God-tier Doom Metal itt

God-tier Doom Metal itt

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Dimmu borgir - northern lights

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Shit poser tier black metal

Definitely alright. I prefer pic related

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This is stoner metal, not doom metal

5/5 album and band but it's stoner, not doom.

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REZN Calm Black Water

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Conan vs Slomatics

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Black Hole - Land of Mystery

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This band still sounds unashamedly like sleep but this album is much better than the previous one


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Awesome stuff.

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I love how themed the whole album is, and how each song seamlessly flows into the next. The respite songs between the heavier ones give the album a great pace. I think the entire composition of the album is fantastic.
I actually haven't listened to much Sleep, so I can't comment there. Have you listened to the new Solarnaut album? The song Ode (Cactus) reminds me a lot of dopesmoker, it's fucking awesome.

Fuck yeah. A week ago a couple of Conan shirts were delivered, the 8-bit styled ones. They're kickass

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I’m listening to it now. It’s real good.

Thats'a Drone Metal, a different genre

It’s both. It has both elements present.


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Best true doom release 2011-current

No such thing.

I feel the latest release deserves more praise. It really went in a different direction.

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Not normie enough?

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I know OP already posted Bongripper but fuck it's a great album

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It’s so great. I’ve been listening to it for 7 years and I’m still fucking floored by it and love to chill out to it

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SubOdin is the most important lifting track in existence. Nothing else summons the demons like that.

God tier metal? That's not a thing. Metal is for pussies

King Goat. Both their albums are incredible.

Tell that to Eric Bugenhagen, you little faggot.


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All Them Witches my favvv smoked weed with them once

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Excellent band

Solitude Aeternus is good as well

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If Thou isn’t on this thread, then all of it is invalid.

Thou is sludge imo

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