Will he win 2020 by a bigger margin? Signs point to yes

Will he win 2020 by a bigger margin? Signs point to yes.

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Thanks to the strange new wave of dems. Talk about alienating a voting base

>By a bigger margin?

I mean it would almost have to be for him to be re-elected. He’s lucky he got elected at all considering he lost the popular vote by 3 million

Do we want that though? Has Teflon Don become Zion Don?

You want the President to only represent a few big cities?

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Proven to be shillary busing illegal fucking immigrants around to stack up illegal extra votes

What signs?

I want the president to represent the majority of the popularity

I want them to represent the majority of the population dipshit, not a bunch of grass.


He will win again but not with popular vote and dems will once again ride that for 4 years

>Has Teflon Don become Zion Don?
When was he not Zion Don?

No clear Democrat front-runner.
The fact that Carter and Bush are the only non-reelected presidents in recent memory. Maybe you could count Ford and LBJ, but Ford wasn't elected in the first place, and LBJ was an anomaly in that he won the election on a promise to continue Kennedy's legacy, and never attempted a second term because of the Vietnam War.
The fact that he still dominates the news cycles, that there hasn't been "Trump Fatigue" which gives him a huge advantage in campaigning over whoever his opponents will be.


Donald Trump's administration's own investigation in to the matter showed no signs of tampering. Naturally, he squelched the results.

The election isn't for another year and a half, I certainly hope there isn't a clear frontrunner, elections in this country already go on for way too long

America has to protect the Jews because the Jews are gods chosen people. We might not believe that but people in power do.

Cant tell if sarcasm or stupid so I'll assume the latter.

Going to have to.

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He'll only win if we're in world war 3.

Oy vey

Progressives are solidifying his re-election.

Depends how hard dems shit the bed. Looking pretty good though, they can't make any sense over the din of too-soon-pro-wamen stuff and pro-socialism stuff, zero focus/no comments on foreign relations beyond "Russssiaaaaaaaaa!". So unless a white man comes forward and saves them with a digestible, well targeted message, they lose. How ironic they need a white savior.

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Ultimately yes, Trump will win.
And yes, by a larger margin.
Much larger.

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there is a STUPENDOUS amount of people who actually 100% believe those votes? ALL illegal

and somehow never considered the possibility that if there were somehow THREE MILLION ILLEGAL VOTES that NONE were put in place for the republican candidate

for it to be that many it would be virtually impossible that they were only for Hillary. IT doesnt even make statistical sense.

add to that that NO ONE OTHER THAN THE PRESIDENT made this blind completely crazy number as it HAD to be that amount of illegal votes for her to possibly get more

this has happened in the past...and again it was a Dem Popular vote win with a Rep president getting in


if youre retarded enough to believe that bold faced made up number of 3M illegal votes only for hillary, how can you not be insane conspiracy theorist type person to not see the opposite?

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>doofus needs a watch to know if he's still in office
Seriously, the alt-Reich can't meme to save their useless lives.

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I mean...yeah...

just him

nearly everyone else came out and was like "the fuck is wrong with this guy? did he just call our whole election process a farce because he didnt win something? Pretty sure over 2.3% of votes for the two of them were not cast illegally. maybe...MAYBE its more like .0000005 of votes were illegal and thats just based on the ONLY state that claims ot have found any voter fraud and it was like 4 of 750k

and he just made it up./ Like he straight up said "if I dont win its rigged" early enough on that it was going to be a lie no matter what.

>real text is "voted illegally"

and it's true, you buy these people busses to the polls and get them days off of work to do it too

hey genius, what happens when muslims and mexican catholics naturalize? do you think they'll still vote dem out of fear, or grow a backbone and go back to the values they learned in their home country and culture? for all you know the muslim hard-conservative vote will be the next big thing and Hannity will be wishing them a lovely ramadan. short-sighted idiots.

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>Helping people access their right to vote is morally wrong
Imagine sucking bourgeoise cock this hard

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Let's be honest: Democrats always blame everyone and everything else when they lose. Truth is you wouldn't have voted for Hillary if you'd ever seen her speak.

Pretty much this. All that diversity and pronoun bullshit are beyond petty. They won't accept a white man so good luck,

I don't see him winning FL, TX, PA and the rust belt again. He will lose unless the Dims really run a shitbird candidate. So far all the Dim candidates are shit. But chances are they will get someone strong by next year that will topple Trump.


You mean the ones pointing to court, jail and the poor house?

A few?
Try all of them.

Proven by who?
Retards in a mental home?

I voted for the lesser of two evils that's true but I really don't give a two shits how well my president panders to the lowest common denominator, I want a president whose good at diplomacy and implementing policy.

Progressives are the death knell of Trumptards.



Fuck that just became my new back round

With an actual approval in the low 30s, he couldn't win against a potted plant.

Even with Republican subhumans cheating their asses off and suppressing the vote, Dump is going to be fucking ENDED with extreme prejudice.

Better than trumptard incoherent rambling.

>all illegal
HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA, you retards are still trying to claim that shit, huh?

Yes, and his rallies are always above capacity and his inauguration was the biggest crowd ever. Tremendous crowd. Really, MUCH bigger, thick and more virile than Obama's, believe me.

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With Trumpanzees, you should always assume you're dealing with a sub-70 IQ.


>you wouldn't have voted for Hillary if you'd ever seen her speak.
I saw her cough uncontrollably, barely walk, make some really curious face gestures. She's senile. Plus she's responsible for many many people no longer being with us

>inb4 Dumbocrats will say polls aren’t necessarily accurate

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alright, ben garrison.

Now adjust it for all the Republican illegal vote suppression.

and she won by 3 million votes, genius.

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who was/is your choice?

Cosmetic and very likely illegal votes from already blue states.

So she's a Corleone Matriarch?

I love this! The dems (media) were so sure she was gonna win. Did they think that we were going to take their word for it? Well that really backfired when all Hillary's dick lovers stayed at home, sure she'd win.

states vote in presidents, dipshit

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Honk Honkler says: we live in a clown world, and Trump won't get reelected.


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She never have 90% in the polls, 538 *predicted* she had a 90% chance to win based on polling statistics.

when did it ever matter?
california's number of votes ends at the borders of california

Take a stats class

That's the argument, that we need to improve our system somewhat to prevent minority rule over the majority

>So she's a Corleone Matriarch?
she could be. It's hard to deny the evidence. Plus her overall health was a big question. Trump is in far better health.

You know, all of us righties were listening to the leftists talk about being okay with the results (this is when they were so sure they were going to win) but when they lost and went all bat shit crazy (and don't deny they didn't), anything was fair game.

Young Americans got caught sleeping and they paid the price.
After having such an asshat of a president I'm sure they'll be more cautious.
That's IF having such a retard of a president didn't fuck up the new gen of voters.

Big reason he won was he was tough on immigration. So what do the Dems do? They go full retard the other way. They pass sanctuary cities, allow illegals to vote, allow them to have drivers liscenses. Want to abolish ice. Give them healthcare and prevent ice from detaining them. They even just voted against a bill that would notify ice whenever an illegal tried to purchase a gun. The only things they seem to want to do is get trump and help illegals. Fuck the citizens. Fuck the deficit. Fuck social security. Let's spend the next two years screaming about the bad orange man.

what, exactly, would that do?

user I...



It is truly amazing the vast number of people in the US who are emotionally allergic to thinking.

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fuck the media. They are the reason Shillary lost. Falsely saying that she'd win, causing her voters to stay home. Well that, and the fact that she's not physically fit enough to hold the position

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Trump is possibly the best president we've ever had. He's definitely top 10. Blacks, especially, should be able to reap the rewards of this administration

There are only 538 votes in the entire Electoral College. If your butt hurts, thank a neo-con for all the gerrymandering.

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Well shit man, she should move into the white house . We forgot Dems don't obey laws that don't work for them.

Just because the libcuck poles showed she would have more votes (your statistics suggestion), here in the US, we have a system that chooses the president -- a system the left had no problem with until DJT won.

this. Unfortunately for her, she wouldn't be the first female president. In the spirit of the Obummer legacy, Trump was able to choose his gender and has the title of the first woman president.

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typical lib cuck rhetoric. Most US Universities are well known for pushing their leftist agendas

Nah we had a problem with it back when the deplorables handed the federal government over to the MIC and Oil company consulting administration back in 2000

can this be a hillary hate thread now?

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God damn even when you win you lose

You do realize that the vast majority of these so called "deplorables" are the backbone of our society, right? Your hard working farmers, coal miners, construction workers, truck drivers, etc. aren't generally as "stupid" as you say

This is Obama's legacy

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3 million? That's a lot of buses you deluded cockhole.

>Hard working farmers
The very ones who I pay through government subsidies
>Coal miners
The very ones who are jobless because they were replaced by machines far more efficient than they are
>Construction workers
Where would my town be without a new strip mall every 5 years
>Truck drivers
Doing the same thing a train can do for twice the cost
>Aren't stupid
Buddy you gotta be pretty damn stupid if the best thing that you can think of to do with your life is drive someone else's shit across the country for pennies on the dollar and be proud of it

illegals, dead folk, it's all relative.

>drive someone else's shit across the country for pennies on the dollar and be proud of it
truckers make good money from my experience.

Ivan being a cancerous faggot? All signs point to sage.

No, the vast majority of them are opiate-taking, welfare-sucking, uneducated trailer trash in Bible belt states.

Mind you, I don't blame everyone who voted for the subhuman worthless criminal maggot. I blame everyone who still supports him after all the despicable, vile, evil and illegal shit he's done.

They sacrifice having an interesting life for ok money

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He lost that in CA.

He wasnt lucky. He beat her every where but CA.

In CA, illegals voted. 3 million? Probably not that many but a shit load did.

That's because you didnt get educated in school. We are a republic, not a democracy.

10% of the time, the popular vote getter loses the election.

This isn't a rare occurrence.

Such repeating numbers. Happening.

>all the despicable, vile, evil and illegal shit he's done.
yet you have no problem with the atrocities your lover Hillary has done?

this. The only people who liked Hillary are those folks in big cities. Typically gays and "men" who couldn't change a tire if their life depended on it.

306 to 232

That's all that matters.

Founding Fathers thought this through well.

You pondered it for a nano second not understanding 1% of the why.

why does it seem like he always surrounds himself with only the best people

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Ivan or Levi?

What's wrong with these people? I mean seriously if this is the future of the DNC, that party is fucked

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Nah dude we've had 5 presidential elections in the history of the U.S. where this has happened, and two of those were in this decade.

For the first 80 years of our nation's existence the Southerners were able to exert a disproportionate amount of influence in Congress thanks to the 3/5 compromise. In hindsight that was complete bullshit. This is as well and when we finally decide to update our archaic system, I think that history is going to judge "muh electoral college" harshly. Unfortunately we're a superpower in decline and our aging population loves to cling to outdated traditions

>Thinking these are mutually exclusive
We still vote for our representatives and my argument is that we should

Hopefully help you understand the difference between a poll and a statistical model

I see a lot about Yang now Offering a 1k a month basic income. Bring on the collapse, man. With that 1k a month you should all buy new rifles and get ready for a glorious civil war!

>atrocities Hillary has done

PLEASE tell me you're one of those drooling retards who believes she drinks kidnapped childrens' blood or something.

Just as likely he's hung for treason by then.

>believing this

White, Fox watching boomers can't die off fast enough.

you could get ahead by doing as harry truman (who created) said: dismantle the cia: relegate them to FBI's water boys. The world hates you because of CIA's shit they took on the worlds dining table across the course of the 20th century. formed in 1947. must be dead well and truely by 2047, less the world twist ur nipple cripples harder

Fuck that. I blame the DNC for rigging the primaries against Bernie.


yet you fail to realise the honest reprisal for his mistakes

wouldn't see any other pres, especially hillary if elected - do that

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Why can't you just take responsibility for those clowns you put on your head?

Trump is an out of shape fatass.

Who in America is not a fatass?

I agree


Lol wait no he's Kenyan

I think it will be close again. But Trump will win. The democratic party hasn't changed since last election cycle, so people are still anti democrat. Love or hate Trump, he's actually trying to keep promises, more than any other candidate in awhile.

That's what the House is for, jackass. The President is supposed to represent the majority of States.

Most anti vaxxers are left wing nutjobs, not conservatives.


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Oregon, Washington, and California are three of the major antivax States. Here in Colorado the worst vax rates are in Boulder, which is Liberal fucking Mecca.

There's plenty of fucking retards. The reason Trump won was a combination of Democrats having even worse candidates, and moderates backlashing against Liberal intolerance and idiocy.
So instead of stepping up their game, the Dems have apparently decided to double down and have as many fucking jackoffs as possible run against him.

Nah the electoral college is based mostly on population. The purpose of the electoral college in early American society can only really be approximated through educated speculation, but my argument is that it hasn't been relevant since the 70s at the lateat

>it's all relative
like trump voters

Most of them are Jesus moms, what alternative reality are you from?

>muh rigged primaries

She beat him by over 2 MILLION VOTES, genius. That narrative about "rigging" was Russian paid propaganda that was posted all over Facebook and other social media.


I'm looking for the data and so far I've been having trouble. The closest thing I've found is this and I don't really trust mother jones

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This is interesting too

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>religious exemptions
That should not be a thing. No special privileges for believing retarded fairy tales.

Oh, Mr Hannity, you are sooooo funny!

Yeah, but the Constitution…

Shall make no law RESPECTING any establishment of religion.

We have a Wall of Separation of Church and State erected by Jefferson and Monroe. It needs to be heavily refortified.

This. The only respectable religion is modern economic theory

Why. So. Thin.

>why we lost the last election:the post

>not an argument


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Nice slippery slope faggot

"represent"? what about stand up for?

blacks and mexicans are for letting illegals in but they're very, very wrong. this is the future. it's not 1980. we will soon have NO factory workers, and eventually, NO farm workers. any college students at a master's level could build a fucking robot with a few mini android computers, 4K cameras and robot arms and LED lights that could replace a farm worker and work 24 hours a day with eight arms. this technology wasn't even possible 10 years ago but is CHEAP now. that robot would cost like a grand with just two arms. now, have a REAL company apply some effort and they could build a robot with a dozen arms, 360 degree cameras, GPS and wifi, etc and pick a field clean in 1/10 the time and NOT be pissing and shitting in the fields, causing recalls of 100,000 tons of lettuce.

you retards are obsolete as of the 21st century. now, the average wealth of blacks and latins is destroyed. not only do they rarely make it through college, they can't afford it now. they are the only ones that will have to compete with illegals or at least, "uneducated migrants". white people don't need to worry about losing jobs to them at all.

white people pay 92% of the taxes. now, even more because blacks and latins have no money or earning power and are destroyed. you want LESS white people and MORE free money? this is RETARDED. you should be thanking anyone that stops illegal latins and promotes white people. you FUCKING DUMB ANIMALS.

do what you want. in the long run, white people will be fine. you are fucked. that's that. whining on twitter won't change anything.

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Nice dissertation

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>stop pointing out what my post literally says
Ok will do faggot.

Blow it out your ass