Drawthread: Mods Are Gods Edition
Drawthread: Mods Are Gods Edition
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pretty much best thing today.
send requests
i want to join in too
Requestin Cathyl getting fucked by a horse. Impregnation and overflowing with his cum. X-ray view showing the inside of the womb being filled would be nice. And then also have her sucking the dick of a man who is also cumming inside her mouth, cum flowing out the sides of her mouth.
Will provide more character references if needed
Requestin Lilith tied up, bent over a small coffee table, and raped by a large dog while being forced to suck the dick of a man. Have his hand pushing her head down to his dick as he cums inside her mouth, all while the dog cums inside her pussy at the same time, with a little thing to the side showing impregnation. And to give a more rapey feel, if you like, have a gun sitting next to him on the table or pointed towards her head and have her crying.
Will provide more character references if needed
Requestin Mero sucking off dog and jerking a hot load of dog semen into her open mouth and on her face. Preferably some view where you can see entire face but the dog as well.
Will provide more character references if needed
Requestin Papi bent over a table, being fucked doggystyle by an orc while another one fucks her mouth. Then as the orc fucking her pussy cums inside her and impregnates her, then at the same time the orc fucking her mouth, pulls out, chops her head off, pulls her decapitated head towards his dick, through her mouth and out her neck hole, cumming all the while. Then after, another orc fucks her neck hole on her body and cumming inside that.
Will provide more character references if needed.
Gimme a hive five and you can join
Draw the cenobites, from Hellraiser.
Ok!! Consider your five hive'd!
Oki, you're welcomed to join now!
ok thanks!!
no worries lad.
Gn thread.
hey uh,
what's the most easy and painless way to commit suicide ?
Park your car in the garage and close the door leaving the car running. You'll pass out before dying in your sleep
why did you cuck out from hero kiss, explain yourself.
A big ol hug
Requesting a cool new avatar for the new era of the drawthread discord
Do woman aint making it 4 u?
Ar u gay?
Doing repeat requesters drawings for the rest of your life
Define "new era"
new admin*
Why do you want to kill yourself, luke?
Momma popoka don’t kys
took some liberties with the class skeleton today
Requesting bondaged X6-88
What kind?
I have the handwriting of someone with cerebral palsy but I think the gun tells you otherwise
Anybody got any good request, I promise to only fuck it up alil?
Requesting this guy getting fucked
Pie flavour.
>Good request
>In Yea Forums
>in Yea Forums
we're in the same time zone right ? It's late, let's sleep po3ka.
Bonne nuit~
user and his waifu body pillow cozying up near a fire on a cold winter night
Can I request Stryker from Mortal Kombat ballgagged and cum dripping down his mouth and chest?
Now Kiss!!
it's a joke, but it's something amusing.
oh, i don't have a car,
does it work if i use my bike ? the one that you have to pedal ?
because uh, green skin, that's not very good
no buly :sadcat:
trickster, you tryna make me gay
no u,
what did that mean tho
i'd certainly be dead inside with this, but that's not what i'm looking for D:
to get attention, duh, what else
then deposit 50k in my paypal by tomorrow, you've got a week
ye, almost midnight,
i might go sleep as well soon,
gute nacht
you want a kiss ? i guess i don't have, come here user
a choice, i meant to say i don't have a choice
>i don't have a car
Okay new idea, take all the household cleaners, bleach, Windex, chlorine, etc. you have and a bucket then mix them all up while your in the garage
>because uh, green skin, that's not very good
i bet you slid into dms.
does anyone have some saved hero x poka drawings?
Best Ship
Tough love is the best love
Requesting a drawing of them as prom King and Queen
Cuz you seem to reject every single female that approach u
So you hav thw big gay?
mom said i can't go to the garage alone or i might hurt myself because i'm too stupid,
doing it outside works too right ?
ye, hero and i aaaaaaaalways talk on discord :DDD
dude, why would you do that to yourself, don't look at that stuff
n-no, that's just cuz i'm a not sociable person and i can't handle this kind of things DDD:
i'm not actually sad or trying to kill myself :D
y'all got pranked,
and i'm going to bed, good night mortals
>Good night mortals
>Going to sleep
Confirmed shit-tier god
Of course is works outside. All you have to do is stick your head in the bucket, but making sure that the bucket stays on the ground. Kinda like how an ostrich sticks it's head in the ground
I could take som req if you guys wanna...
slob on my knob
like corn on a cob
like corn on the cob
check in with me
Here ya go buddy
Can you draw this Kamen Rider girl?
draw this lil man trying to reach something on a shelf that’s way too high
I love it. Could you do a follow up where user finds a real version of his waifu under the Christmas tree
Sorry but what kind of language is this?
Wurm Checking in for draw duty
I dont understand the mess she has all over her...
Still i tried a smug face for good luck
Alright please take a seat on that couch behind you and we can start the casting
He be smol but he big dreams
Its their armor. Here's a video of all of their forms.
jesus christ! what a mercyless punch KEK
I laughed for a while, fucking masterpiece
also I'm back what's poppin thread
'I'll give it my best
This feels somewhat familiar but i cant quite put my finger on it...
taking reqs
NEET vampire girl refusing to leave her room
very good
voila depression cured
draw a flat demon girl taking a huge dick
so can you tell us how old you are cutie
Requesting tailjob
Requesting this firefly girl getting her butt groped, causing her abdomen to shine brightly in arousal
Oh silly user, you can't flirt with the person you are interviewing. And why are you recording?
Oh, im 20 btw user
/r/ beef made from this oc
requesting the arbys waifu getting choked out and/or raped by the wendys waifu
dont feel like it at the moment maybetomorows mouring
Nice! thank you!
Would it be ok to make it look like she doesn't have a bulge though?
Requesting big titties
you mean the tv remote in his hand? clearly just watching food networks.
taking 1 sfw monstergirl request
draw a bee girl snorting pollen
the deed will be done.
So how long have you been requesting this?
Requesting a loli losing a game of dice. Upon losing, she gets raped by another loli. Her pussy now remains as a cavernous expanse as it oozes with cummies. If you look closely, you can see tiny bloody swirls as well
Anyone mind doing a quick little edit for me?
depends of the edit m8
i request you draw a huge busty thicc cow girl with lactating tits; you can see her shirt wet from her milkums.
Could you please replace the text with this german sentence: "Oh Gott, hab ich die Hortensien gegossen?"
Here ya go
Thanks a ton m8!
no problem dude, I wish everything was this easy
Accepting requests.
what are you making these with tell me immediately or suffer painful death
now lift your shirt up for us
bagina mostre
my bad lad; i swear i thought that said cocaine
cat stealing all the cookies
Requesting to know how this makes you feel white boi
ah! is that a ghost i see?
Did everyone get hungry and leave when I said burgers?
Show bagina? Or bagina monster?
Requesting Zephyr with his ass to the viewer being PoV fucked
magina monster
Haha yeah, when I said "quick little edit" I meant it. Also, sorry for the late reply
But I just noticed something else about the image that is off. Would you perhaps mind one more quick edit?
much better, thank you!
Sorry, I don't know how magina looks like, here is best alternative I guess
Been working and watchin alot of venture brothers, I wish i could imitate that Hanna Barbara style
I'm happy, he's been through way more than me
Can I headpat you?
send requests
This is a circle.
thats a unique style to practice lad.
i think you should try to pursue that kind of style dude. is it just that u like the retro style look?
also i request you draw my cloud loli;
her eyebrows are actually black
why does the circle have a shadow
No, this is circle-like shape
Looks like he's gone
Would anyone else mind doing a really quick little edit for me, please?
Because light.
No bitch
It a circle.