10/10 books

10/10 books

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the new adaptation should be on point

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If you really think this is 10/10, you might be an idiot. The only 10/10 I can think of is Moby Dick.

Most ppl wont get it

Some based fellow anons will do

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Don't read all that often, but this book was really good

>might be
The first 10/10 that sprang to my mind was the odds that he is in fact an idiot.

Quote the passage of Captain Ahab's final moments, please.

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You have to be a bit easy, since AS is kind of entry level for the harder works it literature to read. I have to wait a few weeks before how good the work is actually sets in and my hype over finishing something dies down. It's possible he literally just finished reading or something.

That's kind of useless, as it can be easily googled or something. The scenes that stuck with me the most after reading were the ones where Ishmael is describing the texture and smell of whale oil and the one where one of the ship guys talks about whale steak. It's been a handful of years since I read it, so you can't really expect me to memorize it all, can you?

You're right, I can google it. I was hoping you'd indulge me though. Yea Forumsonding isn't what it used to be and has never been what it should.

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did you read anymore of Frank's in the series? the fourth is so good. his son is a hack though.

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Fuck you it’s not a “book”

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Lovecraft is amazing. A century ago he was already contemplating genetic engineering, panspermia and possibly grey goo.



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>Yea Forums - Random
are you literally retarded?

Either 1984 or At the Mountains of Madness by Lovecraft

great book, it´s a great lecture, even when shitfaced.

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An insufferable piece of trash. Full of political/philosophical propaganda. She didn't even bother to hide her real intentions nor desire to make an aesthetic effort. She just produced a massive book for propagandistic purposes. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind reading politics or philosophy, but this novel is just an insufferable mix of manifiesto/propaganda/novel

>Moby Dick
Another piece of shit

Very nice. Long but worth it.

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Is it as full of homo eroticism as the film?

I've been enjoying the shit out of the first two books from the Hyperion series.

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This. Fucking this.

>Moby Dick
>piece of shit
Sorry your brain is too small to make it past the less interesting parts of the book. Maybe someday you'll be able to keep your attention on one thing for more than a minute. There are plenty of books you might be able to enjoy in the picture section.

Maybe I should have written some more text. didn't intend to imply that OP is a retard. I understand that Yea Forums is a board about nearly anything. I was just suggesting OP to visit Yea Forums, since it's full of threads with neat literature

Hitchhikers Guide, nice

fair enough fren didnt mean to be rude

I read the first book, and it was kind of a let down. I'm guessing you need to read the rest of the series to understand why this gets so much praise.

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Just started reading this. It's a classic work of troll literature about how doing it for the lulz is the only reason to do anything, with graphic and detailed descriptions of that philosophy put into practice.

It's basically a wholesale celebration of evil for no reason at all. It's great.

Wikipedoia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Chants_de_Maldoror

TV Tropes: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/LesChantsDeMaldoror

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good shit

> 9 million copies sold

I hate Ayn Rand

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Cant go wrong with Harry Potter

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By Amabel Williams Ellis and Mably Owen. A series of 10 books

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I don't mind the book being long. I read the complete works of Lovecraft. I just don't see the point on some parts, i.e. when the author starts rambling about depictions of whales along human history (from a 19th century perspective).

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The Gambler..

I have to read it at least once a year. Simply amazing.

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Harry Potter is wonderfully written for the children and that’s it. Far too shallow to be compared to real literature. Even pat rothfuss is a better writer.

Picked this up a few months ago and i feel great relief/sadness that this was never finished. The detail he put into the first 30 days was intense

Long books =! literature
Lovecraft is good, but I wouldn't consider it a great work of literature. There is depth and meaning to literature, and it just seems like that isn't for you. Complete works of Lovecraft isn't a single work either. It's an anthology, which only points to your low attention span even more.

this actually looks pretty badass user, i'll check this out

It really changed my life.

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Anathem by Neal Stephenson
Crtyptonomicon was also good. One of the few books that made me legit lol at times. Duffel.

While i love hp lovecraft, i enjoyed Robert e. Howards short stories much more

I get it and ur still a faggot

No actually. It's actually more about anarchy and schizophrenia than anything. Really great read though.

Go read a Philip K. Dick book, nigger

>Reading a whole, long-ass antology means that your attention span is low
Look, man, I don't mind accepting my flaws. I just don't see how you are right

You might not think it but this book is great. (There are other books by other authors, also called "Marine Salvage" but I have no idea if they're 10/10 as well.)

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Each small story has a buildup and climax to it. That means instead of reading a whole book for a large, meaningful climax, you're getting one every 30 minutes. There isn't anything wrong with short stories, but they don't have the space to develop much of anything beyond a shallow level. I know a lot of Lovecraft is interconnected, but it's not the same as a whole novel.

good effort. but not good enough

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i think so. the first is a little long winded. the fourth is where it starts getting mind fucky.

While i get where you're coming from you sound like a massive faggot

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Good argument there, you might be able to argue better when you graduate highschool.

>Lovecraft is good, but I wouldn't consider it a great work of literature
Lovecraft was one of the greatest writers of all time. His sentence structure and writing style go far above anything else in this thread except for John Milton.

Havent read many books in my life but i was amazed with this one. Tho it just might be me, but i love anything post-apocalyptic related.

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Actual book. Better then you'd think.

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moved me to tears

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Only two good posts here.

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What the fuck? How is the nerd bible not here? Shame on you fags. Seriously, haven't found a book that made me feel like this. Also reading atlas shrugged now. Very popular apparently.

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I wasn't making a argument, only an observation.

>each small story has a buildup and a climax to it
depends on the story. I read half of Moby Dick and I saw nothing comparable to a climax. The beggining was good, but the chapter about "The Depiction of Whales throughout Human History" was too much

Not this guy:

Part of a series. Read the first one, and now looking forward to read the following ones!

It's kind of a fucked situation. I hate novels that are written specifically to espouse a philosophy too, and I blame literature classes, but if she hadn't novelized her idea, most people would have never read it.

I wonder if Melville got paid by the inch like a lot of the classics (Dickens, Dostoyevski, etc.)? He wrote some good short stories.

I didn't say his writing was bad, there just isn't much meaning behind it. It's very entertaining, but it isn't deep either.

The climax of moby dick is basically the last few chapters only. I was referring to anthologies when I said this.

Is it good? I've always loved the lore of those games, although I felt it went downhill after the third game.

Too many commies and capefags here

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It's hilarious how people either rate this a 0/10 or a 10/10.
I personally think it's pretty good,I even liked the romantic scenes. Would rate maybe 8/10 due to weird plot points, and the sub par ending

Seconded. Great fucking book. Highly recommended for every Yea Forumstard.

the silmarillion is awesome.

>ayn rand

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It's fine.
Not really, the first one is the best.
Wans't what I originally expected either seeing it's so politically charged, but it's unique.

Deserving classic.

The movie actually is better, which means this is shit.
No, it's a lot more dry.

Real Science-Fiction.

Good goyim.

Kinda pointless if you didn't read LotR first, but it's decent.

DUDE!!! The imagery of how the swords look like the fields are in a silver blaze from how many soldiers are ready to shit on Melkor!?! Dude... you get it man.

Lovecraft’s way with words is poetry. While not as deep as Shakespeare it is on the same level it terms of powerful design.

Still sounding like a massive faggot.

Yeah, you are a faggot

covers the history of American Aviation. the book reads like a novel. Airline industry is one of the most competitive, insane, and weird industries I've ever come across.

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The Fountainhead, Crime and Punishment, The Road Less Traveled, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, A Confederacy of Dunces, As I Lay Dying, A Gathering of Old Men, The Great Gatsby (suck it! It's great!), Gone with the Wind, A Tour of the Calculus, Dark Night of the Soul, Of Mice and Men, Great Expectations, For Whom the Bell Tolls.

Protip:Read the books of the ages, not the book of the month

The great problem with setting a book, movie, or whatever 50 years in the future is that 50 years passes by surprisingly quickly.
Which reminds me, Soylent Green takes place in 2022. And the book it was based on, 'Make Room!, Make Room!' takes place in 1999.
Yep, the Population Bomb, Peek Oil, and the Climate Crises have been predicted to have killed us all by now for half a century.

She's not crazy about you

Failing right of the gate.

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Yep 10/10

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>glass stain on cover
It truly boils my blood to see a classic like this in such poor care. People who can't respect books shouldn't own them.

This is almost as bad as a copy of the Kama Sutra with the pages stuck together.

tell me more

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World war Z is enjoyable. Not deep or anything just a fun book.

Best book I’ve ever read.

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>Crtyptonomicon was also good.
Yeah, 1100 pages of great story, just to end in a whimper.

A sprawling unfinished novel told in five distinct novellas about the killings around Juarez in the aftermath of the factory boom. Bolano's other work is well worth seeking out too. The guy was a genius with his prose.

Pretty good if you're into fiction

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damn it does sound good, thanks mon

Shakespeare wasn't actually deep at all for the time he made it. It's the same as watching a cheesy romance movie today.

*tips fedora

It's fucking fantastic. Each section is written with a completely different style.

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Fucking great stories in there tbh. Too bad everyone took it so literal.

I have done this kind of salvage work for the last 25 years...AMA user

Shakespeare is the deepest shit ever written. Gtfo m8.

Actually...thank you edgy millenial faggot

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which translation is the best?

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Shakespeare's stuff is more impressive in how he did it (poetry) than the actual content of the stories. Although this never gets taught in schools for some reason.

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Actually fuck that book. If you HAVE to read Ayn Rand, The fountainhead is much better.

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I assume you havent read the tempest ya supreme faggot

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the movie sucked

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Not kidding. You niggers have really bad taste, especially for liking Lovecraft.

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what is this, a picture for ants?

I loved the scene where Abraham introduces his wife to Pheoroh as 'his sister', then when Pheoroh bangs her and pisses of Jehovah he Blackmails Pheoroh into giving him a shit load of riches in exchange for getting Jehovah to calm back down.

Was Fucking Pimp.

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or nostromo?

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obvious bait that book objectively sucks. Fucking cringe worthy. I know neocons jerk off to it like porn.

Fun fact, did you know Ayn Rand died in public housing while receiving medicare? lol....

If that's your definition of a 10/10 book, then you should just go ahead and an hero now, because there's no hope for you.

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I found it slightly disappointing even though he makes a few interesting points.

Absolutely perfect. And painful.

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Because she told the truth about you. I remember years ago when marxists would accuse Rand of creating ridiculous, over the top "strawman" villains. After Antifa was invented, they stopped saying that shit.

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the giver, by louis lowry

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The Painted Bird: Jerzy Kosinski

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do you have any good sites to download books

Genius post...this guy is plugged in

search /t/, there used to be a huge torrent of e-books on there a while back.

I don't know. I'm reading the Penguin Classics edition, but some people don't like their translations for whatever reason.

I also have the version with the white cover (pictured), which I'm planning to read next. If in doubt, just go with the white cover version; I've heard it's better.

Go back to 7th grade fagot

good idea thanks mon

be a good human and pay for it

MyAnonamouse is the best. Interviews to get in are open once a week and are easy as fuck; you just have to know how torrenting works, understand the rules, and not be an asshole.

Next best is libgen.io. They're great.

scribd sometimes has some good stuff; use a Japanese random text generator to make "quality" documents to upload and trade for the good stuff.

Y'all are pussies

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thank you user appreciate it

Not sure if I can give this book 10 again, but it was very influential back in the day, when I was just starting out my personal development.

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>Great expectations
Neck yourself

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It was good.

Read something fun for once faggots

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All his books are basically the same. This one is no different.


Good read even if I don't particularly like the author

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Fuck you on about? The Omega Man is god mode.

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Inside delta force by Eric Haney

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One of the books that fills the most in my thinking

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Pretty sure Barbrady said this was trash. Kill yourself

Which movie version did you not like?

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Read these as a kid, they were quite decent


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If you don’t know you won’t know.

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I see. I think you’re being intentionally contrarian if you didn’t like either one.

How much time do you have?

>Full of political/philosophical propaganda. She didn't even bother to hide her real intentions

Who cares? For the duration of the novel you have a consistent voice narrating the story that is as flawed as it is, you as the reader can garner a lot of poingnant thoughts by disagreeing or agreeing. It’s a novel without facade by this point, and she draws the vivid and lavish Art Deco like setting of mid century New York in a fantastic way.

It doesn’t work as a manifesto but it works great at displaying and laying out a controversial belief that many people hold.

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Oe Gang

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Speaker For the Dead is probably the last 10/10 I've read. Book 3 of the Ender's Game series. RingWorld is also a 10/10.

highly recommended

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>moby dick is a piece of shit

I bet life is hard being smarter than everyone else isn’t it? What a tortured, deep soul you must be.


That book changed the way I look at life


>gunz r bad the end

New book every week, give or take.

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Odd answer.

>Ayn Rand
>Donald Trump
>mfw leftists are fucking uneducated retards

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If dude looks suspicious, you don't have to step in elevator with him.

Yes sir! That Mormon faggot dun good.

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He is kinda a one trick pony

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English is my 4th language.. soz

Oh, an abuser! Got anything from Cosby, Clinton or Jackson??

Can't read, huh?

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Yessir! In high school, made it through 1st two volumes, never finished 3rd

It allowed me to stand up to my dad.

Is this for kiddie books? I read this in 8th grade.
So embarrassing. Read books for adults

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I'm not the only one! That book was amazing!

There aren't any

> Having taste this shit

The story written in first person style from the perspective of a book-dumb boxer that learns about tales of knights and chivalry and tries to make himself a better person with his shallow/humble/earnest understanding of the concept. I can never find it again.

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Much thanks for this. As for the difference between celebration and sendup, I like it best when it's too ambiguous to tell. That's when trolling becomes a fine art, though like Hedda Gabler I select with care whose hair I'd like to set ablaze.

The seven habits of highly effective Pirates.
Rule 1: pillage, then burn

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I would give this one a 3/10 but then again I don't like sci-fi


It might be in there?

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Yeah I don't know what these libcucks are smoking (weed?) but that was not a good book.

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Read this while I was in a psych ward, feigning suicidal crisis. (The things one will do to postpone exposure to the elements.) Much better than I expected it to be.

Darkness falls on Valinor
A sickness dark and vile for all
The Trees lie dead by poisoned trick
The High King slain, his blood runs thick
From gaping wound to cold stone floor

The doors of Formenos thrown down
The Dark Power snatches heirloom crowns
The Silmarils of blinding light
Forever lost in hate and spite
By Moringotto who fled the grounds.

Fëanáro, Spirit of Fire
Fierce and fell, with tempered ire
Blinded by grief and fey with pride
Claims the kingship by birthright
A shining hope in city dire.
Forth he sprang with sharpened words
Through impassioned speech he spurred
The valiant Noldor to desperate deeds
Fury drives us, we take no heed
Of the dark and dangerous paths unheard.

“Away!” he cries, with voice like iron
And eyes that gleam with wrath of lions
“There is naught now for us here,
We must avenge, and let all fear
The drums and wrath of Finwë’s scion.”

Then we, the faithful loyal sons
Let naked blade be drawn, each one
Thinking not of days ahead
But drunk with grief for High King dead
And lust for Silmarils to be won.
The sons stand with their mighty king
And swear the Oath that’s doomed to bring
Pain and sorrow upon their names
Driving them to ruin and shame
A deed of horror for the bards to sing.

We lead our kin from city great
Abandon the splendour of our state
To fight for jewels of cherished light
The hallowed Silmarils burning bright
And thus carve into stone our fate.

Flaming torches light our way
Towards the open land where rays
Of sunlight fall and metal rings,
Towards the bright new realm of kings
Where blood is spilt in light of day.

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"it's so relevant to our times"

>The King in Yellow
I've read enough Lovecraft to know better.

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i loved this series, especially the final two books. some of the only books that i re-read just for fun.

The Excession, Iain M Banks.

its just a good book

What the fuck is that supposed to mean

I'm sure the rest of the Nazi book club snicker and judge

Black Science Man!

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>we posted the same book
Hey bud, have you seen how deep the rabbit hole goes with Sauron/Morgoth erotic fanart? The "ship" name is Angbang and it's HILARIOUS

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better than to kill a mocking bird tbh

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And, shockingly, rapist! Who could've forseen???

I like to be entertained by my reading

You have shit for brains, tbh

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>I like to be entertained by my reading

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That’s ironic. I read it when I first got sober.

Ah, I like to grow and think rather than being entertained. Being entertained...holy shit, the birthmark of a truly fucked generation. Well, Hop on Pop and Green Eggs and Ham are good, too.

HEY, you want to talk life death and eternity?...why, no, I haven't seen Dude, Where's My Car.

Actually I'm not "black" black in smart boy terms is the absence of color. My skin is closer to brown.

Lol inagine being as stupid as him. I like reading books so boring my nose bleeds.

This and 'Rules for Radicals'

All you need to be progressive

This is hilarious

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Of good god, 13 yr old alert

Sad to see no Dick in this thread

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Actually I'm not "13" years in science terms is meaningless since each planet has its own orbit cycle.

>A nobody gives a book 3/10
Yeah, the whole literary community is appaled...

even if you only see the movie, they kept the dedication at the end, and that's where I teared up.

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Nope, you must turn everything political when you speak with burgers.
You don't wanna see what they turn Dr. Seuss in.

Ah I see you're a Rick and Morty fan. I could never understand the nuanced humor of that show with my puny intellect

Trips of truth that is my favorite movie and PKD book

It's not that Heinlien was unable to write good stuff, he was just SO far up his own ass about the libertarian BS, IMHO his best work was a short scary story I forgot the name off, I missed a bus stop reading that, by like 20 minutes.

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I fucking hate folks like you. Just let people read what they like. Who cares if they are reading Hunger Games or Shakespeare.

Only acceptable answer

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underrated post

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No, dickhead. Never saw it. I'm a grown-up.

Pic related was one of the first books I've read, and the best I remember of (since it made a big change in my teen years)
>inb4 Harry's massive, erect, rockhard and fulfilling idealism

Also, a week or so ago I finished "The Collector" and it was the only book I felt disgusted to as a whole

>plays race card to cash in on sjw trend of “Im a bigger victim”
>gets swept up in #meetoo movement

The best part of the last article is the intersectionality of identity politics. It’s written by a black women who talks about being sexually assaulted on various occasion, white racism toward Tyson, and finally Black patriarchy being to blame for her experiences and Tyson being a part of that. It makes my head feel like it’s going to explode.

TLDR: Black women are at the top of the oppression pyramid provided a trans black man isn’t in the room.

While I favor the three stigmata of palmer eldritch, a scanner darkly definitely got the best movie adaptation out of all the PKD novels.

Good one mate

I swear I'm not retard

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It allowed me to stand up to your dad too. He even sucked my cock as a show of submission.

This book could have literally been 1/8th of what it is and would have been a lot better.

I don't honestly think you've read it.

Haha what an immensely simple individual, he probably unironically enjoys pop music. I on the other hand wake up to Bach

Good one.

My guy. That movie is 10/10 and the book is too. But just the whole idea and story of three stigmata really do it for me. Maybe one day we will get a scanner tier stigmata adaptation..

Sounds like something a 15 year old wouldn't say


Fool. I listen to the original human music. Grugnar's Grunts and yelling in C minnor. Everything else is derivative.

You funny man, I send you to gulag

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Dude, Where's my Car? is probably better than your pedantic musings about existence

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meh, john keynes views were proven to be more accurate and his writings predate rand's

the general theory of employment interest and money was a good one

I read about 80 pages of one of the Myst books and the only thing that happened was that it rained.

That's it. The rest was descriptive and honestly a snorefest.

Oh I didn't realize that was up on Spotify now

Yeah I can see how you would think that being you’re country can’t shit the fuck up about Trump and gun control in America.
>you don’t know what country I’m from
Yah I don’t need to to apply the above statement to it.

Jesus Christ my autocorrect didn’t do me any favors here. Well this post will be like ducks in a barrel...

>Most people won't get this popular book that was made into a movie

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you are such a seething faggot its ridiculous

Ironically 11/10
Haven't read, but probably leddit tier

This and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

Also for a totally different reason, Feeling Good by Dr.Burns, changed my life and I'm sure many others as well.

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I like to pronounce the author's name as, "Dumbass". It's a fantastic story.


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I enjoyed that one.

One can only hope... but I think It would be almost impossible to adapt into a movie tbqh.

Until he gets convicted I'm going to treat it with the same scoffing disdain Trumpets treat it when their champions get accused of, well, anything.

considering its not named "the prince" but "De Principatibus" .. aaanyway this and the odyssey - thou not really books .)

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Yeah certainly would not be easy to pull off. We must have faith brother

Hey guys can I get some attention for this post? I mean, I feel it was artfully crafted and I’m in desperate need of validation.

Loved all 4 books in the series. 10/10 good shit user.

O shit boi