Bernie is going to save us from the Orange Tyrant

Bernie is going to save us from the Orange Tyrant

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Bernie won't even make it through the primaries.

I hate Trump, but I fear Bernie fucking up the Dem ticket. He would splinter the vote.



its not just him. everyone is already splintering it

bernie fell flat on his wrinkly old ass during the last election, what the fuck makes you think he'll win 2020

Im from California so granted I’m a Bernie bro but this.
People are scared of socialism man

theres no moderate democrat yet. its all "trump is so bad so i can pitch almost anything and hope it sticks"

they said this in the 70's...didnt take hold then either

He's a pretty solid guy. I like a lot of his ideas, but I'm not entirely sure how he plans on making it all happen. He'll try to pass something, and the republican party will shoot it down.

they have every right to be, since socialism is a goddamn ticking time-bomb that bankrupts countries

Oh please PLEASE put this shitburger up against Trump.
>MFW Republican landslide

I think that's the most dangerous part of it all. Trump lowered the bar so low that the Democratic party could have a pineapple running, and people would get behind it.

> Talks shit about the corrupt 1%
> is literally part of the corrupt 1%.

> Supporters are against the state
> supporters too stupid to realize their votes literally give the state more power.

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That's a shitty defeatist attitude.

I think your helmet is strapped on a little too tight, user.

Checked and agreed. Bernie is a sheep herded that will lead the sheep to their own slaughter. Making the state bigger will never end the corruption of the state.


And they should be. Socialism is a parasitic cancer that feeds of the wealth generated by capitalism. It cannot exist on its own. Socialism eventually feeds off the host, capitalism, to the point of killing it.

I don't see the problem in being realistic. Bernie is progressive, and republicans would literally do anything to ensure the good ol' bible thumpin' ways stay in tact.

All of Bernies policies require FORCE to work. If your plan needs to be FORCED in order to work, it probably isn't a good plan. Are you against the state? Or against your people? You can't be both.

Republicans lost all credibility in the last 2 years.

Almost as if that is something the goal...

nice b8 m8

americans complain about fascism and donald trump.but would rather have a communist jew as president,LOL.what a shitty backwords country

American here, agreed. We are retarded.

Stop yelling, Earl, you're scaring the children. Reciting Fox News in all caps doesn't make your point go further. It just makes you look like you sleep with your sister.

Fascism is state control over the private sector, so technically Bernie is more of a Fascist than Trump fyi

he'll die of a heart attack before 2020

I don't watch Faux news, faggot. That was a quote from Karl Marx

Fight the good fight, man. I mean what else would you do instead?

Trump is nowhere near fascist. The media and democrats throw it around and have no clue what they are talking about. If Trump wanted were fascist and wanted to be a dictator, then why would he allow the Mueller investigation to continue for two years. He does have the legal authority to fire him at any time.

How do capitalism and the constitution equate to bible thumping?

If that’s your logic then you should hate capitalism for being a plague on the earth, too. Capitalism have over stated its welcome and the USA is proof that it will relentlessly rampage without cease until. The earth will give and give until it cannot give any longer, and then what happens then?

I was about to ask that faggot the same thing but i didn't want to put energy into entertaining his ignorance. Thank you

Nothing you said made any sense. You're pulling ultimatums out of thin air. I'm for critical thinking. If he gets elected, he's going to have to use soft power to get what he wants in place, and he's too outspoken to do so. Not saying its a bad thing; I'm saying that he's going to have a really bad time if republicans are in charge.

Being forceful and being outspoken are two entirely different things. Promise.

Yes, you are correct. The crazy old bible thumping economic system that has created the wealthiest society in history and brought more people out of poverty than all other systems just the last week.

Yeah, okey lil-Bern, okey. She is with you this time, right?

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kek "A Communist is someone who reads Karl Marx, and Anti-Communist is someone who understands Karl Marx."

Bernie bro just got stomped the fuck out.

When you say that: can you define what fascism means?

Good point, I guess it's ok for the "most honest", and "most transparent" president in history to denounce all media that doesn't champion him, praise dictators while alienating our democratic allies, belittle a peers time as a p.o.w. , claim vaccines cause autism, say not to worry about the oceans because they are very small, "I didn't break campaign finance law but if i did it would be okay", and in general be a provable, pointed hypocrite about enough issues often enough that r/trumpcriticizingtrump has enough material to exist.

He leaves a slug trail of bullshit everywhere he goes. His defenders always want your to prove it or to cite an example but there are so many dozens upon dozens of examples that it's actually a worthless waste of time to bother with anyone who still actively supports our thin-skinned shitbag president.

Bruh... his policies require the use of force. The state must enforce his policies in order to work. This is literally his stance. Listen to his debates against the Paul family. Are you too young to remember the tea party burning their Obamacare cards? They were all FINED, and they did it to make a point.

Don't tip your fedora too hard or you might have the pizza rolls fall out of it.

By raising taxes on everyone. Where do you think free everything comes from?

What? You don’t think socialists mine for minerals or ores or pump oil or burn stuff to stay warm? How much mining goes on to get the minerals to build photovoltaic cells and batteries? All green energy requires an actual power generation plant to back it up.

You make a solid point. After witnessing EVERYTHING that's happened, its hard not to lose hope. But it would be stupid to just take it lying down.

We're in this together, user.


I swear you people are retarded.

You mean opec and fracking usa destroyed venezuela? Or social capitalist europe or usa?

Still fishing, kid?

Bernie Sanders couldn’t even win a Bernie Sanders rally.

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Literally no one who supports Bernie cares if the taxes go up, lol. They know that, they would rather pay higher taxes if it means having first-world access to medical care and education.

>Screaming muh definitions
>Doesnt know the definitions
k, m b pol?

LMFAO i know you tried to insult me but that was actually hilarious, i think we would get along. Too bad we can't roll a fat one together and shoot the shit

I mean, nothing he said was wrong, per se.

Venezuela destroyed Venezuela

>implying the economic system was developed by the republican party.

You feeling okay?

Giovanni Gentile wrote the book on Fascism you idiot. The doctrine of Fascism circa 1932, defined as state control over the private sector.


It destroyed it by focusing too hard on external buyer. But polacks like to call it the best example why only libertarianism or nationalism works. All while ignoring USA destroyed that country by being nationalist.

There you go bro.

Ideological af

> no public health care
> miserable public education
> decaying infrastructure
> more than 60% of the population could not come up with 1000$ if their life depended on it
seriously, does that sound like a healthy and wealthy society to you?

Odd. We have the best medical care on the planet with the most availability of procedures on demand out of any country, by far. Even before Odildocare, any hospital was required by law to treat anyone regardless of ability to pay. They must provide any procedure necessary.

Bernie good man, but not $1000 good. Sorry Bernie, Yang 2020!

It's always nice to meet a fan.

You can scream them all you want, but most of europe may know that that book wanted the distribution of govt power to the successfull.
So you are prolly merican?

You Americans act like the stuff he wants to give you is some revolutionary bullshit that will not work. While the rest of the west have had it for 40 years. Even shitholes like India with 1.4 billion people have something as basic as universal healthcare.

You do realize that when the US was founded, almost everyone was religious. I didn’t imply anything. The Republican Party didn’t exist back then. Read what I responded to, moron.

You can tell by the way he totally beat him last time.

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He's not gonna win. If you want to make a change you have to first start by picking a winning side. Then infiltrate said side.

Hitler can become a world leader despite being a belligerent drunk in jail with nothing left and one hell of a radical attitude, and Donald Trump as a citizen is a complete failure who lost who's filed for bankruptcy has to hide his SAT scores and pay off hookers, then I can become prsident

TRUMP 2020

It is wealthy. We pay more per student than any other country. 50 years ago, we had the best education in the world. What has happened since then...the complete takeover of education by unions and leftist ideology being pushed over actual learning. The education system got the Dr Spock treatment by leftists. I happened to go to private schools and can tell the difference. I actually learned. Many public school kids are just spit out by factory schools trying to create C students instead of fostering excellence.

All of that is true, and yes I can see why it would seem like "first-world" for those reasons. It's just that, unlike other "first-world countries", if you are not properly insured at the time of the emergency, you may find yourself irrevocably ruined financially before you're 22. I myself, was working a full time job and enrolled in my companies health insurance plan, am still over $30k in debt for the procedures and tests and such.

Explain Kusner and Ivanka's security clearance. Better yet explain to me what Jared "Ski Free" Kushner is even doing in the white house.

top cringe, m'lady

Bernie wants to fix the unbalanced wealth distribution. He has my support.
End the Oligarchy!
Also I am a supporter of turning over Citizens United.

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Bernie is going to literally give you guys so much free stuff that you are going to get tired of getting free stuff. Socialism!

>tips fedora

people need to stop picking on multi-billionaires.

>the complete takeover of education by unions
No? Have you visited a university in the last 10 years?
That shit by now is built as company. People investing money in getting returns for more students starting, them having to pay well known experts and a fake inflation due a well known effect of: if something is more expensive it has to be better. It is not socialism, by now most uni grads will tell you, that it is capitalism.

Economic equality is not a right. Taking all the money from the wealthy wouldn’t pay for Bernie’s plans. The problem with most leftist ideas is the they require tearing someone down in order to “build” up other people. You wanna see the socialist model in America, look to California...the most super wealthy and the most super poor.

>>no public health care

You want better healthcare? Deport illegals so our hospitals aren't jammed with diseased third worlders.

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>fascism is state control over the private sector.
that is not accurate
the nazis never sought to seize the means of production
you are missing what power actually means to fascists, and why they want it

Oh, sorry haven't read, you were already from a trade school. So universities opinion won't matter to you either way.

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No. Universities became so expensive with the advent of government backed loans for everyone. I would say the university system is even worse than the public school system. Many students are pushed on through just for showing up and paying money and also thoroughly indoctrinated in leftist ideology. Most kids go to public universities, meaning the states run them. All the businesses feeding off the inflated cost of education is capitialism. It’s not a businesses fault that money can be made.

Who went to a trade school? Fucking moron.

you are actively trying to be ignorant, right? It is not that simple as you might like it to be

If you understand Bernie's proposed and intended tax plan, you will come to find out that the majority of the taxes imposed will be corporate taxes. We are, in legalese, tearing someone down, but in my eyes a corporation is NOT a person and should be subject to stricter laws. I would love to see absolutely NO tax evasion: Amazon, Google, etc; these companies are the top earning companies located in the United States of American but they don't pay (minimally pay) American taxes. All because the loopholes BUILT IN the laws to ALLOW them to do it. If these holes become patched, which Bernie Sanders supports, we the American people will actually see the things that Bernie Sanders wants implemented easily.

i hate women

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>private schools
Or did you visit public private schools? Sorry but anyone not visiting at least a school with the right to give out a state accepted bachelor is a complete retard being paid by dad and mom and most likely was not even fit for college.

>the complete takeover of education by unions and leftist ideology
Seriously, what are you talking about? Are you just repeating that baseless right-wing talking point?

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I also don’t like huge companies not paying taxes on profits. That’s one sane thing he supports. Raising tax rates on businesses raises the prices of everything. Businesses don’t eat taxes. They pass the cost to the consumer. Higher cost of business lowers economic activity and lowers employment.

Hey, maybe he is not in college age

It's as simple as boy and girl. Of course you fags are too retarded to understand it.

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What? I was talking about public vs private K-12. The university comment was a different argument. Most students go to public universities.

I don't understand why people don't like Trump.
Without even mentioning the economy:

>Trump legalized hemp
>Trump passed the First Step Act, the Criminal Justice Reform bill
>Trump banned bump stocks
>Both North and South Korea credit Trump with ending the Korean War
>A Work-in-progress, Trump has convinced North Korea to start dismantling their nuclear weapon facilities (2 already taken down)
>Trump withdrew from the TPP
>Trump convinced NATO to put in an additional 100 million dollars, saving the US that money
>Trump is the first president to propose a new bill to include paid leave for new mothers
>Trump ended US involvement in the Syrian War
>Trump is supporting Israel by moving our embassy to Jerusalem
>Trump got rid of the mandate for Obamacare, to stop FORCING people against their will to get healthcare insurance
>2/19 Trump started a Global policy to decriminalize homosexuality in other countries where anti-gay laws are STILL on the books
>Trump is fulfilling his promise of not accepting any salary for being president.

It is true. The reason we pay so much for education is inflated teachers salaries and insane public pensions. I have kids in school and I also went to school and witnessed leftist thought forced all the time onto students. It’s def worse at universities but still happens in K-12. The federal government getting involved in state run education has fucked everything up.

>Economic equality is not a right
neither is economic inequality
some questions have to be answered on the level of society
like how much do we value the possibility of about 1000 people to accumulate unseen riches in comparison to the ability of about 300 million people to simply get by

Aren't you the one posting about how our current system is the best education due to filtering out by capitalism?

Betsy Devos pushes so hard for charter schools that her and her family has made billions off of lobbying in the name of. I also know the general consensus is that charter schools were an interesting little experiment that doesn't work.

Betsy Devos funneled billions of dollars from public education into charters as secretary of education and some of you may argue in favor of charters because public education is so flawed, but charters are even worse!

Since her family makes money off of charters, I dare say that her actions are motivated by her own personal agenda and greed, and not the needs of children. Remember, lobbying for charters netted her a sweet 40 million dollar yacht.

She was Trump's pick by the way.

So was Ajit Pai, who was a lawyer for Verizon, and now he seemingly makes moves that favor ISP's and Cellular providers, and then he tried downplaying support for net neutrality by completely lying about the prioritization of medical and EMT services which were already in place, and only seemingly abused when Net Neutrality was stripped and these services were
(put into place for realsies).

I don't even have to explain Scott Pruitt, because the asshole resigned himself! But he was still Trump's pick.

Trump tried inserting a climate scientist into the EPA position that got flagged HARD for saying carbon monoxide was a gas of life, not death, and was completely harmless.

Trump employs corporate lapdogs into positions of power in the government which are directly at odds with the very employers they used to work for! And it seems that they only get the position of the government that they were at odds with.

Trump is making the plutocracy official by bridging the gap between wealth and the government!!!

I wouldn't expect a conservative to get it. They read "To Give a Mouse a Cookie" in 3rd grade and stopped learning anything about society beyond that point.


two things:
- do you really see teachers as insanely rich people? They seem more like lower middle class to me - so quite average, actually.
- can you please give an example of "leftist thought forced onto students"?

I don't imagine the plugging of the corporate tax havens will affect small business and local businesses that badly. In fact, we will see more of a capitalist nation if we do plug these holes. Corporations that currently cheat the system and have an unfair advantage to small business will lose their edge allowing for new and improved ideas to surge in. Right now with these companies being so large and profitable, they smother all rising businesses and they remain at the top, stagnating the economy. This is essentially allowing corporations to become monopolies simply because the law permits it.
Having these policies in place is ruining the government because these corporations amass large amounts of wealth which they can then influence policy through Citizens United (buying our politicians).
This essentially creates an Oligarchy type government here in America!
Go Bernie Sanders! Cut the havens and return us to our capitalist origins!

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Sorry, then either me or you miscklicked.
My point still stands, it is not socialism destroying education, it is the sudden surge of universites becomming stock companies.

Have you met a prof? Those people have the high life, especially if the can publicate at least one paper every 4 months.

>neither is economic inequality
Are you really that dumb?
We 330 million Americans are so destitute that the average poor person has a car, multiple TVs, computer and internet access, a cellphone, medical care, nearly free education through college via grants and is among the 10% richest people on the planet. Many of those super wealthy people created tens of thousands of jobs that, in turn, created tens of thousands of jobs on increase economic activity and/or changed society in measurable ways through their invention or business acumen.

There is also no laws restricting out of network doctors to only out of network hospitals, and because of that you can be deceived. In the case of an accident where you are brought in unable to make decisions at that given time, you are not able to request an in network doctor, and 90% of the time you get one, who despite working for at an in network hospital, can charge 2000 dollars for two potassium pills and a cup of water. THAT kills your finances before you're 22.

Trump legalized hemp?
Kek, faggotry, its still illegal in the US of Amalgamation.
Kek, NK will dismantle nuclear weapons
Kek, Syrians are now milllitaristacally illegal, so all said immigrants are now illegal
Kek, some nigger tried some socialist/communist tactics and failed, why not do the opposite.
Kek, hates faggots and jews and then gets ready to propel them to the top.
Wait until next year when Orange Tard succumbs to the liberal agenda, or ends up getting killed by some extremist liberalistic douchebags.

You must not have gone to college. The wealth of teachers varies by locality. If you take the worst school systems, that bring down averages significantly, those teachers do make a lot of money, are guaranteed lavish pensions complete with free medical coverage for life. Coincidentally, all the worst school systems are in democrat run big cities. I still think most small towns give a decent education.

Trump and his administration are hands down the least corrupt, most honest, most transparent administraion in our history. There has never been a stronger advocate for the little man, for the blue collared american worker. Trump is the most down-to-earth, realistic, and successful president to date. We have never had a president, and likely never will again, so free of big-business influence. Unlike the rest of Washington he isn't in the pocket of any CEO or special-interest group and that leaves him free'er than any leader in how history to do what the President is supposed to do, champion the American people and preserve our future.

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Most professors work obscene hours, between teaching, research, acquiring funds, going to conferences etc
99% of people wouldn't (and couldn't) do what they do
also, you do realize, between research assistants and actual, plain-old regular teachers, profs make the smallest part in the education system, right?

I already agreed with the first half of your comment. As for the last part, I also want to see big business and “political donations” taken out of government. So, Bernie supports one sane thing. That doesn’t make his other policies anywhere near good.

Never thought about that, but it is actually clever, although not from a personal stand point.
>Make people owe you hundreds of thousands
>Investors pay their debt
>People have to pay back with interest for the next two decades
>Easy money for you and the university
That is better than investing in banks


They didn't let him run last time, what makes you think the DNC will let him run this time?

TRUMP 2020

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>that framing
enjoy your multiple tvs, idiot
let the grown-ups worry about making ends meet

People don't want a socialist in their 70s. I heard so on MSNBC.

shit people work shit hours and deserve shit pay
it's not our fault they lacked the talent needed to be successful
no one forced them to be teachers

Rich people invest, and hardly make a dime through living wages. Taxation on investments is significantly lower than those on living wages.

The rich become richer by funneling all of their money into investments and paying as much as 25% fewer in taxes than someone who is is working at your local fitness center or Walmart, and they barely make enough as it is.

Explain this.

EZ Win for Bernie. If he wasn't a good dude and just let Hilary burn for the 'e-mails' he wouldve been the nominee and destroyed Drumpf in the election.

Then we can start repairing the damages done, hopefully.

Socialism isn’t killing universities. Leftist thought and intolerance is killing them. Another problem is the Government guaranteeing of loans that has turned universities into massive money making ventures for both states and private universities.

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if you think teachers are rich, you really don't understand what wealth means, nor what teachers actually do for society

>trusting a Jew to lead a nation

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Ok. That just means you are financially liable if you get injured or sick outside of your local network. Wasn’t like that until Odildocare.

The dumbest post in the thread. This is all lies.

Bernie will throw his support again like last time, hopefully to a better candidate. He is getting too old for this shit.

Well. SOME Democrat is. No idea if Bernie will actually make it (have my doubts). but the left candidate WILL be the president. Period.

They workobscene hours, because they agreed on delivering research results. Entertaining idiots is the most hated task and usually given to phds. And I don't know your field of work, but profs in my field earn a fortune for my uni (200 per hr is common), they just accepted a tarif pay for their uni work.

What other ideas for policies that Bernie has do you disagree with?
I personally having these policies in place will impact the American populace enough to make the majority of what the puts in play worth it.
A presidency lasts for FOUR years, and most of the "socialist" policies may be revoked by the proceeding President.

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Orange man is a subhuman criminal maggot and the WORST, most retarded excuse for a leader in history. He will die in prison. Deal with it, faggot.

as proven by the incredible tax reform, and the limitless strive of those power-to-the-people guys like Steve Mnuchin and Scott Pruit

Thats why we're going to fix it

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>Has no rational retort so tries to kill conversation by putting someone down.

Except that Trump IS that bad and worse and the job the current Dems were elected overwhelmingly in 2018 to do was specifically to minimize his damage to our country and take him down for his crimes.

Bernie is the exact same thing as the orange tyrant, he just makes people think he's on the "other side"
Imagine actually believing in the american left and right

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we were talking about professors, not teachers - that's not necessarily the same
also, who says they aren't successful?

>one American politician will save us from another
>they're totally opposing each other

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>Another problem is the Government guaranteeing of loans that has turned universities into massive money making ventures
That is the main problem. Suddenly those people thought they can earn with kids education. Tbh that could be the cause of the next big crash, because it is still going on

FUCK Trump and every last anti-American piece of shit who still dares to support him.

He's real popular its all about the vp he gets cause age and all that

Dude are you kidding me!? Back in 2005 I received a medical bill to the tune of 10,000 dollars, just for saline solution and a bottle of Amoxicillen. Don't you tell me that this is because of Obama Care.

WOW yet another failed as fuck meme stolen from the left.

You retards are utterly shameless.

Better than letting the GOP cuck you into their tax giveaway, war spending, and judge picks.
Trump is the lamest establishment pawn to ever be president.

Who said rich? The average teacher makes $71,000 in Chicago, arguably the shittiest school district in the US. So, half of teachers make more than that and pump out garbage. On top of that, they get lavish benefits and guaranteed full scale pensions for life.

Get out of here. One decent idea doesn’t make up for the rest being shit

This is actually funny, though the real reason he wants a wall is it's a payoff to one of the many Russian oligarchs he owes a shitload of money to.

>thinks ACA caused the shit-tier broken healthcare we have

You are beyond the standard deductible for retarded.


Still playing the game of politics when its all a game of loss from the beginning.

The wealthy have the wealth to hide their money effectively. Then who takes up all burdens of all that tax? The working class. Socialism fucks those who want tp try get ahead, while the rich fucks stay wealthy, the useless tired fucks leech off you, and you are neither rich enough or poor enough to benefit or escape the system, its a cunt. You just work hard stay sorta poor then fucking die

Nah, he hired a german company for the wall. It was pretty big in the news here, because it was the company building the apple complex, and that comp already stocked up its american center with the required materials.

Did said company buy Russia-owned steel though?

No other Candidate resonates the same mentality of big business.
Sure, free college seems far fetched but like I said earlier, the mass of the funds will come from the center of his campaign: Prevent corporations from evading taxes.
I see this ONE position as the solution to almost ALL of America's current corruption.
We might even start to make a dent on our out of control Debt!

no, I am ending the conversation because there is a level of uneducated I don't deal with
> we don't die of the plague, so we must be privileged

Since germany was sued by france for having a too close trade conection to russia during the last year, I would expect nothing less.

sure, we all know Bernie has a history of fraud, corruption, crime and bankruptcy in his past
oh, wait...

Why does france always try to aggravate germany in this leeching sort of manner? It invariably gets them fucked up

no way america will install a jew

Sure, we all know about those cigar-smoking, champagne drinking fat cats that are our highschool teachers

As I said, you don't seem to understand what wealth means.
Just because they are not part of the working poor does not make them rich.
Btw, when you say "shitty school district" - do you think that is the teachers fault?

How about Bernie Sanders policy on Single Payer Health care being able to NEGOTIATE perscription costs with the Big Pharma? That will dramatically reduce the cost of our "medicare/medicade" programs!

Pretty easy to answer. Germany is the third strongest economy in the world. And trump said to europe to btfo and to no longer expect military help. Of course one of the closest US military partner (next to the uk) doesn't like their new possible patrons to get too close to russia.

>Trump is anti-American

Meanwhile lefties marching around chanting "No USA at All!"

Trump is the most pro-American president we have had in a LONG time.

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Trump got security clearances for Ivanka and Kushner despite the Whitehouse advising against it, then he fires anyone who is at odds with him. The only reason he fired Jeff Sessions was because he thought Sessions was literally going to obstruct justice for him, and he was above that and recused himself from the Russia investigation, despite Sessions being a shady ass character himself. What does that say about the President?


what is this a DUBS thread?

>Scares of socialism
Not scared, just recognize it as the scam and dangerous ideology as it is. But hey, you know, you go ahead tell the millions who have died that it wasn't because of real socialism.

Republican Pineapple 2024!
As long as it isn't blue It's good to vote for.

>as long as it isn't blue

There will never be another Republican president in this country. Trump's abysmal failure and the GOP all hiding him from the law has ENDED their party.

Sanders might actually get the votes to win the nomination. Out of all the candidates, he has the best name recognition.

>socialism is a scam and dangerous ideology

prove it

>people asks for evidence
>doesn't provide evidence but says it's there

Man, you should apply to cnn and help with that russian narrative that's been going on for almost three years. I'm sure with your help they'll finally be able to impeach him.

Trump had a lady evicted from her home so he could tear it down and build limousine parking in it's place. Republifags will also defend ol'e Lazy Eye Sarah Sander's assertion that god won Trump the presidency. What is he trying to do, break the establishment clause and create a religious cult based around himself?

>russian narrative
It's a clearly established fact, retard.

Wouldn't you?
I'd have lolis though.

name a single socialist country.

I said prove it. That means providing examples. Show me how it's a "scam" or that it's a "dangerous" ideology.

oh boy.. I can only imagine your struggle with how many hoops you're trying to hold to jump through.

Pyramid scheme.

How is it dangerous? well I noticed you have completely ignored all the people who have died in the name of socialism.. but hey, you got famine, war crimes, economic collapse, forced labour camps, theft of property wealth and possessions. the list just keeps going.

Exactly 1.

Trump is owned by Russian oligarchs and has been since the 90s. They put the Kremlin in touch with him and he's been inexplicably trying to run for president on their orders since. In 2016, they managed to hand him the presidency using the Retardican Party.

No hoops. No strange string connections. Cut and dried.

And I'll take it all back if you can answer me just ONE thing satisfactorily: Why was Paul Manafort Trump's Campaign Manager?

>socialism causes famine

I wasn't aware the GOD HIMSELF intervened when countries decide to change their socioeconomic system.

>Pyramid scheme.
>all the people who've died in the name of socialism
user, you can't even define what it is
>you got famine, war crimes, economic collapse, forced labour camps, theft of property wealth and possessions. the list just keeps going.

Again we are talking about public ownership of services, user, you are talking about military dictatorships run by sadistic assholes.

>Walking through walmart parking lot when i see bernie sticker on someones car and some chubby chick loading groceries into said car
>Felt like being a dick that day
>Excuse me but i'm going to take one of your hubcaps
>She responds "Wut?... them are mine"
>Ah but see you have 4 and I dont have any so you have to give me one.
>Clutching her phone she tells me that its stealing to take someone elses stuff
>I tell her that its not stealing its socialism
>Confused and on the verge of an autistic sperg she tells me that if I want hubcaps I have to go get a job and buy them myself
>Proving my point I tell her to have a nice day and i continue on my way.

>things that totally definitely 100% happened, I'm serial guys

Russians infiltrated the comments system on the FCC page asking for your opinion on Net Neutrality. he was practically pushing to remove it from day one of his employment. Ajit Pai refused to open an investigation into the incident, he instead made excuses for why we should shut up and accept that Net Neutrality is gone. Later he was pressured to open the investigation formally and did have to acknowledge that hundreds of thousands of comments on the page were fake and from Russia. Now you give me a damn good reason for why he was so determined to deny an investigation into what was clear an infiltration of the American political system.

Bernie’s a Jew. The Dems hate them now.

Dems don't hate anyone but willfully ignorant morons, white supremacists and greedy worthless conservatives.

Trump threatened to sue his past educational institutions if they were to publish grades and test scores that were illegal to publish without his consent in the first place. They didn't even have any intention to publish his grades in the first place.

Why would he do this if he is a self proclaimed genius with an IQ higher than everyone elses?

You sound like a lying Democrat to me.

The controlling oligarchs of Russia (mega rich assholes) run it like a mafia and are referred to as the Russian Mafia. They extort, run illegal merchandise and even have people killed like real mafias. No US bank has been willing to loan Trump a dime since the 90s because he's a retard who never pays anyone he hires and they saw golf courses as dead ends. After that, the Russian mafia financed his properties and that was the hook that got him into high crimes. He launders money for them and sets up meeting places for them in his properties.

"In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," --- Trump Jr.

"We don't rely on American banks, we have all the funding we need out of Russia." -- Eric Trump

"Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys [in Russia] that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time." -- Eric Trump

The very first thing Trump did when he was given the presidency by the operatives was release and weaken sanctions against the Russian Oligarchs. He had a secret meeting with a known Russia spy in the Oval Office. He compromised a Top Secret intelligence channel between US troops and Israelis to the Kremlin.

He's a fucking Russian asset. They've got him under complete control. Just look at his posture coming out of the meeting in Helsinki.

Hillary's emails (and the DNC data) were hacked and released specifically to harm the election. The ones who did it were Russian military cyber warfare operatives (NOT the troll web brigades who infest this site an social media). That's an act of war.

We also know, by the way, that the Russian operatives had finance dirt on the Republicans as well that they didn't release (that's collusion and proves intent). They also "hacked" the voter logs for several million voters in key swing states that the GOP "accidentally" left on a filesharing website. It's true. Look it up.

And you sound like an idiot.

What is the orange tyrant doing exactly?

Found your (you)

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Please this! Im sure a lazy author of soft porn stories who couldn't even make it in a commune- and had his first actual job at 40 VS a hard working successful real estate tycoon.

Should not get more of a choice! HAHA

How did he buy 3 houses not working again?

Sarah Sanders said god wanted Trump to be president. The White House press secretary said this and no one in the White House refuted those claims. Do you understand how fucked up that is. Compulsory religion was removed from public education for a reason, the establishment clause does so too. There can be no state ran religions and if anything she's talking him up like he's some sort of god we should worship.

You are thinking of AOC

Oh like the bad economy, right? That high unemployment? Yeah its so bad right now huh. Like the terror attacks everywhere. Hmm. And all the racism! Sexism! Oh yeah so much bad stuff everywhere. Just terrible. Yeah Orange man fault.

Take off the tinfoil hat pal ! People can have their religion if they want or not. Your paranoid statement proves nothing. All the Presidents have had some form of religion.

Too young. She's 29 and the president has to be 35 or older.

Otherwise, she'd have it in the bag.

HAHA yeah, socialism has brought so many people out of poverty the world over! It has fed millions! Given the best healthcare system on earth! YAY SOCIALISM!

Bernie was cucked by the dems in 2016 and hes so weak he crawls back to them again

Nice try. Try harder? Nah. ORANGE MAN BAD!
haha idiot.

like ur mom crawls back to my dick after we smash

I think the real problem is the sheer amount of trolls. We have a real life climate crisis, our government is being ran by the wealthy at this point and we could end up in a real civil war, and you motherfuckers are going "hurr durr the republicans said this hurr the democrats are doing that."

In the Middle East, you could be a 5 year old watching Saturday morning cartoons when the Taliban could come in at any moment to publicly execute your parents and sell you into slavery or make you a child soldier. In a civil war, factions of trigger happy morons are going to raid your shit and kill your family the same way that an occasional white guy is executed and buildings are looted/burned anytime a riot occurs in the US. All because you were on a website not arguing politics, but arguing nothing like tards on fucking purpose.

Trump weaponized belief. The comments he makes on the media riles up people to the point of murder and it has already done that!

You DO know that "Orange Man Bad" isn't any form of excuse, right? Trump is legitimately an unqualified, crass, criminal imbecile and the objective worst president in US history to date. Call it any number of sophomorish memes you like, that established fact doesn't change one nanometer.


So did we ever get all the mails Hillary and her lawyers discarded/destroyed? Oh yeah, they were all about yoga class and recipes.

How did she get hacked? Oh yeah, she used an illegal server in her house for government emails.

How do we know? It was seized after someone destroyed the electronic evidence.

Convenient? SO, now what? Does EVERYONE go to jail then?

Yes he is a criminal, an incompetent world leader and President and very likely was installed by Russia.

That is quite bad, user.

We should be doing exactly what the Democrats want, user. Stop this "both sides bad" crap.

Not to undermine your post, but Andrew Johnson is the worst president the United States had to offer. Because of him, Democrats and Republicans were literally redefined.

You are, though. Johnson wasn't a crook. Just an asshole.

You really think Trump hasn't completely redefined what it means (if anything is even left) to be a Republican?

Yeah right, because being within arms reach of reinstating slavery was dick move, nothing else.

No he just inadvertently proved that Republicans are really racist and support big corporate.

Didn't happen now did it?
Trump is far worse than Johnson because has nukes and the power to fuck up this economy with his shitty policies.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking retarded.

Listen up, Numbnuts.

1. BUTTER EMALES--Newsflash: NO ONE give a fuck. Shut up you witless retard.

2. Her server was not illegal, just ill-advised by DoD--one of MANY senators and other government personnel who choose to keep their own email servers. To be fair, it was outside of the agreed-upon STIGs, but that's not a crime.

3. Her server was never the source of a breach or hacked (this is the main reason the FBI moved to dismiss her case).

4. "Seized after it was destroyed" Did you intend to sound that stupid?

5. She's been cleared after more than triple the investigation into Trump. She's nothing but the victim of a multimillion dollar attack campaign by the criminal GOP. The one who's going to prison is Trump, Trump Jr. Kutcher and a lot of other people around that subhuman treasonous dolt.

We already knew that. They've been that way since at least Bush Sr.

What we learned with Trump is that they are also fascists and are willing to lie, cheat and steal to keep a known felon guilty of conspiracy from justice. Their name (and the names of the Evangelicals now as well) are now MUD.

It's easy to nuke a country when you only have to push a button and minutes later everyone's dead. Too bad mutually assured destruction puts a stop to that.

If Johnson would have reinstated slavery, droves upon droves of people, white, black, rich or poor, they'd all be raided, raped, murdered, by monsters who enjoy seeing people suffer and want to either reclaim their slaves or punish those who friended them. It wouldn't have happened in a minutes, it would have taken years and cause more bloodshed than the US has ever seen.


YANG GANG 2020!!!!!

Yang gives us all $1000 UBI bucks every month!!!!

Bernie gives us nothing.

Vote YANG!!!!

Yang Gang!!!!

>WORST, most retarded excuse for a leader in history.
Oh so now he is not just literally Hitler he is literally worse than Hitler.
>He will die in prison

This why people believe in Trump derangement Syndrome. The guy is a dipshit. The fact that you make him look sane and reasonable is sad.

But hey you blew the last election. The left might as well remain unhinged and fuck the pooch in 2020.

I mean what does it say about the DNC that they lost to Donald fucking Trump? They still have yet to take any responsibility. It’s all racism and misogyny and the Russians. They actually rigged their own primary and lost to a reality tv star.

It’s fucking pathetic.

this as fuck

You want some guy over 80, which he would be at some point, as your president?

conservatives arent people

He is actually worse than Hitler in many ways.
We'll see to it.

>muh TDS
Not a thing and it's funny how you retards have been declaring everything you don't like to be "mental disorders" for decades now. Get a new line and realize that when you say that it makes you look even dumber than you are because most people know that REAL disorders are peer reviewed, tracked and published.

>he blew it
If by that you mean he was installed by a hostile foreign nation to weaken the government, then yes.
You sound desperate and stupid when you try to sideboard or dismiss the CLEARLY ESTABLISHED FACT that Russia owns Trump. The racism is incidental because Stormfaggots, neo-Nazis and the other tinfoilers all support him. He also made one of the only living german Nazi sympathizers his adviser. Who the fuck does that?

t. retarded as fuck

Donald Trump is the oldest president to date at the start of his election. He's 73 years old, so what's your point?

Most professors hardly have to teach. Maybe 3-6 hours per week? Hell, most of them don't even grade the HW or exams themselves they have fucking TAs do it.

Research is LITERALLY their job, they never had to get a REAL job because they just stayed in school doing what they have always done.

If you talk to them most of them don't even get up to 40 hours per week of actual work. No, conferences are not fucking actual work. Getting free food and socializing about your work is not fucking work jesus christ.

>actually worse than Hitler
Almost stopped reading there

>Not a thing and it's funny how you retards have been declaring everything you don't like to be "mental disorders" for decades now
Stopped reading there. I made it clear I’m not a Republican and certainly not a Trump fan.

Continue on NPC.


Bernie Sanders is pro union. Pro universal healthcare. Pro net neutrality. Pro minimum wage. Supports free tuition.

I am perfectly proud and completely comfortable paying more taxes for these things that we so vitally need. From what I read, he wants bigger backround checks for gun owners and buyers.

He has my vote.

I'll vote for Sanders just to spite Trump over appointing the Indian Piece of shit that removed my internet freedoms in an era where the internet controls our very lives.

Bernie was hand selected by the DNC as a pretend opponent to Hillary.

Bernie has NO CHANCE to win the nomination, but even if he did, Trump would own his stupid ass.

Just shows just how uninformed Democrat voters are.

Right on brother! Trump cant take our internet rights away.

really? your intent changed in this time?
fuck off

You cant vote for a candidate that isn't there.

Bernie will not be a candidate you can vote for.

If you are "certain" he will be and that I'm wrong, come November of 2020, please consider you are to uninformed and should not be voting.

Try harder.

trump only won because he wasn't hillary
bernie won't win this time because he got down on his knees to worship hillary's cock and everyone saw it.
not to mention his hypocritical stance on the wealthy.

What freedom did you lose?

Be specific.

You fell for Google's and Yahoo's disinformation campaign.

Clearly a poorer public speaker than Hitler.
Hitler listened to his advisers and formulated plans based on intel.
Trump is CLEARLY less intelligent than Hitler.
Trump is a fat, belligerent asshole. Hitler was fairly even tempered and comported himself with dignity.
Can anyone actually picture what it would look like for Trump to try to command military battalions into battle?

So yes. In many ways Trump is objectively worse than Hitler, both academically and as a leader.

Now cry harder you pathetic Trumpanzee NPC.

Hillary would have destroyed anyone else.

>an actual anti-Net Neutrality shill?
In MY Yea Forums?

Trump may be dumb, but he's 10x smarter than Bernie or Hillary.

He may be a criminal too, but he's half the criminal Hillary is.

What did you say about net neutrality?

You realize that Yea Forums is probably a target for censorship right? You know once net neutrality is completely obliterated you want be able to view your ig/vsco threads anymore?

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Type more words...

Trump isn't 10x smarter than a gnat, let alone any mammal.

Actually an informed voter here that understood that joke that was dubbed "net neutrality" was done so to fool low information Americans and cover up it was a gimme by Obama to leftist companies like Google and Yahoo.



Hitler killed over 12 million people, and started a war that killed over 60+ million people.

Trump is just a lousy president who hates net neutrality.

Comparing Trump to Fascism and Hitler is stupid. Do you know how fascism works? I am the Net Neutrality guy, but let's be honest. Trump isnt Hitler.

hillary is a deranged psycho cunt and anyone that isn't a feminazi can see that

Ok you got me Bernie will not receive enough land on a presidential election ballot. Now how about you don't ignore the latter half of my post. If Bernie will not be there to advocate for Net Neutrality, then who will; Trump? Because he's the one who saw to it that Ajit get a fucking job in the FCC to begin with. He employed a corporate lapdog into a position of power within the government to work diligently in the name of the most hated company in America and then some.

Also Trump doesnt actually care about net neutrality he just wants to spite Obama. It's actually pathetic...

You have no idea what your talking about.

But even if he were dumber than a gnat, he's still smarter than Hillary, Bernie, Biden, high school educated De Niro, or whatever bozo Dem that attempts to say he's dumb.

I didn't say he did anything as bad as Hitler's killings and warmongering and seizure, etc.

I just pointed out several ways in which Trump is actually a worse person and leader than Hitler was.

She was a bland centrist who was character assassinated by the GOP in a multi-billion dollar smear campaign that started back in 1996 when she was one of the first champions of universal healthcare, actually.

You guys have been screeching about net neutrality for a year...and nothing has happened that you said would.

You've been lied to by Google. Period.

>Hitler listened to his advisers

>and formulated plans based on intel.
>In the last months of World War II, Hitler’s rash absolute orders and weak decisions in order to keep Germany alive were fueled by the mistakes he had made three years before.

Trump is CLEARLY less intelligent than Hitler.
Trump is a fat, belligerent asshole.
>Hitler was fairly even tempered and comported himself with dignity.
Yeah how dignified to set his generals against each other and kill six million people lol.
>Can anyone actually picture what it would look like for Trump to try to command military battalions into battle?

Who in the fuck was running in 2016 that could you fucking mongoloid? Jesus Christ I hope you are litteraly 12 because I’d you are the voting public we are FUCKKKKKEDDDDD!

No, he isn't. He's one of the dumbest adults who's ever been in the spotlight. Do you really need me to start dropping his inane ramblings, misspelled and grammatically incorrect tweets and the evidence for how he can barely read?

of course she was. and the earth is flat and jet fuel can't melt steel

That's still younger than Bernie. Trump will at least be out of office before he hits 80.

Your an idiot. Trump is so not anywhere near Hitler. Omg...
The fight is still going on. Many people are still actively fighting for it as it continues. I dont think many people forgot about it. I certainly haven't...

Christcucks BTFO

Hmmm...So he was behind that...?

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When Net Neutrality was in place, we had prioritization of Fire and EMT services. Ajit Pai lied and said we did in fact not have such a prioritization of such services and he would give them to us with the repeal of Net Neutrality. Then after the repeal, Verizon throttled fire fighters data in California, in the middle of fighting a fucking burning blaze on a mountain. Now you may argue that it was the Fire Department's fault for not paying their bill on time. But remember that Ajit Pai said we needed EMT and Fire services prioritized, and this hardly makes him, or Verizon look good, and this is something he would have been able to investigate if he didn't strip his policing powers to the bone and then pass them off to the FTC, which is basically useless. That may have just been a hiccup for poor ol'e Pai, but I dare say why would Comcast or any other company play into people's fears when the repeal still has a chance of being overturned? It would only prove what everyone else was speculating and the repeal would probably be overturned on the fast lane shit alone.

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*cough* democratically elected *cough* perfect system *clears throat.*

As much as I hate Trump, I honestly doubt he colluded with Russia.

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sounds like democrats to me

He didn't have to. His family did.

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This is you.

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I legitimately can't tell if you're trolling, fuck this site.

He absolutely did.

and this is you.

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wrong. see a therapist.

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do something about it bitch

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Not saying he didn't. Just saying he most likely didnt. That would be the most epic disaster in American history since the election of 1860.

I'd be so bitter if he actually did. I'd be scared.

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thanks vlad

You just want more free shit.

is this boomer humor? Do they not realize it was the zoomers eating tide?

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You realize that people like you are the very reason trump got elected.

People are tired of being called idiots and racists and shit over small things. Your message has been said, so stop saying it.

I bet most Trump supporters dont actually like trump they just dont wanna hear your bullshit anymore.

You guys did more to ruin net neutrality for everyone, and destroy this nation. All you can do now is wait it out. Vote him out, and hope he doesnt fail...

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No, apparently that's you.

Kill yourself.

>another meme stolen from the left

I know it's just a shitty meme, but the alt-right and Trump shills REALLY are bad at this.

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That doesn’t make any sense. Why would the Russians support the party fighting to keep its citizens armed vs the party and their media talking heads that are trying to push for disarming Americans? The radical left wing liberals ramble on about revolution but are trying to vote away their right to own guns at the same time.

people making boats out of trash to escape it?

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When did Yea Forums become a dumping ground for Facebook political memes?

Trump fired Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe, he fires anyone who says or does anything he doesn't agree with. That alone means you either follow him blindly, or your ass is canned. He also got Kushner and Ivanka their security clearances, and yes he did because no one else thought they needed them, and advised against it. If Trump did not collude, then why does he keep making himself look like the type who totally would?

Hello Ivan. Kill yourself.

There was a meeting on June 9, 2016 between Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner and an undisclosed number greater than 2 of Russian nationals including Natalia Veselnitskaya that was "about adoption" until it was about getting dirt on Hillary from official Russian government sourcries in exchange for cooperation and a lifting of the sanctions that were placed on Russia after they illegally annexed Crimea and shot down that commercial jet.

The meeting took place at Trump Tower at the same time the entire Trump campaign and Trump himself also 'happened' to be there, in addition to one or more known Russian mafia criminals who were being legally investigated through wiretap, which prompted an immediate FISA order to modify the scope once they knew that Trump and others in his campaign were involved as well.

Less than a month later, George Papadopolous met twice with a man who said he had privileged, hacked data on Clinton, specifically, thousands of emails (this was prior to the DNC hacking having been disclosed publicly).

Official public record: an email correspondence between Rob Goldstone and Trump Jr.:

"Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin."

For the record, neither Kushner nor Trump Jr. disclosed any ties to Russia or Russians on their SF-86 Federal Request for Security Clearance forms. Kushner later re-submitted a revised version of his once all this was already known. It is not known if Trump Jr. or any other Trump appointees or Trump himself did the same.

yea right. dem party is mental illness now and every1 knows it

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(sorry about that top line, it was the start of a different post)

SEE ALSO: 1) Direct violation of Emoluments requirements of the presidency. [Title of Nobility Clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution]

2) Felony Witness intimidation of a civilian - Sally Yates just hours prior to her Senate hearing. [18 U.S. Code § 1512]

3) Potential retaliation against a whistleblower - Same. [Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989]

4) Blackmailing a private citizen - Tweeted threat to Comey after he was fired. [18 U.S. Code § 873]

5) Felony Witness intimidation - Tweeted threat to Comey. [18 U.S. Code § 1512]

6) Obstruction of justice - Asking for loyalty pledge. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

7) Conspiracy to commit Obstruction of Justice - multiply by the number of people who have ACCEPTED the alleged Trump loyalty pledge. [18 U.S Code §1503]

8) Obstruction of Justice - Lying about there being no Russia investigation. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

9) Obstruction of Justice/Conspiracy - Trump asking Sessions and Rosenstein (deputy AG) to create and give him the document he later cited as his principle reason for firing Comey. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

10) Obstruction of Justice - Firing James Comey while he was actively investigating Trump Russia ties. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

11) Encouraging ESPN to fire contributor who criticized him. [18 U.S. Code § 227]

12) Encouraging the NFL to fire players for exercising their twice-affirmed First Amendment right to protest. [18 U.S. Code § 227]

13) Insider Trading - Tipping off Icahn about plans for US steel [FEC rule 10b5-1]

14) Sending his personal lawyer to the classified meeting about the Russia probe [EO 12968, 18 U.S. Code § 1924]

15) Obstruction of Justice - Appointing Matt Whitaker Attorney General after giving no qualifications other than a Fox interview boasting how he would try to internally cripple the Mueller investigation. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

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16) Obstruction of Justice/Conspiracy - Asked Whitaker to try to put a Trump appointed judge in front line for trial judge of the Cohen investigation in the Southern district of New York. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

17) Obstruction of Justice/Subornation of Perjury - Instructed Cohen to lie to Congress specifically to downplay his plans for Moscow-based building projects. [18 U.S. Code §1503, 18 § U.S. Code 1622]

Honorable mention: Himself, his kids and Kushner committing perjury/forgery on federal applications for security clearances by omitting Russia connections.[18 U.S. Code § 1001]

Honorable Mention 2: Trump's tweets are official recorded statements of the Office of the President by law. This means that all his tweets about "no collusion!" "witch hunt, etc are cut and dried counts of Obstruction of Justice.

A lot moreso than any other subhuman, retarded, enemy-of-the-people Republican.

I see...I never heard of that before. Where'd you get that info from?

If that's true that's scary as hell. As I stated, I dont think Trump did it. I wouldn't be suprised if he actually did do it. Just saying I dont think enough evidence has came out.

Waiting for Mueller is taking forever....

Yes, the Democrats are "mentally ill" to every right wing imbecile who has no idea what "mentally ill" actually means or how its determined. SEE ALSO: "socialist".

So what exactly would the liberals do about it? Bill Clinton was impeached and it didn’t really do anything. At this point America’s government is for sale to the highest bidder and this isn’t exactly low key info. APAC and other foreign lobby’s dump unimaginable amounts of money into the democrat part just like ever other person being payed off no matter what party they are in

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If he's guilty of all that, are the Democrats so fuckin' incompetent that they can't even make one of those charges stick.

Dems are even more stupid than I thought.

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dumb ass

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It gets me into the Dentist and pays for my anti psychotics. No one will employ me without my medication. In fact how would you like to see a batshit insane man break into your house and scoop out your eyes with a television remote because the President thinks you're completely safe with poor, extremely mentally ill people running the streets with no supervision of medication. At the same time, Trump is hell bent on pushing opioids down your throat.

Go to bed, Nancy.

Also don't make me out to be a trump supporter. I hate trump with a fucking passion

tolerant leftist

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I'd just put you out of your misery and go on with my life.

>enough evidence
That's the tough part. It's a very sensitive matter, so Mueller is keeping it super locked up as he makes his way to the main course. But as a result, the time it takes to get to that point is time the Republicans and their GOP-TV cronies at FOX can use to claim that the absence of evidence means it's all "fake" and Mueller has "nothing".

As for the meeting, it was one of the things that sparked the whole issue, since Trump literally wouldn't SHUT UP about it in his first year. First it was a meeting that never happened. Then it did but there were no Russians in it. Then there are Russians but the meeting was about adoption. Then there were Russians and the meeting was about the campaign but not illegal. So on and so forth. He really is the WORST liar.

The official record is 85% public but there is a bit of classified information that's kept away in that a FISA order was triggered by the meeting, making the whole thing wiretapped. The thing is that the scope of the investigation was to catch known Russian criminals conspiring, then when Trump and family showed up, it became a much bigger ordeal and it's illegal to wiretap Americans unless you have probable cause, a warrant and/or an approved FISA exception. The meeting warranted a FISA exception. This was the cause for Trump's retarded parroted claim in his first year that Obama "wiretapped him" and that it was politically motivated.

>he fires anyone who says or does anything he doesn't agree with.

Um yeah, that's kinda part of his job. Dipshit.

The Republicans are hiding him from justice. It's actually extremely obvious. Mitch McConnell has literally used the excuse "because I said so" more than once to stop a vote from coming to the Senate floor.

you first

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No, it isn't. That's actually something only spoiled brat belligerent moron bosses do. Also:

"I hire the best people"
>60% turnover rate
Medium kek.

What vote is that, Skippy?

That depends on if what you tell them can be based in any way on facts or science.
PROTIP: 90% of Republitard arguments can't.

Read: WHO IS ANDREW JOHNSON. There was already a discussion in this thread that points out that Andrew Johnson nearly divided the nation so much that long story short, Democrats started thinking like Republicans and vice versa. Lincoln's values should theoretically align with the Democrats if they weren't also complete piles of shit.

OK, you're an idiot.

Some of it is here. The rest is stupid shit Trump has admitted to, the result of investigations and interviews with others, and combining news reports.

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sorry bruh be we are not the party of 300 genders, or injecting hormones into children.

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You don't put anyone out of their misery when you're asleep mother fucker. If you woke from your slumber while being tied the guy might have a blunt object ready to bash you into unconsciousness. If they really wanted to see you dead without the risk of themselves dying, they might just burn your house down while you sleep instead. You wouldn't go on with your life and I bet you don't even have a gun.

This is so fucking moronic it actually makes me happy to see it.

Bro just fucking imagine when Mueller fucking smacks fact after fact on the table omg..

People will go fucking nuts. I think there will be riots on the streets. Trump collusion is so scary to think about.

I'd just pray he didnt actually do it. That would be a massive violation of trust on the left and the right. Worse than Watergate....

Me and you both agree trump is a fucking asshole who most likely colluded. I just wanna take the blue pill and hope it's not true...