Go ahead and judge me but these Fingerboxes are the way of the future. Vintage are too expensive anyways

Go ahead and judge me but these Fingerboxes are the way of the future. Vintage are too expensive anyways.

Attached: A_steel_32hole_finger_box_of_Soviet_design.jpg (200x185, 8K)

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Any fingerbox that isn't polished wood is for faggots. These new steel ones fucking suck.

Do regular people just own these, I never had one

Then post yours asshole. Metal fingerboxes are sleek at the very least and they have decent torque.

Dont even get me started on those plastic fingerboxes

>Steel lel
>not space age..
>titanium finger box
The future is now old man

>hurr durr muh fingerbox is going to swell and warp when I wash it durrrrrr

fuck off you pretentious hipster faggot.

There's literally no reason to prefer wood over metal or synthetics.

Are you one of those faggots who thinks vinyls have amazing sound?

Dude throw that shit in the scrap pile. The entire point of fingerboxes is defeated once you come away from classic wood

Guaranteed there's one in your house. Ask your parents.

get on my level, pleb

Attached: 15e.jpg (680x510, 52K)

wow look at that soulless abomination

cock-sucking hipster faggots.

In a blind test, I promise you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

Isn't it a bit small?

What are you even supposed to do with these?

What's a finger box? I heard someone grandpa gave him one. Hurr Durr.


is this some sort of sex toy?

they were big a few years ago but no one uses them anymore, mines dusty in the corner


right, but what are they for?

have you been living under a rock?

gee-wilikers mr rogers, I just can't get my noggin around what these are supposed to do?

yeah ok I get that you're supposed to put your finger in it, but why?

does it feel good or something?

id send you the link where I got mine but its dead now, mines a mahogany base

>fat hand
>fingerbox meme

Of course

its not your asshole dude


It's a stale meme unfunny people use. They're not for anything and aren't real.

the fuck?

this doesn't help. can someone please just explain this shit to me once and for all?

kek nice one

nice dubz.

how are they not real? I see youtube videos of them.

it a fucking rat trap you untreated copper plated car

A Finger box basically simulates a feeling, originally this was accomplished with mechanical devices in the box with some extremely cruel pranksters putting item such as glass and nails in witch would often decapitate the finger, this led to a act of parliament in 1919 by the UK banning the devices, which was quickly followed by the rest of the world.

Bro, its a finger box what do you think you do with it?

Do if you didn't have a finger box you must have grown up in a third world country