arm?


did not see that coming wow

its bc asians dont have souls. no moral compass.

hahaha, love it !

Now , this is fucking badass ... just wow !

Note to self: never take an elevator in China


>chinese people aren't even human

you dont know shit you fucking cockroach
there are schizophrenics in the cia that are dumber then down syndrome that have fully compromised the global order and still havent been executed sitting in pine gap australia right now shooting up civilians in domestic dystopic terrorism
you dont know fucking shit about what is and arent human

fucking americans
murder all cia outside contiguous united states


Johnathon Alexander Middleton
CIA nigger
illegal criminal 2002-2019
murder it and its 2 children
fb com /michimichi21 u can see a poor shoop of the schizophrenic retard
murder it and its two children


I'm confused...does this mean don't poop while eating and wearing a hat?


my sides

Attached: Magic.webm (360x640, 966K)

Lol they dont even try to stop or react to their friends dying.
Just "UUUAAAAAAGH!?" and then back to insect life.


Well, they arent...

Considering the complete lack of workers' rights in China. Yea, he dead.

>t. niggerfaggot

Oh, look, it's a subhuman!

chink detected

dont you have an escalator to get eaten by?

Fun fact: they do this because the communist party convinced everyone that birds were destroying crops. It was part of the great famine. Chinks are fucking retarded.

fucking why

They lack the technology to efficiently kill piglets.

Attached: download.png (183x275, 6K)

Children are not really human, did you know?

what the fuck is this?

Typical chink.

Attached: 92d.jpg (211x239, 5K)

rat chef part 2

Attached: tyrepower.webm (640x360, 921K)

it's from a fucking movie, you are retarded

Your new fetish


The fuck he trying to do?

hes trying to get onto the elevator are you stupid?

What movie? Keep seeing this dumb video and need to know it's source.

ikr just put a fucking bullet in his head... thats helping imo.


Holy shit my sides

I couldn't put my finger on it but I think that's it... just a big cartoon

Would have been some funny shit if some random second car came out of nowhere and caught the spare.

This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the one kid left alive. I'll be surprised if that kid doesn't become a sociopath.

Sauce on this dood? Any more of him or similar? He have a YouTube or something

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That is not ouchi. You are wrong.

Attached: 93.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

Its like an entire society being constantly punished for selling their souls to their country and becoming subhuman.
Barely animals. I mean, they just pick up and eat animals they fucking find and if one of their kids dies next to them they just, "oooOOOOhhhhhhhh ding dong ping pong" and fucking walk away unphased.

Its the damndest thing i've seen a society turned into. Also the students that come to our local college are the most dangerous thing behind the wheel of a car. They SHOULD. NOT. BE. DRIVING. I dont know what their deal is but its fucking horrifying.


>and then he drank his own pee.

fuckin madlad

Why do I always laugh at this?

I don't know either

Apparently suicide by elevator shaft is pretty popular there.

This kind of things makes me feel that there is no God really, we are just.. alone in this world...

"Did we hit something?"

"Don't chink sooo"

All chinks are sociopaths.

No, no this is not helping that person, this is a bunch of doctors trying to record data on a rare event at the cost of a man in extreme pain who is only asking to die and be put out of his misery.

The doctors knew he was a dead man with no means of "helping" him.

all americants dumb and fat

Attached: amerifat.gif (500x379, 338K)

I still don't get why this stuff constantly happens. I think has to do with their poor engineering coupled with their ineptitude towards danger and their lack of empathy towards other human beings.

Would they even taste good? At least put some pepper for gods sake


These are actually the same person. Dude REALLY hated elevators.

Somebody order a whole case of these & ship them to India STAT!

ratatouille is not gonna be happy with this one.

less CIA = always good

makes me feel the opposite

More like
"Better make sure she's dead so we don't have to pay medical bills"

>intelligence without empathy is sociopathy
checks out

i do love seeing gooks getting rekt

lmao there's definitely no god. any god's existence is impossible.


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well, that kid is gonna kill himself one day

No wonder why every elevator in china smells like pee, it was this fucking kid! I been to china and their elevators always smell like pee

This why why, say it with me kids, WE USE A FUCKING CAGE. christ

thanks because that was a complete wtf mystery I didn't want haunting my curiosity until death

anyone have the isis video where they crush soldiers with a bulldozer? cant find it.

did her legs died?

why not put a bullet in his head? the fact that we keep people alive who are clearly suffering, shows how barbaric we are as a species.

Just a prom night dumpster baby...

No it's down syndrome but a more sinister strain. That's why they all look like you've smashed a pan on their faces

Go back to China fagboi. Chinese are no better than animals. Actually they're worse.

Why tho? That's so fucked up


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chinese tricks dont work on me
>动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

East Asians are like, an extra-terrestrial's poor imitation/attempt at making a human.

Of course CIA and other are scummy, but those kind of sick fucks are


Stupid chink

Attached: 1550822605682(2).gif (500x500, 1.99M)

Those tomatoes

Attached: images(22).jpg (225x225, 9K)


what fucking creatures did he just drink?

Attached: 1552116637782_2.webm (204x360, 1.95M)

Just let this thread die already jesus..

Attached: 1551925557117_2.webm (960x656, 2M)

Attached: 1551742174539_1.webm (640x360, 1.97M)

why tf is that on liveleak tho, even one of the most disturbing site on openweb is weak for silly kitties

Attached: 1551791832808_2.webm (284x500, 1.91M)


the way they reacted to the liquid, I'd bet slugs

any source?

women in ww3

thats really awful in every way

the tomatoes made my day.... and i just woke up
T.Hanks user

Fuck that kid I bet he won't ever do that again

>live action girls under panzer (netflix exclusive)



men and women will never be equal because women get away with acting like fucking pussies with no social consequences

Why the leeches though? Or w/e tf that was

>Wears gucci
>Eats live toads
Yup that's China

got brains?

the tuskegee nigger syphilis experiments WERE ALSO to help the human race. they simply picked less useful humans to test.

do you think we have computers that can model a virus and run a billion simulations on every human DNA combination in a few days? no.

we only understand 10% of our DNA, and it might take more than all the computing power in all computers on earth combined to actually figure out how to cure HIV. we can't NOT be "barbaric" if you imagine we live in fucking star trek or some sci fi bullshit.

deserved it

At least fat americans act like decent human beings unlike chinese bugpeople

this was totally unnessesary. just hit the brakes and everything would have been fine

Insta Batman

It's literally unfathomable how degenerate and inhuman chinks are

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without a schnittschutzhose? Thats stupid af

Should have put a bullet in her head.

I like how he covers the bowl in plastic so he doesn't need to wash it

She's only a woman.

Attached: 1515906436169.jpg (2500x3500, 1.43M)

He became a teletubby

You'll never be anything more than a little bitch, save the hard act for the mirror

what the fuck was that?

this. Fucking degenerates.


Nerve gas, obviously. Shit's volatile.

Exactly. Crazy how chemical poisonning and low social values can make you an insensitive insect.

sometimes people without any education die early. like you.

you got me fucker.

Team Rocket blasting off

Cause why the fuck not!

great human icecream

Looooooooool booooooom XDDDDDD

10 to one he's a b/tard

A b/tard that hates elevators for some reason.

Tell me about the penalty for desertion during wartime.

Thought so, faggot.

his face is now #4 with rice

What did you think user?

Lets be honest here, if you locked the average b/tard in the control room of a nuclear reactor with every control switched off except a massive red button marked DANGER DO NOT PRESS (I'M NOT SHITTING YOU REALLY, REALLY DO NOT PRESS THIS FUCKING BUTTON!!!} What do you think is gonna happen?

>penalty for desertion during wartime
10 U.S. Code §885. Art. 85. Desertion
U.S. Code
prev | next
(a) Any member of the armed forces who—
(1) without authority goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently;
(2) quits his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service; or
(3) without being regularly separated from one of the armed forces enlists or accepts an appointment in the same or another one of the armed forces without fully disclosing the fact that he has not been regularly separated, or enters any foreign armed service except when authorized by the United States;
is guilty of desertion.
(b) Any commissioned officer of the armed forces who, after tender of his resignation and before notice of its acceptance, quits his post or proper duties without leave and with intent to remain away therefrom permanently is guilty of desertion.
(c) Any person found guilty of desertion or attempt to desert shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, but if the desertion or attempt to desert occurs at any other time, by such punishment, other than death, as a court-martial may direct.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 67.)

My sides

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I'm not the one who was arguing. I'm just asking cause well I'm bored.

>buying a beekeeper suit that's made in China

i rather be dumb and fat than subhuman chank trash

NP just the way I see it if you join the military you have to follow orders as part of the machine. She could have caused lives to be lost by not loading the shell to take out a threat. If that was the case, I think the death penalty would be warranted.

moar retk china or no china idontcare.jpg

happy international womens day

Attached: kissing-petting-fucking-widding-mordor.jpg (880x793, 149K)

she dodged a bullet considering what could have happened the stupid old cunt

That's why are tanks better than girls.

moar retk china or no china idontcare.jpg

LOOOOOOOOOOL that's like... The instant you know you're spending the whole rest of the night in the emergency room talking to the cops.

People often don't seem to know that trees are heavy.

It's a country with a billion people and cameras everywhere. I've seen way worse shit working at a hospital in Biloxi, America just doesn't have as many cameras.

doesn't look like slugs also eating uncooked slugs = death in a week

Someone made these and put them up, retards.


That's Smollett

I was in a similar situation, and yes. Hit the stupid brakes, it's not a hard concept. Also if someone overtakes me in that situation i hit the brakes, so that stupid motherfucker can reeve in again.

he topped his bludging head!

Anyone have that clip of a chubby asian guy put a big black snake in his ass?

we have a cure for HIV retard. It's just worse than your disease FAG.

Why the cops? That's only if charges are being pressed, you fucking faggot

why do jew niggers try to ruin women by adding fat asses and jumbo thighs

he's going to wank onto that button, forget, and then press it

Why though?

Attached: 1551058705680.jpg (576x1024, 94K)

shouldn't have been on her phone


With fur and intestines?
If the working conditions, elevators, escalators or street holes don't kill you, your food will.

r. kelly - i believe i can fly

Thats not how salmonella works. If this were true then carnivores would be sick all the time lol. Unless lions cook their food and i just never noticed

this is why you dont drink in the winter time.

RIP ear drums

Attached: 1545112598177.jpg (540x526, 52K)

Loaches. They eat them live like that in several ways including a hot soup with a block of cold silken tofu. They dump the loaches in and they freak out because of the heat and bury into the tofu for protection. Then they die and you eat thier half cooked bodies in your tofu soup.

Armchair expert to the rescue. I'm looking down on you, you fuck.

thanks for the thread, lmao tf my ass


the insect people at it again

Attached: 1535982812649.webm (480x272, 375K)

I was like that is gross then I saw the raw duck egg they were dipped in and it made it better

Strolling around like it's a goddamn Sunday walk in the park when people got fucking places to be. Fuck him. The average global IQ just got raised a little bit

PETA likes to claim we're monsters in America for eating a burger or horseback riding, but god forbid you call those slanty eyed fucks god damn savages.

Can we do a rekt brazil? I have a bunch to contribute

Is dat Tay's ass?

"Deal with it!"

The file name

>slam on breaks/ swerve to avoid head on collision
>lose control

lol just hit the breaks bro

Attached: 1542641320488.jpg (1200x672, 302K)

still, he could have just used his breaks. if you check the original video, it's a lot more obvious. but meh.

Fucking bug people.


yes. yes it is

Attached: tay butt.jpg (1080x1920, 88K)

Taylor Swift's pussy stinks

That's the last straw! If I'm gonna slip again, I'm gonna kill myself.

It's like they're always looking for new ways to die there.

What a buzzkill

oh shit. i didnt even notice that. what a dood

someone dont like play fighting

Should have worn a helmet.

most drivers would like stop and check what they hit? like can gooks drive at all?

asian fags should do themselves a favor and just ban cars, let the computers run all the transportation


i worked withe mice in a lab does animals pee and poo alot

silly me thinking asians were cultured

Attached: 1551818577481.webm (272x480, 1.34M)

Attached: 1536217017166.webm (480x270, 1.62M)

that car had all the time in the world to move back in the lane, starting to think chinks are evil and wanna kill

Attached: 1518878655943.webm (600x338, 712K)

Attached: 1521357738740.webm (960x544, 1.65M)

spot the kraut

most likely some weird sexual kink

Oor, I sure hope a no cal a hitto me today as I dig my own glave

shes absolutely oblivious of whats happening. dont give powertools to women ffs

it think these morons think there is a constant elevator behind the doors and not a pully operated cage

i guess that's one way to get a chink to spread her legs.

Attached: chink autopilot.webm (720x404, 631K)

dumb ass cat cant solve a simple problem

Attached: chink chinking.webm (720x404, 465K)

>The Anti-Rightist Struggle
Haha, I fucking told you, the commies were right-wing all along.

Attached: chinks chinking..webm (640x362, 1.58M)

Attached: chinks chinking.webm (640x352, 816K)

They all drive with their eyes closed. Smh.

Attached: chinks wanna space.webm (640x480, 483K)

Attached: chinks driving.webm (640x320, 411K)

Attached: just chinks chinkin.webm (720x404, 582K)

Attached: just chinks......webm (846x480, 603K)

Attached: just china.....webm (640x626, 1.98M)


die fag

Attached: bitch what.webm (352x288, 1.91M)

honest to god it's amazing these bug people manage to live past the age of five

da fuk atleast this time they went to save the kid

Here's your car. It comes with a complimentary squished chink.

Slamming the ham chinese style

did she accidentally hit the trigger too hard or why did she fire before the second shot executing that cunt

its staged. real party is in the pool

That chick on the inflatable pool mattress getting eaten out tho

Much better with sound he's super calm and doesn't give a single fuck

These creatures aren't even in the same genus- let alone the same species. what the fuck is wrong with these subhumans?

fake the powder went off before she pointed

He already lost his arm in another webm

wow u smart

Cant tell if sleeping or chink


that is a good way to fuck a chink. No fish smell, not that ugly moaning they have....good for gene mixing.

in her defence there are urban legends of those soviet autoloaders eating arms

>dat mercedes hood ornament

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