Could socialism actually work?

Could socialism actually work?

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You're asking this from people who equate socialism with communism. Don't expect good answers

And there we have Maduro.

In what ways is it different?

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No libtard d

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Go away, redneck



Hasn't worked yet

Communism is the government controlling everything.
Socialism is the government controlling everything, but it's totally going to work this time.

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Socialism already does work. We have public ownership in the Western World, user. But you're being a trolling faggot, so never mind.

Except it HAS. It literally is working RIGHT FUCKING NOW ALL AROUND THE PLANET

Except that's not socialism. Stop trying to redefine words to fit your agenda, you raging faggot piece of shit.

Socialism is public ownership of the means of production.


Public roads, police departments, and fire departments ARE NOT SOCIALISM

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I wonder who exactly its working for "RIGHT FUCKING NOW ALL AROUND THE PLANET" The people running the joint? or those with a boot to their throat? if that's "working" for ya kiddo, why don't you go to one of those countries?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

I appreciate the effort, but using facts, critical thinking, and reason with leftist retards isn't going to get you very far.

One cannot be a leftist while being both intelligent and intellectually honest. Those states are mutually exclusive. So reasoning with them won't help. The only solution is to kill them.

The best true Socialism I’ve ever seen is in Gene Rodenburys Star Treck.

Still pure fantasy.....

Socialism is collectivized property and dealienation of labor along with a parting from the wage slavery system, etc.
Communism is the end goal of the marxist (materialist) sect of socialism in which the state (in their eyes only being a consequence of class struggle) is no longer needed after all become equally insignificant cogs and eventually finds itself devoid of meaning, ending in a stateless, classless, moneyless society.

with enough automation technology and enough um.... not corrupt people

yeah probably

im sure laissez faire capitalism works too if people aren't shitheads

Only under one of two conditions.
Either nobody screws the system or infinite energy and robots to do the "dirty work".

You think people exploit welfare now, just wait until they don't have to exploit the system.

Fuck off racist


no. no -ism could ever work. ever.
inb4 secularism

Exactly my point. They have replicators, and obviously an insane energy production method.

Of course, even then there are slums. Like the planet Tasha Yar was from.

i'm just going to help myself to OP's bad dragon collection because I dont have any myself and that's how socialism works.

If Hillary is a socialist, then I have a 15" dick.

Except it's not

Yep. And a good point you made too.

Fuck off. Don't define shit to fit your stupid fucking right wing bootlicking user.
Socialism is any public ownership. And yes, that can mean taking over a corporation.
The police, the fire department, roads:
all publicly owned. Please, don't be a faggot about this.

Stay mad trumpshit. That's exactly what it is.

OP has a 15' dick up his ass over the Clintons.

Not completely here in the US, maybe other countries.

Socialism already does work in the US, user. I beg you. Don't be a faggot about this. You're already outnumbered.

Wrong, faggot.

>Socialism is any public ownership.

But that's fucking wrong, retard.

>: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

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Name one production, distribution, or exchange that is actually, truly socialist in the US.

Public ownership is collective, trumpshit.
Come on, you don't even read, like your dumb President lol.

Nothing is publically owned in the US. It’s all private ownership.

It already works in the USA.
Pure socialism no. The USA already has socialism in some of it's systems. It's not a bad thing when done correctly.

People like to use it too whip idiots into a frenzy.

Any government program. And we aren't at the stage of where people collectively own "the means of production," yet, so we're not doing that.
So what's your big hangup with it?

>the means of production and distribution of goods

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>we aren't at the stage of where people collectively own "the means of production,"

So we aren't socialist. You played yourself.

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that means "shut up"

>Goverment programs funding by taxes is socialism

uh wut?

According to your hamfisted definition, no we aren't.
Democratic socialism, yes. FDR already set that up.

The private sector isn't taking on those programs. Even insurance companies now, thankfully, have to go through a public process. Your stupid President and Republican Congress mercifully failed to fuck that up.

>According to your hamfisted definition,

That's the dictionary definition.

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you do realize that most government programs rely on private sector to me meet said goals.

yes it'll work... Like how a farmer controls their livestock

shut up trumpshit

They don't, actually. The programs exist because they aren't profitable enough for the private sector to bother with.

I doubt the guy arguing for the correct definition is a trumptard

Of there are rulers in a socialst system, it simply won't work, conflicts will arise based on soc oak hierarchy
>got cut off

Insurance companies exist because of profit you tard

Right winger who doesn't want progressive change this bad or trumptard, really, what's the difference?

Of course, they are owned by the private sector so of course!

You're the one trying to redefine public services into some kind of non democratic military dictatorship, trumpshit.

I've been sick all my childhood, no debt

Not me, also that's not entirely wrong

ill bite which programs you talking about? cause if its not profitable by your claim, mostly it will become a Government contract to private sector so it is worth it.

Yes it is. We are talking about democratic socialism under the US Constitution, user.
That means public ownership of services like healthcare, addressing the climate change crisis and legislating living wages, if it comes to that. We could also legislate affordable housing, guaranteed food and other programs.

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There are no private social services outside of the medical insurance industry, but that is changing with the ACA, which is already Universal Health Care. We need to reinstate the mandate, and expand Medicaid to the general public.

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You're thinking about social democracy tbqh.
Democratic socialism is Rosa Luxemburg's shit.

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Lmao tried to call someone a “librard” used Pepe with a national SOCIALIST t shirt

boomer detected

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Venezuela fell because of oil prices dropping and they're brown

That's called social democracy, user

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reality says no.

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Every country has bread lines though

Yes, in the USA it would work. If you think it wouldn't you need to study history and economics. The working class is the engine of the economy. The 1% are leaches.

Very few people want pure socialism, people are just confused. What they want is a social democracy like Scandinavia, but they're using the wrong words. It's a communication error.

By socialism, you mean marxism, no?

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We're probably not going to switch the words around at this point.

>i don't understand history, and thats a good thing!

Republicans are doing it on purpose, though. They don't want to give up power.

social democracy is a form of socialism

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chruchill was a half retarded drunk

This is why American politics is retarded, every political phrase is bastardized and turned on its head. Some jew shill campaigning on high taxes and no collectivization is "radical socialism"

>all socialism=NK, Venezuela

Says the man that lost britain its whole empire

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Venezuela is falling apart because of decades of corruption you fucking faggot, not because it has socialist policies.

>putting words in my mouth

I like "democratic socialism." It's the best term. Socialism by democracy.

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It's within the blanket of capitalism, it's reformist marxism at best. Social Democracy retains private property, market forces, profit motive, surplus value extraction, and often still has alienated labor.

>Asks about socialism
>posts a Clinton

>one guy caused that

Obviously. Most of the most successful first world countries have some variant of it.

I prefer heavily regulated Capitalism with social programs to save the people who need it to outright socialism though.

where its democratically elected the first time, then afterwards, you are fucked.

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we didn't need anymore fucking traffic and congestion in Long Island City, thanks, our infrastructure's already collapsed :))))))

Maduro is not a Socialist.
Clinton is not a Socialist.

But that's what you believe. We can't try socialism because we'll end up like Venezuela.

He was in the position to avoid it.

But he wanted to crush the germans.

Except you're being dishonest when you call it socialism, it's social democracy. It does not collectivize anywhere near a majority of the MoP, and keeps most of the forces of capitalism except with more taxes and welfare.

>this retarded argument

You aren't even worth a response.

So far it's batting a solid 0.000

>picture unrelated

Thank you, B/rother.

i never said that, nor do i believe that, once again, try to shove words in my mouth.

see A man that was drunk and personally responsible for the failure at gallipoli and arguably was personally responsible for the lost of an empire is nowhere near a trustworthy quote fountain

which is social stagnation and why it has to move on to public ownership of corporations.
Elizabeth Warren is proposing a company's Board of Directors be made up of at least 40% employees.

but its still covered in with in a privatized system. take police and fire department they have massive unions because of said competition with with funding. even though they are funded by the government they're funding is not set in stone.

YFW you realize that Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is still a better president than Trump, speaks more accurately than him and is trying to help the American people, unlike Trump.

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Actually democracy is an ongoing process, user. I'm sorry the word "socialism" evokes Joseph Stalin to you.

>equally insignificant cogs and eventually finds itself devoid of meaning

but thats capitalism, communism means freedom to be different and chase any dream

Gotta love how the best the Republicunts and right shills can come up with is trying to attribute fake quotes to her.

>living rent free

>I wish the Nazis had won

When do you plan on getting a job and moving out of your mom's user?

This does not conflict with my post, you're only posting more in agreeance with the fact that it's reformist capitalism.

no it's a form of public ownership and nationalization of industries which are public necessity. Socialism is the only pragmatic solution.

quite literally one of the dumbest things she ever said, actually.

Include the ones who support corporate welfare and I'll approve it.

wow, dude is so straightlaced, cant take a joke.

it must be sad to be you, user.

>it's social democracy
I don't want to call it that, though. Democratic socialism. As opposed to plutocratic socialism or neo-liberal socialism.
The ideology comes first, then the mechanism. That's how our language operates in the US.

They're both materialist and shit tbqh
Syndicalism is supreme

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Yes you did. You said "reality says no."
That means you think socialism=Venezuela

It turns into a form of public ownership, socialism. It is not the form yet, but reforms into it through reforms to the capitalist system. Hence reformism.

I know but it sounded like a Fox News joke.

You want to impliment social democracy under a false name basically

I'll fight you.

Obvious bait but what the hell. Every ism ology or whatever you wish to call them are inherently flawed if only for the fact that while the theory may sound great, in practice they are exploited as a means of oppression. Sociopathic human scum are never to be trusted. All roads lead to totalitarianism. So believe in whatever theory or religion you wish. It doesn’t matter. You will be exploited by the demons amongst us. There is no answer. There is no salvation. We will destroy ourselves and that’s probably a good thing.

wow, so stuck in the present, arent we?
Venezuela isnt the only example, the past does exist too.
Also, NK isnt socialist, it is Juche, which is bastardization of all authoritarian forms.

user, stop telling us how to run our movement. We don't tell you how to cook your lutefisk or whatever those gross shit is.

Juche gang juche gang juche gang juche gang juche gang juche gang juche gang

>That's how our language operates in the US.
Not to yokels. Say any buzzword that they've been brainwashed to act badly to, that's all you're going to get. Doesn't matter if it's Democratic Socialism or Social Democracy, they'll see the word "Social," think socialism, then go apeshit.

Well then Perfessor, give us an example of how "reality" says that socialism doesn't work.

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Run your movement like lying retards, but don't be surprised when people call you out on bs.

that's a strange hill to die on
user lol

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>raising money in any way is capitalism
Stay in school and remember that only losers do drugs, user.

Well then, snide genius.
You must really think I'm a trumptard too, so in all your wisdom and whatnot, tell me what else i am too?
If you can't locate socialism for yourself, or deny something is socialism when it is implemented, tell me, why should anyone else have faith in it and blindly accept it?


That's still not an example faggot.
All you have is defiance.

As long as you see the power of democracy as a threat, you're going to equate everything with North Korea. That's a character flaw, you might be amusing once.

Political systems lie on a spectrum. No one political system is 100% capitalist or 100% communist. All political systems work if they are managed correctly. Socialism: Good: Sweden, Denmark, ect. Bad: Venezuela Communism: Good: China Bad: Cuba, Soviet Russia. Capitalism: Good: Germany, USA, Canada Bad: Greece. It all just depends. Even the US is partially socialist. Social Security, Food Stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Public Schools, Public Parks, WIC, Tuition Assistance.... those are all social programs paid for by taxpayers who don't partake in them. AKA socialist. Conservatives always get their ignorant panties in a bunch about socialism when it's already here. In the early 1900's making public parks was met with the same criticism as socialized medicine now.... educate yourselves.

and all you have is being coy, so i tell you what, how about we drop it, or you give me an example of what you think is socialism.

i like republic.
Why is norkland entering this situation tho?
I clearly said its not socialist earlier in this thread.

If you are this faggot, or agree with this faggotyou owe the thread an explanation because you were asked to do so

Medicare, medicaid, food stamps, tuition assistance, public schools, public parks, WIC, government housing, housing assistance, tax subsidies... all of which exist in the USA.

>Socialism: Good: Sweden, Denmark

So, the only examples you can come up with of "good" socialism are countries that are more white than the USA?

i owe you nothing.
you may think its ok to be demanding of others, but not me.
if you feel insulted, tough luck.

and all of which should be done away with.

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We would essentially have a Democratic Socialist Republic. But the term is so 20th century retro and meaningless.

In the USA, it does work. Right now. Today.

Agreed. Thank you for being educated.

sweden and denmark arent socialist, they are capitalist systems with a strong welfare state.

Tell us how "reality says no."
If you can't, then you need to withdraw that comment, as it is meaningless.

They get really mad when you point that out, js

just because something has a reference in it's name doesnt make it so, havent you learned that one already?

Oh look. More ignorance.

here we go with the demands more.


Nah, all the money from taxes ends up getting spent really poorly, in the end it all gets siphoned back to the 'bourgeoisie' because of shitty contracts, which is ironic because it's the very thing that socialists are apparently trying to stop.

tl;dr socialism doesnt work because the government fucking sucks at spending money, it just lines the pockets of the top 1%

Just imagining the look of horror in a Republican's eyes. The Democratic Socialist Republic of the United States of America.

Not if the us keeps destroying it

But that is not socialism either. Gold pressed latnium.

>it does work

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It's actually an ancient tradition, expecting your opponent to make good on his comments.
You can't back that up, can you? :^)

Not socialism. Gold pressed latnium.

the sheer fact that "true socialists" disavow every country that claims to be socialist is real proof that it doesnt exist in reality.

But that's not how modern society works.. in theory, corporations would prosper, pay their workers more, and everyone benefits all on their own. But that obviously doesn't work because corporate oligarchies are run by greed and end up like any other communist state. Rich on top poor on the bottom. Educate yourself.


Then move to Somalia you retarded maggot.

>durr but im n expert in this durr
If you're not going to do as you have been asked, fuck off.

English, please.

What does color have to do with it? If you think the color of one's skin determines the success of a governmental system alone then you're purely ignorant.

Are you guys actually this stupid? I’m not even joking. This is a real question.

i love the class warfare, got any more?

Lots of socialist policies. You're not wrong, I was just trying to dumb it down for them.

>Educate yourself.
The ironic thing is they could probably find a coloring book to explain it

i would've thought you would have done the same long ago.
so fuck off.

The truth is "stupid" to you, user?


Pretty obvious OP (you) is a troll, so not many fucks given.

yeah i guess this sums it up

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Can you explain the nuances between a countries debt overall compared to its GDP? Because in terms of living people, yes, a lot of debt is bad. Because our lifespans are finite. In terms of a nation, it looks a lot more bad than it actually is. Our debt is still very proportionate to our GDP. USA is still the richest nation on earth. Please educate yourself.

failed state =/= anarchy.

retarded maggot.

user you made the claim.
"reality says no."

What reality? What examples of socialism are you referring to?

The working classes in the USA are stupid with money. If you equally distributed income the working poor would still be poor yet have expensive clothes. They are poor for a reason. That reason being they have no self control.

I want anarchy.

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seeif you can't understand that, then you have no hope.

It's not class warfare. It's objective truths. Call it what you want, but you're only fooling yourself

You are advocating a failed state trumpshit

What are you even talking about? Please explain your position. If you even can.

Hmmm...So he was behind that...?

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I read that. It was retarded.
You're claiming victory through circular logic.

So eat shit.

>Putting dicks in your own mouth

So no other examples then...?

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so apparently a "trumpshit" includes someone who isnt a republican nor voted for the guy.

wow, we do like our team jerseys so much, we try to assign them where they laughably dont work.

well played user, well played

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They probably wouldn't read a real book.
A coloring book just might explain socialism to them.

>Can afford it
>Population is better off

Yes please continue.

>our team jerseys
which tells me you did something stupid to get Trump elected. You're a trumpshit.
Own it. Besides, you have more in common with him than I do ideologically, because clearly you're willing to put up with it, and demonize those who won't.

If you think a coloring book can fully explain a complicated description of any political system without the reader ending up like, well, you, then your expertise on the subject is exactly what I thought it was.

If you want to take away every social program the public benefits from, yes, you're a trumpshit.

And you are asking for examples that won't exist in your book because "true socialism" isn't correctly implemented anywhere in the world.

You too, are attempting circular logic by asking a trick question.

This all day long. Ivory tower idiots have no working knowledge if the world. Radical shifts never work because those displaced or outed will fight to regain what they lost. Problems like homeless poverty feeding the poor etc have existed as long as the human race and they will not be solved by applying some drunk jobless uneducated idiots ideas over night


what a sad little person.

Why not? They probably have "Socialism for Dummies," too.

tell me, when did trump or any of his minions advocate that?

>posting hillary

y'all niggas posting in a shitty psyops
also, fuck u faggot op I got ur #

I see. So you are a shithead who thinks all socialism=NK or Venezuela.
We could have avoided all this if you would have just admitted it in the beginning.

>no u
you've got issues trumpshit

You people are fucking children.

Nothing good in life is absolute.

Absolute capitalism has been demonstrated to be fraught with failures and problems. Absolute socialism (communism) has been shown to be a historical failure as well.

You don't understand the reality of human nature if you're on one 'team' or another. Neither of them work because they're unrestrained power without proper oversight.

A mix of democratic capitalism with socialist values is the most effectively evidence based system.

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The "for dummies" books are simplifications. Not coloring books. Please continue to dig this hole of ignorance.

I'm doing fine. We just took the House, and AOC is making you faggots shit your pants.

>didn’t read all of it

Transfer costs associated with welfare programs do increase wealth concentration because

Thank you for being educated.

Hello? They cut the fuck out of Food Stamps. They aren't fans of social programs user. You might read up on what's going on in our country.

actually, she is more of entertainment value more than anything.

What makes me shit my pants is the status quo mentality of both Rs and Ds in Washington.

and OP gets mad as fuck when you point out it's a pathetic troll

mom, i posted it again

I read the whole thing. How or why they have the money to pay for it is inconsequential. They have the money to pay for it. Their society prospers. The US, being a much larger and richer nation, could also implement such programs. Are you going to continue to prove my point for me?


Truth. The Pentagon lost trillions of dollars as well only weakening any ability of using tax incomes to fund welfare programs.

>all social programs removed
>reduce one

still waiting, user.

It was a fucking joke faggot.

lol pelosi is far more afraid of AOC than anyone

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Pragmatism is the best ism

>durr both sides baad
fucking tool

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We could just drop our entire military budget and we could afford Medicare for all. Oh wait, that would only pay for half of it.

You both think alike. You don't want niggers living off your tax money.

i just make you mad because you cant pigeonhole me like you so badly want to.

deal with it.

If socialism legit happens I'm not going to apply myself anymore and live off the govt like the rest. Not gonna exceed expectations anymore when it will just cost me more.

>Proven wrong
>"I wasn't being serious!! :'("

They actually get along surprisingly well, user.
It's you that's losing it.

race has nothing to do with it.

So how do you plan to pay for this thing that creates prosperity? Print money?


funny how the poorest are people of color, so no, you're in denial

What is taxation?

It may work, but the question is: for whom?

funny how you treat people as groups and not individuals.

Untrue. Most countries with socialized medicine only see about 4% of their check go to taxes to pay for it. In this country about 20% of one's paycheck goes to employer sponsored healthcare. Turns out, it's a better deal to do it their way.

And the economy would crash when all the military contractors are laid off.

So you'll willingly live at the bottom of society with only the basic necessities covered? Sounds like you're a real go getter.

Funny how your mouth is so full of straw you can't talk. Just admit nignogs bother you, come on. This is Yea Forums.

You need to define what you mean by "work".

Would most of us still be alive? Sure. Does that mean it "worked"? No.

The whole point of being alive is thriving. In order to thrive you must defend basic human rights. In the United States we define these rights in the Constitution.

Socialism and its results have proven time and time again to be a direct enemy of these fundamental rights outlined in the Constitution.

Woah who the fuck invited the normies to the thread. If racism is a surprise to you you're obviously a newfag.

And let me guess--you've got a gun. Or guns.

That's because our healthcare costs more because it is the best in the world.

Funny how you think you know me without knowing me, but please continue, i find this rather entertaining.

>Shove everyone who doesn't think like you into the same box.

I mean if more work means I have to pay in to more to support others, no I wouldn't apply myself. Or ill move to another country and continue what I'm doing.

Tax the mega rich and mega corporations. There's no reason that I paid $8k in taxes last year but Amazon paid none. There's a solution if you open your eyes to see it. If literally everyone just paid 10% income tax, which is lower than the lowest tax bracket, this country would have way more than enough to cover all programs. We don't do that because our politicians are rich people backed by rich people and rich corporations who would pull their sponsorship if those politicians pushed for sensible tax reform. But the US isn't corrupt like Venezuela right?

Could Ivan be banned?

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LOL this is hilarious.


>I don't want to work unless I can keep 100% of my paycheck.
LOL good luck idiot.

No, he's right. How does a land call itself free if the government controls the means of production?

With a total dictatorship of very ideological people, this may work, but no one except the top ruling party will be happy in such a country.

Healthcare is healthcare across the developed world. What do you mean by "best in the world?" If you mean pay 20k for a hip transplant when I could get the exact procedure done in Spain for 3k, then best means just more expensive... right?

go fuck yourself, John, there are almost no socialists in Russia, not counting retirees.

You don't understand political systems. Please educate yourself.

Bad leftie, bad, go to socialism101 and read some more before engaging.

We have capitalism, various forms of it. Some have elements of socialism, others have the form of state-controlled capitalism(mainly "communist" china)

Some forms of capitalism are absolutely unethical and reduce humans to soul-less hunks, yep. But it is extremely effective at generating massive amounts of wealth by exploiting massive amounts of labor.

Socialism doesn't work, not for me. I'm from an imperialist country. Fuck Venezuela, let's install a puppet dictatorship.

I work and pay my taxes fine right now. But if I have to pay more to support other people, more than I do now, ill choose to tax evade or find ways to prevent paying more taxes. I don't give a shit about anyone but myself in 100% honesty. I work to earn for me.

Wage deductions aren't the only form of tax. Have you tried to buy a car in Denmark lately?

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>Money going to corporations is more important than the welfare of the population
>What was that thing they used to do before Abe Lincoln came around? We should do that again
>Install a puppet dictatorship.. that has never ever ever ever ever gone wrong for the US before... right?

You are a huge fucking moron

One devolves into the other

What do your textbooks say? You do not understand that in reality does not always work as in theory?

You hit all the right bases, user. Lazy people who won't work=blacks. That's how it goes.

What you don't get is a switch to policies like those in Sweden or England would actually save you more money than you pay now.. and you'd qualify for free healthcare. God you're ignorant.

Using your logic, the government "controls" our National Parks, it's not really our public lands.

>I work to earn for me.
You don't though. Your tax money works for this country, and if you don't know how to write some of that shit off, you're a retard.

In a country where owning a car isn't as vital as it is here. The whole country is the size of New Jersey. And they have extensive and cheap public transportation. It's a completely different situation. Nice try. And just because another country has one kind of tax doesn't mean we would have to adopt it..... idiot.

Sweden outsources their military to the United States and it was stated last year that if they continue to get refugees, and they don't work, their economy won't be able to keep up. We need to tackle why pharm companies choose to make drugs cost insane amounts, rather than pass the cost over to the tax payers. It just gives incentives for big pharm to raise the prices.

Also once you realize that everybody votes/chooses to do what is within their best interest. Sorry that you're not in my best interest.

I understand that perfectly. But no textbook would tell you that the only way for a political system to work is under one absolute situation. The world isn't black and white. Therefore, your statement is completely invalid.

Yes, but national parks aren't considered a means of production. They're conservatories for natural wonders that attract visitors to the country. Socialism is the control of the means of production going to the government. If the government owns the entirety of the private sector, the American dream dies. Nobody can do anything in the private sector without answering to the socialist overlords.

So if their taxes were lower, all those sweaty Danes would rather stay on their bikes?

Untrue. Sweden maintains a standing military. You're just spouting bullshit now. Blatant ignorance detected, opinion disregarded.

>Sweden outsources their military to the United States and it was stated last year that if they continue to get refugees, and they don't work, their economy won't be able to keep up.
stated where? Stormfront?

Yes but the government "controls" them, user. Horrors.
>the socialist overlords
you're a fearmonger lol

I don't know. I'm not from Denmark. But what does it matter? Why are you trying to argue the merits of one specific form of tax adopted by one country? That isn't the point. Get over it. And don't move to Denmark if it makes you that buttmad.

>Amazon paid none

And created thousands of jobs by doing it.

I know you hate gainful employment, you AOC crowd.

You are forgetting I am an individualist, I embody the ideals of the very goddess of thought. Ayn Rand, just let me tell you about th...

I'm also a leftard, I'm just fucking around.

Amazon treats their employees like shit and they destroy cities they move to (they moved here.)


Amazon could have created thousands of jobs if they paid taxes. They brought in 11 billion in profit last year. AFTER wages and everything. Don't tell me they couldn't have paid any taxes. Keep burying your head in the sand you ignorant trumptarded conservative economic fuckup.


>still not answering the big pharma question
I still hold my stance on keeping my money. If my info on a foreign country i couldn't care less about is inaccurate, oh well.

yes, it's amazing what can happen when the govt gets out of the way of free market

Attached: amaz.png (810x354, 225K)


Socialist overlords? We all know we have Corporate overlords! I haven't been licking the boot of the company I work for just because I like the taste of dirt, I do it because I like having money.

The big pharma question has nothing to do with taxation or an economic system. If anything, it exemplifies why runaway capitalism can fuck a country over. I know you couldn't care less. I know that because you're ignorant and only ignorant people don't care if they spout bullshit.

Maybe they can automate those shitty jobs and generate even more revenue by paying less for human labor cost.

It's easy to post flashy headlines. But corporations will always outpace governmental bodies when it comes to creating jobs. That's how capitalism works. Welcome to America. And it doesn't say at all how many of those jobs put the workers above the poverty line. Creating jobs is good. But Amazon still made plenty of money to be able to pay in taxes and still hoard more cash than one could dream about. (Which is also bad for the economy.) Educate yourself and look past the headlines. It makes a difference.

Passing the cost for healthcare to tax payers with higher taxes doesn't help why pharma and insurance is fucked the way it is. You could easily allocate money from defence spending to cover healthcare, without taxing more, but doing so is literally putting a band aid on a gushing wound. It doesn't solve the initial problem.