I got arrested for some bullshit back in the day, and now it's the first thing that comes up in google search...

I got arrested for some bullshit back in the day, and now it's the first thing that comes up in google search. Trying to move on with my life and go legit. I'm even in the army. How do I get all this shit taken down? Pic is my arrest pic.

Attached: 2014-11-23_GALIOS-GAVIN.jpg (360x420, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=can news agencies post identiy of minors in crimes?

Nobody? Man..... this place used to be cool..

If you commit another decent crime they'll update the pic for you. :)

you'll think twice before stealing a milk bottle from now on

Either you're a dipshit and doxxed yourself or this is bait
>check file name

Fuck you guys. Seriously. I'm trying to put my life together and you all are not helping. Been on here for years, and it took guts to put myself out there. /B is a smart gorup and I was thinking would help. I know you can see my name, whatever I didn't notice before.

>im trying to get my picture removed off the internet
>let me post it on Yea Forums to be spread around

Or....... I just di'dnt notice the name. Whatever though.

Gav, what's your current plan?

you're really shit at faking scenarios op

I trust this group to help so I put myself out there.that takes guts. I own up to what I did, and now I serve the country. Maybe you should try sometime! Or maybe help me out with advice.

>smart gorup

>/B is a smart gorup

tf you talking about? I've messaged the websites, and got not replies. I figured that someone else would have gone through this, and could help. B helping B.

dicc necc

I tried a ton of stuff. My gf is blown away that the army doesn't remove stuff. I was also 17 and a stupid kid.

you really need to lurk more you fucking brainlet.

Go full trump. Maybe he will notice you and tweet about you and your plight. Support him and he will support you, like Jebus

Hahahahahahahahaha just sue google LOOOOL haahahahahah

I thought you can't even join the military with an srrrst record

What kinda "bullshit" are we talking about?

Soo...he was behind that...?

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Hire a lawyer, you'd be surprised how fast websites comply when they get a legal document telling them to do it or else

I got a waiver for it. The judge put in a good word for me to get my life straight. Hanged around a bad croud.

In Europe, you can order search engines to remove links to news stories etc that are uncomplimentary.

Shame you got arrested for burning down a school and can't move to Europe.


Attached: Screenshot_20190308-210203_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 760K)

I tried to send him a message on twitter since he is on there alot. No reply. I didn't expect it or anything, but thought there was a chance he would help out since I am a red voter and army.

Thanks!!!! what kind of lawyer do I need? I'm in Fort Hood so local would help me alot!!!

Look at the fucking acronym arson duo

yup..... that is what I want down. I think it will hurt me when I get out. Shit.... it hurts me now aleady.

are you circumcised or uncut?

Why did you think breaking into a building and making swastikas /lighting fires was a good idea? I had a rough school but knew better at 14. You dug your own grave my man

boo fucking hoo murderer

I di'dnt fucking kill anyone then dude!! It was high school bullshit


I did not do the grafititi, it was an old friend

>old friend
sure faggot, you’re only lying to yourself. you’re probably some pog bitch arent you

Whatever man...... you are probably a faggot. I'm cut.

oh, it's antifa queer, and here i was about to give legal advice

Attached: 1547729433723.jpg (702x1152, 127K)

Thanks bros for some of the good stuff..... to the rest of you.... get fucked....

I'm not antiga. Just the opposite I support our President 1000%

Not OP. Can confirm, I am Antigua

Was the cutting done to you in Houston?

I get posting the mugshot of the suspect but why did they also post a picture of one of the burn victims?


Welcome to America, where you pay for crimes for the rest of your life. You are a second class citizen and the best society has to offer does not apply to you (unless you can find a non-institutional way to get rich.) You are a part of the public media machine and your story goes down with millions of other people. Enjoy never being able to vote again.

My advice? Own up to it on job applications and/or start your own company and move on. Anyone asks about it, tell them the truth.

>hate crime a christian school with a black partner

so that right wingers will see it in their school

you're not clever, OP

Attached: Whatchyadoinrabbi.jpg (1000x563, 206K)

Yes I'm xtian. You are a faggot homo.

I think getting a lawyer to ask for the stuff to be removed is you're only real option. It will cost you though and the websites don't really have any legal obligation to remove anything so they might just tell your lawyer to fuck off.

Was a conviction recorded? Could you change your name?

Were you left with a scar from your circumcision?

I would have bet gay prostitution


I hate being cut. fuck you mom.

No idea why you are asking this!!!! Everyone has some skin scarring from cutting.

I'm nit a fucking FAGGOT!!

you look like you were someone's bitch in jail sorry bro but everyone can tell

Hey Gavin,

You were 17 when the incident took place, so not a legal adult. Start looking if there laws against this.

lmgtfy.com/?q=can news agencies post identiy of minors in crimes?


See if you can speak to their legal department or go to their facebook to get a response. Have a lawyer send a cease and desist letter.

That's all I can think of for now

dude I'm nobodys bitch. If you saw me you would know.

thanks bro. is there a special lawyer for that??

What should you do? Your first mistake was committing a crime with a nig nog.

I have no idea, I looked at the bottom of the page and it said childrens privacy policy then a Disney page came up... so you might be fucked with that titan of a company


See if you can talk to someone on facebook to find out who runs the website. All I can think of is to let them know you paid your debt to society, paid the damages, and learned your lesson. Maybe if your cool they'll delete in on the sly. good luck man

Not OP

why were you circumcised?

My parents are xtian........

Thanks bro, and will do!!!!

were your brothers also cut?

Dude, you can just file a data request to google HQ. They may or may not remove the search results but its worth a shot

ur mom filed a data request to my seed last night


you emailed these guys? Keep respectful and kind, goes a long way.

lol,were suppose to believe this scrawny little shit made it in the army? nice story kid

ur mom was a nice story when she sucked my cock

I'm not scrawny faggot. Look at me even before I jined----- instagram.com/240sxlowlife/?hl=en

*retarded Zionists

Is there not a publication ban on posting information on underage kids? I know in leafland no public media outlets or anything can post any details about underage people before during or after court cases. Possibly something to look into.

TX is the best state in the USA but it got serious laws about stuff

Go on Asshole.

Tell him all about Lawyers. Tell him what it costs.
-Tell him that Lawyers cause the problems, Lobbyist & Politicians are Lawyers... Bankers are above Lawyers and all Billionaires are Bankers. Tax Advisors for Offshoring the Corporation are the Problems too. And you have Offshore Financial Advisors... many of whom are offshore on British or Former British Territory and Now Common Wealth (Island Nations/Territories)
- So U pay Lawyers... U contribute to the Problem of Foreign Agents... Foreign Bankers... Foreign Lobbyist... Foreign Attacks on the US Constitution
- Of Course in the USA we are no longer a US Constitutional Republic... We are an Empire that Serves the Wealthy/Banks

there are websites that will remove that stuff for you. look for reputation management, really just google how to remove my mugshot from the internet. realistically, you're in a worse position because of the news article(s)... still worth trying. a lawyer could get it expunged and make it easier to have things taken down, but you'll still need a company that focuses specifically on internet reputation management after the expungement paperwork is secured.

This kid is either a pole smoker, or an idiot. Maybe both?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-08 at 10.31.59 PM.png (1866x1236, 1.64M)

he smokes pole

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-08 at 10.31.01 PM.jpg (1866x1236, 277K)

Well, for one...stop Googling your own name. The algorithm will keep updating your data. Wait a couple months and you should drop to at least page 3 or 4.

Is that true? Not OP, but curious.

Dude is actually shredded if that's op

Yeah, do this. It's your only feasible option outside a legal name change.

op got a recent pic?

Not your personal army, we wont fight ur battles against ur bully

Yeah, I just texted Gavin. He knows what’s up. You’re a beta nerd. Man, he’s going to humiliate you. Said something about making you his girlfriend.