Calling all xanax users!

Calling all xanax users!
So I was recently prescribed 0.25 mg xanax for my anxiety (I'm having my first plane ride on Monday as well)

Well I decided to test one out so I could essentially see what I was getting into so I would know how to better handle myself on monday.

The thing was that I literally didnt feel anything. I've tried this pill about 3 times with 0 difference.

So I told my psychiatrist (who I personally think is a bit shitty) about it and he seemed suprised I didnt feel anything but then said it would alright for me to take 2 at the same time then.

To me it felt weird because I never heard of taking 2 if one doesnt work with these kinda meds.
So I came to ask you guys if this is something ok to do?

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tske 5 and drink a 12 pack

It makes you dumb.
You don't even notice that you feel it but it's working just fine.
PS: Sell them or dump them down the toilet, they wont fix your anxiety.
Seriously, they will make it worse in the long run.

just eat all of them

0.25 is the lowest dose xans come in, you get 2mg xanax and that is 8 of yours. you can be quite liberal with them plus you seem to not be too sensitive to it

Just dumb?

And I was told that it's not supposed to be a general fix for my anxiety but more for the moments where I feel its really bad and a quick relief.

But the times I took it I literally felt nothing.

Not dumb.
Not relaxed
Not drunk.

It really felt like nothing and I was really trying to focus on any changes that whole time

its a living hell when trying to quit. Dont start using them

You are literally taking 1/8 a NORMAL dose.

Xanax can go up to 2mg tablets. Which I've seen people take those 3 times a day. You're fine

do not do that!

Bro im only starting to feel it after 16.

take 1 and drink 1 beer/ glass of wine. alcohol really kicks in the effect and makes it feel like you just drank a 12 pack and you'll be sloppy as fuck so try not to fall over and hit your head. But honestly i never really noticed xanax without drinking BUT just because you don't notice a effect doesn't mean its not working, ask a friend if you are talking real slow like a retard with a heavy tung

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it’s a very low dose, how much do you weigh?

I actually dont have an addictive personality when it comes to meds.

I have a cabnit full of pretty addictive pain meds that I only take in emergencies. I actually suffer with a lot of pain before I decide to take a pill.

I actually have my paranoia to thank for that probably.
The idea of being hooked on meds terrifies me.

So I'm not worried about becoming addicted to anything.

I suppose I guess I just thought that he would just up the does instead of making me take 2.

I'm 180

Addictive personality only matters when it comes to habits. Chemical dependency will happen regardless of your personality. It is entirely dependent on dosage vs your body mass.

yeah you could safely double it. you might also try putting it under your tongue.

>its a living hell when trying to quit. Do you take them constantly? Why? That would reduce their effectiveness, if nothing else
>Dont start using them
I've been using them for more than 5 years, but only when I actually need them, not to get high.
>my last bottle of 30 lasted almost 5 months

Nice fucked up greentext. Sorry.

You don't have an addictive personality until you do. Once that puzzle piece clicks into place then it is off to the races. Xanax is drinking minus the poison. Use at your own risk.

Great but alot of folks pop them every 8-12 hours in the regular. As needed is a very subjective dosing.


I personally take ativan but with a mg like .25, you can really push the envelope.

like your plane ride, give taking 5 or 6 a try.

a xanax bar is 2mg, so its 8 of those puppies.

I did the same thing. When I quit taking them entirely I had such bad anxiety for months I didn't want to leave my house.

guys. i got some oxycodon and Tilidine at home. for what do i use this stuff.

Background: my mother died (cancer)
I would like to take this shit.

Take the oxycodone to feel great.


Take a gallon of bleach. You won’t even feel the plane ride.

benzos are the worst withdrawals along with alchohol and heroin

I got more of this. i just want to feel better.
Can i take these things to improve my feelings for some time?

i really would like to upload this picture on 4 chan but it said that it has to be 2mb or less.

>I don't know how to resize an image

i tried to cut out pieces of the image and they were above 2 mb. thanks for the help.

I spent 3 days in a detox facility with the worst withdrawals of my life after quitting xanax. I would take 4-6mg and drink vodka with it, obviously I would black out and I wouldn't remember anything I said or did. Mostly calling people niggers and faggots on the internet.

Hormone is at like a 10 to 12

Das sind alle synthetische Opiate, damit fühlst du dich zwar nicht unbedingt besser, aber dir ist auf jeden Fall alles egal.
Halte dich an die Packungsbeilage für die erste Dosis, alles weitere liegt dann in deiner Hand.

Allerdings ist der Suchtfaktor nicht zu unterschätzen...

Some good info here, a lot of misinformation. I don't feel Xanax in my system under about a mig, but it definitely starts helping me in the .25-.5 range. If you're noticeably feeling it, you're creeping north of the "helpful" dose for anxiety, and into the sleepy/cozy recreational territory.

Nothing harmful in taking more than one of your .25's, your doctor's right, but I'd caution you against unecessarily increasing your tolerance because you "don't feel it." If it's doing its job, you won't feel it, you'll simply be less prone to anxiety, and it'll be easier to address/deal with the anxiety. It's not going to magically suppress it.

It's an aid for anxiety, not a fix. Your doc is pretty much spot-on, ignore most of this thread.

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Vielen dank für eine Antwort. Sollte mein Egld demnächst nicht mehr für Alkohol reichen werde ich die Medikamente benutzen.


My doctor prescribed me xanax back in 2009, I started with the .25mg too. After a while, that won't be enough. They'll bump your script up to .50mg. And when that isn't enough, they'll do 1mg and eventually 2mg (bars).

I'm telling you right now what the doctor probably isn't telling you, your body will become to addicted to it that you'll need it and when you don't take it you'll seize up. I've had 3 seizures because of going a few days without taking them.

10 years ago I was not warned about the long term effects and I was not warned about how your body will depend on them.

Do yourself a favor and don't take them regularly. Unless you want to OCCASIONALLY mellow out.

To put it in perspective I was taking up to 8 bars a day for years and refilling my script every month. I've tapered down so now I'm only taking 1 or 2 bars a week only because I don't want to have a seizure.

>tl;dr don't take them regularly. only if you absolutely have to. your body will become addicted.

This guy's right in that benzos can produce dependence, which can be ugly. I'm not a big advocate of daily xanax use for anxiety, but they've got value as a sort of occasional-use aid for stressful situations.

For the plane ride, I'd take .5, and bring another .25 if the plane/TSA allows it, in case you need a little more. .75 will be plenty for the trip.

That being said, while everything the guy quoted said is true and right, more than a bar a day is a LOT of xanax. if you're taking less than a mig at a time, less than three or four times a week, by all rights you should be just fine.

>I don't know the difference between cropping and resizing

i dont want to take them but i have to pay for the bills for my house (my mothers house). i dont think i have enough money for the next months of alcohol. i cant sleep without drugs. i try to avoid those meds but i think i wont escape them.

my xanax stopped working after 6 months, inevitably you will need more and more of it, because old doses wasn't working for me anymore.

my pdoc also said that antidepressants shouldn't be prescribed for more than 9 consecutive months, although i heard people using antidepressants for years

Gut gemeinter Rat: hoch dosiertes CBD ist legal und vollkommen unschädlich für das Hirn/den Körper.
In anbetracht der Tatsache, dass dir allerdings nicht besonders viel Geld zur Verfügung steht bleibt wohl vorerst nur dir zu wünschen, dass du nicht zuweit in die Alkoholabhängigkeit abdriftest.

This is true. Xanax is best used during an adjustment period in conjunction with therapy to get a better feel for what makes you anxious, why, and how you can deal with it without the drugs.

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I mix my xanax with cocaine and snort it for a nice mellow high

The deal is that real anxiety patients won't feel that much effect. Xanax works fine for acute panic attacks. So it's not like you take them and your anxiety disorder vanishes. Also yes 0.25 isn't that much. Plus what was mentioned here, no anxiety disorder should be treated on long term with it. Rebound is pretty hard. Suggest promethazine on your next appointment

Ich habe CBD Liquid probiert und fand es recht angenehm allerdinds nur um den Tag zu überbrücken. Abends habe ich dennoch mehr benötigt. Mein Plan ist es eh das ich in wenigen Monaten in eine stationäre Wechsel allerdings MUSS ich bis dahin durchhalten.

Hey OP i dont remember the dosage I was on before but I wanna say 0.5mg so double your single pills. That made me functional and if i doubled that i was high as a kite.

With the 0.5 youll take with 2 though, try drinking some soda or coffee. Caffeine fucks with xanax HARD and makes you high as shit when both taken. Used to drink cokes at work while on jt.

They aren’t supposed to make you feel anything unless you take a lot. They are supposed to just help lessen anxiety, personally I wouldn’t recommend them for long term use , but use them in a higher dose when you have an anxiety attack

Would oxy and tillidin help with anxiety attacks?
When do i take which one?

benzos + coke... what could go wrong?

Wenn du weiterhin alpra nimmst wirst du so oder so in der stationären landen. Unglaublich wie manche Ärzte mit benzos umgehen. Aber sich einkacken wenn man stärkeres analgetikum als novalgin braucht

Erst mal ist es schon dumm oxy und tili zu mischen wenn du keine Toleranz hast. Und nein, es hilft nicht. Klar bist du angstfrei wenn du verklatscht auf opis bist aber wenn du dann mal nix nimmst mach dich auf was gefasst.

Hopefully not under your real name.

When I used to be a trashy person i would use benzos while coming down off coke to lessen the tweakyness
They don’t directly interact like benzos and alcohol do. I’ve almost died from an overdose of those two

Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe sind die Opiate Überbleibsel von der Erkrankung seiner Mutter.

Na dann viel Erfolg... und ab und zu mal die Droge zu wechseln ist auf jeden Fall ein zuverlässiges Mittel gegen die totale Abhängigkeit. ;)

Snorting xanax is a complete waste, what the fuck is wrong with you? It doesn't get into your system through any nasal passage, it's completely useless. I want to kill you for wasting it.

Abgesehen davon wirst du an beides nur in retard Form kommen. Schon die Frage welche man dann nehmen sollte zeigt dass du keine Ahnung von der Materie hast. Tilidin analgetische Potenz: 0,2. Oxycodon: 1,4. Also für dich mal runter gebrochen: oxycodon kann schon bei 50mg ohne Toleranz böse ausgehen. Deine Frage was du nehmen solltest ist also vergleichbar mit der Frage ob du Aspirin oder Morphium nehmen solltest bei Kopfschmerzen

Alpras sind auch eine opioide sondern benzodiazepine

Depression and anxiety is a 21st century invention by the progressive left and pathetic betas to weaken society instead of becoming stronger themselves.
I'm glad it was conceived though, because there is so much less competition for the competent ones still around.
If you take medication for any mental illness whatsoever, you should just swallow a 9mm because you're clearly not strong enough to make any contribution to society in any way shape or form.
Swallow the pill or swallow the round you faggots

Momentan benutze ich nichts von dem. Ich trinke damit ich einschlafen kann allerdings wird es langsam teuer und ich kann es mir nicht mehr leisten. Deswegen bin ich hier. Wenn ich weiter trinke verschulde ich mich. Wenn ich meinen Vorrat an Medikamenten benutzen kann wäre es einfacher für mich.

Don't bother with that shit, it makes you sleepy and that's it. Won't fix your anxiety sorry. Get off while you still can.

I always thought it would be similar to tramadol + coke and you'd get the ODB effect.
The more you know...

Ich habe keine Ahnung von den Meds. Deswegen frage ich ob es möglich ist damit Zeit zu überbrücken. Ich möchte nicht für immer glücklich damit werden. 3 Monate mit meinem Vorrat reichen mir damit ich danach stationär behandeln lassen kann.

Alter, nein es wird nicht einfacher wenn du Medikamentenabhängig bist. Schon mal auf Entzug gewesen? Heroin Entzug ist ein kindergeburtstag gegen den von benzos. Aber hey, wenn du auf Krämpfe, schmerzen, kotzen und Delirium stehst tu es. Schon drei Tage durchgängiger alprazolam komsum kann erste Erscheinungen auftreten lassen. Kannst dir ausrechnen wie es nach zwei Wochen aussieht. Du denkst trinken macht dich arm? Du wirst als junky für benzos Schwänze lutschen mein Freund

Die besitzt der Kollege aber überhaupt nicht, falls ich nicht irgendwas überlesen habe.
Sein Bild zeigt lediglich Oxys und Tilidin.

>Im not too keen on my medical doctor's advice.
>What do you think 16-18 year old strangers on the internet?

Come on, dude, really?
Psychiatrists are very well trained in pharmaceuticals and symptoms. You can trust a psychiatrist as much as a GP.
And as for doubling meds, a lot of factors affect how a med will affect you. There are a lot of reasons (especially if you're really tall or really heavy) why you may need two doses when a regular patient would need one.

Ok, dann sage ich es dir nochmal n aller Deutlichkeit: lass es! Drei Monate sind lange Zeit gerade wenn man anfängt mit opioiden und/oder benzos rumzumachen. Bin seit 5 Jahren auf Opiaten.

Momentan muss ich mich noch um das Haus kümmern in dem ich und meine Geschwister leben. Ich muss die soweit bringen damit sie sich selbst um Rechnungen, Haushalt un co. kümmern können. Danach ist mein Auftrag erfüllt und ich kann mich erstmal um mich selbst kümmern. Ich hab permanent das Gefühl das ich keine Luft bekomme, ich schlafe nicht weil ich das Gefühl habe zu ersticken und momentan löst Alkohol dies Problem. Nur ein paar mehr Monate, mehr brauche ich nicht.

OP try to see how your anxiety is. You feel. normal on xanax but yout anxiety is gone. In high doses you do just stupid stuff because you don't give a shit about anything.

>if it calm your anxiety down without anything else it is a good med

I also have been prescribed xanax for anxiety recently but haven't taken them yet

That shit is a slippery slope. Either you don't feel it or you're addicted as fuck. Withdrawal will erase any benefit you derive from it. Try weed or LSD.

Please don't drive on that shit, you can crash your car on that junk.

Dann habe wohl was falsch gelesen. Trotzdem unglaublich wie dämlich. "Kann ich mit Schmerzmitteln die für Menschen mit Krebs oder nach schlimmen Unfällen gedacht sind selbst meine Störung für Monate behandeln?"

Acid cured my anxiety

Heroin is pretty shitty but atleast not life threatening

Thanks for everything ! it means alot to me, cant to talk my family about this topic.

Rest of my family is interested in the house and want me to move out. I will pay lawyer to help me with this shit before i will take my break.

Willst oder kannst du es nicht verstehen? Opiate sind Schmerzmittel. Der Flash ist übertrieben. Oxycodon ist das heroin der reichen. Würdest du jetzt auch heroin nehmen? Nein? Gut dann nimm auch keine anderen opis. Nebenbei wirst du wenn du verklatscht rumliegen und nodden. Kannst deine Geschwister gleich beim Jugendamt abgeben

Spül sie das Klo runter mit Opiaten spaßt man nicht.

The AIDS you'll get from sucking all that cock for heroin money is though

ich bin fast pleite und ich habe nichts anderes als diese Medikamente. Ich weiß das es nicht klug ist.

Darum geht es aber absolut nicht. Ich möchte nicht gesund oder glücklich werden. Ich möchte meinen Geschwistern ermöglichen das Haus zu halten.

Entzug und gesundheitliche Probleme spielen keine Rolle.

Okay danke für die Antwort.

Ich versuche sie zu meiden.

Mehr wolle ich nicht wissen.

Dank für die Hilfe und ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende.

Ich sage es dir zum letzten Mal: du bist if opiaten zu nichts in der Lage. Am Anfang Flasht es dich 10h weg. Geh zum verfickten Arzt. "Ich habe kein Geld und nix anderes als diese hochpotenten opioide." Wir sind doch nicht in Amerika wo keiner ne Versicherung hat. Geh zum Arzt, sag ihm was los ist und dann gehts weiter.
Entzug spielt keine Rolle? Kannst du easy sagen weil du noch nie auf turkey warst. Wenn du denkst du bist jetzt am Ende, dann warte mal ab in was für ein Loch du fällst wenn der erste turkey kommt. Und ich meine nicht den vollen körperlichen Entzug. Nur einen kleinen psychischen. Aber du scheinst unbelehrbar. Lass es, tu es. Mir egal

You're a fucking idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about. Xanax absolutely works when crushed and snorted. It's not like coke where the hit is instant, but saying it doesn't work is just proof that you are fucking retarded


Ich habe nie behauptet das ich die Medikamente nutze um meine Laune zu pushen. ich wollte lediglich wissen wie das mit den Medis die habe läuft.
Nein ich hatte bisher kein Turkey.
Es soll dir egal sein denn es ist schließlich men Leben, Vielen Dank trotzdem für deine Antwort.

Soo...he was behind that...?

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Dir auch Alter... und auch wenn es abgedroschen klingt, aber Meditation, Sport und ein anderes Mindset wirken Wunder (wenn man nicht schon zu tief in der Scheiße steckt).
Jede Droge führt über die Zeit zu Depressionen, selbst THC und vor allem Alk.

.25mg is the lowest dose, so you really wouldn't feel it unless you were having a panic attack, and even then it would only help mildly. .5mg is usually what a psych would put you on 3 times a day for an anxiety disorder with frequent panic attacks, but it sounds like they gave it to you to use as needed for infrequent panic attacks. .5mg should be enough for that, but in order to get a recreational high youd have to take at least 2mg. However, I do not condone using xanax to get high. Try it once or twice if you're really curious, but that shit can fuck you up if you're not careful. I took 4mg at once, then convinced myself to take another 2mg a half hour later. After that, the xanax was making the decisions for me, and the xanax wanted more xanax to hang out with. I ended taking 20 bars in a night and I'm now banned from some Italian restaurant. I dont even know what I did. Woke up two days later in my room hoping to God that I didnt try to drive myself around while zonked out on xanax.

Wenn du Schlafprobleme hast lass dir doch einfach nicht abhängig machende Tabletten verschreiben anstatt dich anzusaufen

get on the vals and smoke some bud my dude

Vielen Dank für deine letze Nachricht. Ich habe vor Jahren mal etwas Meditiert allerdings klappt es momentan nicht mehr weil ich zu viel an meine Atmung denke. Stille - Gedanken- Atmung- Keine Luft. Arzt sagt das meine Lunge okay ist, Tipps zum aufhören von Alk?

good story brah

Sup, I take Xanax for anxiety periodically and here are the doses and what they do for me. My pills are .5mg each and I weigh 115lbs.

.5mg=general chill out
1mg=a bit spacy and sleepy
1.5-2mg=going to sleep and staying there

Es sind nicht meine Tabletten.
Das ist der Rest den ich von der Therapie meiner Mutter aufgehoben habe.

Ich war schon immer Genusstrinker und habe daher nicht viel Erfahrung mit Alkoholentzug.
Allerdings habe ich fast 10 Jahre täglich größere Mengen Cannabis konsumiert und was mir unheimlich geholfen hat waren Sport/Ernährungsumstellung und eine gewisse Fixierung auf Sachen die mich begeistern/früher begeistert haben (Literatur, Musik, whatever).

Wenn du aufhören willst dann lass dich einweisen.
Alkoholentzug ist lebensgefährlich und sollte nicht auf die leichte Schulter genommen werden.

How common are paradoxical reactions on benzos.
Had a relative who would take klonopin and she became a complete psycho bitch while on them.